

单词 普通中学

普普通通 noun ()

ordinary n

See also:

普通 n

ordinary n
average n
plain n

普通 adj

regular adj
common adj

中学 n

secondary school n


middle school



External sources (not reviewed)

活动比率最低的是只接 受了基础教育的人(19.1%),其次是受 普通 中学教育的人为47%。
The lowest ratio is among people with basic education (19.1%) followed by 47% as the ratio of people with general secondary education.
还为这些学生 开设了另一门中学课程,学习一年的荷兰语,以便能够上正规 普通中学。
A separate
[...] secondary-school programme offers pupils one year of Dutch, designed [...]
to prepare them for regular secondary education.
普通中学的十至十一年级,通过“法学”课程讲授法律领域知识,2 年共 68 小时。
In grades 10 and 11, 68 hours over a two-year period are devoted to acquiring a knowledge of the branches of the law.
(2008年) 负责通过国家考试和认证评价学生在基础普 通中学教育中的进步。
In Slovenia, the Council for Quality and Evaluation
(2008) is responsible
[...] for assessing students‟ progression in basic and general secondary education through national examinations [...]
and certification.
该项目 2007 至 2011 年普通 中学学生提供资金和辅导支持。
The project provides financial and mentorship
[...] support for students of regular secondary schools in the period [...]
from 2007 to 2011.
普通中学的一 至四年级,因其已经具有成年人的特点,已经了解如法律、 义务、责任等概念。
Instruction in concepts such as law, duty and obligation, tailored to the pupil’s age, is introduced [...]
in grades 1 to 4.
中学分两种选择普通中学,为 五年制,以及技术中学,分六级。
The intermediate level is divided into two options: general intermediate education, which is a five-year programme, and technical intermediate education, which comprises six grades.
在小学,这些内容归入“运动与健康”课; 普通中 学教育 ,属于“社会研究”的一部分;在中等职业教育学校,列入“个人和社会 [...]
In primary schools they are grouped under [...]
‘movement and health’, in general secondary education they are part of ‘social
studies’, and in secondary vocational education they are taught under the heading of ‘personal and social education’.
因此,中学 所占的比例已从 2000-2001 学年的 12%升至 2007-2008 学年的 31%,而同普通 中学所占的比例则下降了 18%。
Thus, the quota of lyceums has increased
[...] from 12% in the school year 2000–2001 to 31% in 2007–2008, whilst the quota of secondary general schools has decreased with 18% within the above-mentioned period of time.
职业学校普通中学奖学金则从 2005 年的 120 列伊增至 200 列伊(上升了 67%)。
Scholarships for pupils of vocational schools and lyceums were increased from 120 to 200 lei (with 67%).
普通中学的五 至七年级,教学内容也相应扩展到生活的实例,讲述国家和 个人的关系,包括个人独立性、权利平等、言论自由、自由获取信息、未成年公 民的刑事责任等课题。
The subject matter grows more complex in grades 5 to 7, with the addition of actual examples of the relationship between the State and the individual and the introduction of the topics of personal autonomy, equality of rights, freedom of speech, freedom of information and juvenile criminal liability.
普通中小学就读 的学 生中,33.4%完成初等教育、52%完成体育学习、14.6%完成中学学业。
Out of the total of pupils studying at [...]
the primary and secondary general education level, 33.4% have the primary education
studies, 52% – the gymnasium studies and 14.6% – lyceum studies.
拥有难民身份或额外保护的外国未成年人有权同白俄罗斯同龄人一样 在提供学前教育普通中学教育 和医疗服务的机构进行学习。
Alien minors who have been granted refugee status or refugees who have been given additional protection have the same right to instruction in nursery schools and to general secondary education, as well as to medical services, as Belarusian children of the same age.
大学前预科教育机构网由 1534 家教育机构(小学、体学院、普通中 等 学 校 和 普通基础)组成,其中 280 家 机构用俄语教学、82 家机构用多语种混合教学。
Network of the educational institutions of preuniversity studies comprises 1534 institutions (primary schools, gymnasiums, secondary general schools, lyceums), 280 institutions thereof with teaching in Russian, and 82 thereof mixed ones.
根据学业水平,确定所录取的学生中 61%是基础教育机构的毕业生,大约 四分之一普通中等学校的 毕业生,11.9%的学生是在大专毕业后继续自己的学 业,只有 0.8%是在职业学校毕业后入学的。
Subject to the level of studies, it is determined that 61% of the matriculated students are graduates from lyceums, around one fourth — graduates from secondary general schools, 11.9% continued their studies after having graduated college, and 0.8% — after having graduated from vocational schools.
