

单词 显像管

See also:


form a picture
develop a photo

External sources (not reviewed)

三、将六氟铝酸钠等化工制品、香水等香化洗涤、聚氯乙烯等塑料、部分橡胶及其制品、毛皮衣服等皮革制品、信封等纸制品、日用陶瓷 显像管 玻 壳 等玻璃制品、精密焊钢管等钢材、单晶硅片、直径大于等于30cm的单晶硅棒、铝型材等有色金属材、部分凿岩工具、金属家具等商品的出口退税率提高到13%。
Third, the hexafluoro sodium aluminate and other chemical products, fragrances such as incense and washing, PVC plastic, some rubber and its products, leather products, such as fur clothing, envelopes
and other paper products, daily-use ceramics,
[...] glass, etc. Picture Tubes products, precision [...]
welded steel pipes, such as steel,
silicon, greater than or equal to 30cm in diameter rod of single crystal silicon, aluminum and other non-ferrous materials, some of rock tools, metal furniture, such as commodities, the export tax rebate rate to 13%.
如果漏洞不能夠盡快填 補,不良藥房販賣經過稀釋的咳藥水的情況,便會變成「無 管 」 , 後果將難以 像。
If the loophole cannot be plugged as soon as possible, the situation that unscrupulous drugstores sell diluted cough syrup will get out of hand and the consequences will be unthinkable.
服务范围包括OSD替代软件显示管理 系 统,校准和检测及 像管 理 软 件。
Our range includes OSD
[...] replacement software, display management systems, calibration and verification, and image management software.
管很明显,特 别报告员仍认为包含这一条款是有用的,但应将其作为第 3 条草 案之二,因其涉及一条减损了第 4 和第 5 条草案机制的条约规定。
While admittedly obvious, the Special Rapporteur nonetheless considered [...]
it useful to include the provision, albeit as draft
article 3 bis since it referred to a treaty rule which derogated from the mechanism of draft articles 4 and 5.
管像素和 字节的测量对象完全不同,但两者都 显 示 数 码对象大小的单位。
While both pixels and bytes refer to the sizes of digital objects, they measure completely [...]
different things.
这包括但不限于青年才俊通过文字和 像 表 达对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来显著“ 影响”;大学生在完全属于他们自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟 大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织和个人从更加广泛的地域给长期争论的专题注 入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场的记录;创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和娱乐性的方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
其主要功能包括综合图像注释,专业的黑白 像显 示 (例如灰度级和偏黑),以及专业的黑白图像处理。
Features include comprehensive image annotation, specialized
[...] bitonal image display such as scale-to-gray [...]
and favor-black, and specialized bitonal image processing.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联 合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设管理处 签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设管 理处 租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided
with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties,
[...] distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties [...]
leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
5.1 提交人在2008年6月14 日的评论中反驳了缔约国说他“口中有钱”及没 有受到警察殴打的论点,声称他的逮捕 像显 示 了 相反的情形,而且法医报告可 以佐证他的指控。
5.1 In his comments dated 14 June 2008, the author refutes the State party’s arguments that he had “money in the mouth” and that he was not beaten by police officers, claiming that the video records of his arrest indicate the contrary and that his allegations are corroborated by the forensic medical report.
作为一个内管理系统它显著的 特点是它具有创新的,可自由定制和可扩展的内容模型。
As a content management system its most notable feature is its [...]
innovative , free to customize and extend the content model .
从长远看,金枪鱼种群(及渔获量)的状况可能会出现进一步恶化, 除非管理上有明显改进
In the long term, the status of tuna
stocks (and consequently catches) may further deteriorate
[...] unless there are significant improvements in their management.
色带使用信息可通过连续计算色带盒中储存 显像 ( 点)进行计算,这 显像 ( 点 )可定期更 新数据,这样当色带盒更换到不同的打印机上时,相关信息仍能保持完整,系 管 理 员 也因此 可以对打印质量和耗材成本进行精确控制。
Ribbon usage information is calculated by maintaining a count of impressions (dots) that is stored on the ribbon cartridge and updated periodically so that the cartridge can be used on a different printer with the information intact.
的人经由自愿作证 而有助于了解真相权。管他们的招 显 示 了 大量的杀人事件,但是这些证词并 没有全面完整地反映准军事组织所犯的侵权行为的多样性、背景和系统的完整性 质。
While their confessions revealed a significant number [...]
of homicides, they did not give a complete picture of the diversity,
context and systematic nature of violations committed by paramilitary organizations.
直流等离子显示屏 - Microsemi 的直流等离子、易于阅读、7 段屏幕像显示器 采用 3 行 x 5 列配置,具有明亮的霓虹-橙色像素、宽视角和高对比度。
DC-Plasma Screen - The DC-plasma,
easy-to-read, 7-segment
[...] screen image displays from Microsemi are arranged as 5 columns by 3 rows and feature bright neon-orange pixels, a wide viewing [...]
angle, and sharp contrast.
政府有需要詳細審核所有有關政策、現行法例和協議,以找出究竟有哪些用心無論 如何良苦,卻是錯誤應用的,像管 制 電 力公司收入的㆒類便是例子。
