

单词 晶界

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不受多晶矽電池中的金屬電極晶界 的 影 響。
Not affected by the metal
[...] contact grid or grain boundaries in polycrystalline cells
此種測量方法不會受晶界及從 正面或背面印刷的影響。
These measurements are not affected
[...] by either grain boundaries or from printing [...]
on the front or back.
即,发现了结晶内的不纯物集聚在 晶界 面 , 形成规则的三次元结构(超构造)。
That is, they have revealed that impurities inside of
[...] a ceramic crystal accumulate at grain boundaries and form ordered [...]
three-dimensional structure (superstructure).
本件的雙層二色座卻是成功的,因為兩層都是薄薄的,而且黑色的座可視為黑色碧璽 晶 的 界 線。
It works here only because the two are so thin that together they make up the thickness of a
single collar, and because the black can be read
[...] almost as a line defining the upper limits of the [...]
black tourmaline needles.
2011年起,其作品“传送带”便伫立在施华洛世奇 晶 世 界 公 园 中。
His piece, the “Conveyor Belt,” has been on display in the
[...] park at Swarovski Crystal Worlds since 2011.
硅钢和坡莫合金软磁材料都是晶态材料,原子在三维空间做规则排列,形成周期性的点阵结构,存在 晶 粒 、 晶界 、 位 错、间隙原子、磁晶各向异性等缺陷,对软磁性能不利。
NBSP; Silicon steel and slope mo is amorphous alloy soft magnetic materials materials, the atoms in the three dimensional space do rule arrangement, form of periodic dot
matrix structure, there
[...] exist grain, grain boundaries, dislocations, and interstitial atoms, magnetic crystal anisotropic [...]
defects, adverse to soft magnetic properties.
施华洛世奇家族百年庆典为其全世界的朋友和员工献礼 晶 世 界 (由 André Heller 及其团队设计)。
On the occasion of the company's 100th anniversary the
Swarovski family gave Cystal Worlds, designed by André Heller and his team, to their
[...] friends and employees around the world.
东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的几原龙雄一教授(兼任东京大学大学字工学系研究科附属综合研究机构教授、财团法人精细陶瓷中心纳米构造研究所主管研究员)与东北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的王中长助教等人的研究小组,使用超高分辨率扫描透射电子显微镜和超级计算机,世界上首次发现了,在陶瓷(氧化镁)的 晶界 面 会形成极微量不纯物聚集的原子级别的全新超构造。
A research group led by Professor Yuichi Ikuhara at WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University (concurrently serving as Professor at School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and Senior Researcher at Japan Fine Ceramic Center (JFCC)), and Assistant Professor Zhongchang Wang at WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University has discovered that very small amount of
impurities on grain boundaries of ceramics
[...] (magnesium oxide) form an unexpected [...]
superstructure at the atomic level, through
the observation with an atom-resolved aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope and the supercomputing calculation.
经过金相组织分析、染色试脸、热处理试脸、SEM等试验分析,找到了材料锈蚀的关键因素是因为材料中 沿 晶界 的 碳 化物析出形成贫铬区,从而造成不不锈钢蝶阀锈蚀。
Microstructure analysis, the staining test face, heat treatment trial face, SEM test analysis, to find the key factors of the
corrosion of the material because the material
[...] along the grain boundary carbide precipitation [...]
formation of chromium depleted zone,
resulting in stainless steel butterfly rust.
但低溫多晶矽微縮化後易受到晶矽 晶界 數 量 與位置而造成LTPS TFT漂移與不均勻,為了不讓多晶矽 晶界 成 為 載子移動的障礙,下一代低溫多晶矽的開發重點在於如何控 晶界 數 目 、 晶 格 方 向與位置,並達到矽薄膜電晶體通道中 晶界 的 目的,因而衍生出許多相關的結晶技術,如連續 晶界 、 循 序性側向結晶、連續波雷射橫向結晶及選擇性擴大雷射結晶製程等。
To prevent the grain boundary of poly-silicon from affecting the carrier mobility, the development of the next generation LTPS focuses on how to control the number of grain boundary, the crystalline orientations, and positions, to achieve no grain boundary in the silicon TFT channel. Many related crystallization techniques have been developed in this study, which include continuous silicon grain boundary, sequential lateral solidification, continuous-wave laser lateral crystallization, and selectively [...]
amplified laser crystallization.
