单词 | 晤面 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 晤面—interview面晤—interview面晤verb—meetvSee also:晤—meet (socially)
因此正如他最近与黎巴嫩当局会晤时所指出的那 样,全面执行这些修正案紧迫而重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, as he [...] had pointed out in recent meetingswith the Lebanese authorities, [...]the full implementation of those amendments was urgent and crucial. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些律师得以与其受辩被告本人会面,他们的会晤有一位调查员在 场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Somewere unable to meet their clients privately, their meetings taking [...] place in the presence of an investigator. daccess-ods.un.org |
这方面值得一提的是,当安南先生同叙利亚对话 者进行密集会晤时,某些方面在伊斯坦布尔举行同安 南先生的计划平行的会议,明显企图绕过他的斡旋使 命和联合国的作用,并且会损害到这项特派任务所具 有的帮助叙利亚摆脱危机的作用和企图获得成功的 机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | holding intensive talks with his Syrian interlocutors, some parties were holding conferences in Istanbul in parallel to Mr. Annan’s plan, in a clear attempt to circumvent his mission and the role of the United Nations as well as to undermine the mission’s role and its chances of success in its attempt to help Syria emerge from the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年,希族塞人领 导人季米特里斯·克里斯托菲亚斯和土族塞人领导人麦赫麦特·阿里·塔拉特会晤,商定了全面解决的途径。这项协议还要求为审议与最终解决计划相关的 核心问题设立若干工作组,并为立即解决岛屿分裂所导致的日常问题设立技术 委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The agreement also entailed the establishment of a number of working groups to consider the core elements of a settlement plan and technical committees to seek immediate solutions to everyday problems arising from the division of the island. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组 2012 年 1 [...] 月同马里安全部队、情报来源、图阿雷格人和其他 居民代表(包括与自己团体直接会晤者)进行了面谈,据这些人员称,来自利比亚 的战斗人员形形色色:并不是所有人都同情马里北部的反叛活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to interviews conducted by the Panel in January 2012 with the Malian security forces, intelligence sources, [...] Tuareg and other civilian representatives, [...] including people who met directlywith those groups, [...]the fighters who arrived from [...]Libya are heterogeneous: not all sympathize with the rebellion dynamics in northern Mali. daccess-ods.un.org |
任务负责人表示,在国别访问期间,他们与国家人权机构有系统地进行会晤,但这方面的经验成败参半,特别是由于这种机构不管认证级别如何都有不同 [...] 程度的独立性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mandate holders stated that, during their country visits, [...] they systematically meetwithnational human [...]rights institutions, but their experience [...]was mixed, particularly since the institutions enjoyed varying degrees of independence, regardless of their accreditation level. daccess-ods.un.org |
调查团表示深为遗憾的是,尽管在2010年8月18 日进行了极为热烈的会 晤,以色列常驻代表在会晤结束时书面建议,以色列政府的立场是对调查团不承 认,不合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission expresses its profound regret that, notwithstanding a most cordial meeting on 18 August 2010, the [...] Permanent Representative of [...] Israel advised in writing attheendof themeeting that the position [...]of his Government was one [...]of non-recognition of, and non-cooperation with, the Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的特别代表会晤了最高级主教代理 和塞尔维亚东正教主教会议现任主席、都主教 Amfilohije 以及塞尔维亚科索沃 和梅托希亚事务部长,讨论了如下问题:如何保存和保护塞尔维亚宗教遗产,继 续由欧洲委员会领导的重建进程,并找到继续在这方面与贝尔格莱德和普里什蒂 纳进行对话的框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Special Representativemet with thecaretaker of the Patriarch and the current Chairperson of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Amfilohije, as well as with the Serbian Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, to discuss the preservation and protection of Serbian religious patrimony and the continuation of the reconstruction process led by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, as well as a framework within which to continue dialoguein thisarea with Belgrade and [...] Pristina. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们会在30分钟内接见准时出席核实配屋资格面晤的申请人。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We will conduct [...] the vetting interview within 30 minutes [...]of the appointed time if the applicants arrive on time. housingauthority.gov.hk |
在申请到达调查阶段时,我们会预先1星期前通知申请人核实配屋资格面晤的时间。 housingauthority.gov.hk | When an application reaches the investigation stage, we will give the applicant 1 week's advance [...] notice of the vetting interview. housingauthority.gov.hk |
具体而言,在制宪进程方面,与国会特别委员会的接触使全国非政府组 织协会得以监测宪政改革外联进程,并建立一个平台,以便民间社会组织定期会晤国会特别委员会,解决外联进程中报告的暴力和恐吓问题、分享信息和共同解 决问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular,related to theconstitution making process, engagement with the Parliamentary Select Committee allowed NANGO to monitor the constitutional reform outreach process and the creation of a platform where CSOs regularly meet the Parliamentary [...] Select Committee to [...]address reports of violence and intimidation in the outreach process, share information and jointly resolve problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