校外机构组织的考试和毕 业考试作为一项独立的考试一般在与体育类 普通中 等 学 校 毕业考试相同的条件 下同时举行。
External examination, as well as the graduation examination takes place as a single examination, simultaneously and under the same conditions as the graduation examination for the gymnasium and secondary general education.
向决策者和政策制定者通普通中等 教 育改革 学 校 领 导力和中等教育内容更新领域的最佳 实践
Decision- and
[...] policy-makers informed of best practices in areas of general secondary education reforms, school leadership [...]
and secondary education content renewal.
普通中等教育中,第一阶段平均毛 学 率是 35.3 %,第二阶段是 19.8 %。
The average general secondary education GER is 35.3 per cent in the first cycle and 19.8 per cent in the second cycle.
此外,下述人员也视为等同投保人:21 岁以下,正在爱沙尼亚依法创 办和开办的教育机构或在国外类似机构接受基础教育的年轻人;24 岁以 下,正在接普通中等教育的学生; 没有受过基础教育,又过了必须就学的 年龄,并获得职业教育的人;在基础教育或中等教育基础之上获得职业教育 [...]
In addition, the following persons are also considered equal to insured persons: young persons until the age of 21 who are acquiring basic education in an Estonian educational institution founded and operating on the basis of
law or in a similar
[...] institution abroad; pupils until the age of 24 who are acquiring general secondary education; persons without basic education [...]
who are above the
age of an obligation to attend school and who acquire vocational education; pupils acquiring vocational education on the basis of basic education or secondary education; and university students permanently residing in Estonia.
根据国民教育部的统计,有3%波兰学生有 特殊的需求。这些有特殊需求的学生可以参 加:公立特殊教育学校(小学、初中、基 础职学校、职业中、普通高中和 专 上学 校)
public special education units (primary schools, lower secondary schools, basic vocational schools, vocational secondary schools, general secondary schools and post-secondary schools)
某些行业、专业或职业只能普通中 等 教 育的基础上才能获得职业 中等教育,因为假定学课程的学者 都 达到了某个成熟年龄。
There are certain professions, specialties or occupations where vocational secondary education can only be acquired on the basis of general secondary education, as entrants to the course are presumed to have reached certain age maturity.
免费获得中等职业教育的权利,在《教育法》第 4(7)节有规定;根据这节 规定,在公立教育机构获得中等教育(分 普通中 等 教 育和职业中等教育),免收 任学杂费
The right of acquiring vocational secondary education free of charge is stipulated in § 4(7) of the Education Act, according to which the acquisition of secondary education (divided into general
secondary education and vocational
[...] secondary education) in public educational institutions is free of any tuition fees.
普通中等教育属于基础教育,针学 员 的 心灵道德培养和身体成长,使其能 适应社会生活,掌握科学原理、白俄罗斯共和国的国语、脑力和体力劳动技能, 形成道德信仰、行为修养、审美情趣和健康的生活方式,能独立做出生活选择, 准备参与劳动活动和继续教育。
General education is aimed at fostering intellectual, moral and physical personal development, preparing pupils for a meaningful [...]
life in society, enabling
the acquisition of basic scientific knowledge and the national languages, developing mental and physical skills, a system of moral principles, a code of conduct, aesthetic taste and a healthy lifestyle and preparing pupils to make independent life choices, begin their working life and further their education.
过去两年,促进将信通技术应用于教育的主要活动有:(a) 把中小学教科书
[...] 和教学材料上载到一个活跃的网站,其中包括 50 种孟加拉语书籍、26 种英语中 学教科书和 33 种小学教科书;(b) 向师范学院的教师培训员提供培训,教导他 们如何开发数字化内容,以便在课堂上采用基于信通技术的教与学方法;(c) 向 6 500 名中学教师提供计算机培训;(d) 向 20 500 所学校(包括宗教学校)提供膝 上型计算机和多媒体投影机;(e) 开设 17 个流动计算机实验室,帮助住在边远 地区的学生认识信通技术;(f) 在 20 所普通学校、35 所宗教学校和 20 所师范学 院建立现代化计算机实验室;(g) 在 128 个区建立信通技术培训和资源中心。
Major activities promoting the use of ICT in education in the last two years are as follows: (a) Textbooks and education materials for primary and secondary education uploaded in a dynamic website which includes 50 Bangla version books, 26 English version secondary education textbooks and 33 primary education textbooks; (b) Training of teacher trainers from the teacher training colleges on developing digital content to facilitate ICT-based teaching-learning processes in class; (c)
