单词 | 显着 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 显着noun—significantn显着adjective—obviousadj显着adverb—significantlyadv显着—remarkable notable outstanding statistically significant
尽 管新做按揭增长强劲,然而由於物业市道活跃,提 前 还款亦显着增加。 hangseng.com.cn | Despite the strong growth in new mortgages drawdown, early repayment rose significantly in an active property market. hangseng.com.cn |
蒸饭、汤麫和粥等主要 食糧的丙烯酰胺含量则并不显着。 cfs.gov.hk | On the other hand, staple food of steamed rice, soup noodles and congee were not [...] found to contain appreciable amount of acrylamide. cfs.gov.hk |
本公司未显着集中与 单一客户或单一交易相对人及类似之 地方区域进行交易。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The Corporation does not rely significantly on single transaction and transact with single client or in the same region. english.taiwanmobile.com |
城 乡 居 民 收 入 日 益 提 高,使 个 人 卫 生 用 品 需 求 持 续 扩 大,优 质 生 活 用 纸 产 品 需 求 增 长 更为显 着,为维 达 国 际 缔 造 了 有 利 的 经 营 环 境。 vindapaper.com | The growing demand for personal hygiene products, especially the substantial increase in the need for quality household paper products, driven by the sustained rise in rural and urban income has provided Vinda International with a favorable operating environment. vindapaper.com |
这市场亦对价格敏感及显着的价格波幅 影响合约表现。 southgobi.com | This market has also been price sensitive and significant price volatility impacts contract performance. southgobi.com |
虽然Glencore会因 应市场环境变化而调整其最低内部资金流动性额度目标,但其流动性仍可由於非其能够控 [...] 制的情况而受到影响,这些情况包括整体市场中断、商品价格显着上升或可影响其供应商 或客户以至本身的营运上问题等。 glencore.com | While Glencore adjusts its minimum internal liquidity targets in response to changes in market conditions, its liquidity may be impaired due to circumstances it is unable to control, such as [...] general market disruptions, sharp [...] increases in the prices of commodities or [...]an operational problem that affects its suppliers or customers or itself. glencore.com |
由於现时很多长者只领取高龄津贴,相信全民退休金计划可以显着地长者的生活水平。 procommons.org.hk | Given that most of the elders only receive OAA right now, OAP can help enhance the living standard of all elderly people substantially. procommons.org.hk |
显着之差异主要涉及下列项目,以及根据美国会计原则 而考虑须予以调整之年内溢利(收入净额)及股东资金(股东权益),详情列於下表。 asiasat.com | The significant differences relating principally to the following items and the adjustments considered necessary to restate profit for the year (net income) and shareholders’ funds (shareholders’ equity) in accordance with US GAAP are shown in the tables set out below. asiasat.com |
(b) 每间工厂内用於发生火灾时逃生的消防通道的每扇窗、门或其他出口(作 为一般用途的出口除外)应以大部分工人能理解的语言作出显着标记,标 记应采用较大的红色字符,或以其他有效且清晰易懂的符号予以标记。 cre8ir.com | (b) In every factory every window, door, or other exit affording means of escape in case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinary use, shall be distinctivelymarked ina language understood by the majority of the workers and in red letters of adequate size or by some other effective and clearly understood sign. cre8ir.com |
尽管基金会在过去五年来显着成长,其内部人员仍全部由全义工性质担任,以期让行政开 支仅占总收入的2%。 khyentsefoundation.org | In spite of its significant growth during the past five years, the Foundation continues to be staffed by an all-volunteer team, and is able to maintain administration costs at 2% of revenue. khyentsefoundation.org |
就地区方面,北美地区销售稳固,而在亚洲地区,包括中国大陆和 台湾,呈现了最爲显着的成长。 cre8ir.com | On a regional basis, revenue from North America remains solid, while revenue from the Asia Pacific region, including Mainland China and Taiwan, has seen the highest growth. cre8ir.com |
