

单词 智力

智力 ()


智力 noun ()

intelligence n



mental retardation


intelligence trial
IQ test

See also:


knowledge n


wisdom adj


intellectually adv

External sources (not reviewed)

在教育领域,将特别优先重视实施各种项目,例如在阿斯塔纳正在建立的特 有教育机构,包括新国际大学、特殊基金和已成功运行 智力 学 校
Special priority in the educational sphere will be attached to projects, such as those unique educational institutions being established in Astana,
including the New International University, the
[...] Special Fund and intellectual schools, which [...]
are already operating successfully.
与会者建议教科文组织,作 为一智力性组 织,还应该努力去研究恐怖主义现象的各种形式和定义,以及自卫合法性的 概念。
Participants recommended that UNESCO, as an intellectual organization, should also apply itself to studies investigating the various forms and definitions of the phenomenon of terrorism, as well as the concept of legitimacy of self-defence.
同时,父母对他们的身体智力和精 神发 展负有责任,在他们的教育问题上拥有比任何其他任何人都更为优先的权利和义 务。
At the same time, parents bear responsibility for their physical, intellectual and spiritual development and have priority at their education over any other persons.
自助組織並促 請政府當局全面檢討為在社區居住的四肢癱瘓 病人所提供的支援和協助,包括提供院舍 智力 及 精神狀態正常的嚴 重殘疾人士; 為殘疾人士營造無障 礙 的 環 境 ; 以及成 立一個成 員 包括 有關政策 局 / 政府部門代表及殘疾人士團體代表的跨部門委員會,定 [...]
期監察為四肢癱瘓病人提供的支援及協助是否足 夠 及有成效。
The self-help groups also urged the Administration to conduct an overall review of the support and assistance for
tetraplegic patients living in the
[...] community, including setting up dedicated residential care homes for severely disabled persons of normal intellect and mental state; [...]
creating a barrier-free
environment for people with disabilities; and establishing an inter-departmental committee comprising representatives from the relevant policy bureaux/Government departments and representatives of disability groups to regularly monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the support and assistance provided to tetraplegic patients.
有些非政府组织敦请教科文组织推动各地区、各国和在国际上优先事项的确定,并推 动将最先进的科学知识应用于保存和保护包括数字资料在内 智力 遗 产
Some NGOs urged UNESCO to promote the establishment of regional, national and international priorities and the application of the best scientific
knowledge in the fulfilment of the preservation and
[...] conservation of the intellectual heritage, including digital materials.
反之,幼儿与其家人和照料者的关 爱、安全和激发兴趣的关系可为其身心、情感 智力 发 展 奠定基础且增强他们的 信心和自主能力。
Conversely, loving, secure and stimulating relationships of young children with their families and caregivers build a foundation for their physical, emotional and intellectual development and enhance their confidence and free agency.
促请会员国以及私人部门、有关非政府组织和专业协会制定和酌情改进预 防犯罪和刑事司法对策,打击特别是通过新信息技术包括互联网制作、拥有和 传播描述或宣扬对妇女和儿童的暴力行为的游戏、图像和其他各种材料的现 象,并减轻这些游戏、图像和材料在公众对妇女和儿童的态度以及儿 智力和 情感发育方面造成的影响。
Member States and the private sector, relevant non-governmental organizations and professional associations are urged to develop and improve, where appropriate, crime prevention and criminal justice responses to the production, possession and dissemination of games, images and all other materials that depict or glorify acts of violence against women and children, and their impact on the general public’s attitude towards women and children, as well as the mental and emotional development of children, particularly through new information technologies, including the Internet.
它使人智力迟钝 、削弱生产力,并且造成长期的贫困。
It blunts the intellect, saps the productivity of everyone [...]
it touches and perpetuates poverty.
该条承认残疾人有权参与文化生活,发展和利用自己的创造、艺术 智力潜 力,使 残疾人特有的文化和语言特性获得承认和支持,并在与其他人平等的基础 上参加娱乐、休闲和体育活动。
This article recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to take part in cultural life, develop and utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, to receive recognition and support for their specific cultural and linguistic identity, and to participate in recreational, leisure and sports activities on an equal basis with others.
其主要功能是确保人类的繁衍、年轻一代所需要 智力 、 道德、精神和身体的形 成和发展、传递成年人的经验和维持已获得的财富。
Its main functions are to
[...] ensure the human continuity, formation and development of the intellectual, moral, spiritual [...]
and physical
