

单词 普贤菩萨

See also:


Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of Truth


Bodhisattva (Buddhism)

External sources (not reviewed)

柬埔寨西北部有一个名 为“洞里萨”的大流 域,该流域 为 五个省份环 绕 , 即磅通、暹粒、 马德望菩萨和 磅清扬。
In the northwest of Cambodia, a great basin called “Tonle Sap” is surrounded by five provinces, viz.
目前,正在调查并清除卡奥拉萨大 坝和 马 普托 省电力塔的地雷。
Survey and clearance of
[...] the Cahora Bassa Dam and the Maputo Power pylons [...]
are ongoing.
中国注意到文莱达萨兰国对普遍定 期审议中的建议所作的认真仔细的答 复,以及为落实建议所采取的措施。
China noted
[...] Brunei Darussalam’s careful response to the universal periodic review [...]
recommendations and measures taken to follow up on them.
孟加拉国达卡,2013年2月27日 ——“孟加拉ATN电视台记萨普.依斯 朗(Shampa Islam)为您报道达卡米尔布尔日内瓦营的贫民窟。
DHAKA, Bangladesh, 27 February 2013 – “This is Shampa Islam reporting from the slums of Geneva Camp, Mirpur, Dhaka, for ATN Bangla.
会议的小组讨论成员有:查尔斯·戈尔先生,非洲、最不发达国家和特别方 案司研究和政策分析处处长;斯蒂芬妮·格里菲斯-琼斯女士,金融市场方案主 任,政策对话倡议,哥伦比亚大学,美利坚合众国纽约;范图·切鲁先生,研究 主任,北欧非洲研究院,瑞典普萨 拉。
The panellists for the session were: Mr. Charles Gore, Head of Research and Policy Analysis Branch, ALDC; Ms. Stephany Griffith-Jones, Financial Markets Programme Director, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, New York, United States of America; and Mr. Fantu Cheru, Research Director, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden.
一些代表团对委员会前成员玉贤策 先 生(日本)的早逝表示哀悼,并强调了 他对委员会工作的贡献。
Several delegations expressed their condolences for the untimely demise of Mr. Kensaku Tamaki (Japan), former member of the Commission, highlighting his contribution to the work of the Commission.
从新加坡任人贤的公 共行政经验、摩洛哥为地方政府发展必要的人力资本 [...]
的实例,以及开发署在帮助公务员适应地方发展方面的丰富经验(如在尼泊尔、 卢旺达、索马里、加纳和南非)中,得出以下两个结论:首先,地方治理在帮助 实现千年发展目标方面发挥了重要作用,可以名副其实地成为落实
2015 年后发 展议程的手段;其次,公民参与,包括适当和创造性地利用信息和通信战略,能 够加强地方治理,使其透明、问责和自主。
On the basis of the Singaporean [...]
experience of merit-based public administration and the Moroccan example of the necessity
of human capital development for local governance, and the many experiences of UNDP in facilitating public-service adaptation for local-level development (for example in Nepal, Rwanda, Somalia, Ghana and South Africa), two conclusions were drawn: first, that local governance has played an important role in facilitating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and can serve as a veritable implementation vehicle for the post-2015 development agenda; and second, that citizens’ engagement, including the appropriate and innovative use of information and communication strategies, has the power to strengthen local governance by infusing it with transparency, accountability and ownership.
(a) 2002 至 2006 年,地雷行动中心与四个国际和国内排雷组织,即柬埔
[...] 寨皇家部队、地雷行动中心、光环信托组织和扫雷咨询组合作,在以 下省份开展排雷行动菩萨省、马德望省、卜迭棉芷省、柏威夏省、 [...]
奥多棉芷省、磅通省、暹粒省、磅湛省、桔井省、拜林市和国家中部 一些其他省份
(a) From 2002 to 2006, CMAC authorities coordinated the four groups of national and international de-mining operators - Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), Cambodia Mine Action Centre (CMAC), HALO Trust Organization, and MAG Organization
- conducted their de-mining operations in
[...] the provinces: Pursat, Battambang, [...]
Banteay Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Uddor Meanchey,
Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Pailin Town, and some other provinces in the centre of the country
世界银 行的一篇文章认为津巴布韦为基础设施建设筹集更多资 金的潜力会得到提高,“尤其是在国际制裁被解除后” (娜塔利亚·菩萨卡和西西莉亚·布里塞尼奥-迪亚: 《津巴布韦的基础设施:大陆视角》,政策研究工作论 文,5816,2011 年 9 月)。
A World Bank paper argues that Zimbabwe’s potential for raising additional funding for infrastructure will improve “particularly when the international sanctions are lifted”, Nataliya Pushak and Cecilia M. Briceño-Garmendia, “Zimbabwe’s Infrastructure: A Continental Perspective”, Policy Research Working Paper, 5816, September 2011.
对此高专办菩萨省的当局及其他 伙伴进行追究,从而为患病的囚犯争取到一间病房。
OHCHR followed up with the authorities and
[...] other partners in Pursat province, and [...]
contributed to securing a hospital room for sick prisoners.
Yeo 先生概述了在新加坡建立强有力的公共行政的主要治理原则:(a) 对团 体自由采取务实主义,同时注意社会和谐,在制定经济和工业政策时,采取市场 主导和国家主导两种做法;(b) 制定公共政策,鼓励建立靠雇员工资和雇主缴款 融资的多个利益攸关方储蓄计划,从而避免依赖文化;(c) 定期评价政策的宗旨 和机构的相干性;(d) 采取综合治理办法,促进机构间的协调与合作;(e) 提倡 诚实、透明和不容忍腐败的风气,减少腐败行为的诱导因素;(e) 强调开发人力 资本,为此注重任人贤和不断学习。