(A) 受第 180(B)条的规限,按本细则给予或发出的任何通告或文件须为 书面形式,可由本公司亲身或透过已妥为预付邮资并已按股东名册所 示股东登记地址注明地址的信封或包裹邮寄给任何股东,或寄发或放 [...] 置於上述登记地址,或(倘为通告)於报章刊登广告方式或於注册办 事处及总办事处显着位置展示有关通告。 embrygroup.com | (A) Subject to Article 180(B), any notice or document to be given or issued under these Articles shall be in writing, and may be served by the Company on any shareholder either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to such shareholder at his registered address as appearing in the register or by delivering or leaving it at such registered address as aforesaid or (in the case of a notice) by [...] advertisement in the Newspapers or displaying the [...] relevantnoticeconspicuously at the Registered [...]Office and the Head Office. embrygroup.com |
该套系统成效显着,因而其他於中国及香港之高端综合影院亦已开 始安装由本集团供应之类似系统。 gdc-world.com | The installed system is so successful that other high-end cinema multiplexes in the PRC and Hong Kong have also begun installing the similar system supplied by the Group. gdc-world.com |
凭藉本集团於香港、上海、北京、新加坡及吉隆坡的高档住宅、甲级写字楼、豪华酒店及服务式公寓市 场享有显着地位,加上稳建的资产负债表,将有助我们在该等市场中挑选具吸引力的发展及投资机会。 wingtaiproperties.com | Our solid balance sheet will enable us to seek out attractive development and investment opportunities in premium residences, Grade A offices, luxury hotels and service apartments in markets where the Group has already established a significant presence operationally, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. wingtaiproperties.com |
即便该等款项在合约上已超过其应付日期,但鉴於相关交易 对手的信贷质素并无显着变更,该等款项并不会被视为减损款项,且由於考虑到通常支付方式以及在诸多情况下存在的抵销应收账款 [...] 余额的因素,其仍被认作可收回款项。 glencore.com | Such receivables, although contractually past their due dates, are not [...] considered impaired as there has not been a [...] significant changein credit quality of the [...]relevant counterparty, and the amounts are [...]still considered recoverable taking into account customary payment patterns and in many cases, offsetting accounts payable balances. glencore.com |
与传统手机比较,智能手机的显着特徵是可以随时随意毫无困难地更换手机外壳而变得 时尚,也令智能手机变得独特而又个性化。 pcpd.org.hk | To compare with the traditional mobile phone, a remarkable feature that makes smartphone fashionable is that user can change the suitcase of smartphone at anytime without difficulty and it makes the smartphone to be more personal and unique. pcpd.org.hk |
这是一个重要的独立和家人,也适用於所有显着的国际品牌成功的合作夥伴和员工的公司的认可。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This is an important recognition for the company independent and family and also to all partners and staff who contribute significantly to the international success of the brand. en.horloger-paris.com |
随着工务计划项目第 9090WC 号内大 约 300 公里长水管的更换及修复工程在 2003 年 6 月展开,我们预期渗漏比率在 [...] 未来数年会略为改善,当现正进行的第一阶段第一期更换及修复水管工程在大约 2008 年完成後,情况将有显着改善。 devb.gov.hk | With the implementation of R&R works of some 300 km of watermains included in PWP item 9090WC which commenced in June 2003, we expect a slight [...] improvement in leakage rate in the years to [...] come and a measurableimprovement [...]will surface in about 2008 when the present [...]Stage I Phase I R&R works are completed. devb.gov.hk |
基金经理 投资於以显着低於目前其发行人估计的价值交 易的公司。 leggmason.com.hk | The manager invests in securities of companies that are trading significantly below its estimate of the issuer’s current worth. leggmason.com.hk |
透过我们以LTE-Advanced网络为目标的下一代多模式设计中部署的CEVA-XC4000 DSP,我们能够显着地改善SoC的性能和灵活性,为流动营运商提供一款出色的解决方案,以应用到具有成本效益和高性能的小型基站的设计之中。 ipress.com.hk | œBy deploying the CEVA-XC4000 DSP in our next-generation multi-mode designs targeting LTE-Advanced networks, we were able to significantly improve the performance and flexibility of the SoC, providing mobile operators with an outstanding solution for cost-effective, high-performance small cells. ipress.com.hk |
