

单词 是药三分毒

See also:

毒药 n

poisons pl

External sources (not reviewed)

梅艳芳显示,柯南,是缩减他的 毒药 , , 4869 APTX的发明者是集团 的杜松子酒和伏特加酒,黑组织的一 分。
Anita reveals to Conan that she is the inventor of the poison that shrank him, APTX 4869, and is part of the syndicate Gin and Vodka work [...]
for, the Black Organization.
死亡人数下降的分原 因是较贫 穷国家有更多人可获得抗逆转录 毒药 物。
This is partly due to increased access to antiretroviral drugs in poorer countries.
美国海是为美国食品药品管 理局批准函评估这个流感检测方法的重要合作伙伴,位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的海军健康研究中心(NHRC)对存档和预期的临床标本进行检测,以确保测试的特异性,此外,海军 三 医 学研究所(NAMRU-3)还为开发和检测提供 分 宝 贵 的禽流感 毒 株 分 离。
The U.S. Navy was an integral partner in evaluating this flu test for FDA clearance, with the Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) in San Diego, CA providing testing on both archival and prospective clinical specimens to ensure the specificity of the test, while Navy Medical Research Unit-3 (NAMRU-3) provided invaluable access to avian influenza isolates for development and testing.
毒品贩运的资料主要源自各国政府 对 2009 年及以往年份的年度报告调查表三 部 分 ( 非 法 药 物 供 应)和 2010 年 年度报告调查表第四部分毒品作 物种植及毒品制造和贩运的规模、模式及趋 势)所作的答复。
The primary sources of information on drug trafficking were the
replies submitted by
[...] Governments to part III (Illicit supply of drugs) of the annual reports questionnaire for 2009 and previous years, and part IV (Extent and patterns of and trends in drug crop cultivation and drug manufacture [...]
and trafficking) of
the annual report questionnaire for 2010.
(b) 由于抗逆转录毒治疗是终身 性的,国家合作伙伴现在应该开始可持续 的长期规划,包括满足必然增加的二线 三 线 药 物 疗 程需求。
(b) As antiretroviral therapy is lifelong, national partners should begin planning now for long-term sustainability, including addressing the inevitable increase in demand for second- and third-line drug regimens.
是,能够获取受管药品对其他三 个 主 要领域也很重要:(a) 控制 中度至严重疼痛,包括对患有无法医治病症的人进行安宁护理的一 分 ; (b) 产 科的一些急救;(c) 控制癫痫。
However, there are three other primary areas in which access to controlled medicines is essential: (a) management of moderate to severe pain, including as part of palliative care for people with life-limiting [...]
(b) certain emergency obstetric situations; and (c) management of epilepsy.
这个评价的依据包括下列成 就:(i) 通过与世界艾滋病研究基金会的资深科学家进行非正式磋商,各国政府首 脑和内阁成员,特是在撒 哈拉以南地区,都对艾滋病毒/艾滋病有了更科学的认 识;(ii) 在教科文组织发起的一次会议上,加勒比海各国教育部长签署了《哈瓦 那宣言》,根据这一宣言,该地区各国政府承诺在学校教学中引入艾滋病毒/艾滋 病方面的内容;(iii) 在亚太地区引入的一套宣传材料正在被广泛应用;(iv) 文化 部门的成果(从文化的途径防治艾滋 毒 / 艾 滋 病)包 三 年 内 完成的 21 种出版 物(国别研究、方法论文、使用手册)。
Achievements leading to this assessment include: (i) the informal consultations between senior scientists of the World Foundation for AIDS Research has contributed to a more scientifically based understanding of HIV/AIDS among heads of governments and cabinet
members, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa;
[...] (ii) the Havana declaration, signed by Ministers of Education in the Caribbean in the course of a UNESCO instigated conference, commits all governments in the region to introduce the subject of HIV/AIDS in the school system; (iii) the advocacy tool kit introduced in the Asia and the Pacific region is being widely used; and (iv) the outputs of the Culture Sector (the cultural approach to HIV/AIDS) with some 21 publications (country studies, methodological papers, manuals) over a three-year period.
三分之一的项是由非政府组织实施 的,其中 15 个项目与家庭暴力有关(2003 [...]
至 2005 年由基金资助):为妇女和儿童 家庭暴力受害者开办收容所、SOS 电话,对与暴力受害者和犯罪者工作的专家进 行培训,实施赋予贫困农村妇女经济权力方案,赋予妇女暴力受害者的附加资 格。
One third of the projects were implemented [...]
by non-governmental organizations, 15 of which related to domestic violence (funded
