

单词 显色性

See also:


dominant (gene)

External sources (not reviewed)

新型光源-无极灯基本上可以认为等同 显色性 指 数 为80、色温为4100K的荧光灯(如下表中T8光源)。
Induction lamp, the new light source, is basically
regarded as the fluorescent
[...] lamp with 80 color rendering index and 4100K color temperature [...]
(such as T8 light source in the following chart).
这些光源,尤其是白色的光源,具有独特的高光效、颜色一致性和 显色性 的 组 合特性。
These light sources, particularly in white, have a unique combination of luminous efficacy, colour tolerance and colour rendering.
这种方法,不仅提高了光效,而且由于选用了粒经合适且粒经分布窄的荧光材料,有效地改善了灯管的光色 显色性 , 提 高了光通维持率和使用寿命。
Such means not only improved the lighting color but also efficiently improved the light color and rendering of the lamp and increased luminous flux
maintenance and use term after adopting flourescent material with
[...] appropriate grain dimension and narrow-distributed grains.
Cree 的
[...] ML-E 系列产品具有高流明输出与出色 显色性 , 有 助于走线灯具设计师随时了解 Cree [...]
Cree's ML-E series, which yields superior
[...] lumen output and color rendering, helps designers [...]
of linear light fixtures immediately
see the Cree product perform in their applications.
之所以选择锐高的OLED模组,是因为他们的OLED产品 显色性 和 设 计理念而言均非常出色。
Tridonic's OLED modules were chosen because their OLEDs were able to impress
[...] in terms of colour rendering and design.
以对环境友好型社会和创新照明的不懈追求,早在2000年以前,神谷茂先生即预见到,21世纪的前50年里一定会出现更理想的新光源,而这种光源则与电子器件和电子线路的进步密切相关,并预测了两种未来理想新光源,一种是半导体发光二级管,而另一种就是无极放电光源,即无极灯,光 性 、 显色性 都 将 较传统照明明显提高,且节能耗、无污染。
In hot pursuit of environment-friendly society and innovative lighting, around the year 2000, Mr. Shen Gumao predicted that a better new illuminant must appear in the early 50 years of the 21st century, which is closely connected with the progress of electron device and electronic circuit; and he also forecasted that there would be two excellent illuminants in the future, one of them, the semiconductor LED, and the other one, electrodeless discharge
illuminant, namely induction lamp, whose
[...] lighting effect and color rendering would obviously [...]
be increased in comparison with traditional
lights and which would be energy-saving and pollution-free.
配用本公司LVD土星无极灯,具有发光效率高、寿命长 显色性 好 、 光线稳定、无闪烁、节能、色温范围广、光线柔和、光输出稳定等特点。
Equipped with our Company’s Saturn LVD induction lamp; high luminous
efficiency, long use-life,
[...] excellent color rendering, stable ray and no flash, energy saving, wide color temperature [...]
, soft ray, stable light output, etc.
由于解决了以上技术难题,使宏源研发的无极灯具有超长的寿命、高节能、高可靠性、高功率因数、高光效、 显色性 、 低 谐波含量、低温启动、恒功率输出、宽温度范围、光亮无闪烁等特点,特别是其无线电骚扰特性完全符合IEC的标准。
After overcoming the above technical difficulties, the Hongyuan induction lamps include features of over-long use term, high
energy-saving, high reliability, high power rate factor, high
[...] light effect, high color rendering, low harmonic [...]
content, staring
at a low temperature, steady power delivery, wide temperature range and no flashing in light, especially its radio disturbance characteristics absolutely matching IEC standards.
天黑后,在人们经常集中的商业区域或地方,白光优良 显色性 使 得 其在市区路灯照明成为最受欢迎的选择。
As night falls, people often get together in
commercial districts or places when the
[...] excellent white color rendering is the best [...]
choice in downtown streets lighting.
无极灯融合光、电、磁等先进技术于一身,是一种代表照明技术高光效、长寿命、 显色性 未 来 发展方向的新型光源,它引领的绿色照明与倡导资源节约型、环境友好型社会的趋势相契合,市场前景与潜力不可估量。
It is a new illuminant that represents high light effect, long-term
[...] use and high color rendering in future development. [...]
It meets the trend of building
environment-friendly lighting and resource-saving society, which shows great market prospect and limitless potential.
无极灯——融合光、电、磁等先进技术于一身,是一种代表照明技术高光效、长寿命、 显色性 未 来发展方向的新型光源,在全球倡导绿色节能、改造传统光源的当前,作为新型光源的重要代表,其市场前景与潜力必将无限广阔。
The induction lamp, integrating light, electricity and magnetism, is a new illuminant that represents the future development direction with high lighting effect, long-term use and high color rendering.
球形氙灯(又称短弧氙灯)是一种具有极高亮度的点光源,色温为6000K左右,光色接近太阳光,是目前气体放电灯 显色性 最 好的一种光源,被广泛地用于电影放映、民用探照、火车车头以及模拟日光等领域。
