

单词 显得

显得 ()



使显得必要 v

warrant v

External sources (not reviewed)

这些项目是在显得到改 善的、符合人的基本权利和自由的制度和法律框 架下进行的。
These projects have been carried out within an improved institutional and legal framework and in conformity with the fundamental human rights and freedoms.
虽然后来珍妮体重长了一斤多,但是瘦削的脸上的一双眼睛还 显得 很 大 ,她需要继续食用营养糊。
Even though the little girl had gained over half a kilo since, her eyes were still huge in her too-thin face and she needed to continue being fed with the nut paste.
以色列也是该草案的共同 提案国这一事显得尤为 讽刺,因为以色列政体的 创建和存在本身就与最严重的人权侵害形式分不 开。
It was a sad irony that the list of sponsors of the draft resolution included the Israeli regime, whose very creation and existence were intertwined with the worst forms of human rights violations.
因此,IT 团队必须能够清楚明了地列出新 IGEL 瘦客户机的优 点和成本优势,这对于说服分支机构经理适时升级桌面设显得至关重要。
Therefore the ability for the IT team to be very specific on the advantages and cost savings of the new IGEL thin clients is key to convincing Branch Managers to upgrade their desktops at the right time.
说“宇宙”也显得大而 无当;但是当我说天国的时候,我指的是我们熟悉的天空和云朵,空气,微风,甚至光明和黑暗。
Saying ‘universe’ may be grandiose; but when I refer to the heavens, I mean our familiar skies and clouds, the air, the wind, and even light and darkness.
[...] (IBSP)的发展对制定新的 2014--2019 年中期战显得尤为重要,也敦促会员国与教科文组织相关的政府间 [...]
UNESCO’s longstanding and unique mandate for the basic sciences that the Executive Board reviewed and presented to this General Conference makes the development of the International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP)
particularly important for the new Medium-Term
[...] Strategy 2014-2019, and it calls on Member [...]
States, together with relevant UNESCO’s
ISPs, for stronger support and determined cooperation in the building up of their national capacities in science and science education.
然而在有些情况中,《维也纳公约》第 21 条 第 3 款为反对规定的效果显得无法 恢复保留方与反对方之间的相互同意,即使 条约的目的和宗旨没有受到保留的质疑。
However, in some situations, the effects attributed to objections by article 21, paragraph 3, of the Vienna Conventions may prove unsuited for the reestablishment of mutual consent between the author of the reservation and the author of the objection, even where the object and purpose of the treaty are not threatened by the reservation.
They noted that the Conference was necessary and timely, particularly given the long-standing and new and emerging challenges the least developed countries are facing.
[...] 或电子信息)相关的需求相比,尤其与非洲和小岛国的这种需求相比,档案记录管理项目的 现有资显得微不足道。
One organization considered the resources available for records and archives managementrelated subjects to be insignificant compared to the needs related to access to, and preservation of, traditional information (oral- or
paper-based) and modern media-based information (audiovisual or electronic), especially
[...] in Africa and small island States.
小组委员会注意到,在目前警察拘留初期没有法 律援助的情况下这项权显得更加 重要。
The SPT notes that this right is all the more important in the current situation in which legal aid is not available at the initial stage of police custody.
通过将标准的 PC 机迁移 至 IGEL 瘦客户机,Biltmore 不仅简化了零售交易流程和背后 操作步骤,而且也显著提升了客户资料和信用卡信息的安全 性,这对酒店来显得至关重要。
The move from standard PCs to the IGEL’s thin clients has not only streamlined the Biltmore’s retail and behind-the-scenes operations, but has also greatly increased the security of its guests’ profile and credit card information, a critical priority for the hotel.
该决议草案每年均提交委员会,鉴于当前的经济和 金融危机给发展中国家造成毁灭性影响,虽然这些 国家不是这场危机的始作俑者,该决议草 显得格 外重要。
The draft resolution, which was submitted to the Committee every year, was particularly important in view of the current economic and financial crisis, which had had a devastating impact on developing countries, even though they were not responsible for it.
从联邦税收减免到增加预算提案, 有一家能在本土供应此类产品的制 造显得非常重要。
From federal tax credits to increased budget proposals, it is imperative that there is a manufacturer that can supply these products locally.
若彩色胶片影像在放映时采用正确的亮度,幷且 没有散射光的干扰,颜色就显得亮 , 深,丰富,而且纯,这时就说色彩很饱和。
When color film images are projected at the proper brightness and without interference from stray light, colors that appear bright, deep, rich, and undiluted are said to be “saturated.
当胶片影像的呈现在合适的银 幕亮度下放映,且没有掺杂散光的干扰时 显得 明 亮 、扎实、丰富,纯净的色彩称为饱和的色彩。
When colors present in a film image are projected at the proper screen brightness and without interference from stray light, the colors that appear bright, deep, rich, and undiluted are “saturated.
其次,既 然指令第 15(2)条规定“扣留由行政或司法当局下令实施”,区分由相同行政或司 法当局以可能性质不同、但就剥夺自由而言会产生相同结果的罪行下令实施的拘 留,显得不靠谱。
Second, since article 15 (2) of the Directive provides that “[d]etention shall be ordered by administrative or judicial authorities”, it does not seem relevant to distinguish between detentions ordered by the same administrative or judicial authorities for offences that, while they may be different, produce the same consequences in terms of deprivation of liberty.
