单词 | 普通班 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 普通班 noun —regular class n普普通通 noun —ordinary n普普通通 —mediocreSee also:普通 adj—regular adj • normal • common adj 普通 n—ordinary n • average n • plain n 班 n—class n • team n 班—ranking • squad • work shift • surname Ban
特別日班教師 與普通班教師和IEP小組攜手 合作安排服務及提供課堂教 學。 sfusd.edu | Special Day Class teachers work collaboratively with general education classroom teachers and the IEP team to plan services and provide classroom instruction. sfusd.edu |
未有足夠證據顯示接受小班教學的學生,在學業成績、對科 目的態度和學習動機方面,比普通班 的 學 生表現較佳。 legco.gov.hk | There was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that pupils in small classes fared better than their counterparts in regular classes in terms of academic performance, subject attitudes and motivation. legco.gov.hk |
a. 根據自 2004/05 學年起推行的小班教學研究的設計,參與研究的學校的首批和 第二批學生分別會在小四和小三返回 普通班 就 讀。 legco.gov.hk | a. According to the design of the Study on Small Class Teaching (the Study) launched in the 2004/05 school year, the first and the second [...] cohorts of students in schools [...] participating in the Study will return to regular classes at Primary [...]4 and Primary 3 respectively. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 教師的專業及教學策略如何影響在小 班 及 普通班 的 教 學效 能;及 legco.gov.hk | (b) how the expertise and teaching strategies of teachers affected the effectiveness of teaching and [...] learning in small and regular classes; and legco.gov.hk |
外 國 研究顯 示 ,小班教學在最早 的學習 階 段 成效顯 著 , 當 [...] 學生升 讀 更高 年 級 而回到 普 通班時,小班的效果 仍 得以持續 。 legco.gov.hk | When pupils return to normal classes at the senior [...] grades of primary schools, the effects of small class teaching can still be maintained. legco.gov.hk |
這項研究 [...] 旨在探討以下事項 ⎯⎯ (b) 教師的專業及教學策略如何影響在小 班 及 普通班 的 教 學效 能;及 legco.gov.hk | (b) how the expertise and teaching strategies of teachers affected the effectiveness of teaching and [...] learning in small and regular classes; and legco.gov.hk |
具體而言,該法例訂明,中 央 、 直轄市及 縣 主 管 機關應 規劃設立各級 特殊教育學校,或 [...] 以其他方式 教 育不能就讀於普 通 學校或 普 通班級的 殘疾人士,以維護其受教育的權 益 [...]及 興趣。 legco.gov.hk | In particular, the Act stipulates that the central, municipal and county authorities shall plan and establish special education schools for, or to educate in other [...] ways, the disabled who cannot receive [...] schooling in ordinary schools or classes, so [...]as to protect their rights to and interests in education. legco.gov.hk |
儿童权利委员会于1998 [...] 年欢迎科威特努力将残疾儿童或有学习困难的儿童 纳入主流的普通班级中 ,同时为这些儿童提供补充课程以满足其特殊需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1998, CRC welcomed Kuwait’s efforts to mainstream children with [...] disabilities, or who have learning difficulties, [...] within regular classes, while at the [...]same time providing complementary courses [...]catering for the special needs of those children.69 2. daccess-ods.un.org |
根據該項研究的觀察所 得,未有足夠證據顯示接受小班教學的學生 比 普通班 的 學 生表現較佳。 legco.gov.hk | Members questioned the validity of the observation about insufficient evidence to demonstrate that students in small classes fared better than their counterparts in regular classes, as such an observation was at variance with the experience of the schools participating in the Study. legco.gov.hk |
相關服務是由擁有資格 證書或持有執照的專家在普 通班或分開的教育安置提 供,而且也可由受過專門訓 練的助手或其他具有執業資 格的人士在專家指導下提 供。 sfusd.edu | Services may also be provided by a specifically trained instructional aide or other certificated staff under the direction of the specialist. sfusd.edu |
在 2006-2007 學年,這兩批學生分別就讀小三及小二 的“小班”;他們於 2007-2008 學年升讀小四及小三時,將回到 班額較大的普通班學習。 legco.gov.hk | These students will continue their study in "regular classes" of comparatively larger class size when they proceed to Primary Four and Primary Three in the 2007-2008 school year. legco.gov.hk |
其中包括用以对普通班级教 师可以提供的资源予以补充的资源。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This includes those resources that [...] supplement what the ordinary class teacher [...]can provide. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(ii) 大多數研究沒有 追蹤學 生 在 小 四 及 以 後 的 學 習階段,從小班 轉 到普通班 後 , 小 班 教 學 的 好處,是否 得 以 延 續。 legco.gov.hk | (ii) Many studies did not follow the students at grade four and above to study whether the benefits could be sustained after their return to regular classes. legco.gov.hk |
參 與研究的學校可獲得額外資源,將有關 的 普通班 學 生 重新編成每班約 20 至 25 人的小班;在中、英、數三科進行小班教學。 legco.gov.hk | Schools participating in the Study are given additional resources to re-group the respective regular classes into small classes of around 20 to 25 students for the teaching of Chinese, English and Mathematics. legco.gov.hk |
我們會追縱這些學生在小班 和普通班的表現。 legco.gov.hk | We will track the performance of these students in small classes as well as in regular classes. legco.gov.hk |
