

单词 是非曲直

See also:


right and wrong




fig. right and wrong, good and evil
lit. crooked and straight

External sources (not reviewed)

缔约国提供了有关案情 事实、可适用的法律、来文可否受理和事是非曲直的详尽评述。
It provides detailed observations concerning the facts of the case, the applicable legislation, the
[...] admissibility and the merits of the communication.
[...] 起:特别报告员是否打算载述以不恰当手段抓捕的罪犯可以合法拘押(male captus bene detentus)原则是非曲直
The question was also raised whether the Special Rapporteur intended to
[...] deal withthe merits ofthe principle [...]
of male captus bene detentus.
价值观念几番被解构和颠覆是非曲直分明, 道德被解构得体无完肤,公平和公义的定义越趋模糊。
The lines for justice and righteousness are blurred and made increasingly unclear.
这种在对于上诉请求作出决定的框架内所开展的审查必须评估案情是 非曲直此同时一方面考虑到向一审法官提交的证据,另一方面并根据适用于 相关案例的法律条款检验审理的开展方式。
Such review, in the frame of a decision regarding a leave to appeal, must be examined on itsmerits,taking into consideration on one the hand the evidence presented before the first instance judge, and on the other hand the conduct of the trial on the basis of the legal provisions applicable to the case in question.
每一个提交至委员会的严重人权问题都应根是非 曲直审议。
Every serious human rights issue put before the
[...] Committee should be considered onits merits.
对于被要求仅就可否受理问题提交书面答复的缔约国,不排除它在收到要求后的 六个月内一并就来文的可否受理问题是非曲直交书面答复的可能。
A State party that has been requested to submit a written reply that relates only to the question of admissibility is not precluded thereby from submitting,
within six months of the request, a written reply that shall relate both to the
[...] communication’s admissibility and itsmerits.
为了实施秘书长根据大会第 61/246 号和 62/269 号决议提出的要求而制定 的采购改革措施,于 2009 年 11 月成立了授标审查委员会,试行 12 个月,以审 查未中标的供应商提出的采购质疑并根据这些质疑是非曲直管管理事务 副秘书长提出独立的意见,以做出最后决定。
In order to implement the Secretary-General’s measures on procurement reform as requested by the General Assembly in its resolutions 61/246 and 62/269, the Award Review Board was established in November 2009 on a 12-month pilot basis to review procurement challenges from unsuccessful bidders and to render independent advice on themerits ofthose challenges to the Under-Secretary-General for Management, for final decision.
其目标是在不拘 泥 於 技术问题或 法 律形式的情况下, 在 切 实 可行的范围内尽 快 按 公 义 、 良 知 和案件实 质是 非 曲 直事。
The objectives are to act as quickly as practicable and in accordance with equity, good conscience and the substantial meritsof the case without regard to technicalities or legal forms.
The Court could have addressed these
[...] arguments on their merits; instead, its restrictive [...]
understanding of the scope of the
question forecloses consideration of these arguments altogether.
这些决 定包括 对有关决 定的当事
人的权利或利益并 无 实 质 决 定 性效力的过渡决定、随 後 需 向法庭 提出 申 请的决 定、涉 及 整
[...] 体政策的决 定,以及受制於其他特设是非 曲 直上 诉 机制(例 如根据《证监 会条例》设 [...]
立的收 购 及合并 委员会)的 决 定。
These include intermediate decisions with no substantial conclusive effect on the rights or interests of persons, decisions followed by application to the Court, decisions involving
broad policy, and decisions subject to
[...] other specialized merits review appeal mechanism [...]
such as the Takeovers and Mergers
Panel established under the SFCO.
(3) 被请求方须将 第 (1)及 (2)款所提述的事宜知 会被送达人,并可知会 该人,被请求方对在请求方进行的有关法律程序是非曲直无任何立 场 。
(3) The Requested Party shall inform the person to be served of the matters referred to in paragraphs (1)
and (2) and may inform the
[...] person that it takes no position with respect tothe merits ofthe proceedings [...]
in the Requesting Party.
