

单词 是...的标志

See also:



标志 v

mark v
earmark v



External sources (not reviewed)

Yes, the presence of a UL Mark on a product or device [...]
is the only means to identify that that particular product or device is certified by UL.
人类社会就像人体的各个部分,是相互依赖的 实体;对妇女和女孩的歧视常常与其他社会弊病相伴而生 是 大 范 围社会衰的标志。
Much like the parts of a human body, human communities are interdependent entities; the
discrimination against women and girls often accompanies other
[...] social ills and can be an indicator of wide-scale social decay.
值得注的是,没有CE标志, 产 品不可以在欧盟国家使用,也不能从欧盟 之外的国家进口。
It is important to notice that without a CE sign, the product [...]
cannot be used across the EU countries nor imported from outside the EU.
的确,这些原则同样是“奥 斯陆进程的标志,是它们 促成了《集束弹药公约》的谈判、签署和生效,它们 [...]
Indeed these same principles marked the Oslo Process which [...]
led to the negotiation, the signing and the entry into force
of the CCM and should mark the working philosophy of its intersessional work.
伊朗政权最的言论和行标志着其 针对以色列国和犹太人 的 战 争 进入 了一个新阶段,是国际社会所不能再视而不见的。
The Iranian regime’s recent statements and actions mark a new phase in its war against the State of Israel and the Jewish people, which [...]
the international community can no longer ignore.
我们再 次呼吁恢复对话和谈判,而对话和谈判应该是国际关的标志,是一国公民因争端而对立时人民之间应有 关系的标志。
We once again call for a return to dialogue and negotiations, which should be the hallmark of international relations and of relations between the inhabitants of a country when any form of dispute divides its citizens.
执行问题一是《公约》会的标志 性 问 题,为加强对该问题的重视,资 源、合作和援助方面的讨论应当侧重于缔约国及其他主要执行方为改进筹措、调 [...]
动和提供财力和非财力资源以满足已确定的需要的系统和程序而可采取的实际步 骤。
To reinforce the strong emphasis on
[...] implementation that has been the trademark of Convention meetings, [...]
discussions on resources,
cooperation and assistance should focus on the concrete steps all States Parties and other key implementation actors could take to improve the systems and procedures for identifying, mobilising and providing both fiscal and non-fiscal resources to meet identified needs.
接地线的标志是其绝 缘层的外表面为绿色 (带或不带黄色条纹)。
The wire with insulation having an [...]
outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the grounding wire.
尽管该办事处开展了宣传,但当联发援框架中明显缺少文化与发展内容时,气候变化 将成为联发援框的标志,虽然它的 目 标 基本 是 与 人 权问题有关的内战直接后遗症,以及 在《宪法》制定过程中适当纳入妇女、少数民族等内容。
While culture and development is notably absent from the UNDAF despite the advocacy by the
Office, climate change
[...] is flagged by the UNDAF though it targets essentially the immediate sequels [...]
of the civil war, related
human rights issues, and appropriate inclusion of women, minorities, etc. in the constitution-making process.
私营部门轨标志着联合国的一个重要里程碑,因为 是 首 次 将私营部门全 面纳入联合国一次主要会议的方案,使公共和私营部门之间能够直接进行商议。
The private sector track marked an important milestone for the United Nations: it was [...]
the first time that the private sector
was fully integrated into the programme of a major United Nations conference, allowing for direct deliberations between the public and private sectors.
乌干达政府认为,第 1325(2000)号决议及其第 1889(2009)号后续决是标志性的决议 ,这不仅仅是 因为我们坚信妇女在冲突期间和冲突后发挥的重要 作用,而且从我们的经验来看,我们承认妇女在预防 和调解冲突的进程中具有不容否认的作用。
Resolution 1325 (2000) and its follow-up resolution 1889 (2009) are considered by Uganda’s Government to be landmark resolutions not only because of our strong belief in the important role that women play during and after conflict, but also because, from experience, we recognize women’s undeniably positive role in conflict prevention and mediation processes.
杀人用是这些恐怖团伙犯 下的罪的标志,它 们采用了“伊斯兰屠宰法”,即为明证。
