单词 | 是垃圾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 是垃圾 noun —rubbish nSee also:垃圾 n—waste n • rubbish n • spam n • junk n • garbage n • debris n • litter n
Banjarsari [...] (印度尼西亚雅加达) 绿色村的概念,特别是垃圾管理 计划受到了全国的广泛关 注,并在 [...]12 月曼谷的世界童子军大会上作了介绍。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Banjarsari (Jakarta, Indonesia) green village concept, in [...] particular the waste management programme, [...]received wide national attention, and [...]was also presented at the World Boy Scout Jamboree in Bangkok in December. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我們有 議員剛才譏諷我們的政府是一個垃圾 政 府,但我覺得支持這個垃圾政府的議 員更是垃圾。 legco.gov.hk | Earlier on a Member teased that our [...] Government was a rubbish government, but I think Members who support this rubbish government is more like rubbish. legco.gov.hk |
所以,儘管她說政府是垃圾政府 ,但為了表示這也是一團和氣, 她最後那一句本身其實也是一種保皇黨的說法,她是愛這個政府的。 legco.gov.hk | So, even though she said that the [...] Government was a rubbish government, in [...]order to show that it is also meant to achieve [...]harmony, that remark of hers is actually still a pro-government remark, for she actually loves this Government. legco.gov.hk |
我完全沒有意思發言,但我聽到曾鈺成議員的一番說話後,覺 得他所說的根本是垃圾,完 全是沒有邏輯的。 legco.gov.hk | I did not intend to speak at all. However, having heard Mr Jasper TSANG's speech, I felt that what he [...] said was total rubbish and entirely illogical. legco.gov.hk |
不应该让儿童迫不得已 在洒满玻璃碎片的空地或到处是垃圾 的 小 巷或受化 学废物污染的场地活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children should not be forced to play in vacant [...] lots littered with broken glass, or in alleys choked with trash or fields [...]contaminated by chemical waste. daccess-ods.un.org |
余若薇議員說這是垃圾,我也說,這 不 是垃圾是 甚 麼? legco.gov.hk | Ms Audrey EU said [...] that this was rubbish, and what else was it if it was not rubbish? legco.gov.hk |
我覺得現時最大的問題,並非這些基建、硬件等, 而 是垃圾 究 竟 從哪裏 來呢? legco.gov.hk | The biggest problems are not connected with all such infrastructure and hardware facilities. legco.gov.hk |
如果是這麼“勇”,便應 [...] 該連條例草案委員會也不加入,這才可以顯示他們大義凜然,政府提出的全 部是垃圾,所 以他們根本不屑一顧,簡直是鄙視,更遑論加入條例草案委員 會。 legco.gov.hk | If they are so adamant, then they should not have joined the Bills Committee, for that will make them look all the more [...] righteous and the Government's proposal appear to [...] be nothing but rubbish, which they are [...]so contemptuous of that they refuse to join the Bills Committee. legco.gov.hk |
他剛才發言表示接受主席的裁決,還非常明 確的說,這項條例草案不是“垃圾” , 而 是 應 該 改稱為《董建華連任行政長 官選舉條例草案》。 legco.gov.hk | He said earlier that he accepted the ruling of [...] President and stated very explicitly that [...] the Bill was not "rubbish", only that it should be renamed [...]as a bill on the re-election [...]of Mr TUNG Chee-hwa as the Chief Executive. legco.gov.hk |