MHS38系列热压机属于智能数控热压机系列,该系列热压机通过PLC、压力传感器、温度传感器、人机界面等高端数控电器件,把热压机的压力、温度、时间、防护等主要参数的设定、显示、报警等讯息都通过 晶界 面 来 引导操作者使用,从而起到减少误操作、降低废品率、防止损坏机器的作用。
MHS38 series hot press is smart numerical hot press,this series of hot press with PLC、pressure sensor、temperature sensor、human-machine interface and others exact numerical control electrical parts can set and display the main parameter such as pressure、temperature、time and safety,all the message from the LCD screen interface can lead the operator,so that reduce the troubles,depress the waster ratio and defend the machine.
在维也纳、茵斯布鲁克及霍尔均能欣赏到韦勒的作品,如倍受瞩目的“新意70x100cm”巡展(Neues auf 70x100 cm,
[...] Vielfalt,2008年)和于施华洛世奇晶 世 界 的 作品“交叉居者”(Querverweiler,2013年)。
They included the highly regarded cycle, “Neues auf 70x100 cm” (1995), the showcase designed on the occasion of the European Forum in Alpbach (2004) – which served as the genesis for the Alpbach-Album – and, of course, the famous
Indivisuelle Vielfalt (2008) and Querverweiler (2013), currently on display at Swarovski
[...] Kristallwelten (Swarovski Crystal Worlds).
隨著晶體臨界值電壓 (VT) 的增加和漏極電流 (ID) 衰減,劣化通常是有跡可尋的。
The degradation is typically tracked as the
[...] increase of the transistor threshold voltage [...]
(VT) and degradation of the drain current (ID).
Hull大學的化學系培養液態晶,為世 界 知 名 展示系統。
For example, Hull's Department of Chemistry
[...] has developed liquid crystals which are now used world-wide for [...]
display systems.
公司总部和界一流的晶元制 造厂位于加利福尼亚州的圣何塞,公司在美洲、欧洲和亚洲各地设有区域销售、支持办事处以及先进技术设计中心。
Corporation headquarters
[...] and state-of-the-art wafer fabrication facilities [...]
are located in San Jose, CA, with regional sales
and support offices and advanced technology design centers situated throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.
康代系统是进行高速2D和3D测量和分析的一项理想解决方案;程序控制计量工具( 界 尺 寸 、 晶 片 共 面性和凸起拓扑结构)。
Camtek's systems provide an ideal solution for high-speed 2D and 3D measurement and analysis; metrology tools for process control (critical dimensions, die coplanarity and bump topology).
自去年起,我們已開始和界研究引 入 晶 片 技 術,有關工 作正在積極進行當中。
Last year, we started examining the introduction of microchip technology with the trade, and we are now working vigorously on this.
Micrel 借助其两家拥有各种先进工艺技术的 界 级 晶 圆 制 造工厂,能够快速开发和推出最先进的产品。
Micrel utilizes
[...] both its own world-class wafer fabrication facility, [...]
which contains a broad array of process technologies
that allow Micrel to quickly develop and introduce state-of-the-art products.
CP2114 USB 到 I²S 音频桥接器
[...] - Silicon Labs 的 CP2114 器件是界首款无晶体 USB 到 I²S 音频桥接器件,设计支持 [...]
USB 型音频应用中的各类编解码器和 DAC。
CP2114 USB-to-I²S Audio Bridge - Silicon Labs' CP2114
[...] device is the industry’s first crystal-less USB-to-I²S [...]
audio bridge, designed to support
a wide range of codecs and DACs in USB-based audio applications.
這是林晶及其音樂界好友 在藝術與音樂方面的一次交流和對 話,誠意邀請你的參與及欣賞。
The second concert programme combines works by Lam and by Debussy, a major influence in her music. The composer is joined by fellow pianist Margaret Lynn, a regular collaborator of Lam’s since their student days together at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
界的X光結晶學 (x-ray crystallography) 專家之一,也是抗感冒藥的先驅,在 [...]
1996 年被授予「澳洲獎」 (Australia Prize)。
One of the world's leading x-ray crystallographers, [...]
a driving force behind the anti-influenza drug.
