单词 | 晏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 晏—surname YanExamples:河清海晏—the world is at peace [idiom.] the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm 晏驾—die (exclusively of the Emperor)
主席,在这个问题上,今天在这个议事堂内,有人会感谢特首做 得好,有人会感谢局长,向他们言笑晏晏,但我真是“晏唔落”。 legco.gov.hk | President, on this issue, today, some people in this Chamber would express their [...] gratitude to the Chief Executive and some would express their gratitude to [...] the Secretary, withsmilesand all kinds of niceties. legco.gov.hk |
晏思·霍夫曼1974年出生于哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞,是一位作家和展览组织者。 shanghaibiennale.org | Born in 1974 in San José, Costa Rica, Jens Hoffmann is a writer and exhibition organizer. shanghaibiennale.org |
事实上,我们看到很多低技术的 “打工仔”,他们的薪酬偏低,可说是“搵朝唔得晏”。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, we can see that many low-skilled workers are receiving relatively low pay, and it can be said that they are unable to make endsmeet. legco.gov.hk |
主席,上梁不正下梁歪,尹先生的说话,与3 000年前晏子的说话,遥遥呼应。 legco.gov.hk | President, the bad example of leaders will surely be followed by their subordinates. The words of Mr WAN have echoed the words of Yanzi spoken 3 000 years ago. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,适当的 中 段 休 息时间, 不 单 止 可 令 雇 员 在 持续埋 首 工作五 六 个小时後 , 有“食晏填肚” 的 机 会,满 足 生理的需 要 , 也 可 让他们放松 一 下 神 经,劳逸 结 合,恢 复精力 , 继续有 效 率 地 投 入工作。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, proper rest breaks in the middle of work do not only allow employees to take meals afterworking for five or six hours continuously to satisfy their physiological needs, but also enable them to loosen up a bit, strike a right balance between work and rest, and restore energy, so as to carry on with their work efficiently. legco.gov.hk |
佛山市港怡液压设备有限公司(原:佛山市禅城区液压设备元件公司),成立于1993年,主要代理台湾'达众DAUCHUNG'三大阀类(电磁阀、叠加阀、板阀),台湾“油升 YEOSHE”柱塞泵,台湾“益圣YEESEN”高中低压叶片泵,意大利“马祖奇MARZOCCHI” 高压齿轮泵,意大利EMMEGI风冷器,意大利迪普马DUPLOMATIC,美国怀特WHITE液压 马达,德国HYDROPA压力继电器,日本住友SUMITOMO,日本晏裕、台湾圣誉齿轮泵, 日本不二越,日本大金电磁阀,美国派克PARKER,德国“BOSCH博世力士乐”等液压元件。 dfdcf.com | (formerly: Foshan hydraulic equipment components company), established in 1993, the main agent in Taiwan 'of the public DAUCHUNG' three valves (solenoid valves, stack valves, plate valves), Taiwan's "oil-liter YEOSHE" piston, Taiwan's "Yi San YEESEN" high pressure pump, Italy "Mazu Qi MARZOCCHI" high-pressure gear pumps, Italy EMMEGI air cooler, Italy Di Puma DUPLOMATIC, the U.S. White hydraulic motors WHITE, Germany HYDROPApressure relay, Japan Sumitomo SUMITOMO, Japan Yan Yu, Taiwan San reputation gear pump, Japan Fujio, Daikin solenoid valve, Parker PARKER, Germany "BOSCH Bosch Rexroth" and other hydraulic components. dfdcf.com |
黄国健议员:代理主席,众所周知,香港人工作时间之长,在世界上已 经名列前茅,大部分“打工仔”普遍“返得早、放得晏”,几乎每个“打工 仔 ”每天都要面对无偿OT的问题,而我有需要说清楚OT多是无偿的,我 相信“打工仔”未必太抗拒有偿的OT。 legco.gov.hk | Most wage earners go to work early but finish work late, and almost every wage earner has to work overtime without any compensation every day. I think I need to make it clear that overtime work is mostly uncompensated. legco.gov.hk |
附件 2 载有工务小组委员会在同一会议上就 36BA 号工程计划「在 旺角晏架街兴建设有救护总区总部和消防安全总区总部的旺角救护车 站」所提的建议。 legco.gov.hk | With regard to Enclosure 2, PWSC Members agreed that the recommendation on 36BA “Mong Kok ambulance depot with Ambulance Command and Fire Safety Command Headquarters at Anchor Street, Mong Kok” made on 26 February 2003 be submitted to the Finance Committee separately to facilitate voting on the subject. legco.gov.hk |
7 月 25 日应王冠超与王敏霞夫妇的爱心邀请,在他们家美仑美奂的後花园里举办 了暑期中的烤肉爱晏,香喷喷的各式烧烤,精美甜点,什锦水果外尚加每家的拿手私房 菜,真是色香味齐全的美味大餐。 mccc.org | Different grilled meats, delicately made desserts, and various fruits complemented the specialty dishes brought by each family to make a hearty feast. mccc.org |
2012年7月,碳信息披露项目CDP中国区主任李茹松与碳阻迹公司总经理晏路辉举行正式会晤,就双方在中国企业碳排放管理以及披露等领域展开探讨,并达成多项合作意向。 tanzuji.com.cn | In July 2012, the director of CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) China Rusong Li had a meeting with Carbon Stop CEO Luhui Yan, in which enterprises’ carbon emission management and disclosure in China were discussed and cooperation was made. en.tanzuji.com.cn |
副研究员 刘光晏、萧辅沛、研究员 叶勇凯 主任 张国镇、组长 黄世建、宋裕祺 纤维强化塑胶(Fiber-Reinforced Plastic, FRP)复合材料,具有 轻质量、高强度、耐腐蚀、以及材料抗疲劳等优势,经数十年来 之逐渐演进,早已广泛作为各种运动用具、管道、造船、汽车与 电子等产品之制造原料。而此材料在土木、结构工程方面之研究 发展,国内诸多学者於理论研究及应用层面上已投入相当努力, 也得到不少研究成果,但在实际应用及材料认同层面相对较少着 [...][...] 墨,而反观国外先进国家运用 FRP 材料在土木及结构方面之研究 发展,不论在土木领域上使用的认知、相关规范的建立、以及於 各项工程上的实际应用,皆有相当丰富的经验及研究成果,为值 得我国工程领域专家学习效仿之对象。 ncree.org | In the USA, Europe, Canada, and Japan, various guidelines, codes and standards for the application of FRPs in civil engineering have been developed, which is also an important objective and direction for us. ncree.org |
事实上,很多“打工仔”现时仍然面对失业、开工不足,以及人工 太低等问题,而失业时间越长、开工不足的情况持续、或是工资过低,都会 令强积金的供款越少,退休後所得到的保障相对较少,可以想像这羣“打工 仔”很多时候都是“搵朝唔得晏”,不会有太多的储蓄,这类“打工仔”正 正是最有需要得到退休保障的人。 legco.gov.hk | It can be imagined that very often these wage earners just live from hand to mouth and they would not have too much savings. legco.gov.hk |
Grant Bowie, 及中国旅游饭店业协会副会长—奚晏平先生等高级管理人员於会上分享及讨论有关亚太区酒店业的最新趋势、挑战及中国酒店业、旅游业及出境旅游等主要关注问题。 ipress.com.hk | And, in view of the hotel and tourism boom in China, interesting and highly anticipated topics relating to China hotel industry will also be addressed by the China Tourist Hotels Association. ipress.com.hk |