为此,我们在 [...] 2006 年下半年进行了两次招标,一次是多技术合同招标(在对标书进行 分析之后,选定了 PENAUILLE ENERGIE/RMTI 公司中标),另一次是垃圾收集 和处理合 同招标(在对标书进行分析之后,选定 DERICHBOURG 公司中标,除其他事项外,该公司 尤其要负责按照全球可持续发展协议的要求进行纸张回收)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To that end, in the second half of 2006, two [...] invitations to tender [...] were issued for a multitechnical contract (following an analysis of the bids, the firm PENAUILLE ENERGIE/RMTI was selected) and a waste collection [...]and treatment contract [...](after an analysis of the bids, the firm DERICHBOURG which, inter alia, offers a paper-recycling solution consistent with the global compact for sustainable development) was selected. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果有人邮寄一封有关您的域名的信,我们首先要检查它是 否 是垃圾 邮 件。 dynadot.com | If someone mails a letter regarding your domain, we first check if it is junk mail. dynadot.com |
蔡素玉議員剛 才說找不到垃圾,實際上現時是有很多 垃 圾 的 , 問題 只 是垃圾 被 送 往堆填區 處理,不然便是交由大型回收公司處理。 legco.gov.hk | But the problem is that garbage will be sent to landfills or handled by large-scale recycling firms. legco.gov.hk |
楊森議員 楊森議員 楊森議員 楊森議員:我不會收回,我說他的言 論 是垃圾。 legco.gov.hk | DR YEUNG SUM (in Cantonese): I will [...] not withdraw it, because I think that his comments are rubbish. legco.gov.hk |
Acrobat Distiller在制作PDF文件时,对于黑白图像没有使用压缩率更高的JBIG2编码,而是使用了CCITTFax编码;使用PDFLib制作PDF文件时,有时会在文件内产生很多无用对象(这些对象从未被引用,所以也 就 是垃圾 信 息 ,在最极端的情况下,垃圾信息占用文件总尺寸的一半)。 oapdf.com | Acrobat Distiller in the production of PDF documents, for the black and white images do not use a higher compression ratio JBIG2 encoding, but the use of coding CCITTFax; PDFLib making use of PDF documents, sometimes in the paper a lot of useless objects [...] (these objects have never [...] been invoked, it is spam, in the most extreme cases, the spam files occupy [...]half of the total size). oapdf.com |
他每半小時便會收到短訊提 示,顯示一個毫不認識的電話號碼用戶的所在位置,他初時以 為 是垃圾 訊 息 未有理會。 hkcert.org | Symantec mined its global network of honeypots and security detectors -- and located email messages with attached malicious PDF documents -- to come to that conclusion. hkcert.org |
何俊仁議員說得很對,現在是 晚上 10 時,可能明天早上,可以多兩票,你們想一想被我們這樣罵實在不 [...] 妥,政治的後果也不妥,所以回去想想覺得李永達議員的修正可 能 是垃圾, 無 須公諸於世,於是投票反對“殺局”。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Albert HO is right in saying that when morning comes, they may have two more votes. Originally, they might have been angered by our criticisms; they might have found the political consequences of our criticisms [...] much too serious, and perhaps they might also have felt that the amendments of Mr [...] LEE Wing-tat were nothing but rubbish. legco.gov.hk |
如果不同意他 的理由,便說是“垃圾言論 ”,那是否一種民主的態度呢? legco.gov.hk | When some people cannot accept this reason, [...] they say that his arguments are rubbish. legco.gov.hk |
在奥地利和加拿大,固体废物管理可有效地将 废物运出市区,储存起来以备将来处理,因为它们采用 的 是垃圾 填 埋 处理方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Austria and Canada, solid waste management consists in removing waste from urban areas and storing it for the future, in landfills. daccess-ods.un.org |
曾鈺成議員是讀數學的,他的邏輯應當很好,但很可惜,在今天的整個 辯論中,他所說的邏輯根本不是邏輯;我認同楊森議員所說,那些言 論 是垃 圾 (眾笑)。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Jasper TSANG used to be a mathematics major, he should be very good at logic. Unfortunately, in the entire debate today, the logic which he speaks about is no logic at all. legco.gov.hk |
