

单词 普罗提诺

See also:

普诺 n

Puno n

External sources (not reviewed)

肯尼亚还赞赏非盟-联合国小组主席罗诺·普罗迪先生阁下及其团提出的 出色报告 (S/2008/813)。
Kenya also commends His
[...] Excellency Mr. Romano Prodi, Chairman of the AU-United Nations panel, and his team for a wonderful [...]
report (S/2008/813).
我们欢迎罗诺·普罗迪先生领导的非洲联盟-联合 国专家小组在其提交报 告中得出的结论(见 S/2008/813)。
We would like to welcome the conclusions of the report of the African Union-United Nations panel of experts chaired by Mr. Romano Prodi (see S/2008/813).
我还要感谢罗诺·普罗迪先 生介绍了他担任主 席的小组根据 2008 年 4 月 18 日的第 1809(2008)号决 议提交的报告的主要内容。
I should like to thank Mr. Romano Prodi for presenting the highlights of the report (S/2008/813) of the panel that he chaired under the mandate set out in resolution 1809 (2008) of 16 April 2008.
我们赞扬非洲联盟-联合国小组、特别是罗诺·普罗迪主席向安理会介绍现摆在安理会面前的关 于为非洲联盟(非盟)维和行提供支 助的方式的报 告(S/2008/813)。
We commend the African Union-United Nations panel, in particular Chairperson Romano Prodi, for presenting to the Council the report on modalities for support to African Union (AU) peacekeeping operations (S/2008/813), now before the Council.
在整个密西拿评论员以下特别值得 提 : 迈 蒙尼德,希伯来文翻译的阿拉伯语原来是最有密西拿版印刷; Obadia二贝尔诺罗(卒于1510),惦TOB 李 普 曼 海 勒(卒于1654), Jisrael利普舒茨(他在密西拿6卷的评注。
Among the commentators of the whole Mishna
the following
[...] deserve special mention: Maimonides, the Hebrew translation of whose Arabic original is printed in most edition of the Mishna; Obadia di Bertinoro (d. 1510), Jom Tob Lippmann Heller (d. [...]
1654), Jisrael Lipschutz
(his Mishna with Commentary in 6 vols.
我们也感谢非洲联盟-联合国小组主席罗诺·普罗迪先 生在这份重要的报告(S/2008/81 3) 中提 出的 支持非洲联盟维和行动的各种方法。
Our appreciation also goes to Mr. Romano Prodi, Chairman of the African Union-United Nations panel on modalities for support to African Union operations, for introducing his important report (S/2008/813), and we hope that he will continue to accompany the process to its logical conclusion.
在本次会议休会之前,我谨代表安理会所有成 员,感谢并赞赏罗诺·普罗迪先生及其小组其他成 员所作的宝贵努力,以提交摆 在安理会面前的报 告。
Before I adjourn this meeting, I wish, on behalf of all the members of the Council, to express my gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Romano Prodi and the other members of his panel for their valuable efforts and for the report before the Council.
在这方面,我国代表团愿祝贺罗诺 · 普罗 迪先 生和他担任主席的非洲联盟-联合国小组根据文件 S/2008/813 所载的联合国授权提交了 关于支持维和 行动方法的报告。
In that context, my delegation would like to congratulate Mr. Romano Prodi and the African UnionUnited Nations panel that he chaired on their report on modalities for support to peacekeeping operations under a United Nations mandate, contained in document S/2008/813.
在 2005 年的世界首脑会议上,世界各国领导人 诺 “到 2015 年时实现国际人口与发展 会提出的普遍获 得生殖保健服务的目标,并把这项目标纳入各项战略,以实现 国际商定发展目标,包括《千年宣言》所载旨在降低孕产妇死亡率、改善产妇保 [...]
(大会第 60/1 号决议,第 57(g)段)。
At the 2005
[...] World Summit, world leaders committed themselves to achieving “universal access to reproductive health [...]
by 2015, as set out
at the International Conference on Population and Development, integrating this goal in strategies to attain the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, aimed at reducing maternal mortality, improving maternal health, reducing child mortality, promoting gender equality, combating HIV/AIDS and eradicating poverty” (General Assembly resolution 60/1, para. 57 (g)).
我现在请非洲联盟-联合国支助非洲联盟维持和 平行动方法小组主罗马诺·普罗迪 先 生发言。
I now give the
[...] floor to Mr. Romano Prodi, Chairman of the African [...]
Union-United Nations panel on modalities for support to African Union operations.
也请允许我借此机会, 欢迎意大利前总罗马诺·普罗迪先生阁下来到联合 国,并赞赏他对非盟-联合国小组的领导,该小组关 于支助非洲联盟维和行动方法的报告(S/2008/813) 今天就摆在安理会面前。
Let me also take this opportunity to welcome to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy, and to express my appreciation for his leadership of the panel, whose report on modalities for support to African Union peacekeeping operations (S/2008/813) is before the Council today.
