

单词 显微结构

See also:


make the minute visible

结构 n

structure n
framework n

结构 pl

structures pl

External sources (not reviewed)

显 微 结 构 上 说 , 北 美 白 松 与 西 部 红 柏 [...]
十 分 相 似 。
Microscopically, eastern white-cedar [...]
is very similar to western red cedar.
高分辨率成像方式,如光频域成像(OFDI),提供非破坏性的,大面积组 显微结构 的 3维视图的深度接近2毫米的实时( [...]
High resolution imaging modalities, such as optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI), provide
non-destructive, large area 3-dimensional
[...] views of tissue microstructure to depths approaching [...]
2 mm in real time (Figure 1)2-6.
用光镜和透射电镜观察了山溪鲵(Batrachuperus pinchonii)不同发育时期卵母细胞显微 与 超 微结构 , 特 别注意了与卵黄发生相关的细胞器变化。
The microstructure and ultrastructure of several different developmental stages of the oocytes of the salamander Batrachuperus pinchonii were observed.
用光镜和电镜观察了中国大鲵卵泡闭锁过程和闭锁小体 显微 和 超 微结构。
The microstructure and ultrastructure of the atretic follicle and
corpora atretica in the ovary of Chinese giant salamander
[...] Andrias davidianus were observed with light and electron microscopy.
在许多苛刻的最终用途中,热固性树脂基体中橡胶域 微结构 和 成 型能 够提显著增强的增韧和柔性性能,这是成功实现应用的关键因素。
The microstructure and formation of rubbery domains in the thermoset [...]
resin matrix is key to delivering the significantly
enhanced toughening and flexibility required in many demanding end-uses.
因此,项目组进行了 复杂的氧化锰基化合物微结构合成 及实验研究,由此得以提供生产出 微结构 及 多 晶材料 的电子、结构及磁力特征。
For this reason, the project team carried out
the sophisticated synthesis
[...] of nanometric structures of manganese oxide-based compounds and their experimental study, thereby providing the electrical, structural and magnetic [...]
characterization of
the nanostructured and polycrystalline materials produced.
通过研究发现,艾氏腹水瘤细胞对原卟啉 Ⅸ有一定的选择性吸收和瀦留作用,原卟啉 Ⅸ主要定位于细胞的线粒体中;在超声结合原卟啉 Ⅸ作用下,艾氏腹水瘤细胞的存活率明显下降;细胞的 微结构 发 生 明 显 损 伤 ;线粒体膜电位下降;ROS生成量显著增加;脂质过氧化水平显著增加。
In the ultrasound plus PPⅨ group, the survival rate of cells was significantly lower. The ultra-microstructural damage of treated cells was the most remarkable, the loss of mitochondria membrane potential was the most noticeable, levels of ROS and lipid peroxides were remarkably increased.
对于结核以及这些样品的子样品,采用了下列非常具体的调查方法:用 X 射 线荧光进行整批地球化学分析;用扫描电 显微 镜 对 结 核 等 的内 结构 进 行 极为 精细的调查;以及用微型探针进行高清晰度地球化学分析。
For nodules and subsamples of these, the following highly specific methods of investigation where introduced: XRF (X-ray fluorescence) for bulk
geochemical analyses, and SEM
[...] (scanning electron microscope) for extremely fine-scale investigations of the internal structure of, for example, nodules and microprobes [...]
for high-resolution geochemical analyses.
I在打印预览中,你能够使用一个文档地图来简化复杂的和分层的报表上的定位,这个文档地图是报表标签的层 结构显 示 为 一个树形表。
In Print Preview, you can simplify
the navigation through
[...] complex and hierarchical reports by utilizing a Document Map that shows the hierarchy [...]
of report bookmarks in a tree-like form.
然而,劳动力市场目前的职结构需 要 显 然 更多受过职业教育 培训的专门人才。
However, the
[...] current occupational structure on the labour market [...]
is in need of significantly more specialists trained in vocational education.
同步辐射在下述基础研究领域的应用将为这些 领域的研究提供新的机会:原子物理;具有生物意义的复杂分子 结构 ; 集 束 结构 ; 浓 缩物 质,磁性;化学的基本反应过程;催化作用;半导体的表层和中间层;软 X 光显微镜和细 胞生物学。
Novel opportunities are being offered by these applications in basic research areas
such as the physics of
[...] atoms; the structure of complex biologically-important molecules; clusters; condensed matter, magnetic properties; elementary processes in chemistry; catalysis; the surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors; soft X-ray microscopy; and cell biology.
