

单词 晏驾

See also:

surname Yan

your good self
surname Jia
draw (a cart etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

晏思·霍 夫曼1974年出生于哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞,是一位作家和展览组织者。
Born in 1974 in San José, Costa Rica, Jens Hoffmann is a writer and exhibition organizer.
若有必要,他们应请求相关主管部门就有关专 驾 驶人 员的双边/次区域签证安排进行谈判。
If necessary, they should request relevant authorities to negotiate bilateral/subregional visa
[...] arrangements for professional drivers.
事實上,我們看到很多低技術的 “打工仔”,他們的薪酬偏低,可說是“搵朝唔 晏 ”。
Actually, we can see that many low-skilled workers are receiving relatively low pay, and it can be said that they are unable to make ends meet.
主席女士,適當的 中 段 休 息時間, 不 單 止 可 令 僱 員 在 持續埋 首 工作五 六 個小時後 , 有“晏 填 肚 ” 的 機 會,滿 足 生理的需 要 , 也 可 讓他們放鬆 一 下 神 經,勞逸 結 合,恢 復精力 , 繼續有 效 率 地 投 入工作。
Madam President, proper rest breaks in the middle of work do not only allow employees to take meals after working for five or six hours continuously to satisfy their physiological needs, but also enable them to loosen up a bit, strike a right balance between work and rest, and restore energy, so as to carry on with their work efficiently.
因此,需要建立一种新的国际经济 秩序,将稳定和发展放在议程的首位,并减少金融 驾 在 实体部门之上的现 象。
In that context, there was a need for instituting a new international economic order that would put stability and development at the top of the agenda and reduce the predominance of finance over the real sector.
另一方面,安理会虽然未能就 2007 年 3 月提交的阿赫蒂萨里报告达成决定, 但鼓励努力对各方进行调解,尤其是当时安理会决定于 2007 年 4 月派遣一个由 安理会成员组成、由比利时代表约翰·韦贝克率领的代表团前往贝尔格莱德和普 里什蒂纳(2007 年 4 月 20 日,S/2007/220),并支持由联络小组建立的“ 驾马 车 ”(由欧洲联盟、美国和俄罗斯组成)所作出的对双方进行调解的各种尝试(自 2007 年 7 月至 12 月以来)。
On the other hand, although unable to reach a decision on the Ahtisaari report, referred to it in March 2007, the Council nevertheless encouraged attempts at mediation between the Parties, in particular when it decided to send a mission, made up of members of the Council and led by Johan C. Verbeke, representative of Belgium, to Belgrade and Pristina, in April 2007 (S/2007/220 of 20 April 2007), and when it supported the attempts by the troika (made up of the European Union, United States and Russia) created by the Contact Group to reconcile the two Parties (from July to December 2007).
佛山市港怡液压设备有限公司(原:佛山市禅城区液压设备元件公司),成立于1993年,主要代理台湾'达众DAUCHUNG'三大阀类(电磁阀、叠加阀、板阀),台湾“油升 YEOSHE”柱塞泵,台湾“益圣YEESEN”高中低压叶片泵,意大利“马祖奇MARZOCCHI” 高压齿轮泵,意大利EMMEGI风冷器,意大利迪普马DUPLOMATIC,美国怀特WHITE液压 马达,德国HYDROPA压力继电器,日本住友SUMITOMO,日 晏 裕 、台湾圣誉齿轮泵, 日本不二越,日本大金电磁阀,美国派克PARKER,德国“BOSCH博世力士乐”等液压元件。
(formerly: Foshan hydraulic equipment components company), established in 1993, the main agent in Taiwan 'of the public DAUCHUNG' three valves (solenoid valves, stack valves, plate valves), Taiwan's "oil-liter YEOSHE" piston, Taiwan's "Yi San YEESEN" high pressure pump, Italy "Mazu Qi MARZOCCHI" high-pressure gear pumps, Italy EMMEGI air cooler, Italy Di Puma DUPLOMATIC, the U.S. White hydraulic motors WHITE, Germany HYDROPA pressure relay, Japan Sumitomo SUMITOMO, Japan Yan Yu, Taiwan San reputation gear pump, Japan Fujio, Daikin solenoid valve, Parker PARKER, Germany "BOSCH Bosch Rexroth" and other hydraulic components.
主席,在這個問題上,今天在這個議事堂內,有人會感謝特首做 得好,有人會感謝局長,向他們言 晏晏 , 但 我真是 晏 唔 落 ”。
President, on this issue, today, some people in this Chamber would express their
gratitude to the Chief Executive and some would express their gratitude to
[...] the Secretary, with smiles and all kinds of niceties.
黃國健議員:代理主席,眾所周知,香港人工作時間之長,在世界上已 經名列前茅,大部分“打工仔”普遍“返得早、放 晏 ” ,幾乎每個“打工 仔 ”每天都要面對無償OT的問題,而我有需要說清楚OT多是無償的,我 相信“打工仔”未必太抗拒有償的OT。
Most wage earners go to work early but finish work late, and almost every wage earner has to work overtime without any compensation every day. I think I need to make it clear that overtime work is mostly uncompensated.
主席,上梁不正下梁歪,尹先生的說話,與3 000年晏 子的說話,遙遙呼應。
