

单词 普遍率

See also:

普遍 n

universality n
commonplace n


everywhere adv

all over

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,現時並沒有確實的證據證明病 態賭博普遍率必然 會隨規範某種現存的賭博活動而上升。
Besides, there is no conclusive evidence to
prove that pathological gambling is set
[...] to become more prevalent following authorization [...]
of an existing gambling activity.
關於家庭暴力普 遍率和有 效防禦和介入因素的第一部分研究快將完成,建議措施會優先予以 [...]
Part one of the
[...] study on the prevalence rate and elements contributing [...]
to effective prevention and intervention will soon
be completed, and we will implement the appropriate recommended measures as a matter of priority.
[...] 施,这些措施是康复工作中的重要一环,并能减低残疾 普遍率。
Besides, we strive to enhance preventive measures, which are integral to the rehabilitation programme and can reduce the
[...] disability prevalence rate.
日前,政府曾致函各位議員,認為不會引致病態賭博 普遍率 大 幅上 升,亦不會增加青少年的賭博問題。
In its letter to Members a few days ago, the Government says that the authorization of
football betting will not lead to a
[...] surge in the prevalence rate of pathological [...]
gambling, and that the underage gambling
problem will not be aggravated.
有 抑鬱症的青少年多同時患有焦慮症,而焦慮症在本港介乎
[...] 15 至 24 歲青少年間普遍率為 17%(Hong Kong Mood Disorders [...]
Center, 2001)。
As for anxiety, which often co-exists with depression among young
[...] people, the prevalence rate among young people [...]
aged 15 - 24 in Hong Kong was 17% (Hong
Kong Mood Disorders Center, 2001).
进行残疾人士统计调查的 目的如下: (a) 估计选定类别的残疾人士的总人数及 普遍率
(a) Estimate the total
[...] number and prevalence rate of persons with [...]
selected types of disability
其他研究則指出,有關學習困難在雙待青少年之間 普遍率 應為更高(McBride and Siegel, [...]
1997; Barwick and Siegel, 1996)。
There are other studies
[...] suggesting that such rate should be much higher [...]
among the NEY population (McBride and Siegel, 1997; Barwick and Siegel, 1996).
16 个饥普遍率超过 35%的国家中有15个在非 洲。16 非盟通过非洲发展新伙伴关系方案 [...]
力求提高非洲大陆的粮食产量和质量,并以 此提高家庭的粮食安全程度、使出口更有利 润和改善社会和政治稳定。
Africa is home to 15 of the 16
[...] countries where the prevalence of hunger exceeds [...]
35 per cent.16 The AU, through its NEPAD
programme, aims to increase both the amount and quality of food produced in the continent and, by doing so, make families more food-secure, exports more profitable, and improve social and political stability.
根 據一項於一九九九年進行的調查,抑鬱症在本港介乎
[...] 15 至 24 歲青少 年間普遍率約為 16%(Hong Kong Mood Disorders [...]
Center, 2001)。
According to a study conducted in
[...] 1999, the prevalence rate of depression [...]
among young people aged 15-24 in Hong Kong was
16% (Hong Kong Mood Disorders Center, 2001).
2.9 政府统计处分别在2002年及2006-07
[...] 年进行了有关残疾人士和长期病患者 的全港性统计调查,以估算选定类别的残疾人士及长期病患者的总人数及 普遍 率。
2.9 The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) conducted two territory-wide surveys on persons with disabilities and chronic diseases, one in 2000 and
another in 2006– 07, to estimate the total
[...] number and prevalence rate of persons with selected [...]
types of disability and chronic disease.
該統計調查旨在(a)估計有選定殘疾類別及長期病患的總人數及 普遍率 ; (b )提供有關殘疾人士及長期病患者的人口、社會及經濟概況的資料;及(c)提供有關照顧該些殘疾人士及長期病患者的人士的資料。
This survey was to (a) estimate the total
[...] number and prevalence rate of persons with [...]
selected types of disability and chronic
diseases; (b) furnish information on the demographic and socio-economic profiles of persons with disabilities and chronic diseases; and (c) furnish information about people who provided care to those persons with disabilities and chronic diseases.