未来一年,将对区域化和 权力下放工作进行评估,以审查其效果,包括效率的提高,并在必要时理顺微 调执行结构。
In the coming year, an assessment of this regionalization/decentralization will take place to review
the impact, including efficiency gains, and where called for, to
[...] streamline and fine-tune the implementation structures.
秘书长在报告第 120
[...] 段指出,会员国应注意所述一系列改革产生的积极影响, 应批准所提议结构微调, 包括将维和最佳做法科重新命名为政策和最佳做法 [...]
处,将警察司的特派团管理与支助科分为两个科,即特派团管理与支助科以及甄 选和征聘科(另见 A/65/624,第 55 和 80 段)。
In paragraph 120 of his report, the Secretary-General stated that Member States should note the positive
impact of the reforms described and
[...] approve the minor structural adjustments proposed, [...]
which include changing the name of
the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section to the Policy and Best Practices Service and separating the Mission Management and Support Section in the Police Division into two sections: the Mission Management and Support Section and the Selection and Recruitment Section (see also A/65/624, paras. 55 and 80).
一个题为微型结构保障 的和自我核查的药品”的关于伪药的类似研究项目将利用来自 [...]
15 个国家的数据分析犯罪组织在生产和销售伪药方面的策略。
A similar research project on counterfeit
[...] medicines, entitled “Microstructure-secured and self-verifying [...]
medicines”, will analyse
the strategies of criminal organizations in the production and selling of counterfeit medicines, using data from 15 countries.
分别用荧光分光光度法、激光共聚焦扫 显 微 镜 分析原卟啉 Ⅸ在肿瘤细胞内的积聚、定位情况;利用台盼蓝拒染法测定聚焦超声激活原卟啉 Ⅸ对细胞存活率的影响;透射电镜观察细胞的 微结构 变 化 ;罗丹明123检测线粒体膜电位变化;2′,7′-二氯荧光黄双乙酸盐(2′,7′- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate, DCFH-DA)检测细胞内活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)水平;硫代巴比妥酸法检测细胞膜脂质过氧化水平的变化。
Mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP), intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, and the level of lipid peroxidation were determined by Rhodamine 123, 2′,7′- dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) and thiobarbituric [...]
acid reaction method respectively.
Until now, MRI has only been
[...] able to resolve structures that are at least [...]
a few micrometers in volume, but this advance
makes it possible for the medical diagnostic devices to image individual protein molecules.
结果表明:(1)减数分裂Ⅰ终变期染色体标本是进行染色 显微 操 作的理想材料;(2)DOP-PCR扩增产物片段在200~1 000 bp之间,平均600 bp左右;(3)杂结果显示, 本研究所获得的单条染色体是黄鳝3号染色体;( 4) 与 显微 操 作 仪和微激光分离相比较,该方法不需要昂贵仪器,在常规实验室即可操作,具有广泛的普及应用意义。
The hybridization results show that: (1) Chromosome specimen of meiosis Ⅰ diakinesis is the
ideal material for single
[...] chromosome microisolation; (2) The sizes of DOP PCR products range from 200 bp to 1 000 bp, averagely 600 bp;(3) The single chromosome obtained in the study is rice field eel chromosome 3;(4) Compared with micro manipulator and micro laser beam, [...]
the methods developed
in the study can be more widely used in ordinary laboratory for requiring no expensive instrument.
每种传感器均含有一个微流控网络,阿基米德使样品流经该网络以及一个含有内嵌式微流控通道 微 型 悬 臂 结构。
Each sensor contains a microfluidics network,
via which sample is flowed by Archimedes, and a
[...] micro-cantilever structure containing an embedded microfluidics channel.
42岁的Rucker在设计这样的珠宝作品时使用的点焊钢丝在放大20倍 显微 镜 下 所能看到的直径只有0.2毫米,同时 结 合 了 他自创的名为GEO.2的激光焊接技术。
To make jewelry items like this,
42-year-old Rucker uses
[...] platinum wire just 0.2 millimeters thick and a microscope set to 20x magnification, along with a laser-welding [...]