1941 年,富 兰克林·德诺·罗斯福总统在其 1941 年发表的国 情咨文演说时提出了 安全应建筑在世界上每一个人 均享有的人的四项基本自由,即言论自由、信仰自由、 免于匮乏的自由和免于恐惧的自由基础之上的思想。
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his 1941 state of the union address, brought forth the idea [...]
that security is founded upon every individual
in the world being able to enjoy four essential human freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
我还要同其他发言者一道感罗马诺·普罗迪主 席介绍非洲联盟-联合国小组的 报告(S/2008/813)和他出色地领导了报告的编写。
I would also like to join others in thanking President Romano Prodi for his presentation of the report of the African Union-United Nations panel (S/2008/813) and for his very able leadership in preparing it.
专家组有文件证明乐峰给蒙托亚的两笔汇款:2011 年 2 月(日辨认不清)汇出 1 169 000 欧元现金(100、200 和 500 欧元的现钞);2011 年 3 月 2 日从日内瓦汇 出 88 万欧元现金,伯纳德·斯滕格和扬恩· 普罗诺 思 特 在场(见附件 25)。
The Group has documented two remittances from Mr. Lafont to Mr. Montoya: in February 2011 (day unreadable), a delivery of EUR 1,169,000 in cash (100, 200 and 500 euro notes); and on 2 March 2011, a delivery in Geneva of EUR 880,000 in cash, in the presence of Bernard Stenger and Yann Pronost (see annex 25).
除了 旨提高妇女地位和保障男女平等做 法的基本法律之 外,政府还 设 立了妇 女事务部 , 专 门 负责保护和促 进 妇 女的权利,另 外 还 设立了全 国 妇 女 理 事 会诺罗敦·莫 尼列·西哈努克王后担任名誉主席。
Besides the fundamental laws for promoting women and ensuring the practices of gender equity between men and women, the Government created Ministry of Woman Affairs in charge of protection and promotion of woman rights, and created the National Council [...]
for Woman, honourably
chaired by Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk.
阿根廷诺贯彻执行普遍定期审议机制成员国在理事会第十五届会议提 出的 建议,例如,我国自愿提交了一份关于向阿根廷提出的建议遵守情况的预交 报告,其中在一个表格中简要归纳了迄今为采纳工作组建议而采取的各项行动, 再次表明了阿根廷对这一机制的支持。
As an example of its commitment to follow up on the recommendations made by States in the context of the universal [...]
periodic review,
at the fifteenth session of the Council (September 2010), our country voluntarily submitted an advance report on compliance with the recommendations made to Argentina, which summarizes briefly in a table the actions taken to date to comply with the recommendations of the Working Group, as one more sign of its support for this mechanism.
最后,必须在国 际一级采取措施,为《条约》的无核武器缔约提 供安全保障,例普遍承诺“不 首先使用”的原则, 逐步摆脱军事学说中对核武器的依赖,以及放弃把 [...]
Lastly, measures should be taken internationally to provide security assurances to
non-nuclear-weapon States
[...] parties to the Treaty, such as universal commitment to the “no-first-use” [...]
principle, the gradual departure
from reliance on nuclear weapons in military doctrines, and the relinquishing of the threat of use of nuclear weapons as a means to advance strategic interests.
22 个少数民族,而不是10
[...] 个少数民族,其中包括罗姆人,在议会 中保障少数民族的席位,罗地亚承 诺提 高 少数民族的参与。
Seats were guaranteed to national minorities in
[...] Parliament, and Croatia was committed to increasing [...]
minority participation.
代表很高兴由你主持安全理事会这一重要会议,审罗马诺·普罗迪先 生领导的非洲联盟-联合国小组的 报告(S/2008/813)。
(Benin) ( spoke in French): My delegation is pleased to see you, Sir, presiding over this important meeting of the Security Council to
consider the report (S/2008/813) of the African Union-United
[...] Nations panel led by Mr. Romano Prodi, who is present [...]
among us.
我还感罗马诺·普罗迪先生介绍小组的报告 (S/2008/813);感谢非洲联盟和平与安全事务专员拉 [...]
马姆拉先生的宝贵发言;同时还感谢南非外长德拉米 尼·祖马女士今天来这里出席我们的辩论并作重要的 发言。
I also wish to thank Mr. Romano Prodi for presenting [...]
the report (S/2008/813) of his panel; Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, Commissioner
for Peace and Security of the African Union, for his valuable contribution; and Ms. Dlamini Zuma, Minister for Foreign Affairs of South Africa, for her presence here today and for her significant contribution to our debate.
主席(以阿拉伯语发言):根据安理会先前磋商中 达成的谅解,我认为安全理事会同意按照其暂行议事 规则第 39
[...] 条,向非洲联盟-联合国支助非洲联盟行动 方法小组主罗马诺·普罗迪先 生和非洲联盟和平与 安全事务专员拉姆丹·拉马姆拉先生发出邀请。