The proof is that the killings were carried out using knives, the hallmark of crimes committed by these terrorist groups, which employ the “Islamic slaughter” method.
进一步商定,评注中应 当解释:(a)凡对设保人身份识标志 实 行变 更 的 修 订 ,其索 的 编 排 是 增 加新 的设保人身份识标志,如 同一个新的设保人那样;(b)在这种情况下,以设保 人原有身份识别志或新 的身份识别标志进行查询,都将可显示登记情况;以 及(c)这样做将不会造成任何混淆,因为通知将按先后顺序编排索引。
Furthermore, it was agreed that
[...] the commentary should explain that: (a) an amendment changing the identifier of the grantor would be indexed by adding the new grantor identifier as if it were a new grantor; (b) in such a case, a search under either the [...]
old identifier or the
new identifier of the grantor would reveal the registration; and (c) that approach would not cause any confusion as the notices would be indexed in a sequential order.
该亚摩兰,作为董事和这些院校的成员被称为(见阿莫拉),成为了犹太法典的发起人,而且它最终节 标志 着 以同 样 的 方 式 结束了amoraic倍说,该tannaim期由完成该米示拿一样的mishnah的犹大一编译,犹太法典 是 一 个 作者或多个作者的工作,但对许多世代,他们的辛劳终于在一书在其独特的模式导致了集体劳动的结果发展。
The Amoraim, as the directors and members of
these academies were
[...] called ( see Amora), became the originators of the Talmud; and its final redaction marked the end of the amoraic times in the same way that the period of the Tannaim was concluded [...]
by the compilation
of the Mishnah of Judah I. Like the Mishnah, the Talmud was not the work of one author or of several authors, but was the result of the collective labors of many successive generations, whose toil finally resulted in a book unique in its mode of development.
所使的标志有很 多形式,有是强制的,有些不是。
Marks in many different formats are used and some are mandatory.
本双年度第四分之三的标志是,协 调国际应对金融经济危机的方案。此次金融和经 济危机造成了严重威胁,可能逆转已经取得的实现国际商定的发展目标的进程,包括《千年 [...]
The third quarter of
[...] the biennium was marked by efforts at coordinated [...]
international responses to the financial and economic
crisis that seriously threatens to reverse progress already achieved towards internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs.
我们也要考虑,地标志是否有 助于促进发展,并促进解决参加《与贸易有 的 知 识 产权 协议》理事会目前有关该问题讨论的发展中国家的相关问题,尽管这很大程度上是另一个 分开的问题。
We also consider here, although it is largely a separate issue, whether Geographical Indications (GIs) have [...]
a role to play in promoting development,
and the issues relevant to developing countries in the current discussions on this issue in the TRIPS Council.
在上下两层的主餐厅里, MSC Preziosa 珍爱号的主餐厅提的是标志性的 地中海风味和国际餐食,相信这些美食会打动您最敏感的味蕾。
Arranged on two levels, MSC Preziosa’s main restaurant offers authentic Mediterranean and international cuisine that will delight even the most selective taste buds.
因为《协议》 目前并没有要求各国制定关于地 标志的 正 式 登记制度,因此强制实施所产生的负担和成 本会落在地标志持有者的肩上,而 是 政 府 肩上。
This is because TRIPS does not currently require any formal national registration system for geographical indications, and the burden and costs of compelling enforcement therefore falls on the holders of the geographical indication, not the government.
专 家们一致同意监管机构的决定得到法院支持的重要性, 是 其 可靠性及其决定的 质的标志。
Experts agreed on the importance for the regulator of having its decisions upheld by the courts, as a sign of its reliability and the quality of its decisions.
她提议将该决定定为第1/CP.16 号决定,是缔约方会议第十六届 会的标志性成 就之一,并将其定性为代表气候变化国际合作新时代的《坎昆协 议》的一部分。
She proposed that the decision be designated as decision 1/CP.16, one of the landmark outcomes of COP 16, and that the decision be characterized as part of the Cancun Agreements, representing a new era of international cooperation on climate change.
成吉思汗陵正殿中最显的标志是一 座由纯大理石建成的成吉思汗雕像,高达13英尺。
The most prominent feature of the main hall is the impressive 13-feet statue of Genghis Khan made entirely out of white marble.