which he himself developed and calls GEO.2.
[...] 额供资战略中,这一点尤其明显,这两项战略以妇女为服务对象,对赋予妇女权 力产生了可衡量的影响;(b) 在整个 2009 年,针对环境及其与人类发展倡议活结合的主题显然作 出了若干努力,包括制定了开发署环境战略,建立了一个 环境问题多构工作组(由开发署主持),在三角洲补种“多用途”树和红树林树 苗,讨论社区森林管理做法,以促进健全的保护做法;(c) [...]
人类发展倡议正在审 查各种机制,以增加社区一级的减少灾害风险活动。
This is particularly evident in both the SRG and microfinance strategies, in which targeting women has contributed to measurable impact on women’s empowerment; (b) throughout 2009 a number of efforts are
evident in respect to the theme of environment and
[...] its integration with HDI activities, including the development of an environment strategy for UNDP, the establishment of a multi-agency working group on environmental [...]
issues (chaired
by UNDP), replanting “multi-purpose” trees and mangrove saplings in the Delta, and addressing community-based forest management practices to promote sound conservation practices; and (c) the HDI is examining mechanisms to expand disaster risk reduction activities at the community level.
由于具有柔软度和较好微观结构, 奥 氏体焊接材料具有许多优势,详情见下表6。
Due to their softness
[...] and favourable microstructure, austenitic [...]
welding consumables have many advantages, table 6.
高级专员在指出瑞士政府 并不支持举行公民投票,但指出禁止建造与某个宗教相关的建 结构 , 显 然 带有 歧视性。
Noting that the Government of Switzerland did not support the referendum initiative, the
High Commissioner stated that banning an
[...] architectural structure associated with one religion was clearly discriminatory.
这种渗透 膜是通过一种特殊的纳米技术旋转制 成的。这种技术可以对材料表面微 孔的结构和分布做准确的调整。
Membranes made of this material are produced by spinning, using a special type of nanotechnology
that makes it possible to make
[...] alterations in the structure and distribution of pores in the [...]
material’s surface very accurately.
对象树型视图-以树结构显示窗 体、数据模块或框架中的可见和不可见组件。
Object Tree View - displays a tree diagram [...]
of the visual and nonvisual components you place on a form, data module, or frame.
因此焊微结构中受 限氢原子将产生局部内张 力 ,造 成 开 裂 ,即 冷 [...]
裂 纹 。
Therefore hydrogen atoms that get
[...] trapped in the microstructure of the welded [...]
joint may cause local internal tension and
crack formation, known as cold cracking.
结合场发射式电显微镜进 行实时观测,即所谓的双粒子束FIB(Dual Beam FIB),除了以高能离子束进行直接蚀刻的功能外,可藉由气体辅助蚀刻系统的帮助,提高蚀刻的选择比与提升蚀刻速率,并可直接进行特定材料的沈积。
If the combination of field emission electron microscope to conduct real-time [...]
observation, the so-called dual-beam FIB (Dual
Beam FIB), in addition to direct high-energy ion-beam etching of the functions can be etched by gas-assisted system to help improve the choice of etching material, enhance the etching rate, and direct deposition of specific materials.
当他向这位电影大亨征 求对于自己未来的建议时,Warner 回答说:“ 如果你想知道你的未来,千万不要去问科学 家,因为他们会告诉你透显微镜精 确研究后 结 果 ;你要去找艺术家,他们会告诉你他 的直觉。
Glennon reported that when he asked the mogul for advice about the future, Warner replied, “If you want to know what the future will bring don’t ask a scientist, because they will tell what they see at the end of a microscope.
第二,当前环境、技术转让、贸易、援助和筹资等领域的多 结构显 然 互 不 相连,必须着力加强一致性,以便利各国可能制订出的各种各样绿色增长国家战 略的互相协调,并确保这些战略合力推动实现环境可持续性的全球目标。
Second, much greater coherence will be required
[...] among the now noticeably disjointed multilateral architectures for environment, [...]
technology transfer,
trade, aid and finance so as to facilitate coordination among what will likely be a diverse set of country strategies for green growth and ensure that they add up to global targets for environmental sustainability.




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