

单词 景况

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 将进入从未经历过的新境况,维持今世后代生存所需的能力在这 景况 下 会 极不 明确。
If we fail to use this opportunity, many ecosystems on the planet will move into new,
unprecedented states in which their capacity to provide for the needs
[...] of present and future generations is [...]
highly uncertain.
通过系统分析,大会部将评价风 景况 并 执 行风险管理和减轻战略,以便通过更 加主动和有效的监察减少业务危机的影响。
Through systematic analysis, the Department will
[...] evaluate the risk landscape and implement risk [...]
management and mitigation strategies
so as to reduce the impact of operational crises through more proactive and effective monitoring.
塔拉尔先生(巴基斯坦)(以英语发言): 叙利亚及其人民正面临艰难和最不幸 景况 。 叙利 个和平政治进程的计划。
The Arab League, with the overwhelming support of the international community, laid out a plan for a peaceful political process.
将物质提交JMPR时,CCPR应在提名对这些化学物进行评价时,提供 景 情 况 和明 确说明这项要求的理由。
When referring substances to JMPR, the CCPR
[...] shall provide background information and [...]
clearly specify the reasons for the request
when chemicals are nominated for evaluation.
我国代表团谨明确指出,根据我在一般性发言中 描述的景情况和提到的理由,日本将对决议草案的 拟议修正案投反对票。
My delegation would like to clearly state that Japan will vote against the proposed
amendments to the draft resolution in
[...] the light of the background I set out and [...]
the reasons I mentioned in my general statement.
拥有丰富的观光产业、全球第二多的人口以及急速发展的经济等优势的印度娱乐市场,由于民众前往游乐场的消费行为剧增,也连带增加了业者的投资意愿,因此,造成市场呈现跳跃成长 景况 , 后 势发展非常值得期待! 受到了金融风暴的影响,造成全球持续的不景气,导致展前报名参与IAAPI展的国外参展商减少,也让想要参展的厂商以及前往的买家十分担忧。
With abundant and plentiful tourism resources, the second biggest population in the world, a huge domestic market, the alteration of the public's consumption behavior, and the fast growing economy, India's amusement game industry has great potential and promise so it appeals to a lot of investors, which results in a prosperous and thriving market However, because of the impact of the global financial crisis and continuous economic depression, the number of foreign exhibitors registering for this year's Show decreased, which worried the local exhibitors and buyers a lot.
会议收到题为“亚太经社会新设次区域办事处的 景 情 况 及其设立目的和理由”的文件(E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/3)。
The meeting had before it the
[...] document entitled “Background and rationale [...]
behind the new ESCAP subregional offices” (E/ESCAP/SRO/IGM/1/3).
20  倘若他们因认识主救主耶稣基督,得以脱离世上的污秽,后来又在其中被缠住制伏,他们末后 景况 就 比先前更不好了。
20  For if, after they have escaped the defilement of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and overcome, the last state has become worse with them than the first.
就笔者观察,展会第一天的人潮是呈现越晚越多 景况 , 于 晚上五点达到最高峰,而第二天则有买家渐增的趋势,第三天更是与其地区的展会大不相同,呈现人潮不断涌入的情况。
Different from other similar expositions, there was a stream of people continuously flooding onto the IAAPI Trade Show 2010 show floor on the third day, the last day of the Show.
面试中最常见的错误之一,就是没有充分了解您参加面试公司的 景 情 况。
One of the most common mistakes in an interview is to carry out insufficient research on those you are meeting with.
有效实施基于权利的做法需要从景 情 况理 解 具体的问题与挑战,包括商品、服务与设施的可提供性、可获得性、可接受性 和质量,并要理解造成产妇死亡率和发病率的根本原因。
The effective application of a rights-based approach requires a contextualized understanding of the particular issues and challenges, including the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of goods, services and facilities, as well as of the underlying causes of maternal mortality and morbidity.