acquirements of the young generation, carry over the experience of the adults and maintenance of the obtained wealth.
这项活动,但是,没有侵犯中最少的犹太法典的权威;因为尽管它结合塔木德的研究,它丰富和完善其他的理想 智力 的 目的,该研究的重要性是在那些谁谴责任何明智的潜心学习等领域。
This activity, however, did not infringe in the least on the authority of the Talmud; for although it combined other ideals and intellectual aims with Talmudic study, which it enriched and perfected, the importance of that study was in no wise decried by those who devoted themselves to other fields of learning.
爱尔兰欢迎美国对未成年智力残障人 士的犯罪不判处死刑。
Ireland welcomed the United States’ exclusion of the death penalty
[...] for crimes committed by minors and persons with an intellectual disability.
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身 体智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造成失明的沙眼和蟠尾线虫病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲锥虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。
They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic filariasis, which causes severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis, which cause blindness; Chagas disease, which affects the digestive system and heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), and dengue fever, a viral infection.
为使残疾人可以参加公共住房方案、享受退休 福利和参加退休方案而采取的措施 根据第 29231
号物料银行贷款人金融整改法以及通过第 005-2009VIVIENDA 号最高敕令批准的该法的实施细则,责成物料银行清偿其
[...] 发放的住房贷款应急款项以及减免的款项,如果贷款人患有生理智 力残疾 或有其他特殊原因,其未偿付的款项可予以全额减免。
Measures towards public housing programmes and retirement benefits and programmes for persons with disabilities Act No. 29231 on debt restructuring arrangements for Banco de Materiales borrowers and its implementing regulations, which were adopted by Supreme Decree No. 005-2009-VIVIENDA, authorize the Banco de Materiales to write off the entire sum outstanding on housing
loans held by borrowers meeting any of a number of criteria, which include the
[...] presence of physical or mental disability.
将直布罗陀交还西班牙不是一 种非殖民化的有效形式,这种想法有渎所有人智 力。
Handing Gibraltar over to Spain would not be a valid form of decolonization and that idea was
[...] an insult to anyone’s intelligence.
国家教育体系是多层面的,其发展基于所有文明国家共同的目标和原则:形 成自由智力发达 和创造力丰富的个性,在相互尊重、和平且公正的基础上建立 人、公民和国家之间的关系。
The national education system is multilevel and its development is based on purposes and principles common to all civilized countries: the shaping of free, intellectually and creatively oriented personal development capable of structuring relations between people, nations and States on the basis of respect, peace and justice.
有迹象表明智力和政 策发展可以帮助引领这一发展进程进入下一个阶段, 从而使可持续发展的核心理念得以发扬光大。
There are
[...] indications of intellectual and policy development [...]
that can help to usher in the next phase in this evolution,
where the core idea of sustainable development can come into its own.
21 岁的个人智力 迟钝 、听力和视力障碍、严重心理障碍、其他健康受损问题、学习障碍、聋哑或 多种障碍,以及因为这些障碍需要特别服务的人。
Children with disability includes individuals from birth through age 21 who are evaluated as having mental retardation, hearing and visual impairments, serious emotional disturbance, other health impairments, learning disabilities, deaf-blindness, or multiple impairments, and who because of those impairments need special services.
(b) 由司法机构密切监督和监察智力或 社 会心理残疾者安置到照料机构 [...]
(b) Establish close supervision and monitoring by judicial
organs of any placement in institutions of
[...] persons with intellectual or psychosocial [...]
disabilities, with appropriate legal
safeguards and visits by independent monitoring bodies.
(c) “知识产权”在某个国际定义中包括以下各方面的权利:“文学、艺术和科学作 品,表演艺术家的表演以及唱片和广播节目,人类一切活动领域内的发明,
[...] 科学发现,工业品外观设计,商标、服务标记以及商业名称和标识,制止不 正当竞争,以及在工业、科学、文学或艺术领域内由 智力 活 动 而产生的一 切其他权利。
(c) “Intellectual property” in one international definition includes “the rights relating to literary, artistic and scientific works, performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts, inventions in all fields of human endeavor, scientific discoveries, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, and commercial names and designations, protection
against unfair competition, and