在根据上述第3 款作出了关于保密的决定后,委员会、或根据本规则第95 条第1 款设立的工作组、或根据本规则第95条第3
[...] 款指定的特别报告员可决 定,在委员会通过了关于可否受理是非曲直理过程终止的决定之后,对呈 件和其他资料的全文或其中一部分,例如提交人的身份等,可以继续保密。
When a decision has been taken on the confidentiality pursuant to paragraph 3 above, the Committee, the Working Group established pursuant to rule 95, paragraph 1, or the Special Rapporteur
designated pursuant to rule 95, paragraph
[...] 3, may decide that all orpart of the submissions [...]
and other information, such as
the identity of the author, may remain confidential after the Committee’s decision on inadmissibility, the merits or discontinuance has been adopted.
委员会行使酌处权,并不意味着已就来文是否可予受理或是 非曲直决定。
Where the Committee exercises its discretion, this does not imply a determination on admissibility or on the meritsof the communication.
第三委员会有权利和 职责根是非曲直人权问题,并抵制那些企图阻 碍辩论的人。
The Third Committee had the right and the duty to consider human rights issues on theirmerits and to stand up to those who would stifle debate.
委员会、根据本规则第95条第1 款设立的工作组或根据本规则第95条第3
[...] 款指定的特别报告员可要求缔约国或来文提交人在指定的期限内就来文可否受理 问题是非曲直补充书面资料或意见。
The Committee, a working group established under rule 95, paragraph 1, of these rules or a special rapporteur designated under rule 95, paragraph 3, may request the State party or the author of the communication to submit, within specified time limits,
additional written information or observations relevant to the question of
[...] admissibility of the communicationor itsmerits.
[...] 该高级法院是在请求宪法法院作出关于该法律规范是非曲直决,而这不 是宪法法院负责的事项。
In other words, the High Court was
asking the Constitutional Court to pass
[...] judgement on the merits of the legal regulations, [...]
which were not a matter for the Constitutional Court.
委员 会注意到缔约国和申诉人已经就该案案情是非曲直了意见书,委员会在就 案情作出决定以前希望得到进一步资料,了解刚果民主共和国境内目前情况的发 展对将申诉人递解出缔约国的决定有何种影响。
While noting that the State party and the complainants had already provided submissions on the merits of this case, prior to making a decision on the merits, the Committee wished to receive further information on how the current developments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo bear upon the decision to deport the complainants from the State party.
因此,委员会认为所有补救办法已被用尽,因此 宣布来文可以受理,并着手审议案情是非曲直
Accordingly, the Committee finds that all available remedies have been exhausted, declares the communication admissible and proceeds to a consideration of its merits.
检察当局已经向俄罗斯联邦金融监测局(俄金监督局)提交了 50 多份报告,
[...] 内容是关于恐怖罪行的刑事诉讼和对被控是这些罪行中的同谋犯的个人采取的 诉讼程序;提交法院审理案件是非曲直罗斯法院对这些罪行作出的有罪裁 决。
The prosecution authorities have sent the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) more than 50 reports concerning criminal proceedings for terrorist offences and proceedings against individuals accused of complicity in these offences; court
referrals for consideration of the
[...] cases ontheir merits; andguilty verdicts enforced bythe Russian courts [...]
for these offences.
委员会如果尚未审议《任择议定书》提到的所有可受理理由是否适用的问 题,则不应就来文是非曲直作出决定。
The Committee shall not decide on the merits of the communication without having considered the applicability of all the admissibility grounds referred to in the Optional Protocol.
在收到来文后和是非曲直决定之前,委员会、工作组或报告员可酌情 参阅所有有关联合国机关、机构、专门机构、基金、方案和机制、包括国际文书 [...]
所建立的其他条约机构和联合国各项特别程序、其他国际组织、包括有关区域政 府间组织或机构以及可协助审查来文的所有有关国家机构、机关、办事处提供的
有关文件,但条件是委员会应让每一方都有机会在确定的期限内就第三方文件或 资料发表评论。
At any time after the receipt of a communication and before a
[...] determination onthe meritshas beenreached, the [...]