只有根据教科文组织的各项具体职能并考虑到组织法规定的其职能领域的 景 情 况, 才 能够确定本组织在任何特定情形下所起的作用,从而决定具有明确、可评估和可衡量的计 划目标及时间表的行动,并决定进行相关的计划评估的任务。
It is through the specific functions of
the Organization and
[...] cast against the background of its constitutional areas of competence that UNESCO’s role in any given situation can be identified [...]
and thus determine
the actions with clearly identified and evaluable and measurable programme objectives, timetables and the commitment for appropriate programme evaluation.
由于男 性因此非常愤怒,妇女不得不依赖少量男性渔民而获得苗种和饲料,从而增加了 交易和投入品成本12。 这个例子明确说明,对当地社会文化动态的干预活动应当以具体的 景 情况 和基本问题为出发点,包括社区内的性别分离情况。
The resultant anger among the men added transaction and input costs as women had to rely on a small number of male fishers for seedstock and feedstuffs.12 The clear message here is that interventions within the local sociocultural dynamics should base their interventions on the specific context – including the gender segregation within a community – and the underlying problem.
[...] 出正确的评价,需要结合关于犯罪率和犯罪形态的 景 情 况 考 虑 有关刑事司法 活动的数据:举例说,如果犯罪率上升,则可预期刑事司法活动将有所增加。
To be evaluated properly, data on
criminal justice activities need to be
[...] considered against the background of crime levels [...]
and patterns: for example, higher rates
of criminal justice activities are expected with an elevated intensity of crime.
申诉人致信司法部长,说明了金融欺诈刑事诉讼的 景 情 况 , 以 及 担心被引渡回俄罗斯联邦将遭杀害或者酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇的理 由。
The complainant notes that according to the Russian legal system, any share transfer requires the physical presence of the two contractors, the local agent of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and a notary.
[...] 研究国家官员的外国刑事管辖豁免问题的 景 情 况 (第 6 至第 26 段),概述了专 题所涉各方面问题的初步范围(第 [...]
27 至第 101 段),并找出了特别报告员认为在 确定专题全面范围时值得考虑的问题(第 102 至第 129 段)。
In the preliminary report (A/CN.4/601), the Special Rapporteur provided the background to the consideration of the question of immunity of State officials from
foreign jurisdiction by the Commission and
[...] other learned institutions (paras. 6-26), [...]
outlined the preliminary range of aspects
implicated by the topic (paras. 27-101) and identified issues which the Special Rapporteur viewed as worthy of consideration in determining the overall scope of the topic (paras. 102-129).
在其第 2
[...] 次会议上,主席就议程项目 9(a)作了介绍性发言,对景情况和 表 决程序予以解释,国际麻醉品管制局主席详细介绍了麻管局关于将苯乙酸从 [...]
1988 年公约表二移至表一的建议。
At its 2nd meeting, the Chairman made an
introductory statement on agenda item 9 (a),
[...] explaining the background and voting procedure, [...]
and the President of the International
Narcotics Control Board provided detailed information on the recommendation of the Board to transfer phenylacetic acid from Table II to Table I of the 1988 Convention.
我们必须在充分意识到所选道路将决定中 东及其以外地区和平与稳定景的情 况 下 作 出这一 选择。
That choice must be made with full
awareness that the path chosen will
[...] determine the future prospects for peace and stability [...]
in the Middle East region and beyond.
网站为媒体和公众提供各种信息,包括 景 文 件、 概 况 介 绍 、新闻稿 和其他基本信息。
The website is a source of information for the press and the
[...] public, and includes background documents, fact sheets, [...]
press releases and other basic information.
这些 委员会/特派团就特定景介绍的情况 及 其 调查结果,对安理会已经掌握的情况 可能是有益的补充。
The information on a particular context they presented and their findings could be a useful complement to the information already at the Council’s disposal.
对改革进程和“良策”进行评估,不仅能揭示各种文化 景 的 特有 情 况 ,条 件,而且还能找出某些共同的特点。
The evaluation of the outcomes of the reform processes, and particularly “good practices”, enables us to highlight both some conditions unique to each cultural context as well as to pinpoint some common characteristics.