BOPP薄膜用于香烟的小包和条包包装时,薄膜是缠绕于香烟的印刷纸皮包装上,由于香烟纸皮印刷油墨残留溶剂的作用,在烟包的储存、销售过程中,BOPP薄膜会因为吸收这些残留溶剂而发生皱折,同时,薄膜的雾度会大幅增加,使得香烟包装失去平整、光洁的外观,使烟包看起 显得 陈 旧 ,失去对顾客的吸引力,特别是当香烟纸皮包装为深色印刷图案时,纸皮上残留溶剂更多,对BOPP薄膜的影响更大,这一现象在国内烟草行业,也称之为BOPP薄膜的防红抗皱、防水雾问题。
BOPP film for cigarette packet and package of the package, the film is wound on the skin of cigarette packaging printing paper, printing ink as tobacco mosaic role of residual solvents, in cigarette storage, sales process, BOPP film because These residual solvent absorption occurs fold, while the film haze will increase significantly, making the loss of cigarette packaging flat, smooth appearance, the packets appear to look old, losing attractiveness to customers, especially when the tobacco mosaic packaging printing pattern is dark, the mosaic on the residual solvent more, a greater impact on the BOPP film, a phenomenon in the domestic tobacco industry, also known as BOPP film's anti-red anti-wrinkle, water fog problem.
相反,公共秩序和公共安全与公共健康之间的区别 显得 较 为 明确。
By contrast, the distinction between public order and public security, on the one hand, and public health, on the other, seems more firmly established.
大 赦 国际说 ,在加沙地带 和以色列南部最近 发 生 的 冲 突 之后,所作的建显得更为 紧急,大赦国际促请以色列充分及时执行这些建议。
It said many of the recommendations made have taken on an additional urgency in the wake of the recent conflict in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel and it urged their full and prompt implementation.
在使用常规安装夹具不可行时,螺钉安装选项使安装 显得 更 为简便,强大又拥有结实端盖和导架的模块化构造确保了产品在严酷的环境条件下能够保持长久、可靠的使用寿命。
Screw Mount options allow easier installation where the use of conventional mounting clamps are a problem, and a strong modular construction with sturdy end caps and guides ensure a long and reliable life in harsh conditions.
对Tom Rucker来说,曼德拉注视着监狱窗外陷入沉思的面容体现了这位南非政治家伟大的精神力量,而这正是Rucker希望在这座半身雕像中再现的力量:曼德拉希望不同种族之间和谐共处,而他这一生的痛苦遭遇令他做出的这种努 显得 更 加 深刻可信。
For Tom Rucker, Mandela's thoughtful gaze out of the cell window epitomized the greatness of the South African statesman and what he intended to reproduce in the bust: Mandela's vision of reconciliation between racial groups, a reconciliation made credible by virtue of his own lifetime of suffering.
她戴着一顶丑陋的鼬皮帽子显得没 有 品位,这顶帽子可能很贵重,但也非常丑陋,而她那只宠物狗就更加丑陋,黑黄相间的毛发,也许介于斗牛犬和火蜥蜴之间。
She displays certain amounts of tastelessness [...]
by a ghastly skunk's fur hat, which is probably very expensive but also very
hideous, and also by her even more hideous lapdog, black with yellow sploshes, probably a cross between a bulldog and a salamander.
如果税收能够提供比直接和间接税收费用 更重要的社会服务,增加征税固然不错,但当征税过多影响了经济增长或出现其它一些情 况的时候,减税便显得更加理想了。
More taxation might be desirable if it delivers public services that society values more than the direct and indirect cost of taxation.
各金融服务机构都在自己经营战略的指导下通过提高运营能力来保持竞争力,而这个过程中,能否正确理解和管理风险则对最终实现经营目 显得 尤 为 重要。
As the finance institute apply operation ability which accord with their strategy to protect the competitiveness, it becomes important for them understand and properly manage the risk to accomplish their business goal.
时至今日,日常生活充满了智能微型技术(移动电话,MP3播放器,信用卡大小的计算器等),22 03 型 显得 并 不 是特别小或轻,但考虑到技术的进步和生产数量的有限,它在某种程度上的确非常巧妙,而且我们所有的竞争对手都复制了锥形机匣的概念。
Viewed today, where everyday life is filled with smart miniature technology (mobile phones, mp3
players, calculators the size of credit cards,
[...] etc.) Type 2203 doesn’t seem particularly [...]
small or light, but considering the
technology available and the limited number produced, it was somewhat of a trick, and the concept with the cone shaped cabinet was copied by all our competitors.
在尚未对 31 C/5 和 32 C/5
期间进行的各种横向专题项目所取得的经验和结果进行全面 评估之前,总干事的建议是:在 33 C/5 期间,只继续保留一些正在进行的为数不多的、特别
[...] 是在总部外办事处实施的以及采用创新形式和方法的、并已经 显 取 得 有 效成果的几个横向 专题项目,但不增加新的横向专题项目。
Pending a full evaluation of the experience gained with and the results attained by the various CCT projects carried out during the 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, the Director-General recommends to continue during the 33 C/5
only a limited number of ongoing CCT
[...] projects which have demonstrably shown effectiveness [...]
and results in particular at the
field level as well as the use of innovative modalities and approaches, but not to add new CCT projects.
[...] 建,将是确保阿富汗新政府在其主要优先事项上早日得显著进展的重要的第一步。这些优先事项是:改 [...]
善施政,包括地方各级施政,反腐败,提供基本服务, 在重返社会与和解努力中取得进展,以及加强阿富汗 国家军队和警察。
The timely finalization of a credible and competent new Cabinet will be an important initial step towards
ensuring that the new Afghan Government
[...] realizes early, demonstrable progress on its [...]
key priorities — improving governance,
including at local levels, addressing corruption, delivering basic services, making progress with reintegration and reconciliation efforts, and strengthening the Afghan National Army and Police.
他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动, 显 示 在完成过渡期剩余任 务方面得的进 展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 程,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民的生活水平。
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.




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