单词 | 晚期的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 晚期的 adjective—advanced adjExamples:(疾病)晚期的 adj—terminal adj See also:晚期—end stage • terminal • later period 晚 adj—late adj 晚 n—evening n • night n
在19世紀晚期的經濟及社會背景之下,進步人士主要來自企業精英及激進農民及工人政治運動, 他們倡議各種經濟、政治、社會及道德改革。 legco.gov.hk | Against the economic and social background of the late 19th century, Progressives who were mainly [...] comprised of business [...]elites and radical political movements of farmers and labourers advocated a wide range of economic, political, social and moral reforms. legco.gov.hk |
这幅 19 世纪晚期的 儿 童版副本属于美国 最高法院法官奥利弗·温德尔·霍尔姆斯所有。 wdl.org | This copy of a late-19th century children’s edition belonged to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. wdl.org |
昆士兰博物馆共进行了九次发掘,第一次始于 1983 年,这些发掘为人们了解十八世纪晚 期的欧洲 文化和航海生活打开了一个独特的窗口。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The first of nine excavations led by the Queensland Museum began in 1983, providing a unique window on late 18th century European culture and naval life at sea. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这幅 19 世纪晚期的 照片出自于美国国会图书馆收藏的弗兰克与弗朗西斯·卡彭特作品集。 wdl.org | This late-19th century photograph is [...] from the Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection at the Library of Congress. wdl.org |
这种症状主要见于声门上型、声门下型肿瘤患者和 中 晚期的 声 带 肿瘤患者。 asiancancer.com | This symptom is often caused by supraglottis laryngeal cancer, subglottis laryngeal cancer and mid-late glottis [...] laryngeal cancer. asiancancer.com |
沙 俄 晚 期 (1906-1917) 的 政 治 問 題 本 可 以 和 平 解 決 ﹐ 但 經 濟 問 題 則 不 可 。 hkahe.com | The political problems in late Tzarist Russia (1906-1917) could have been [...] solved peacefully, the economic ones could not. hkahe.com |
根据这些先贤的著述, 地区和国际性的联盟开展了众多项目,旨在建立严格的编目原则和规则——其结果就是诸如 1961年的《巴黎原则》(Paris [...] Principles)、1967年的《英美编目条例》(the Anglo-American Cataloguing [...] Rules, AACR)、1960年代晚期的MARC格 式、1971年的《国际标准书目著录:专 [...]著》(International Standard Bibliographic [...]Description (ISBD) for Monographic Publications)、 1996 年的《书目记录的功能需求》(Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, FRBR)、以及2010年的《资源的描述和检索》(Resource Description and Access, RDA)的这 些标准出版物。 conference.ifla.org | Drawing upon the works of these pioneers, regional and international consortia embarked on projects aimed at instituting rigorous cataloguing principles and rules, which subsequently resulted in such standards publications as the Paris Principles, 1961; the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules [...] (AACR), 1967; MAchine-Readable [...] Cataloguing (MARC), in the late 1960s; International [...]Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) [...]for Monographic Publications,1971; Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), 1996; and Resource Description and Access (RDA), 2010 (Denton, 2007). conference.ifla.org |
這是葉氏晚期的引人入勝的傑作,不是老套的題材, 布局也是新的。 e-yaji.com | The style is entirely borrowed from Zhou Leyuan, as was so much of Ye’s landscape style, and the debt is clear to see. e-yaji.com |
同时广州现代肿瘤医院为方便国外患者前来就诊,先后在越南、印尼、菲律宾、孟加拉、柬埔寨等国家设立了办事处,当谈及到为什么会选择在孟加拉国家建立广州现代肿瘤医院办事处时,王院长由衷感叹:“由于医疗技术水平发展有限,孟加拉 中 晚期的 肿 瘤 患者在本国内得不到有效治疗,而作为友邻国家,当我们的医疗科技得到提高时,理应给孟加拉患者帮助,这是他们的需要。 asiancancer.com | What’s more, in order to provide more convenience to the patients who want to have treatment in this hospital, branch offices in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh, and Cambodia were set up one by another,. When director Wang was asked why you [...] wanted to set up branch office in Bangladesh, he [...] sincerely answered that due to limited development of medical technology, many middle-late stage cancer patients [...]in Bangladesh can’t [...]get effective treatment; as a friendly neighboring country, we should help Bangladeshi patients when our medical technology was improved. asiancancer.com |