a. 按小班教學試驗計劃,參與計劃學校的學生將於 2007-08 學年重回普通班學 習。 legco.gov.hk | a. According to the pilot study on [...] small class teaching, students of the participating schools will switch [...] back to regular classes in the 2007/08 [...]school year. legco.gov.hk |
已 掌握足 夠語言能力 的 中度至深 度 [...] 聽覺受 損 學 生 均 可 融 入 普 通 班 ,教育署的 督 學 定 期 探 [...]訪 學 校 ,建 議 教 師 及 社 工 如 何 支援他們。 legco.gov.hk | Students with moderate to profound hearing impairment and having acquired sufficient language [...] skills are integrated in ordinary classes. legco.gov.hk |
教育統籌局亦會繼續搜集他們在這些普 通班學習的數據作研究之用。 legco.gov.hk | We will continue to collect data about their learning in these "regular classes" for analyses. legco.gov.hk |
IEP小組將根據學生在普 通教育班(輔以適當援助和 服務的情況下)所獲得的教 育效益,並與分班教育中獲 得的教育效益作比較,從而 決定是否適當將學生安置在 普通班。 sfusd.edu | The IEP team determines the appropriateness of placement in [...] regular [...] education based upon the educational benefits available to the student in a general education classroom, supplemented by appropriate aids and services, as compared with the educational benefits of a separate class setting. sfusd.edu |
分班教育(又稱特別日班) [...] 分班教育是一種較為嚴格的 安置,為有更高度需要而又 無法有意義地受益於普通班 教學的學生提供。 sfusd.edu | Separate classes are a more restrictive setting and provide services to [...] students with more intensive needs who cannot meaningfully benefit from [...] instruction in a general education classroom setting. sfusd.edu |
我認為「將有 特殊教育需要的學生最終送回普通班 ㆖ 課 」這個基本概念是正確的,「綜合教育」的取 [...] 向是指各種不同形式的特殊教育和常規教育互相滲透、彼此支援,使有需要的學生能 夠獲得最佳的教育機會。 legco.gov.hk | I think that the idea of "helping [...] children with special educational need to [...] finally go back to ordinary schools" is basically [...]correct and the aim of "integrated [...]education" means different kinds of special education and formal education intermingling with and supporting one another so that the children in need can receive the best education opportunity available. legco.gov.hk |
在語言培訓上,集團共舉辦4班普通話 及 1班 廣東話培訓課程,協助員工提高語言能力及促進員工與客 [...] 戶或同事的有效溝通。 htisec.com | On the language front, the [...] Group organized 4 Putonghua classes of [...]various levels and a Cantonese class to assist staff to [...]enhance the language proficiency as well as effective communication with clients and staff. htisec.com |
首 先,我 想指出, 加 州 的實驗 ,其實是由 每班二十多人的普 通班,減 至 每班十 多人成為 小班, 政府認為這樣推行小班的成效並不明 顯 。 legco.gov.hk | Firstly, I wish to point out that the experience in California is actually about reducing the normal class size of some 20 students to a smaller one of 10-odd students, and the Government considered the effectiveness of such small class teaching not significant. legco.gov.hk |
資料分析是比較在小班與普通班上課 的學生的分別,及比較 年與年之間的每批學生的情況,當中涵蓋多項中介因素,包括態度、 成績及觀察課堂下教師和學生的行為。 legco.gov.hk | The analysis makes comparisons between pupils in small and regular classes and between cohorts across a range of variables including attitudes, attainment and the observed classroom behaviours of both teachers and pupils. legco.gov.hk |
有特别教育需求的大中学生或小学生,在参 [...] 加考试(甚至课程终结考试)时,有权利做较长时间的准备,必须向他提供使 用普 通班级使用的特殊设备(如打字机、计算机)的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The student/pupil with special educational requirements is entitled to a longer preparation time when he takes an exam (even the final exam) and he has to [...] be offered the possibility of using special equipment used in [...] the course of ordinary classes (e.g. typewriter, [...]computer). daccess-ods.un.org |
该项目是专门为十人或十人以上团队乘 坐 普通 航 班 至 普通 目 的 地而设计。 united.com | This program is designed for groups of ten or more people [...] traveling on a common flight to a common destination. united.com |
我們提供多元化和綜合性的學術課程,包 括 普通 教 育 班 、英 語強化班(針對學習英語生)、特殊教育計劃和資優教育計劃/榮譽班。 sfusd.edu | We offer a diverse and comprehensive academic [...] program including General Education classes; [...]intensive English classes for English [...]Language Learners, Special Education programs and GATE/Honors classes. sfusd.edu |
每名學生也獲 得一位特別教材專家(即特 殊教育老師)在普通教育班 及/或分開的教育安置提供教 學服務。 sfusd.edu | Each student is also assigned to a Resource Specialist, a special education teacher, who provides services within the general education classroom and/or in separate education settings. sfusd.edu |
1.普通教师、班主任、教师培训/督导人员及其他教职员工中男性与女性的数量(按照民族/等级群体划 分)。 globalprotectioncluster.org | 1. Balanced ratio of women and men participating in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian health responses. globalprotectioncluster.org |
接受審定 教學服務的學生在普通教育班 上課,但獲得由合資格的教師 提供額外教學,例如:言語治 療、職能治療、物理治療、適 應性體育、定向與行動。 sfusd.edu | They are provided with additional instruction by qualified professionals, e.g. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education, Teachers of the Visually Impaired, and Orientation & Mobility. sfusd.edu |