spherical xenon lamp (also known as short-arc xenon lamp) is a point light source with high brightness, color
temperature around 6000K, the light color close to the sun, the gas discharge lamp
[...] is in the best color rendering of a light source, [...]
is widely used for
film screenings, civilian illumination, train locomotives and simulated sunlight and other fields.
柯达 TRACELESS 变色油墨可以提供七种色对, 十分抢眼,同时能为您的包装提 显性 验 证 功能。
Available in seven color pairs, KODAK TRACELESS Color Shifting Inks provide an overt authentication [...]
feature to your packaging
with an attractive eye-catching appeal.
种族主义行为可能不只显性的, 如根据种族或 色 对 待 一些人;但也有隐蔽性的,如当社会系统性地根据一些歧视判断形式对待一些群簇。
Racist behaviour can be not just overt,
such as treating some
[...] people according to their race or colour, but also covert, when society [...]
systematically treats groups
according to some form of discriminating judgement.
立法令我們不會明知故犯㆒些違法的行為,代表了我們彼此之間 的㆒份協議,不會因個㆟的色、性 別 或 年齡而拒絕給與他㆟改善生活的機會。
Legislation serves as a reminder of not to do what we all know is wrong and represents a social contract
among all of us under which we will not deny one and other the opportunity to a
[...] better life because of colour, sex or age.
目前拥有佳家利建筑用生态纳米液晶膜,纳力宝汽车用生态纳米液晶膜,佳隆纳米基础材料,佳隆纳米石墨材料;显示器件用“三防”纳米涂层材料(ATO),高导 性 铟 锡氧化物纳米透明涂层防眩液(ITO),透明导电低辐射玻璃用纳米涂层材料, 色显 示 管 锥体内导电涂料(内涂石墨),显示器件用荧光屏黑底涂料,具有生物 性 的 纳 米保健品,纳米导电浆料等8个品种;这些产品满足了不同地区的节能环境需求,填补了国内市场空缺并在市场上火爆畅销。
At present, we have 8 products such as Nalybol Nano Energy-saving & Anti-UV Solution, Nalybol Nano Energy-saving & Anti-UV Glass, Tri-Anti Nano
coating Material for
[...] Display (ATO), High Conductivity ITO(indium tin oxide) Nano Transparent Coating Solution, Transparent, Conductive and Low Emission Nano Coating Material for Glass, Internal Conductive Coating for Colorful Display Tube Cone, Black Matrix Coating for Display [...]
Phosphor Screen,
Bioactive Nano Health Care Products and Nano Conductive Paste etc; We have 11 types in Nalybol Nano Energy-saving & Anti-UV Solution, which meet the demands of different regions for energy conservation, fill the gap in domestic market and become the best selling product.
立迪思公司的产品包括色显示屏 驱动器(移动消费电子产品中的关键显示部件)、LED驱动器(提供控制级别电流,驱动移动背光应用等不同应用中的发光二级管)、电源管理集成电路产品(包括LDO、LDO控制器、并联参考、热开关、电流调节器和电池充电控制器)以及触摸控制器集成电路产品,这些产品支持移动及非移动应用中的高可 性 触 摸 输入控制,以及备受欢迎的工业设计选择。
Leadis' product
[...] offerings include color display drivers, which are critical components of displays used in mobile consumer electronic devices; LED drivers, which provide controlled levels of current required to drive light emitting diodes in diverse applications including mobile backlight units; power management ICs including LDOs, LDO controllers, shunt references, thermal switches, current regulators, and battery charger controllers; and touch controller ICs, which enable highly reliable touch-based input [...]
controls and attractive industrial design options for both mobile and non-mobile applications.
该项加密技术的创新应用是指:通过一种专 显色 反 应 来快速鉴定Jaguar®产品的真 性 , 从而保障消费者能放心地使用真正的Jaguar®产品,进而体验到Jaguar®产品所提供的健康舒适感。
This innovative use of technology will allow for instant detection of genuine
Jaguar® products
[...] through a proprietary color reaction, and therefore guarantees the authenticity of our products [...]
and safety in their
use for the consumers’ health and well-being.
拥有一个支持SQL语法色显示, 智能提示,文本编辑和查找的SQL编辑器。
Have a display that supports SQL syntax coloring , intellisense [...]
, text editor and find the SQL editor .
WaveAce™ 1000 和 2000 系列示波器 - Teledyne LeCroy 的 WaveAce™ 示波器結合了长波形存储器、色显 示 屏 、全面测量能力、高级触发和优异的连 性 , 提 升了故障排除能力并缩短了调试时间。
WaveAce™ 1000 and 2000 Series Oscilloscopes - Teledyne
LeCroy's WaveAce™ combines
[...] long memory, a color display, extensive measurement capabilities, advanced triggering and excellent connectivity to improve troubleshooting [...]
and shorten debug time.
It provides a syntax coloring display , syntax check [...]
, content assistance features such as editors and other used to create
ActionScript2.0 and compile the SWF file all the necessary aids .
A.1 本公約每一締 約國承擔尊重和保證在其領土內和受其管轄 的一切