香港古物古蹟辦事處與中國社會科學院的考古研究部曾於1997年合作挖掘馬灣的考古遺跡,發現了不少珍貴,並具歷史價值的文物,如馬灣唐代灰窰、清代磚窰、新石器時 代 晚期的 馬 灣人生活歷史及物件,現放置在前身是馬灣芳園公立學校的芳園書室內展出,讓遊客了解早期馬灣居民的生活狀況。 e-cgo.org.hk | The Antiquities and Monuments Office and Institute of Archaeology and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have in 1977 work together in excavating the archeological vestige of Ma Wan, and have discovered numerous historical valuable cultural relics such as Tang Dynasty Lime Kiln and Ching Dynasty Brick Kiln of Ma Wan, [...] and history of life and items of Ma Wan [...] people at the Late Neolithic, which are now [...]placed at the previous Ma Wan Fong Yuen [...]Public School now known as Heritage Centre for exhibition, so that visitors can understand the living condition of early Ma Wan residents. e-cgo.org.hk |
早期肺癌应尽量施行根治性肺叶切除手术,在彻底切除原发癌灶和清除肺门淋巴结的同时,要尽量保留健康肺组织,以达到生存目的;较 为 晚期的 肺 癌 病人要尽量争取手术切除原发癌肿,尽可能切除已转移的淋巴结,同时辅以放射治疗和化学治疗以及其他肺癌治疗方法。 asiancancer.com | For patients with advanced lung cancer, surgery [...] should be tried to remove primary cancer and metastatic lymph nodes, supplementing [...]with radiotherapy and chemotherapy and other lung cancer treatment methods. asiancancer.com |
一如趙無極其他的晚期作品,《19.02.2005》融入藝術家充沛的情感與溫柔的沉思,令人聯想起他於2003年獻給妻子的《向梵思娃致敬23.10.2003》。 ravenelart.com | Like Zao [...] Wou-ki's other later works, "19.02.2005" embodies the artist's [...]strong emotion and contemplative reflection; in [...]particular, it brings to mind "Hommage à Françoise - 23.10.2003," a 2003 work that Zao dedicated to his wife. ravenelart.com |
化疗主要用于甲状腺癌分化差或未分化癌术后的辅助治疗,还可用于迅速恶 化 的晚期 甲 状 腺癌的姑息性治疗。 asiancancer.com | Apart from that, it can be the palliative therapy for the thyroid [...] cancer patients in late stage, whose condition [...]aggravates rapidly. asiancancer.com |
这个辉煌的文艺复兴时期风格的城堡 始建于1574年,17世 纪 晚期 , 城 堡 的 防 御 工事根据当时军事建筑的惯例得到了加强。 glifr.com | Work began on the construction of this outstanding Renaissance castle in 1574, and its defences were reinforced according to the canons of the period's military architecture in the late 17th century. glifr.com |
对于育龄早期 或育龄晚期生育子女的妇女 或因无法利用计划生育而生育间隔太近的妇女来说, 如果改善计划生育机会,童年死亡的风险就会减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | To the extent that women have children early or late in their [...] reproductive lives or too closely spaced because they lack [...]access to family planning, improving that access would reduce the risk of dying in childhood. daccess-ods.un.org |
拉帕替尼;其鹽類) 第 I 部附表 1 及附表 3 毒藥 此藥與卡培他濱混合使用,適 用於治療腫瘤過度表達 HER2,及曾接受包括蒽環類抗 生素、紫杉醇及曲妥珠單抗治 療的晚期或轉移性乳癌的病 人。 legco.gov.hk | This drug is used, in combination with capecitabine, for the treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer whose tumors overexpress HER2 and who have received prior therapy including an anthracycline, a taxane, and trastuzumab. legco.gov.hk |
位於擴展計劃 B 用地範圍內的曾咀考古地點 曾 挖掘出新 石器時 代晚期 ( 公元前 2500 至 1500 年 ) 的 文 物。 legco.gov.hk | The WENT B extension site covers the [...] Tsang Tsui Archaeological Site (TTAS) in which [...] archaeological relics of late Neolithic period (2500-1500 BC) were unearthed. legco.gov.hk |
在对所需资源进行了一次评估之后,管理委员会核准进行一次操作性的大幅 度增员,2009 年中期至晚期增聘的工作 人员大大提高了进行分析和调查以及处理 文件的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | After an evaluation of the required resources, an operational surge was approved by the Management Committee, and the additional staff recruited from mid- to late 2009 contributed greatly to the ability to carry out analysis and investigations and to process documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这个牙周病的晚期阶段 ,牙龈与牙齿发生分离,形成“牙周袋”,即牙齿和牙龈之间的小空隙。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In this later stage, the gum separates from the teeth and forms “pockets,” which are small spaces between your teeth and gums. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