报告在监狱环 境内提供这些服务的会员国比例(仅有不低于 70%的会员国报告了 19 项服务中 的 13 项)低于报告在社区内提供这些服务的国家比例且不如后者均衡(提供服 务普遍率介于 33%和 95%之间)。
The percentage of Member States reporting the provision of such services in prison settings was lower (only 13 of the 19 services were reported by 70 per cent or more of the Member States) and not as uniform as the percentage of States reporting the provision of such services in the community (with the prevalence of availability ranging between 33 and 95 per cent) The same weakness was noted with regard to pharmacologically assisted services, in addition to outreach work for drug users, including sterile injecting device programmes, which are still not implemented (or accepted) in many prisons.
6.4 根據香港特殊學習困難研究小組近期進行一項以 690 名學童為標準 樣本的本地研究(Chan, Ho, Tsang, Lee & Chung, 2007),有關讀寫方
[...] 面的特殊學習困難在香港普遍率(pr ev alence rate)約介乎 9.7%至 12.6%。
6.4 According to a local study conducted recently by the Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team (Chan, Ho, Tsang, Lee & Chung,
2007) with a normative sample of 690
[...] children, the prevalence rate of specific learning [...]
difficulties in reading and writing
in Hong Kong should range from 9.7% to 12.6%.
此外,統計 處 在 2000 年 通過綜 合住戶 統 計調查進 行 了 一 項 “殘疾人士及長期病患者”專題統 計調查,該 調查估 計 選 定 殘疾類 別 及長期病患者的 總 人 數 及普 遍 率。
Separately, a household survey on persons with disabilities and chronic diseases was conducted in 2000 by the Census and Statistics Department as one of the Special Topics Enquiries under the General Household Survey to provide an estimate on the prevalence rate of persons with selected types of disabilities and chronic diseases, and information on the basic profiles of persons with disabilities and chronic diseases.
(一 ) 根據 生 福利局 轄 下的康 復 服 務 中 央檔案 室 的 登 記 數 目 及 其他 國家或地方 採 用 的 殘普遍率 估 計 , 全 港 約有 423 000 名 殘疾人 士 。
disability prevalence rate adopted by other countries and places, it is estimated that there are about 423 000 disabled persons in Hong Kong.
鼓励会员国按照相关的数据保护立法,支持国家和国际上努力收集总普遍率数据 ,根据本国法律框架,制订对毒品影响下驾车进行评估的有效的 [...]
路边测试方法,提高公众认识,并通过酌情制订协调一致的综合战略减少毒品 影响下驾车的发生率,包括通过囊括学术界、私营部门、专业协会、非政府组
织、民间社会、各国红十字会和红新月会、受害者组织、青年组织和媒体在内 的共同协作努力,从而加强安全
Member States to support national and
international efforts to
[...] collect global prevalence data, in accordance with relevant data-protection [...]
legislation, develop
effective roadside testing options to assess drug-affected driving, consistent with their legal framework, raise public awareness and increase safety by developing, where appropriate, a coherent and comprehensive strategy to decrease the occurrence of drug-affected driving, including through collaborative efforts that include academia, the private sector, professional associations, non-governmental organizations, civil society, national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, victims organizations, youth organizations and the media
自 1968 年独立以来,政府对教育领 域进行了大量投资,因此,使本国从学前到中学的入 率普遍 较 高 ,2011 年本国 扫盲率约为 85%。
The changes witnessed since independence in 1968 backed by heavy investment in
education have resulted in
[...] high enrolment rates from the pre-primary to the secondary levels, with the national literacy rate standing at [...]
some 85 per cent in 2011.
二十世纪的两项重大成就是,死 率普遍 下 降 ,生育率也随之降低。
Two of the major achievements of the twentieth