The Government needs to examine all its policies, all its existing legislation and agreements,
to see which, no matter how well intentioned, are as mistakenly
[...] applied as the one governing the power companies' income.
照相机所选光圈将会出 现在像显⽰屏中。
The aperture selected by the
[...] camera will be displayed in the picture display.
摩洛哥当局公布了 14 分钟经编辑的像,显示在 拆除营地及随后在阿尤恩发生 的事件中,撒哈拉示威者针对摩洛哥安全部队采取的暴力行为,包括营地的一名 抗议者亵渎一名安全部队军官的遗体。
Moroccan authorities released a 14-minute video of edited coverage of the dismantling of the camp and subsequent events in Laayoune, showing acts of violence by Saharan protestors against Moroccan security forces, including a protestor at the camp seen to be defiling the body of a security officer.
像:显示 “16 连张像显示窗口”中所显示的第一张影像的编号。
Image: displays the number of the first image shown in the 16-Up Display window.
[...] 地反映零售而非批发市场,但联合王国边境管理局缉获的海洛因的纯度也有类 似的下降,管下降不太显,从 2009 年第三季度的 58%降至 2010 [...]
年最后一 个季度的 31%(见图九)。
These seizures likely reflect more closely the retail rather than the wholesale market, but a similar, albeit slightly less
pronounced, decrease was also observed in
[...] the purity of seizures made by the United Kingdom [...]
Border Agency, which fell from 58 per
cent in the third quarter of 2009 to 31 per cent in the last quarter of 2010 (see figure IX).
当这些点接触到涂层热敏纸时,涂层中的染料 显像 剂 起 热反应并生 成图像。
When these contact the coated thermal paper, the dyes and developers in the coating react to the heat and develop an image.
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文 显 示 , 尽 管 在 未 来十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油可获得性不是主要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要 同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(例如大豆、玉米 和动物副产品提取物)。
FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the availability of fishmeal and probably fish oil over the next ten years may not be a major constraining factor, other feed ingredient and input supplies will need to expand at a similar rate if this growth is to be sustained, and these inputs will have to come from other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and rendered animal by-products).
海盗是战争经济最显的症状:管 在 近 海派驻了国际海军力量,2009 年航 行在索马里海域的船只遭攻击事件却在上升。
The most obvious symptom of the war economy is piracy: attacks on shipping off Somalia increased in 2009, despite the presence [...]
of international naval forces offshore.
[...] 环境恶化等环境挑战需要增加对科技研发的投入,尤其是通过创新项目,例如利用卫星 像管 理 资 源、对单个 生态系统进行考察和加强有关可再生能源,特别是太阳能的知识库。
Environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity losses or oceanic degradations will require increased investments into science, research and technology, especially
through innovative projects, such as the
[...] use of satellite imagery to manage resources, the [...]
survey of individual ecosystems and
the strengthening of the knowledge base for renewable energies, in particular solar energy.
要向您的管显示出 货中心数据的初步图形分析结果,请将这四个图形放在同 一页上。
To show your supervisor the preliminary results of the graphical analysis of the shipping data, display all four graphs [...]
on one page.
新型陶瓷热板搅拌器和热板AREC系列搅拌器21/11/2012 如果像显示不 正确,点击信息栏顶部的提示,然后点击下载图片 VELP 更新的系列陶瓷加热搅拌器,先进可靠,应用广泛。
NEW Ceramic Hot Plate Stirrers and Hot Plate AREC Series21/11/2012VELP Scientifica is proud to announce the renewed series of ceramic hot plate stirrers, advanced...
Dell 將資料與影像控制集中化,從桌上型電腦到資料中心,為您全面簡化
[...] IT,進而實現更嚴格的安全性、更簡便的 像管 理 以 及更佳的可靠性—而不犧牲使用者體驗。
Dell simplifies IT from the desktop to the data center by centralizing
data and image control for tighter
[...] security, easier image management and better reliability [...]
— without compromising the end user experience.
[...] 以便应对人道主义紧急状况,协助海地灾后恢复的能 力,已经得到充显示,尽管众所周知,海地遭受巨 大的人力和物质损失。
Nine months after the tragic earthquake in Haiti, the United Nations capacity to mobilize international efforts and assistance to respond to the humanitarian emergency and to assist
with the recovery of Haiti has been more
[...] than demonstrated, despite that country having [...]
suffered, as we all know, great human and material losses.
[...] 統食品亦有可能因可被形容為口服產品而受到影響。由於我們並非有 意管像穀類 、食油、水果及蔬菜等傳統食品,因此建議「口服產 [...]
品」的定義,應不包括為補充體力、營養或水份,或滿足味覺、質感 或氣味上的需求,而慣常作為食品或飲品食用或飲用的產品。
As it is not
[...] our intention to regulate conventional food [...]
e.g. cereals, cooking oil, fruits and vegetables, we propose to
define “orally consumed products” in such a way that a product which is customarily consumed only as food or drink to provide energy, nourishment or hydration, or to satisfy a desire for taste, texture or flavour, would not be subject to regulation.




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