

单词 晴空万里

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External sources (not reviewed)

毫无疑问,上周末的宁波晴空万里 , 阳 光灿烂。
Indeed there was a clear sky over Ningbo [...]
last weekend.
按照现行的无线电频率使用计划,“外层空间”一词的定义为“距离地球 200 万公里或以上的空”。
Under the plan of use of radio
frequencies in force, the term “outer space” is
[...] defined as “outer space at a distance of 2 million km or more from the Earth”.
晴好天气里,您 可以坐在户外,享受新 空 气 和 优美的景致,如果您向往温馨舒适的环境,Clytha 酒馆的两间酒吧内都为您提供了钉扣靠背的沙发。
In good weather, sit outside and enjoy the fresh air and fine views, or [...]
if you want to get cosy, make for the button-back
sofas in either of the Clytha’s two bars.
唯一缺點是這裡的天氣變化大,有時天 晴 朗 , 天 空 也 未 必明朗。
Sometime, if the sky is clear, the weather maybe cloudy.
[...] 2009 年 8 月 18 日;Kyaw Ye Min,万里长征第一步》,《缅 甸新光报》,2009 [...]
年 8 月 18 日。
Myanmar junta’s media lauds US senator’s visit”,
Associated Press, 18 August 2009; Kyaw
[...] Ye Min, “The first step of a long journey”, [...]
New Light of Myanmar, 18 August 2009.
当鹏鸟迁徙到南方的大海时,它的翅膀拍击水面激起水花,高达三千里,然后拍击大翼,凭借旋风直上 空 九 万里。
When the bird was moving to the Southern Ocean
[...] its wings flapped the surface of water with more than a 3000-li high slash.
In a clear sunny day, the town maybe [...]
quiet, but it has its unique identity.
在极北地晴朗的黑夜里,你 都有机会目睹到这种神奇的天光。
On any clear dark night in the far north you have [...]
a good chance of witnessing these wondrous lights.
里是全球首屈一指的天文研究中心,让众人有机会一睹难以窥见的 空 夜 象 ,难怪 I W C 万 国 表选于这个独特环境,首度展示这款标志着品牌制 里 程 的 非凡腕表。
No wonder IWC decided to
[...] premiere this watchmaking milestone in such unusual surroundings: after all, ESO’s world-leading astronomical research facilities located here provide nightly views of deepest space which no human eye has ever [...]
seen before.
这种情况 在被占领的加沙地带最为严重,在 里 , 1 50 万巴勒斯坦人(其中大约 70%是 难民,50%是儿童)仍然因以色列对陆上 空 中 和 海上的非法封锁而受到监禁, 现在已是第四个年头。
The situation is most dire in the
[...] occupied Gaza Strip, where 1.5 million Palestinians — approximately 70 per cent of whom are refugees and over 50 per cent of whom are children — remain imprisoned by Israel’s illegal blockade, imposed by land, air and sea and now in its [...]
fourth year.
少数与会者指出,该框架万里长征 的第一步,它可能需要在今后达成雄心 勃勃的协议,例如具有法律约束力的框架。
A few participants suggested that the framework should represent only the initial step of a long process, which might entail future ambitious agreements, such as a legally binding framework.
这座椭圆形音乐厅位晴海托里顿广 场大堂的上方,由三根核心立柱支撑。
This oval-shaped concert hall is located above the
[...] ground lobby of Harumi Triton Square and [...]
is supported by three core columns.
此外,它可以得到IWC的製表大師,曾在蘇黎世大學,一個自定義的表背定義,理論物理研究所主任,教授本·摩爾的淨在北半球的 空 或 南 方,很可能從他們所選擇的位置上看到一 晴 朗 的 日子裡的黃色部分。
Moreover, it can obtain IWC watchmakers who worked with Professor Ben Moore, Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich, a custom caseback
defining, with a net yellow
[...] part of the sky in the Northern Hemisphere or South that is likely to see on a clear day from the location [...]
of their choice.
值得一提的是,总商会属下的位于 里 士 他 路的 晴园 - 孙中山南洋纪念馆。
I would also like to mention the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall which belongs to the Chamber.
观测条件非常好,空万里无云 ,他首次描述了日冕,一个围绕着太阳的巨大光环:"据我看来,月球之所以能够发光是因为日面的照射,这次观察让我们对明亮的日冕有了一个概念。
The conditions were excellent, the sky cloudless and, for the first time, he described the solar corona, an immense halo of light surrounding the sun: "It has appeared to me, that the cause of the illumination of the moon, as noticed above, is the irradiation of the solar disk, and this observation may serve to give an idea of the extension of the luminous corona of the sun.
总干事室应 加强对流动性和汇兑绝境的预测工作,确保现 晴 雨 表时时得到更新。
The Directorate should strengthen the liquidity and exchangedeficit forecasting functions and ensure that cash-flow projections are updated constantly for that purpose.
有房子的四周,但因为Java是在世界1.36亿人人口最多的岛屿生活在 里 , 57 印尼的 万 三 千 七百五十〇点〇〇 万 总 计 %,和房 空 间 是 一个溢价。
There are houses all around, though, because Java is the most
populous island in the
[...] world—136 million people live there, 57% of Indonesia’s total of 237.5 million—and space for housing is at a premium.
各领导嘉宾、各界媒体、全国各经销商在新里万品牌总经理、副总经理的陪同下共同参观了 里万 历 经 5个月的建筑3200平米的主题馆,建筑是凝固的音乐 空 间 是 思想的容器,展厅是品牌的载体, 里万 主 题 馆站在未来的角度思考今天;站在宇宙的童话思考个性;站在文化的高度思考陶瓷;上下五千年纵横八万里,包藏天地之机,吞吐风云之智。
The leading participant, all sectors of the media, the dealer in new RWS brand general manager, deputy general manager,