有关应收账款组合减值之客观减值证据可包括本集团过往收取款项 之经验、组合中已过信贷期之拖欠付款次数增加,以及与拖欠应收账款相关之国家或本地经济状况显着变动。 equitynet.com.hk | Objective evidence of impairment for a portfolio of receivables could include the Group’s past experience of collecting payments, an increase in the number of delayed payments in the portfolio past the credit period,observable changes in national or local economic conditionsthat correlate with default on receivables. equitynet.com.hk |
我们依然满怀信心,区内充满活力的经济增长和市场对储蓄及保障产品的庞大需求将继续为本集 团带來长远而显着的具盈利增长机遇。 aia.com | We remain confident that the region’s dynamic economic growth and vast demand for savings and protection products will continue to provide the Group with significant profitable growth opportunities for many years to come. aia.com |
已 从 Eurinilla Dome 获得重要结果,该处数平方公里的新至弱风化基岩发现明显且广泛的铜及金异常现象,其显着性尚在调查中。 mmg.com | Significant results have been received from the Eurinilla Dome where a broad Cu and Au anomaly is apparent over several square kilometres in fresh to weakly weathered basement rocks, the significance of which is still under investigation. mmg.com |
与去年同期比较,认为劳工就业问题『非常需要处理』的,大幅上升12个百分比,而其他连续两年排名首五位的三个项目中,经济发展及社会福利的整体重要程度变化不大,政制发展问题的重要程度,则显着上升5个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | Compared to this time last year, those who consider labour and employment to be 'very important' has surged by 12 percentage points. For the other three items which appear on the top 5 list for two consecutive years, the importance rates of economic development and social welfare have not changed much, while that of political development has increased significantly by 5 percentage points. hkupop.hku.hk |
司长方面,三名司长的民望都比一个月前显着上升,当中以财政司司长曾俊华的升幅最大,其支持度评分升3.5分,支持率则急升7个百分比,明显与预算案的宣传有关。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the Secretaries of Departments, compared to a month ago, all popularity figures have increased. FS John Tsang records the biggest jump, ashis support rating rises 3.5 marks and his approval rate surges 7 percentage points, obviously due to the publicity of his forthcoming Budget Speech. hkupop.hku.hk |
随着亚洲经济状况持续改善,私人消费强力反弹,尤以中华人民共和国(「中国」,就 本报告而言,不包括香港、澳门及台湾)最为显着,有望推动全球经济增长及复苏。 gdc-world.com | As economic conditions in Asia continue to improve, private consumption rebounded strongly, especially in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”, for the purpose of this report, does not include Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), which is poised to be the strong engine for global economic growth and recovery. gdc-world.com |
本論文所提出的二维模拟退火波段选取特色有(1)避免转换资讯成波段的线性组合的偏差值问题,这 [...] 是采用传统的主成份分析方式常見的问题;(2)利用一个简单的邏辑运算,称为「CE 特徵维度齐一化转换」,将不同 种類的资讯混合,形成具有共通特徵波段的群集子集合;(3)提供一个快速的程序,使能同时地选取最有意义的特徵,并显着地改善特徵分解计算的复杂性。 csprs.org.tw | The proposed 2DSABS features can (1) avoid the bias problems of transforming the information into linear combinations of bands as does the traditional principal components analysis (PCA); (2) select each band by a simple logical operation, called CE feature scale uniformity transformation (CE/FSUT), to include different classes into the most common feature clustered subset of bands; (3) provide a fast procedure to [...] simultaneously [...] select the most significant features, and therefore dramatically improve the eigen-decomposition [...]computational complexity. csprs.org.tw |