Committee, the Working Group or a Rapporteur,
may consult, as appropriate, relevant documentation emanating from all relevant United Nations organs, bodies, specialized agencies, funds, programmes and mechanisms, including the other treaty bodies instituted by international instruments and the special procedures of the United Nations, and other international organizations, including the relevant regional intergovernmental organizations or bodies as well as all relevant State institutions, agencies or offices that may assist in the examination of the communication, provided that the Committee shall afford each party an opportunity to comment on such third party documentation or information within fixed time limits.
委员从 政 府当局获悉,上诉审裁处与美国、英 国及澳洲是非 曲 直制度相 若 。
Members note from the Administration that SFAT is comparable with the merit review regimes in the US, the UK and Australia.
包括制裁委员会成员国在内的一些国家在指认之前会就有关案件是非曲 直法律意见,以此在国家一级测试制裁的适当性。
Some States, including Committee members, test the appropriateness of sanctions at the national level before designation by seeking a legal opinion of the merits of the case.
8.1 2009年5月19 日,缔约国针对委员会在其关于可否受理问题的决定中所提 出的问题,对案情是非曲直了进一步的评论。
8.1 On 19 May 2009, the State party provided further comments on the merits in response to the questions posed by the Committee in its admissibility decision.
在收到缔约国根据第73 条规则第5 款是非曲直意见之前作出的宣布 来文可以受理的决定应通过秘书长发送给来文提交人和有关缔约国。
Decisions declaring a communication admissible prior to the submission of the State party’s observations on merits, in accordance with rule 73, paragraph 5, of the present rules, shall be transmitted, through the Secretary-General, to the author(s) of the communication and to the State party concerned.
委员会、工作组或报告员可要求有关缔约国仅就来文可否受理问题作出书面 解释或陈述,但在这种情况下,缔约国仍然可在委员会确定的期限内就来文可否 受理问题及是非曲直书面解释或陈述。
The Committee, the Working Group or a Rapporteur may request written explanations or statements that relate only to the admissibility of a communication but, in such cases, the State party may nonetheless submit written explanations or statements that relate to both the admissibility and the merits of a communication within the period established by the Committee.
如果委员会、报告员或工作组根据本条规则要求采取临时措施,要求中应说 明这并不意味着已经就来文是否可受理或就来文是非曲直了决定。
When the Committee, a Rapporteur or the Working Group request interim measures under this rule, the request shall state thatit does not imply a determination on admissibility or on the meritsof the communication.
在决定这类案件是否「有良好的成功机会」时,署长会根据条例第 10(3)条,考虑案情是非曲直括是否有合理的理由支持进行诉讼,以及案件的成功机会。
In determining whether such a case is "meritorious", the Director would, in accordance with section 10(3) of the Ordinance, consider the meritsof the case, including whether there are reasonable grounds for the court proceedings and the chance of success.
依吴议员之见, 每宗个案均应按其本身是非曲直况作出 考虑,包括罪行的性质及严重性;判处的罚则 [...]
水平;有关议员是否被拒绝保释或获保释等候 上诉(这会影响有关议员能否服务其选民);定 罪及判刑与根据《基本法》第七十九(六 )条动 议议案的相距时间;以及民情民意。
In Dr NG's view, each case should be
[...] considered on its own merits andcircumstances, [...]
including the nature and gravity of the
offence; the level of penalty imposed; whether the Member concerned was refused bail or released on bail pending appeal, which would affect whether the Member concerned would be able to serve his constituents; the time lapse between the conviction and sentence and the moving of the motion under BL 79(6); and public sentiments.




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