许多国家采用这种办法,其中包括现在的发达国家,它们大多在 19 世 纪采用这种方式,也有一些一直用到 20 世纪晚期,直到最近东亚的一些 国家或地区(如 台湾和韩国)还在使用。 iprcommission.org | This approach was adopted by many countries which are now developed in the 19th Century, and for some until late in the 20th Century, and also in the East Asian countries (such as Taiwan and Korea) until relatively recently. iprcommission.org |
虽然最初被建议用作晚期食道 癌或支气管癌的缓解药物,但现在它已经成为可以有效治疗 早 晚期 腔 内肿 瘤 的 手 段 ,PDT已进入我们的医疗实践的各个方面,包括治疗早期呼吸消化道癌症的缓解疗法、诱导治疗和明确的干预措施。 tipschina.gov.cn | Although initially proposed as a [...] palliative tool in the [...] management of end-stage esophageal or bronchogenic carcinoma, it has emerged as a modality which can effectively treat early as well as advanced [...]endoluminal tumors, [...]PDT has been incorporated into all aspects of our practice, including palliation, induction therapy, and definitive intervention for early-stage cancers of the aerodigestive tract. tipschina.gov.cn |
60%至 90%的晚期癌症 病人有中度至严重程度疼痛,需要服用 这些止痛剂,大约有 85%感染艾滋病毒的人可能有未获治疗的疼痛。 daccess-ods.un.org | Between 60 to 90 per cent of patients with advanced cancer suffer from [...] moderate to severe pain requiring such analgesia, [...]and around 85 per cent of people living with HIV may have untreated pain. daccess-ods.un.org |
请注意,香港的入境条例要求怀孕 晚期 ( 28 周或以上 ) 的 中 华 人民共和国女性国民必须持有由香港医院发出的预约文件,证明已获安排入院,否则可能被港龙航空拒绝登机并被入境部门拒绝入境。 dragonair.com | Please note: It is a Hong Kong Immigration requirement that female [...] nationals of Mainland China [...] (People’s Republic) in advanced stages of pregnancy (28 weeks or [...]more), must hold a booking confirmation [...]certificate issued by a Hong Kong Hospital, proving arrangements for admission. dragonair.com |
值得注意的是,就 氟氯烃基准确定后(即 2010 年晚期或之后)提交的那些 氟氯烃淘汰管理计划而言,起点 的计算仅以既定基准为依据。 multilateralfund.org | It should be noted that for those HPMPs that were submitted after the HCFC baseline was established (i.e., in late 2010 or later), the calculation of the starting point was based only on the established baseline. multilateralfund.org |
碧璽鼻煙壺自從乾隆晚期就有 ,以和珅所收 藏 的 三 百 件為證 (張臨生1991,頁 40);但我們最近才開始把它們和二十世紀的碧璽煙壺分開研究,正確地認識它們的歷史意義。 e-yaji.com | That tourmaline bottles [...] existed from the late Qianlong period is proven by records of the [...]collection of three hundred owned [...]by Heshen at his death in 1799 (Chang Lin-sheng 1991, p. 40), but it is only recently that we have begun to separate them from their twentieth century counterparts and grant them the status they deserve. e-yaji.com |
据发表在2月27日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,一项对美国的乳腺癌趋势的分析发现,25-39岁妇 女 的晚期 乳 腺 癌发病率有了小幅但具有统计学意义的显著增加,但在老年妇女中却没有发现该发病率的相应增加。 chinese.eurekalert.org | An analysis of breast cancer trends in the U.S. finds a small but [...] statistically significant increase in [...] the incidence of advanced breast cancer [...]for women 25 to 39 years of age, without [...]a corresponding increase in older women, according to a study appearing in the February 27 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
正如前联合国大会主席扬·埃利亚松所说:“如果我们将重点从冲 突 的晚期 阶段 转到其早期阶段,如果我们在探测烟雾方面比在照顾一所已被烧毁的房子上 花更多的时间,那么联合国就会出现截然不同的情况”(A/60/PV.98,第 4 页)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the former President of the General Assembly, Jan Eliasson, proclaimed, “What a qualitative difference we could have in the United Nations if we moved the focus from the late stages of conflict to the early stages, if we were to spend more time on smoke detection rather than taking care of a house that has already burned down” (A/60/PV.98, p. 4). daccess-ods.un.org |
关切地注意到有将近有一千四百万艾滋病毒抗体阳性患者生活在中低收入国 [...] 家,尤其是在撒哈拉以南非洲,无法获得抗逆转录病毒疗法,估计有一百 万 的晚 期艾滋 病患者无法得到中度至重度疼痛治疗,同时,许多有需要者不能获得肺结 [...] 核和其他与艾滋病毒有关的机会性感染治疗 daccess-ods.un.org | people in low- and middle-income countries lack access to antiretroviral therapy, particularly [...] in sub-Saharan Africa, that an estimated [...] one million end-stage AIDS patients have [...]no access to treatment for moderate to [...]severe pain, and that many people in need fail to receive treatment for tuberculosis and other HIV-related opportunistic infections daccess-ods.un.org |