[...] 個人享 有本公約所承認的權利,不分種族、色、性 別、語 言 、 宗教、政治或其他見解、國 籍 [...]
或 社 會出身、財產 、 出生或其他身 分等 任何區別。
A.1 Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present
Covenant, without distinction of any
[...] kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, [...]
political or other opinion, national
or social origin, property, birth or other status.
具有性色的照片可能需要调整 “颜色阈值”或 “颜色数量”值才可正确采集。
Photos with neutral colors may require adjustments to the Color Threshold [...]
or Color Amount values in order to be captured correctly.
索马里一揽子计划的重要性和复性显 示, 迫切需要一名 P-4 级政治事务干事,以支助发挥领导作用和开展协调,这对 于维和部履行相关安全理事会授权的任务是至关重要的。
The importance and complexity of the Somalia portfolio has demonstrated the critical need for a Political Affairs Officer at the P-4 level to support the leadership role and coordination vital to the performance of DPKO tasks under the relevant Security Council mandates.
[...] Willow(TM)玻璃生产触控面板模组设计的R2R设备,康宁(R) Willow(TM)玻璃是一种性显示器 等级的玻璃基板。
Using ITRI's development experience on R2R processing of plastic substrates, combined with Corning's expertise in glass handling, ITRI and Corning developed specially designed
R2R machines that produced touch panel modules on Corning(R) Willow(TM)
[...] Glass, a flexible display-grade glass substrate.
正如《囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则》一样,鉴于世界各地的法律、社会、经 济和地理状况存在巨大的多性,显 而 易 见,下文的所有规则并非在所有地方、 [...]
As with the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, in view of the great variety of legal,
social, economic and geographical conditions
[...] worldwide, it is evident that not all of [...]
the following rules can be equally applied
in all places and at all times.
国家必须确保贫困高风险群体,包括通常因种族、 色 、 性 别 、语言、宗 教、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等原因而处 [...]
境不利和受歧视的群体,不仅在所有事关他们的决策过程中有充分的代表,而且 权能得到增强并得到支持以表达自己的意见。
States must ensure that groups at higher risk of falling into poverty, including those who commonly
experience disadvantage and
[...] discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, [...]
political or other opinion, national
or social origin, property, birth or other status, are not only adequately represented in all decision-making processes that affect them but also empowered and supported to express their views.
(e) 请酌情尽可能多地提供有关贵国教育机会的图表和数据(包括文盲率,初等教
[...] 育、各种形式的中等教育、高等教育的毛入学率及辍学和毕业率,参加成人教育 和终身教育计划人数、应当接受义务教育年龄段的失学儿童人数以及合格教师人 数),按《公约》和《建议书》禁止的歧视理由分列(“种族、 色 、 性 别 、语 言、宗教、政治或其他见解、国籍或社会出身、经济条件或出生”)。
(e) Please provide, as much as possible and as appropriate, figures and data concerning educational opportunities in your country (regarding literacy rate, gross enrolment ratio in primary education, secondary education in its different forms, higher education as well as drop out and completion rates, the number of participants in adult/continuing education programmes, out-of school children of compulsory
school age and trained teachers),
[...] disaggregated on the grounds of discrimination prohibited by the Convention and the Recommendation (“race, colour, sex, language, religion, [...]
political or other
opinion, national or social origin, economic condition or birth”).
在冈比亚,每一个人,无论其种 族、色、性别、 语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会根底、财产情 [...]
况、出身或其他身份如何,在尊重他人的权利和自由和公共利益的前提下,都有 权享有本章所载的基本人权和个人自由。
Every person in The Gambia,
[...] whatever his or her race, colour, gender, language, religion, [...]
political or other opinion, national
or social origin, property, birth or other status, shall be entitled to the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the individual contained in this Chapter, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest.
考虑到《世界人权宣言》宣布人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等,人 人有资格享受《宣言》所载的一切权利和自由,不作种族、 色 、 性 别 、 语言、 宗教、政治或其他见解、民族本源或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等任何区 别,重申民主、发展和尊重人权及基本自由是相互依存和相互强化的,民主的基
Considering that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set out therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status




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