Computer training for 6,500
[...] secondary schoolteachers; (d) The supply of laptop computers and multimedia projectors to 20,500 schools and madrasas; (e) The launch of 17 mobile computer labs to orient students living in remote locations; (f) Establishing modern computer labs in 20 schools, 35 madrasas, and [...]
20 teacher training
colleges; (g) Establishing ICT training and resource centres in 128upazila. 58.
在爱沙尼亚,已经过了义务上学年龄(17 岁)的人,有权学普通教 育学校的 夜校班,远程学习或外部学习,以便获得初等 普通中 等 教 育。
In Estonia, persons who are above the
compulsory age of school attendance (17 years) have the right to enrol in evening courses of
[...] general education schools, distance learning, or external study in order to acquire elementary or general secondary education.
重点将是促进中等教 育课程的系统改革,以及各国加 普通中 等 教 育和职业教育联系的政策,尤其是注重生活能 力的培养,提高就业能力和切实的公民意识。
Focus will be placed on promoting systemic reform of secondary education curriculum as well as national policies for enhancing linkages between general secondary and vocational programmes, the emphasis being on life skills development for employability and effective citizenship.
本公司可普通決議 案在發行任何新股份之前釐定於第一 中 須 提 呈 發售該等股份或任何該等股份(無論按面值或溢價)予任何類別股份的所有現有持股 人,發售比例按接近該等持股人分別持有有關類別股份的數目,或作出任何撥備以發 [...]
The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the [...]
same, or any of them, shall
be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at a premium, to all the existing holders of any class of shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of shares of such class held by them respectively, or make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares, but in default of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
大会第 64/72 号决议第 122(a)段吁请各国及区域渔业管理组织或安排交
[...] 流最佳做法,并酌情制订区域标准,供在国家管辖范围以外水域从事海底捕捞活 动的国家和区域渔业管理组织或安排采用,以期审查当前的 学 和 技 术规程,促 进在所有渔业活动和区中普遍采 取最佳做法,包括协助发展中国家实现这些目 标。
In paragraph 122 (a) of resolution 64/72, the General Assembly called upon States and RFMO/As to exchange best practices and develop, where appropriate, regional standards for use by States engaged in bottom fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction and
[...] [...] RFMO/As with a view to examining current scientific and technical protocols and promoting consistent [...]
implementation of best practices across fisheries and regions, including assistance to developing States in accomplishing these objectives.
2007 年 7 月 12 日的第 1.334 号法律是关于教育的法律,中规定 有生理缺陷 或 残疾的儿童或 青 少 年 必 须 接受教 育 ,可以普通学 校 接受教 育 , 如 果 不可行, 应当根据他们的特殊 需要在疗养 、医疗-社会机构或 特殊 机构接受特殊 [...]
教 育, 或是 在家接受教育。
Act No. 1.334 of 12 July 2007 on education specifies that the legal obligation to provide an education for children and adolescents with disabilities or an
incapacitating physical
[...] disorder must be met by providing them with an education in an ordinary school environment or, if necessary, special education determined [...]
according to their
particular needs within health, medical and social welfare and specialized institutions or services or by home schooling.
因此,会议促请拥有先进生 物技术的所有缔约国采取积极措施,促进在平等和无歧视基础上开展技术转让和 国际合作,尤其是与该领中不那 么先进的国家开展技术转让和国际合作,同时 促进《公约》的基本目标,并确保 学 技 术 的 普 及 完 全符合《公约》的和平目标 和宗旨。
Therefore, the Conference urges all States Parties possessing advanced biotechnology to adopt positive measures to promote technology transfer and international cooperation on an equal and non-discriminatory basis, particularly with countries less advanced in this field, while promoting the basic objectives of the Convention, as well as ensuring that the promulgation of science and technology is fully consistent with the peaceful object and purpose of the Convention.




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