Mr. Yeo outlined the key principles of governance for the establishment of a strong public administration in Singapore: (a) adopting pragmatism towards group freedoms with an eye on social harmony, and the mixed use of market and State-led approaches in economic and industrial policymaking; (b) avoiding a culture of dependency through public policies that encourage multi-stakeholder saving schemes funded by employee wages and employer contributions; (c) evaluating the purpose of policy and the relevance of institutions on a regular basis; (d) embracing a holistic approach to government and promoting inter-agency coordination and cooperation; (e) promoting honesty, transparency and intolerance for corruption and reducing incentives for corrupt behaviour; and (e) emphasizing human capital development through a focus on meritocracy and continuous learning.
敦促芬兰、挪威和瑞典政府对芬兰、挪威和瑞 萨普 米 地区萨米人状况特别 报告员的报告(A/HRC/18/35/Add.2)中所载的各项建议,尤其是那些有关萨米人 [...]
The Governments of Finland,
[...] Norway and Sweden are urged to take concrete [...]
measures in response to the recommendations contained
in the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of the Sami peoples in the Sapmi region of Finland, Norway and Sweden (A/HRC/18/35/Add.2) and in particular, those related to Sami rights to self-determination and lands, waters and natural resources.
森林资 源 较丰富的 省份有 桔井、上丁 、 拉 达 那
[...] 基 里 、 盟 多基里、 磅 通、 贡布菩萨和柬埔寨北部其他省份。
The provinces containing more forests are
Kratie, Steng Treng, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, Kampong
[...] Thom, Kampot, Pursat and other provinces [...]
in the north of the country.
班迭棉 吉省菩萨省和 柴桢 省 的 吴哥博 垒 博 物 馆 正在建 [...]
设 之 中,茶胶省博 物 馆 已经开放。
Angkor Borei Museums in
[...] Banteay Meanchey, Pursat, and Svay Rieng [...]
provinces are under construction and Takeo provincial Museum is also open.
萨普说, “这个经历让我们有机会接触并洞悉真实的世界,也有助于提升我们在学校的形象。
This experience has given us an exposure and an insight into the real world, and it helps boost our image at school, too.
例如,我国婴儿和五岁以下幼儿每 1 000 活产死 亡率自 1990 年以来下降了 29%。同时,苏丹陛下提拔 女性担任我国社会中的众多领导职务,树立了一个任 人贤、以 基本的平等原则为基础的榜样。
For example, our mortality rates for infants and children under five per 1,000 live births have fallen by 29 per cent since 1990, while His Majesty’s promotion of women to numerous leadership positions in our society has provided a meritocratic example, founded on the basic principle of equality.
自上次会议以 来,2010 年 10 月在瑞典普萨拉开 了一次会,与国际专名学理事会词汇组的合 作继续进行。
Since the last session, one meeting had been held in Uppsala, Sweden, in October 2010, and cooperation with the terminology group of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences was ongoing.
在开展德班会议的后续活动方面,教科文组织还将加强与人权委员会负责种族主 义、种族歧视、仇外情绪和相关不宽容问题特别报告员、负责德班会议后续活动政 府间工作组、有关非洲后裔居民问题工作组,以及由联合国秘书长委任的监督《德 班宣言》和《行动纲领》落实情况的独 贤 达 人 士团4 的合作。
As part of the follow-up to the Durban Conference, UNESCO will also reinforce its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, the intergovernmental working group on the Durban follow-up, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent and the group of independent eminent experts4 appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow-up the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
分权有助 于增强各乡 的实力,其数量 从 1996 年的 20 家增加到 2001 年 11 个省 220 家和每个省会城市 318 家,包括以下各省: 卜迭棉 芷 省 、 马德望省、 暹粒省菩萨省、 拉 达 那 基 里省、 茶胶省、 磅湛省、 奥 多棉芷省和拜林市。
Decentralization supports communes during an increase in communes from 20 in 1996 to 220 and 318 in 2001 of 11 provinces and each provincial town: Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Rattanakiri, Takeo, Kampong Cham, Uddor Meanchey, and Pailin.
该作品描写了丝崎的人们在探寻横渡大海传入日本的佛舞起源的同时,代代传承表 菩萨 和 仙女们喜悦之情的佛舞的故事和丝崎的自然风貌。
This film, in addition to tracing the roots of this hotokemai from over the sea, depicts the nature and
the people of Itosaki who have preserved the dance that
[...] expresses the joy of bodhisattvas and tennyo, celestial [...]
这里突然间响起 了庄严的 Tenzin Palmo 宣誓:“虽然在历史上没有女性作为宗教的领袖,也没有 菩萨 的 记 录, 但是女性想要修成正果,无论花费多少时间进行修行看起来都是很有可能的。