最后一点但并非最不重要的一点是,欧洲联盟将 饶有兴趣地关注 2009 年东帝汶地方选举,将此视为 该国民主进程的又一重要里程碑,同时 是 迄 今 在体 制能力建设和民主施政方面所取得的进 的 重 要标 志,而这两点对于确保该国稳定和善政都具有至关重 要的意义。
Last, but not least, the European Union will follow with great interest the 2009 local elections in Timor-Leste as another important milestone in the country’s democratic processes and as a significant indicator of the progress achieved so far in the area of institutional capacity-building and democratic governance, which are both so crucial to ensuring stability and good governance in the country.
47 绝大多数提供信息的国家已制订了涵盖地 标志的具 体法律,尽管尚不清楚这些法是否 直接源自《协议》,或是为了满足双边义务而早就制 定的。
The TRIPS Council Secretariat has already begun to shed some light on how a number of WTO Members, including some developing
countries, have met their
[...] obligations under TRIPS.47 The vast majority of countries from which information has been obtained provide specific legislation covering geographical indications although it is unclear [...]
whether this legislation
stems directly from the TRIPS Agreement or was already in place to meet, for example, bilateral commitments.
耶稣的事工之前,他的激情罗宾逊适用的术语,因为该部在这个时 的标志 , 来“proleptic末世论 是 在 预 期可见。
To Jesus' ministry before his passion Robinson applies the term "proleptic eschatology" because in that ministry the signs of the age to come were visible in anticipation.
艺术家米莲娜·波尼拉认为,唐人街所在的地方就在今天的黄金博物馆,事实上唐人街“就是”黄金博物馆——这儿是哥伦比亚的文化遗产和国家财富原 的标志 ( 当然,合适的说 是 来 自 于印第安土著,他们的手工艺品是博物馆的首批藏品)。
For Bonilla, Chinatown resides in the exact spot where the Gold Museum lies today, and in fact it is the Gold Museum – a landmark of Colombian cultural heritage and the archetypal image of national wealth (appropriated, of course, from the native Indians whose crafts are the privileged objects of the collection).
该经验教训研讨会从多个利益相关者的角度分析了导致项目“失败”的因素,“失败 的标志 是达到了安装水冲式厕所成为住户的唯一解决办法这一“转折点”。
The lessons-learned workshop gave a multi- stakeholder perspective of the factors leading to the ‘failure’ of the project, in terms of reaching a “tipping point” where installation of flush toilets were the only solution for the households.
标志是由政府发的认可计划, 的 是 鼓励香港工商机构/机构采取措施,减少企业在运作、制造产品及提供服务时所产生的废物;及表扬这些企业在减废所作出的贡献。
The Wastewi$e Label is a recognition scheme established to encourage [...]
Hong Kong businesses / organizations in adopting measures
to reduce the amount of waste generated within their establishments or generated through the services and products they provide; and recognize the waste reduction efforts of those companies.
正如全球外勤支助战略执 行进展情况首次年度报告(A/65/643)所概述,采用了一个具体的项目方法,包括 成本效益分析、预计的初期投入、经常费用、风险和缓解因素以及详细列出移交 进程各阶段和进标志的执行计划,在此基础上确定了以下四个将职能和相关资 源移交恩德培区域服务中心的初期项目:外勤人员报到和离职;教育补助金办理; 区域培训和会议中心的运作;运输和调度综合控制中心的运作。
As outlined in the first annual progress report on the implementation of the global field support strategy (A/65/643), following the application of a specific project methodology, including a cost-benefit analysis, projected initial investment, recurring costs, risk and mitigation factors and implementation plans detailing the phases and milestones of process to be transferred, the following four initial projects have been identified for transfer of functions and related resources to the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe: check-in and check-out of field personnel, processing of education grants, operation of a regional training and conference centre, and the operation of the Transportation and Movements Integrated Control Centre.




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