The President( spoke in Arabic ): In accordance with the understanding reached in the Council’s prior consultations, I shall take it that the Security Council agrees to extend invitations under rule
39 of its provisional rules of
[...] procedure to Mr. Romano Prodi, Chairman of the African [...]
Union-United Nations panel on modalities
for support to African Union operations, and Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, Commissioner for Peace and Security of the African Union.
阿卜杜拉齐兹先生(埃及)(以阿拉伯语发言):首 先,我谨欢迎非洲联盟-联合国支助非洲联盟(非盟) 维和行动方法小组主罗马诺·普罗 迪 先 生,感谢他 和小组成员在编写我们今天审议的这份报告(S/ 2008/813)方面所作的努力,这是根据《宪章》第八 章和《非洲联盟章程》努力振兴联合国与非盟伙伴关 系的一部分。
(Egypt) ( spoke in Arabic ): I would like to start by welcoming Mr. Romano Prodi, Chairman of the African Union-United Nations panel on modalities for support to African Union (AU) peacekeeping operations, and to thank him and the panel members for their efforts in preparing the report (S/2008/813) that we are considering today in the context of efforts to invigorate partnership between the United Nations and the AU, pursuant to Chapter VIII of the Charter and the Constitutive Act of the African Union.
然而,艾克普罗旺斯 上诉法院宣布上诉不予受理,剥夺提交人的这一机会。
While it would have been appropriate, as the State party notes, for the author to invoke these irregularities in his appeal, he had been deprived of the opportunity to do so, since the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal had declared the appeal inadmissible.
其间举办的一系列全港性和地区性宣传计划,旨 提 高 普罗 市 民对精神健康 的关注和认识,鼓励他们接纳精神病患者,并协助精神病康复者融入社会。
During the event, a series of territorywide and district-based publicity campaigns are launched to enhance the public’s understanding of mental health and encourage them to accept mental patients, with a view to facilitating the re-integration of persons recovering from mental illness into society.
最终结果是通过了 2007 年 3 月 28 日的联合国安全理事会主席声明(S/PRST/2007/7),一致通过了 1809(2008)号决 议并设立了罗马诺·普罗迪先生任主席的非洲联盟-联合国高级别小组,探讨 联合国和非洲联盟如何发掘各种可能性,增强由非洲联盟开展、由联合国委托的 和平行动的供资的可预测性、可持续性和灵活性。
It culminated with the adoption of a presidential statement on 28 March 2007 (S/PRST/2007/7), the unanimous passing of Security Council resolution 1809 (2008) and the establishment of an African Union-United Nations high-level panel chaired by Mr. Romano Prodi on how the United Nations and African Union could explore the possibility of enhancing the predictability, sustainability and flexibility of financing of United Nations-mandated peace operations undertaken by the African Union.
因此,多米尼加共和国认为,正如印度尼西亚代 表昨天以不结盟运动的名义指出的那样,美利坚合众 国和罗斯联邦在努力缔结《削武条约》后续协议时 必须考虑我们的多边裁军诺提供的 一切可能。
The Dominican Republic therefore believes, as the representative of Indonesia said yesterday on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, that the
United States of America and the
[...] Russian Federation, in their efforts to conclude a post-START agreement, must consider all the possibilities offered by our multilateral disarmament commitments.
在 1991 年诺罗敦·西 哈努克殿下和教科文组织总干 提 出 保 护吴哥窟的要求之后,在 教科文组织的协调下,柬埔寨从国际社会得到了技术和财务援助。
Following the requests made by HRH King Norodom Sihanouk and the Director-General of UNESCO in 1991 for the protection of Angkor, Cambodia, received technical and financial assistance from the international community under the coordination of UNESCO.
此外,我要感谢非洲联盟和平 与安全专员拉姆丹·拉马姆拉先生阁下;南非外长恩 科萨扎纳·德拉米尼·祖马女士阁下;以及理所当然 的小组主罗马诺·普罗迪先生阁下,感谢他们参加 这一重要而及时的辩论并发言。
In addition, I would like to thank His Excellency Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, Commissioner for Peace and Security of the African Union; Her Excellency Ms. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Foreign Minister of South Africa; and, of course, His Excellency Mr. Romano Prodi, Chairman of the panel, for their participation in and contributions to this important and timely debate.




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