President, the bad example of leaders will surely be followed by their subordinates. The words of Mr WAN have echoed the words of Yanzi spoken 3 000 years ago.
亚洲国家可以充分受惠于全球燃料经济性倡议,其中主要重点是:(a) 收集、 分析和交流燃料经济性数据和分析,监控到 2050 年实现 50%改进的趋势和进展; (b)
[...] 的燃料经济性——这一部分的目的是启动全国性讨论和规划;(c) 标签要求(例 如检验标准驾驶周 期)的技术统一;(d) 通过全球数据库,向消费者和决策者 [...]
Asian countries can take full benefit of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative, the main priorities of which are to: (a) collect, analyse and communicate data and analysis on the fuel economy, and monitor trends and progress towards a 50 per cent improvement by 2050; (b) promote and support the development of national fuel economy policies that encourage fuel economy improvements over time for vehicles produced and/or sold in-country — this component aims to serve in opening the door to national discussions and planning; (c) technical
harmonization of labelling requirements, testing
[...] standards and drive cycles, for example; [...]
and (d) provide consumers and decision
makers with information on options, costs and available resources to improve fleet performance and reduce emissions through a global database.
大量道路交通死伤案件可通过消除主要起因加以预防,包括超速、不使用安 全带和儿童约束装置、酒驾驶、两轮和三轮机动 驾 驶 员 不带头盔、道路设计 欠佳和保养不当、基础设施和车辆不安全以及创伤护理不当。
Significant numbers of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be prevented by addressing the leading causes, which include excess speed,
lack of seat-belt and child
[...] restraint use, drinking and driving, lack of helmet use by riders [...]
on two-wheel and three-wheel
motorized vehicles, poorly designed and inadequately maintained roads, unsafe infrastructure and vehicles, and inadequate trauma care.
附件 2 載有工務小組委員會在同一會議上就 36BA 號工程計劃「在 旺晏架街興建設有救護總區總部和消防安全總區總部的旺角救護車 站」所提的建議。
With regard to Enclosure 2, PWSC Members agreed that the recommendation on 36BA “Mong Kok ambulance depot with Ambulance Command and Fire Safety Command Headquarters at Anchor Street, Mong Kok” made on 26 February 2003 be submitted to the Finance Committee separately to facilitate voting on the subject.
7 月 25 日應王冠超與王敏霞夫婦的愛心邀請,在他們家美侖美奐的後花園裡舉辦 了暑期中的烤肉晏,香噴噴的各式燒烤,精美甜點,什錦水果外尚加每家的拿手私房 菜,真是色香味齊全的美味大餐。
Different grilled meats, delicately made desserts, and various fruits complemented the specialty dishes brought by each family to make a hearty feast.
2012年7月,碳信息披露项目CDP中国区主任李茹松与碳阻迹公司总经 晏 路 辉举行正式会晤,就双方在中国企业碳排放管理以及披露等领域展开探讨,并达成多项合作意向。
In July 2012, the director of CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) China Rusong Li had a meeting with Carbon Stop CEO Luhui Yan, in which enterprises’ carbon emission management and disclosure in China were discussed and cooperation was made.
副研究員 劉晏、蕭輔沛、研究員 葉勇凱 主任 張國鎮、組長 黃世建、宋裕祺 纖維強化塑膠(Fiber-Reinforced Plastic, FRP)複合材料,具有 輕質量、高強度、耐腐蝕、以及材料抗疲勞等優勢,經數十年來 之逐漸演進,早已廣泛作為各種運動用具、管道、造船、汽車與 電子等產品之製造原料。而此材料在土木、結構工程方面之研究 發展,國內諸多學者於理論研究及應用層面上已投入相當努力, 也得到不少研究成果,但在實際應用及材料認同層面相對較少著 [...] [...]
墨,而反觀國外先進國家運用 FRP 材料在土木及結構方面之研究 發展,不論在土木領域上使用的認知、相關規範的建立、以及於 各項工程上的實際應用,皆有相當豐富的經驗及研究成果,為值 得我國工程領域專家學習效仿之對象。
In the USA, Europe, Canada, and Japan, various guidelines, codes and standards for the application of FRPs in civil engineering have been developed, which is also an important objective and direction for us.
事實上,很多“打工仔”現時仍然面對失業、開工不足,以及人工 太低等問題,而失業時間越長、開工不足的情況持續、或是工資過低,都會 令強積金的供款越少,退休後所得到的保障相對較少,可以想像這羣“打工 仔”很多時候都是“搵朝唔晏”, 不會有太多的儲蓄,這類“打工仔”正 正是最有需要得到退休保障的人。
It can be imagined that very often these wage earners just live from hand to mouth and they would not have too much savings.
Grant Bowie, 及中國旅遊飯店業協會副會長—晏 平 先 生等高級管理人員於會上分享及討論有關亞太區酒店業的最新趨勢、挑戰及中國酒店業、旅遊業及出境旅遊等主要關注問題。
And, in view of the hotel and tourism boom in China, interesting and highly anticipated topics relating to China hotel industry will also be addressed by the China Tourist Hotels Association.




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