[...] all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in [...]
the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.
這項計劃的 目 的是幫 助青少 年 確 立人生目 標 、 認 識 、 識 別 和 處 理 各種問題, 以及幫 助青少 年 、 家長及 教 師 瞭解青 少
[...] 年 在 生理、 心 理 、情 緒智 力 方面的 轉 變及需要。
The objective of the Programme is to help youths to establish their goals in life, understand, identify and tackle various problems as well as helping youths, parents and
teachers to understand the changes and needs of the youth in the physical, psychological,
[...] emotional and intellectual aspects.
里德追溯到休谟的skepticim什么,他认为一个伟大的哲学家常见的谬误在笛卡尔,洛克,和Berkeley:代表性的唯心论,其主要观点为“心不知道的事情立即,但只能由他们干预的想法它已”(征 智力 , 四 ,4,3)。
Reid traced Hume's skepticim to what he considered a common fallacy in the great philosophers Descartes, Locke, and Berkeley: representational idealism, which postulates that "the mind knows
not things immediately, but only by the intervention of the ideas it has of
[...] them" (Essay on Intellectual Powers, IV,4,3).
鉴于这一情况,国家政策在人的权利和自由领域的优先方向是为儿童和青少年的 身体智力和精 神发展创造最佳且有利的条件,且全力支持多子女家庭,孤儿和 无父母抚养的儿童。
Consequently, one of the Government’s human rights priorities is creating the most favourable conditions for the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of children and young people, as well as providing comprehensive support for large families, orphaned children and children deprived of a family environment.
妊娠期间暴露于高水平甲基汞的婴儿中,临床照 片可能无法与其它因素引发的脑瘫区别,主要的模式为头小畸型、反射亢进及明显的运动 智力 损 伤, 有时还伴随失明和耳聋(Harada,1995;Takeuchi and Eto,1999)。
In infants exposed to high levels of methylmercury during pregnancy, the clinical picture may be indistinguishable from cerebral palsy caused by other factors, the main pattern being microcephaly, hyperreflexia, and gross motor and mental impairment, sometimes associated with blindness or deafness (Harada, 1995; Takeuchi and Eto, 1999).
(a) 调拨适当资金执行国家计划,改造为患 智力 或 社 会心理残疾的成年 人和儿童提供的精神治疗、卫生、社会和其他服务,确保迅速开展非机构照料进 程,转而提供更多基于社区的服务和
(a) Allocate appropriate funding for the implementation of the national plan on the transformation of psychiatric, health, social and other services for adults and children with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities to ensure a speedy process of deinstitutionalization to more community-based services and/or affordable housing
它将使学 生与研究实验室和工业部门之间建立联系;吸引青年发明家;创造新的就业岗 位;保持本国智力潜能 ;形成国民经济的科学和技术方向;还有助于中学毕 业生进行职业定位。
It will create a liaison between students and the research laboratories and industrial sector; attract young inventors; create new jobs; preserve the intellectual potential of the country; develop scientific and technical directions of the national economy; and contribute to the professional orientation of pre-university graduates.
由于学校目前还不能提供全面的“特殊教育需求”课程,所以无法录取那些 智力 上有缺陷的,或有明显情感障碍、社交障碍或行为障碍的学生入学。
NCIS is unable to offer a full continuum of Special Educational Needs (SEN) programmes, therefore students with intellectual inabilities or pronounced social, emotional or behavioral difficulties may not be able to join the school.
您可以联系您所在州的立法者并要求他们将地区官方语言“弱智”更改为以人为本的语言 智力 残 障 人士”,从而在地区内促成一种永久性的改变,以确保使我们的法律和观念朝着始终以人为本的方向迈进。
You can create lasting change locally by contacting your state legislators and asking them to change
official state language from
[...] ‘mental retardation’ to people first language, “people with intellectual disabilities”, [...]
to ensure that moving
forward our laws and attitudes are shaped in a way that always puts a person before a condition.
经过广泛讨论,委员会决定保留“ 保留的效力” 一词来描述这样智力活动: 确定由一国或一个国际组织作出单方面声明,1 意图排除或修改某些条文在适用 于它们时的法律效力,2 是否能够产生保留在原则上能够产生的影响。
(2) After extensive debate, the Commission decided to retain the term “validity of reservations” to describe the intellectual operation consisting in determining whether a unilateral statement made1 by a State or an international organization and purporting to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty2 in their application to that State or organization was capable of producing the effects attached in principle to the formulation of a reservation.




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