by the Fund from 2003 to 2005): opening shelter houses for women and children who are victims of violence, SOS telephones, training of experts for working with victims of violence and offenders, programmes of economic empowerment of impoverished rural women, additional qualifications for women who are victims of violence.
双方还商定,如三分之一/三 分之二的分摊比例是偿还 人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未分摊的 费用:一般临时人员、计算机、办公场地和审计费用。
It was also agreed that, if the one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair assumption [...]
for the reimbursement of staffing costs,
it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs.
在订正决议草案 E/CN.7/2010/L.8/Rev.1 执行分第 5 段,麻药品委员会 将欢迎秘鲁和泰国提议共同主办一次国际讲习班,这次讲习班将于 2010 年 11 月在泰国举行,其中包括参观各个替代发展试点,与当地从业者讨论替代发展 方面的最佳做法和经验教训,并接着共同主办一次由主要利益相关者参加的替 代发展问题国际会议,这次会议将与联合 毒 品 和 犯罪问题办公室密切合作举 办。
In operative paragraph 5 of revised draft resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.8/Rev.1, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs would welcome the proposal of Peru and Thailand to jointly host an international workshop, to be held in Thailand in November 2010, consisting of visits to various alternative development sites and discussions on best practices and lessons learned in alternative development with practitioners in the field, back to back with an international conference on alternative development among all stakeholders, to be organized in close collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
这一 变是由于 早期诊断并且更广范围地使用抗 毒药 物 的 结果。
Causes for this decrease are
[...] the increase of early diagnostics and wider availability of antiretroviral drugs (ARV).
又鼓励会员国结合麻醉药品委员会第五十五届会议向联合 毒 品 和 犯 罪问题办公室提供其在联合国各论坛与民间社会协作的经验,按照经济及社会 理事会各职司委员会议事规则、经济及社会理事会第 1996/31 号决议三项国际 药物管制公约提出建议,以期改进民间社会在处理世 毒 品 问 题中的参与性作 用,并请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室根据请求向会员国提供这类资料和建 议。
Member States to provide to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in the context of the
fifty-fifth session of the
[...] Commission on Narcotic Drugs, their experiences in working with civil society in United Nations forums and to provide suggestions, consistent with the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council, Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31 and the three international drug control conventions, with a view to improving the participatory role of civil society in addressing the world drug problem, and [...]
requests the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to make that information, including suggestions, available to Member States, upon their request.
(c) 各国政府必须确保负责保护国家空中边界、空域和机场的执法当局具 备适当技术,并就这些技术的使用对其进行培训,使他们能够有效应对 毒分 子使 用日益复杂的技术通过商用、私用及轻型飞机运输非 药 物 这 一现象。
(c) Governments must ensure that law enforcement authorities responsible for protecting national air borders, airspace and airports are equipped with and trained to use suitable technologies to enable them
to be effective against
[...] the increasing sophistication of traffickers using commercial, private and light aircraft to transport illicit drugs.
而且,世界银行也为该国政府在刚果 民主共和分发免费的抗逆转录 毒药 物 所 承担的费用提供捐款,等等。
Moreover, inter alia, the World Bank
contributes towards covering the
[...] Government’s costs for distributing free ARV drugs in the Democratic [...]
Republic of the Congo.
经社会指出,占地球表三分之一 的太平 是 全 球 性资源,需要对之 实行共同的管理和担当,并指出在管理海洋资源方面,太平洋小岛屿发展中 [...]
国家已起了带头作用,但它们需要其他亚太地区国家乃至全球的支持,包括 为此建立有效的海洋管理机制。
The Commission noted that the
[...] Pacific Ocean, covering one third of the earth’s surface, [...]
was a global resource that required
collective management and responsibility, and that, while Pacific island developing countries were taking the lead in managing ocean resources, they needed the support of other countries in Asia and the Pacific and globally.