近两个星期以来,不断呼吁安理会采 取行动,解决危机,解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民遭受的苦难,经过一系列长时间 紧张会晤和磋商,包括部长级会晤和磋商,安理会通过了载有许多重要条款的第 1860(2009)号决议,其中呼吁刻不容缓地“立即实行持久的、受到全面尊重的停 火”,并“在加沙各地畅通无阻地提供和分发人道主义援助,包括食品、燃料和 医疗”。 daccess-ods.un.org | After nearly two weeks of incessant calls upon the Council to act to address the crisis and suffering being endured by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, [...] and after a long [...] series of intensivemeetings and consultations, including at the Ministerial level, the Council adopted resolution 1860 (2009), which, among many important provisions, calls in the immediate stage for “an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire” and “the unimpeded provision and distributionthroughout [...]Gaza of humanitarian [...]assistance, including food, fuel and medical treatment”. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 协调外交部与国内其他人权主管机构之间的关系,确定巴拉圭在人权 以及国际人道法方面的态度、立场和对外政策; (c) 配合巴拉圭参加人权及国际人道法方面的双边会晤和国际会议,并在 会议期间协助巴拉圭代表团开展工作 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Coordinate the inter-institutional relationship between the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and other State human rights institutions with a view to determining how Paraguay’s foreign policy in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law should be launched, positioned and conducted daccess-ods.un.org |
选举管理技术秘书处 通过面对面会晤开展了选民教育活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration conducted a voter [...] education campaign throughfaceto-facemeetings. daccess-ods.un.org |
在筹备设 立区域办事处方面,他会晤了在内罗毕、维也纳和 日内瓦的工作人员和管理层代表,并将在今后数月 中于圣地亚哥、曼谷、喀土穆和金沙萨举行类似的 会晤。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of preparations for the establishment of the regional offices,he had metstaff andmanagement [...] representatives [...]based in Nairobi, Vienna and Geneva, and similar meetings would be held in Santiago, Bangkok, Khartoum and Kinshasa in the coming months. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组或报告员除了进行书面交涉并会晤缔约国正式委派的代表以外,可向 来文提交人和受害人以及其他有关来源索要资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition towritten representations, meetings [...] with duly accredited representatives of the State party, a Working Group [...]or Rapporteur may seek information from the author(s) and victim(s) of the communications and other relevant sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界遗产委员会通过了 31 COM 7A.18 号决定,要求“世界遗产中心促成以色列、约旦 和耶路撒冷伊斯兰宗教财产委员会(Waqf)专家,在做出任何最后决定之前,举行技术层面的专业会晤,以便对已提出的 Mughrabi 坡道最后设计方案的具体细节进行讨论”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The World Heritage Committee adopted decision 31 COM 7A.18 by which it requested “the World Heritage Centre to facilitate the professional encounter at the technical level between Israeli, Jordanian and Waqf experts to discuss the detailed proposals for the proposed final design of the Mughrabi ascent, prior to any final decision”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
已交回入息申报表的住户,可能会被邀与「善用公屋资源分组」的职员面晤;或提供收入证明文件及其他相关资料,以核实他们所申报的收入。 housingauthority.gov.hk | After submission of the income [...] declaration forms, the households may be asked [...] to attend an interview withthe staff [...]of the PHRM, or provide documentary proof [...]of income and other related information for verification of their declared income. housingauthority.gov.hk |
人的安全 网鼓励安全理事会继续努力履行其在妇女与和平与 [...] 安全问题上的义务,特别是通过在授权或延长联合国 维和行动的决议中下达具体指示——秘书长在其报 告 ( 50H [...] S/2011/598*)中赞许地提到并鼓励这种做法;在 开展行动期间与妇女问题有关方面定期会晤;经常与 妇女署和负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表 [...]交换意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Human Security Network encourages the Security Council to continue its efforts to meet its women, peace and security obligations, in particular by means of issuing concrete instructions in resolutions mandating or renewing United Nations peacekeeping missions — a practice that the Secretary-General mentions approvingly and encourages in his report [...] (S/2011/598*); regular encounters with women [...] stakeholders during missions; and frequent exchanges [...]with UN-Women and the Special Representative [...]to the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一对话已有一个良好的开端,塞尔维亚和科索 沃双方代表之间迄今已举行三次面对面的会晤,其间 重点讨论了对科索沃居民日常生活而言影响重大的 [...] 问题上,包括民事登记、行动自由和电话。 daccess-ods.un.org | The dialogue has gotten off to a positive [...] start with three face-to-face meetings between the [...]Serbian and the Kosovo representatives [...]to date, during which discussions have focused on issues of importance to the day-to-day lives of Kosovo’s inhabitants, including civil registration, freedom of movement, and telephony. daccess-ods.un.org |
请世界遗产中心促进以色列、约旦和宗教公产的专家进行技术方面的专业会晤,在作出任何最后决定之前,对具体的建议展开讨论,从而提出 Mughrabi 坡路的最 终设计方案; 9. unesdoc.unesco.org | Asks the World Heritage Centre to facilitate the professional encounter at the technical level between Israeli, Jordanian and Waqf experts to discuss the detailed proposals for the proposed final design of the Mughrabi ascent, prior to any final decision unesdoc.unesco.org |
申请人在调查阶段的核实配屋资格面晤中提供齐备的资料後,我们会进行审查及核实,於2个月内通知申请人是否符合编配资格。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Upon submission of full information by the applicants during the vetting interviewat investigation stage, we will conduct checking and verification and advise the applicants on whether they are eligible for allocation within 2 months. housingauthority.gov.hk |