[...] century were the universal reduction of mortality and the [...]
ensuing reduction of fertility.
委员会认识到必须制定和执行促进可持续生产和消费的政策,并 强调必须通普遍提高资源率来加 强能源安全。
The Committee recognized the importance of formulating and implementing policies for SCP and emphasized the need to enhance energy security by improving resource efficiency in general.
J2EE 应用程序服务器中的 Web 服务的安全性模型应该易于设计和使用 普遍 存 在 、成本 率 高 、 基于开放源标准、可扩展,而且灵活。
The security model for Web services in J2EE application servers should be simple to design and use, ubiquitous, cost effective, based on open standards, extensible, and flexible.
我得重申㆒點,本港的公用事普遍 十 分有 效 率 , 我 看不出使這些公司保持效率 的制度有負港㆟所望。
I have to repeat that our service utilities are generally very efficient and I see no sign that the system used to keep them so has failed Hong Kong.
虽然一般事务及有关员额空率普遍 低 于本组织的平均数 5.5%, 但是非洲经委会的空缺率 14%要比本组织高出很多。
While the vacancy rates for General Service and related posts were generally [...]
lower than the Organizational average of 5.5
per cent, the rate of 14 per cent at ECA was significantly higher.
但是,贝多因新生 儿患传染性疾病的率普遍比同龄犹太新生儿的传染病患病比率高。
There is, however,
[...] generally a higher rate of infectious disease [...]
among Bedouin infants than among Jewish infants of the same age.
在亚洲、欧洲和美 洲,最近几年,杀人、抢劫、入室盗窃和盗窃机动车辆等犯罪的犯 率普遍下 降,而中美洲和加勒比地区的犯 率普遍 上 升
In Asia, Europe and North America, levels of homicide, robbery, burglary
and motor vehicle
[...] theft have generally declined over the last few years, but the levels of those crimes have generally [...]
increased in Central America and the Caribbean.
我知道 在 歐 洲 , 銷
[...] 售稅或 增值稅 ( VAT) 是 十普 遍 的,稅 率 由 5%至 25%也 有 , 但 為 了 [...]
鼓勵遊客購 物,歐 洲 以外的 居民在 購買一 定的限 額 後可申 請 退稅, 而 退稅方 式亦是 盡 量 方 便 旅客。
I know that in Europe, sales tax or value-added tax (VAT) is
[...] very common, with the tax rate ranging from 5% to even [...]
25%. However, in order to encourage
visitors to purchase goods, tax refunds are offered to non-European nationals whose purchases exceed a specified level, and the methods of refund are designed as much as possible with visitors' convenience in mind.
在失率 普遍偏 高 的 歐 洲 國家,包括英國,殘 疾 人士的失 [...]
業 率 便 較 其他非 傷殘人士為 高 。
In European countries like the United Kingdom, where
[...] the unemployment rate is generally high, [...]
the unemployment rate of people with a
disability is higher than that of those who are not disabled.
[...] 標而大幅增加撥款,而其他國家的教學成本收 率普遍 比 香 港為高,因此在㆒九九㆒ 年作出決定,高等教育課程的教學成本收回率應逐步增加,到㆒九九七至九八年度增 [...]
至 18%。
Having taken into account the need for substantial public funding
for the purpose, and the generally
[...] higher cost recovery rates prevailing in other [...]
countries, we decided in 1991 that the
cost recovery rate for tertiary courses should be increased gradually to 18% by 1997-98.
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「過去三個月來,市民對當前經濟、政治及社會環境的不滿 率普遍 下 調 ,但仍然超過各項滿意比率,當中又以經濟及政治為甚。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed: "Compared to three months ago, dissatisfaction is going down in all fronts - economic, political and social.
假 如 債 權 人 可 以 在 利 率 高 企 時 放 棄 合 同 利 率 而 要 求 另 行 採 用 法 定 利 率 , 而 在率 普 遍 較 低 時 則 恢 復 採 用 合 同 利 率 , 這 樣 便 會 引 起 很 多 不 便 之 處 。
It would be extremely inconvenient if the creditor could resile from the contract rate and claim the statutory rate instead when interest rates were high, but return to the contract rate when rates were generally low.




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