安全理事会如推荐申请国为会员国,大会应审议该申请 是否 为 爱好和平的国家而且能够并愿意履行《宪章》所载的义务,并以 出席并参加表决的成员三分之二 多数对该国的入会申请作出决 定。
If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a
peace-loving State and is able and willing to
[...] carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.
废物管理是私营部门经济活动的一 分 , 国 家拥有的 是三 个 危险废物收 集中心,地方政府拥有几个地区废物管理中心,废物收集、分类、回收等主要部 分都在私营部门进行。
Waste management forms a part of private sector economic activities, with the state owning just the three hazardous waste [...]
collection centres and
local governments owning several regional waste management centres – the main part of waste collection, sorting, recovery, etc. takes place in the private sector.
而亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国超过了其1988年产量 水平,立陶宛和俄罗斯联邦的产量是其1998年水平的80%多,其他国家依 是其 1988产量水平三分之一 或低于这一水平。
While Armenia, Belarus, Estonia and Republic of Moldova have exceeded their 1988 production levels, and output in Lithuania and the Russian
Federation is at more than
[...] 80 percent of its original 1998 level, other countries remain at one-third or less of their [...]
1988 production levels.
[...] 源学会进行的全球分析显示,全世界目前开工的矿场和勘探地点有四分之一以上 与严格保护区的 10 公里半径覆叠,甚至在其范围之内;现时所有开工的矿场和 勘探地点几三分之一是位于 具有高度养护价值的完整生态系统地区之内;现时 所有开工的矿场几三分之一是位于 情况紧张的流域;现时开工的矿场和勘探地 点几乎五分之一是位于地震危险大或极大的地区;三分之一以上位于天生就有水 质问题的地区。
Global analysis undertaken by the World Resources Institute showed that more than one quarter of the world’s active mines and exploration sites overlap with or are within a 10-kilometre radius
of a strictly
[...] protected area; nearly one third of all active mines and exploration sites are located within areas of intact ecosystems of high conservation value; almost one third of all active mines [...]
are located in stressed
watersheds; nearly one fifth of active mines and exploration sites are in areas of high or very high seismic hazard; and more than one third are in areas that may be predisposed to water quality problems.
采用ArmorStruxx技术后,MRAP的装甲板能抵御枪弹射击和 药 爆 炸, 而 三分 之 一以上的军人伤 是 由 这些因素导致的。
When the MRAP is fitted with ArmorStruxx technology, its panels can
withstand the impact of bullets or
[...] blasts from explosives, which account for at least one-third of military fatalities.
(i) 在非洲实现没有艾滋病、疟疾和结核病患者的一代,为此提供预防和照 顾援助,以便尽可能实现到 2010 年在非洲国家普及艾滋病毒/艾滋病治疗的目标, 鼓励制药公司向非洲提供人们买得起的药物,包括抗反转录 毒药 物 , 并确保增 加双边和多边援助,尽可是赠款 援助,通过加强保健系统,帮助非洲防治疟疾、 结核病和其他传染病。
( i ) To provide, with the aim of an AIDS-, malaria- and tuberculosis-free generation in Africa, assistance for prevention and care and to come as close as possible to achieving the goal of universal access by 2010 to HIV/AIDS treatment in African countries, to encourage pharmaceutical companies to make drugs, including antiretroviral drugs, affordable and accessible in Africa and to ensure increased bilateral and multilateral assistance, where possible on a grant basis, to combat malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in Africa through the strengthening of health systems.
17.4 根据《侵害人身罪条例》(第212章) ,任何人士意图促致任何女子( 包括残 疾女子 )流产( 不论该女是否怀孕) 而非法向其施用或导致其服用任 毒药 或 其 他 有害物品,或非法使用任何器具或任何其他方法以遂同样意图,均属犯可循公诉 [...]
17.4 Under the Offence Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person who, with intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman (including women with disabilities), whether she is or is not with child,
[...] administers or causes to be taken by her any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument [...]
or other means
whatsoever with the like intent, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment.