accompanied by jointly
[...] visited the new dynasty after 5 months of construction 3200 square meters of the theme pavilions, architecture is the solidification of music, space is the idea of the container, hall is a brand new carrier, RWS Theme Pavilion [...]
standing on the future
perspective of today; stand fairy thinking character; standing in the culture of highly thinking ceramics; up and down five thousand years and in eighty thousand, contains the world machine, soaking the wisdom.
[...] 府称,这将包括安装一个新的数百万美元的雷达系统,以便对飞往百慕大的航班, 以及对飞越领土空的数以万计的航班进行雷达覆盖。
According to the territorial Government, it will include the installation of a new multi-milliondollar radar system to provide radar
coverage not only to flights bound for Bermuda, but for
[...] the tens of thousands of flights over the airspace of the Territory.
在这个播客中,麦肯锡大中华区总经理梁敦临,麦肯锡公司香港办公室董事 万里 、 林 国沣以及副董事Jared Shu 讨论了在这一背景下,麦肯锡发表的一项新调研,探究中国富人在选择私人银行业务时的行为偏好。
In this podcast, Nick Leung speaks with Emmanuel Pitsilis, Kenny Lam, and Jared Shu about a new survey they published that sheds light on what China’s wealthy are looking for when they shop for private banking services.
根据 直接预测,在双年度结束时,该拨款项目开支将会出现 340 万美元的亏空,这不包括总部外工作人 员今后更替或调动的开支。
Without considering future turnover or staff movement in the field, a linear forecast of expenditure at the end of the biennium for this line would indicate a deficit of $3.4 million.
到 二零一二年下半年,很有可能我們將會開始看到增長放緩的跡象,特別是因衛星行業的特性反 應往往滯後於經濟走勢,無論在經濟 晴 的 日 子均如是。
In the second half of 2012, there is the possibility that we may begin seeing signs of slower growth, especially given the nature of our industry which tends to lag economic trends, both negative and positive.
我既不希望見到㆗方做出愚不可及,傷害香港的事情, 以至雨過晴之日 ,仿如如夢初醒般後悔莫及;我更不希望見到本局的同事,特別是 過往長期為香港爭取民主的同事,因為㆒時想錯,以為現在採取妥協忍讓的做法,就 能解決當前的問題,結果兩面不討好,到了雨過 晴 時 茫然不知身在何處。
I would not wish to see China doing stupid things to damage Hong Kong; that would only bring, when the sunny days do return, long lingering regrets the way one would feel upon waking up to realities from a dream. Nor would I wish to see colleagues of this Council, especially those who have been fighting long and hard in the past for democracy for Hong Kong, driven by a momentary lapse to adopt a tolerant and accommodating attitude now with the hope that it could solve the present problems, but only to find in the end that they have pleased neither side and that they are adrift when the storm is over.
(b) 亚太空间合作组织、多民族玻利维亚国的市立圣西蒙大学遥感研究和 服务中心、多民族玻利维亚国农村发展和土地部及教育部科学和技术副部、欧 空局、泰国地球信息学空间技术发展署、埃及赫 万 大 学 (通过 空 间 气象 监测中心)、国际宇航科学院、宇航联、全球导航卫星系统国际委员会(通过 其执行秘书处)、日本九州大学、埃及高等教育和科学研究部、尼日利亚国家 [...] [...]
空间研究与发展署和奥巴费米⋅阿沃洛沃大学、尼日利亚航空航天测量区域培训 中心、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构和美国航天局。
(b) APSCO, the Centre for Research and Remote Sensing Services (CISTEL) of the Universidad Mayor de San Simon of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Ministry of Rural Development and Land and the Vice-Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education of the Plurinational State of
Bolivia, ESA,
[...] Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand, Helwan University of Egypt (through its Space Weather Monitoring [...]
Centre), International
Academy of Astronautics, IAF, International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) (through its Executive Secretariat), Kyushu University of Japan, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt, National Space Research and Development Agency and Obafemi Awolowo University of Nigeria, Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys in Nigeria, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NASA.
表达该 意见的代表团提请委员会注意苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟在法律小组委员会分 别于
[...] 1983 年和 1987 年举行的第二十二届和二十六届会议上提出的关于将空气 空间与外层空间之间的边界确定为 110 公里高度和空间物 体通过其他国家空气 空间以便进出近地轨道的通过权的提案。
The delegation expressing that view drew the attention of the Committee to the proposals made by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at the twenty-second and twenty-sixth sessions of the Legal Subcommittee, in 1983 and 1987, regarding the establishment of a border between
airspace and outer space at
[...] an altitude of 110 km and the right of passage of space objects through the airspace of other States [...]
in order to have
access to and exit from the near-Earth orbit.




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