有議員認為,政府當局將中央有權罷免行政 [...] 長官的條文寫於條例草案中,是“雙手奉送本港的高度自治”,更有所謂 “簡直是垃圾”的言論。 legco.gov.hk | Some Members think that in specifying in the Bill that the Central People's Government has the power to remove the Chief Executive from office, the Administration [...] is "surrendering the high degree of autonomy of the SAR on a plate", and some have [...] even said that "it is simply rubbish". legco.gov.hk |
所以,為了一些我不打算列舉的理由,正 如李永達議員所說,這些都是垃圾理 由 ,我不會列明這些理由。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, for reasons (or "rubbish", as Mr LEE Wing-tat put it) that I do not intend to list here, Chairman TSANG said he must support the Second Reading of the Bill. legco.gov.hk |
慶幸今時今日,由於有高科技,垃圾 已 不 再 是垃圾 那 麼簡單;透過環保 回收,循環再造,垃圾可以被賦予新的生命,新的價值。 legco.gov.hk | Through environmentally-friendly recovery and recycling, rubbish can be given a new lease of life and acquire new value. legco.gov.hk |
電子郵件不僅是 垃圾郵件 和大量散佈之惡意軟體的途徑,也是許多進階持續威脅 (APT) [...] 攻擊發動的方法。 fireeye.com | Not only is [...] email the avenue for spam and mass-distributed [...]malware, it is also the way many advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks are initiated. fireeye.com |
今天唯一出現了氣氛不和的地方,便是蔡素玉議員說這個政 府 是垃圾政 府。 legco.gov.hk | The only bit that is not harmonious today is the remark made by Miss CHOY So-yuk, that this [...] Government is a rubbish government. legco.gov.hk |
我 也 懷 期 盼 的 心 情 , 無論民 主 派 能 否 得 到過半 數或接近一 半 的議席,令 政府可能感 到 壓 力也好,我 也希 [...] 望 我 們 的議會真 正能代表民 意 , 不要讓 人 感 到 我 們 是“垃圾會”。 legco.gov.hk | Regardless of whether or not the democratic camp would get more than half or close to half of the seats so that the Government will feel the pressure of [...] it, I hope that our assembly will really speak out for the people so that we [...] will not be called a junk assembly any more. legco.gov.hk | 隧道結構本身頗為礙眼,尤其是垃圾 會 堆 積在隧道頂 部,有礙觀瞻。 devb.gov.hk | The tunnel structure itself would be an eyesore, especially with debris being deposited on the roof, creating an unsightly waterfront. devb.gov.hk |
无营养卡路里”意指高热量低营养价值的食品, 它 是垃圾 食 品 的别名。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Empty calories" describes foods high in calories but low in nutritional value, meaning it’s a fancy name for junk food. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
所以,雖然蔡素玉 議員說如果政府不那樣做便是垃圾政 府 ,她其實也是很愛這個垃圾政府的, 因為在開始時,她說垃圾是錯放 的資源,但到了後來,她卻一直 說 垃圾是怎 麼樣的寶貴。 legco.gov.hk | So, although Miss CHOY said that the Government would be a rubbish government if it did not do something, she actually loves this rubbish government very much. legco.gov.hk |
大多数 SMTP 服务器拒绝非法或被屏蔽的发件人地址(例如已被认 为 是垃圾 邮 件 发送者的邮件地址)。 nesox.com | Most SMTP servers will refuse to deliver messages from invalid or banned senders, also known as SPAMMERS. nesox.com |
而环保型打包带是不填加任何填充及杂质的,在使用后还可以再粉碎抽粒使用;而一般的我们现在很多常见的低廉的打包带都是含有百分之几十的填充物的,说白了里面 全 是垃圾 , 这 种打包带只有外面一层薄薄的是好一点的PP料,但在使用后能不能回收,回收的效果如何可想而知. wangyouauto.com | And environmental protection is not add pack any filling and impurities, after use can be crushed grain use smoke, But now many of our [...] general common low pack is contained dozens of [...] filler, cent is rubbish into the inside [...]and outside of the pack is a thin layer [...]of PP material is better, but in the use of recycled can recycle, imagine how effect. wangyouauto.com |