已经houvi通话杀死,甚至她的母是 纯 粹 的 毒药 , 它 杀死一个孩子或如果你喜欢“胎儿”听说过,但也有点运气,沿奥钢联的母亲,以及,那些谁杀的,得较多的应该不使一个差异,这一切,如果你是怀孕的需要,不可能是一个懦夫,不担心别人,你的生活负责任地承担起自己的行为,我敢肯定,这孩子将是一个祝福,他的母亲感到非常自豪,无论情况中,它是生成的,事实是,它是一个新的生命,不论父亲或母亲将有它自己的生命,采取借此机会以来融入世界,就像你有机会,最后,我有一个肯定,上帝保佑所有没有区别,并祝福你和你儿子。
Already houvi talk that kills
[...] even her mother is pure poison, which kills a child [...]
or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also
with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill, morer should not make a difference, all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, do not worry about others, live your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm sure this baby will be a blessing, a great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances in which it was generated, the fact is that it is a new life, regardless of the father or mother will have its own life, take this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
[...] 包括世卫组织热带病研究和训练特别方案、非洲药品和诊断创新网络和非洲联盟 非洲药品制造计划,此外,目前正在制定国际药品采购机制提出的拟议药品专利 共有倡议,目是建立 一个药品专利自愿共有机制,其初期重 是 增 加 新抗逆转 录毒药物的 提供渠道,并鼓励开发新配方。
These include the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, the African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation, the African Union Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa, and the development of the proposed Medicines Patent Pool Initiative launched by UNITAID aimed at
establishing a
[...] voluntary patent pool for medicines, with an initial focus on increasing access to newer antiretroviral medicines and encouraging the [...]
development of new formulations.
(c) 鼓励在适当情形下自愿采用伙伴关系 分 级 定价、开源共享专利和惠及 所有发展中国家的专利池等新机制,包括通过药品专利池等实体这样做,帮助降 低治疗费用,并鼓励开发艾滋病毒新疗法,包括艾滋 毒药 品 和护理点诊断,特是针对儿童的药品和诊断
(c) Encouraging the voluntary use, where appropriate, of new mechanisms such as
partnerships, tiered
[...] pricing, open-source sharing of patents and patent pools benefiting all developing countries, including through entities such as the Medicines Patent Pool, to help to reduce treatment costs and encourage development of new HIV treatment formulations, including HIV medicines and point-of-care [...]
diagnostics, in particular for children
第四,减少伤 害 的 服 务仍是世界各 地 毒 品使用者的多数 人所无 法 得到的, 尽管在撒哈拉以 南 的非洲地区以 外 ,所有新近 感染艾滋毒的人中将三分之 一 的人的感染起源可以追溯到注射 毒 品 的人合用 受污染的针 头 。
Fourth, harm reduction
[...] services remain out of reach for the vast majority of drug users worldwide even though outside of sub-Saharan Africa, nearly one third of all new HIV infections can be traced to the sharing of contaminated syringes [...]
by people who inject drugs.
艺术家卡洛琳娜·卡塞多认为现实在一个地理点上更多 是分 散 而 非集中:她的作品指向一个更复杂的具有隐喻性的情况,即货币全球金融关系建立于其上 三 个 实 例之间的关系:一克可卡因的成本、一公升汽油的价格、平均最低工资。
For Caycedo the reality is more diffuse and less
[...] centered in a geographical point: Her contribution points at a more complex and metaphorical situation, the relationship between fiat-currency and three instances in which [...]
the relationships
of global finance can be established: the cost of a gram of cocaine, the price of a liter of gasoline, and the average minimum wage.
第一至第四届亚洲地方前体管制问题合作小组会议(2008 年);第二十至第二 十九届亚洲和太平洋地区各国禁毒执法机构负责人会议(2005 年);第十七至第二 十六次东南亚国家联盟(东盟)禁毒问 题 高级官员会议(2005 年);麻药品委员会三十九届(1996 年)至第四十七届年度会议(2004 年)。
Meeting of the Asian Collaborative Group on Local Precursor Control, first to fourth meetings (2008); Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies of Asia and the Pacific region, twentieth to twenty-ninth meetings (2005); Meeting of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN)
[...] Senior Officials on Drug Matters, seventeenth to twenty-sixth meetings (2005); annual sessions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs thirty-ninth [...]
(1996) to forty-seventh sessions (2004).




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