Suddenly Venerable Tenzin Palmo's vow to "attain enlightenment in the female form, no matter how many lifetimes it takes¨ seems perfectly possible despite there having been no historical female heads of religions, and no recorded female Buddhas.
基金會正與TBRC、菩提基 金會及羅登基金會合作,進行工作人員 的培訓,以設立格式化中心。
Working with TBRC, the Bodhi Foundation, and the Loden Foundation, plans are underway for training the personnel to establish a text formatting center.
维格迪斯·芬博阿多 蒂尔外国语学院已经与像太平洋地区濒危文化资源数字化档案馆、伦敦大学东方 和非洲学研究院、语言之家(Linguamón)、莱比锡马克斯普朗克进化人类学研 究所、普萨拉大 学语言和哲学系以及明尼苏达大学语言学习高级研究中心 (CARLA)等世界各地的一些学术和研究机构建立了合作关系。
The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages has already established cooperation with several institutions, e.g. Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures, SOAS – The School of Oriental and African Studies at University of London, Linguamón – House of Languages, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Department of Linguistics and Philology at Uppsala University and CARLA – Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition at University of Minnesota.
就借 IUPAP2005 年秋季在南非召开大会之机联合举办世界 物理和可持续发展大会之事宜,与阿卜杜 普 · 萨 拉 姆国际理论物理中心(ICTP)、国际 理论和应用物理学联合会及南非物理研究所举行了初步的商谈。
Preliminary discussions were held with ICTP, IUPAP and the South African Institute of Physics, on the co-organization of the World Conference on Physics and Sustainable Development, to be held in conjunction with the 2005 IUPAP General Assembly in South Africa in autumn 2005.
巴库-苏普萨和巴 库-第比利斯-杰伊汉 原油出口管道以及巴库-第比利斯-埃尔祖鲁姆天然 气管道等基础设施项目的成功落实,不仅促进了我国 经济,而且也对邻国的发展作出了贡献。
The successful implementation of such infrastructure projects as the Baku-Supsa and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil-exporting pipelines and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline have not only boosted our economy, they have also contributed to the development of neighbouring States.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提普通決 議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上 普 通 決 議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the
Directors, in the terms
[...] set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at [...]
a general meeting of Shareholders.
这个新联盟将支持和扩大温尼伯皇家芭蕾舞团的巡演,将向世界各地的忠实观众及新观众奉献广受好评的艺术成就,包括芭蕾舞“红磨坊(R)”、“布兰诗歌”、“胡桃夹子”、经典剧目片断以及即将首演的妥 萨普 的 “公主与精灵”。
This new alliance will support and amplify the RWB's tours by delivering the Company's critically-acclaimed artistic achievements including Moulin Rouge(R) - The Ballet, Carmina Burana, Nutcracker, iconic repertoire pieces and the soon-to-premiere Twyla Tharp's The Princess & The Goblin to both loyal and new audiences around the world.
Patna Museum has pride previlege of preserving the holy relic casket of Lord Buddha containing his ashes and other associated materials discovered during excavation of a stupa belonging to 6th Century B.C. at Vaishali.
这些案件包括但并不仅限于以下这些:在蒙多基里省,Pichreada 区,Bousra 社区,弗农土著 社区的 800 户家庭和 Socfin-KCD 及其伙伴公司之间的争端;在桔井省,斯努区,Sre Char 社 区,224 户家庭和 CIV 开发公司间的争端;在磅 Speu
省,Tpong 区,Amleang 社区,1,000 户 家庭和金边糖业公司及磅 Speu
[...] 糖业公司之间的争端;菩萨省, Kravahn 和 Krakor 区,5,000 [...]
户家庭和 Pheapimex 之间的两起争端;在 Veal Veng 区,Thmar
Da 社区,57 户家庭和 MDS 公司之间的争端;在金边市,Boeung Kak 湖社区,3,000-4,000 户家庭与 Shukaku 公司间的争 端;以及在马德望省,Phnom Prek 区,Sampov Loun 社区,1,203 户家庭和 Soun Mean Sambath 公司间的争端。
These cases include but are not limited to the following: in Mondulkiri province, Pichreada district, Bousra commune, a dispute between 800 families of the Phnong (Bunong) indigenous community and Socfin-KCD and partners; in Kratie province, Snoul district, Sre Char commune, a dispute between 224 families and the CIV Development Company; in Kampong Speu province, Tpong district, Amleang commune, a dispute between 1,000 families and the
Phnom Penh Sugar Company and Kampong Speu
[...] Sugar Company; in Pursat province, Kravahn [...]
and Krakor districts, two disputes between
5,000 families and Pheapimex, and in Veal Veng district, Thmar Da commune, a dispute between 57 families and the MDS company; in the city of Phnom Penh, Boeung Kak Lake community, a dispute between 3,000-4,000 families and Shukaku Inc.




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