挪威再生能源集团 (REC) 宣布投资63亿新元在新加坡兴建世界最大的综合太阳能制造中心;日本三井物产
[...] [...] (Mitsui & Co) 在新加坡设立亚太总部进行天然资源的研发工作;西门子水处理技术部投资5000万新元在本地设立全球研发中心,开发集团的水处理技术;在海水淡化及废水回收市场,占有率名列世界第一的日东电工 (Nitto Denko)也为水务研究与发展中心选址新加坡; 界 最 大 晶 片 生产设备厂商——应用材料 (Applied Materials) 将投资8000万至9500万新元在新加坡设立亚洲业务中枢,生产太阳能光板专用半导体;新中两国的崭新合作项目“天津生态城”已经从规划进入实战阶段,它在保护环境、可持续发展和节约能源方面的经验,将成为众多其他中国城市的楷模。
The new collaborative project between Singapore and China, “Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City”, is already being constructed; its experience in environmental protection, recycling development and resource conservation is poised to be a model for many other cities in China.
通过使用中间罐存储晶进料 ,可以对单一 阶段的晶器离 心机和刮刀进行维修,而无需关闭整个联合装置。
It has been possible to maintain the centrifuges
and scraper blades in
[...] individual crystallizer stages without shutting down the complex using intermediate tankage to store crystallization unit feed.
界級液晶專家 --CHIMEI奇美品牌,成立於2006年,為奇美集團因應垂直整合光電產業體系,跨足消費電子產業之品牌,目前由集團旗下新視代科技股份有限公司負責全球營運,主要產品有液晶多媒體顯示器(LCD Display)、液晶顯示器(LCD Monitor) 、LED護眼檯燈(LED Lamp)、DC直流立扇DC [...] [...]
Motor Fan、空氣清淨機(Air Purifier) 。
The CHIMEI brand was established in 2006 as the Chi Mei Group’s response to vertical integration of organizations in the optical electronics industry.
这时,可通过优化设计晶装置的冷阶段温度和阶 段数而充分利用现有吸附式装置的产能。
In this case, the crystallization unit design may [...]
be optimized with respect to cold stage temperature and number of stages
to make maximum use of the existing adsorption unit capacity.
此外,研發中心又將以下特許專利出售給 界 : 一 項低溫晶矽和有源有機發光二極管製造技術、一項垂直配向彩色液晶 顯示技術、一項光學配向技術,以及一個能分離富勒烯中的碳 60 和碳 70 的製造工序。
A low temperature polycrystalline silicon and active matrix organic light emitting diode manufacturing technology, a color vertically aligned liquid crystal display (LCD), a photoalignment technology, and a manufacturing process for separating fullerenes C60 and C70 have been licensed to industry.
CHIMEI品牌也因有整個集團完整的LCD上下游供應鏈支援、領先全球的面板技術奧援,故具備 界 級 的 液 晶 技 術與創新能力,是目前全球「專業液晶顯示器」的領導廠商之一。
The CHIMEI brand has the support of the group’s entire supply chain and its world leading panel technology behind it.
我们的界级晶体太 阳能光伏组件具有可靠性高以及使用寿命长的特点,并且经过了严格的内部测试和外部认证(IEC61215、IEC61730、UL [...]
和 CE),以确保卓越的性能和安全性。
Reliability & longevity are
[...] built into our world-class crystalline solar photovoltaic [...]
modules, which undergo rigorous internal
tests and external certifications (IEC61215, IEC61730, UL, and CE) to ensure peak performance and safety.
透過Bright Connection Beginner Laptop,讓你的小朋友與學習界連繫 !透過 晶 彩 色屏幕呈現多達80種的學習遊戲(主要包括創意,字母,詞彙,計數,配對等等),你的孩子將會學習更多的知識!隨機附有一個真實的滑鼠,增添學習樂趣。
With the Bright Connection Beginner Laptop
your child is connected
[...] to an entire world of learning! This role-play computer features an LCD color screen [...]
and educates your
child in a fun and colorful way through 80 learning activities that focus on creativity, letters, vocabulary, counting, matching and more!
該 等 前 瞻 性 陳 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 國 際 高 級 管 理 層 根 據 最 佳 判 斷 作 出 的 估 計,存 在 重 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 風 險、 不確定性以及其他可能導致中芯國際實際業績、財務狀況或經營結果與前瞻性陳述所載資料有重大差異的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)與
半 導 體 行 業 週 期 及 市 況 有 關 風 險、激 烈 競 爭、中 芯
[...] 國 際 客 戶 能 否 及 時 接晶 圓 產 品、能 否 及 時 引 進 [...]
新 技 術、中 芯 國 際 量 產 新 產 品 的 能 力、半 導 體 代 工 服
務 供 求 情 況、行 業 產 能 過 剩、設 備、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、製 造 產 能 供 給 和 終 端市 場 的金 融 情況 是 否穩 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions
in the semiconductor industry, intense
[...] competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s [...]
customers, timely introduction of new
technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.




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