提供给媒体的资料包包括况介绍、 背 景 信 息 及区 域成功案例,所有资料均是针对各区域的情况制定的。
Press kits were issued
[...] containing fact sheets, background information and regional [...]
success stories, tailored to each regional launch.
随后它们还应监测执行情况,并确保注意到国家特别的不平等景和情况,这 种不平等限制了参与并使人民和社会无法充分实现其发展潜力。
They would also subsequently monitor implementation and ensure attention to particular national contexts and configurations of inequality that constrain participation and prevent people and societies from realizing their full development potential.
[...] 政治、法律和经济情况多种多样,有关享有和行使政府所承认权利的事项依然是 国家谈判的主题,在涉及共景观的 情 况 下 尤 其如此。
Because of the diversity of cultural, political, legal and economic circumstances in which indigenous and local communities may live, matters concerning the enjoyment and exercise of rights, while
acknowledged by Governments, remain the subject of national negotiations,
[...] particularly where shared landscapes are involved.
[...] 分中概要阐述了各项重大研究结果和政策经验教训,并为各位决策者在经 社会第六十六届会议期间开展讨论提供了相关的 景 资 料和 情 况 说 明
The final part of the document
summarizes the key findings and policy lessons
[...] and provides a background for discussion [...]
among the policymakers during the sixty-sixth session of the Commission.
偷 运移民议定书》第 15 条第 3 款要求各缔约国“应在国家、区域和国际各级酌情 促进或加强发展方案与合作,同时考虑到移民现象的社会经济现实并特别注意 经济和社会况不景气地 区,以便铲除造成偷运移民问题的社会经济根源,如 贫困和不发达状况。
Article 15, paragraph 3 of the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol requires States parties “to promote or strengthen, as appropriate, development programmes and cooperation at the national, regional and international levels, taking into account the socio-economic realities of migration and paying special attention to economically and socially depressed areas, in order to combat the root socio-economic causes of smuggling of migrants, such as poverty and underdevelopment.
本报告所作的评估用四个尺度衡量 1992 年以来在可持续发展方面取得的进 展:“单独”,即分别说明在可持续发展的三个方面发生的变化;“共同”,即三个 方面齐头并进的情况;“承诺”,即履行国际和国家承诺的 况 ; “ 背 景 ” , 即与长 期挑战相比较而言的进展情况。
The assessment contained in the present report offers four yardsticks to measure progress on sustainable development since 1992: “separate”, i.e., changes in indicators of each of the three dimensions of sustainable development; “joint”, i.e., movement towards convergence between these dimensions; “commitments”, i.e., fulfilment of international and national commitments; and “contextual”, i.e., progress in comparison with the longer term challenge.
(r) 鼓励受自然灾害和人为灾害及复杂紧急情况影响的儿童,特别是青少
[...] 年,参与分析他们在危机期间、危机后阶段及过渡进程中的所处 况 和 未景,并 使他们具备这种能力,同时确保这种参与同他们的年龄、成熟程度和不 [...]
(r) To encourage and enable children affected by natural and man-made disasters and complex emergencies, in particular
adolescents, to participate in
[...] analysing their situations and future prospects in crisis, post-crisis [...]
and transition processes,
while ensuring that such participation is in accordance with their age, maturity and evolving capacities and is consistent with the best interests of the child and recognizing that appropriate care needs to be taken to protect children from exposure to situations that are likely to be traumatic or harmful
这是任何定义的适用方面所固有的情况,因为一项 解释工作,如在一定程度上依况和 背 景 而 定,则不免引起解释者的主观性。
This is inherent in the application of any definition, which is an exercise in interpretation that depends in part upon the circumstances and context and inevitably brings into play the subjectivity of the interpreter.
缔约国会议似宜审议上述提议以及工作组提出的其他提议,后者载于秘书处编 写的关于资产追回问题不限成员名额政府间工作组各项建议实施进展 况 的背 景文件(CAC/COSP/2011/7)。
The Conference may wish to give consideration to the above-mentioned and other proposals made by the Working Group, which are contained in the background paper prepared by the Secretariat on progress made in the implementation of the recommendations of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Asset Recovery (CAC/COSP/2011/7).




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