单词 | 昨日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 昨日 noun —yesterday nSee also:昨 n—yesterday n
这对缅甸政府和国家安保系统将是一 个严峻考验,因为他们需要在维护法律和秩序的同 时避免重新唤起民众对于昨日专制 统治历史的回 忆。 crisisgroup.org | This will represent a major test for the government and security services as they seek to maintain law and order without rekindling memories of the recent authoritarian past. crisisgroup.org |
Mercuria能源贸易有限公司昨日就7. 55亿美元的一年期和三年期银团循环贷款与29家鼎力支持的国际银行签署协议。 tipschina.gov.cn | A USD755 Million 1 & 3-year syndicated revolving credit [...] facility for Mercuria Energy Trading [...] Pte Ltd was signed yesterday with overwhelming [...]support from 29 international banks. tipschina.gov.cn |
因此,在昨日的高峰會㆖,不少僱主亦表示支持加重對聘用非法外勞 的僱主的懲罰。 legco.gov.hk | In the light of it, many employers also expressed at [...] the summit meeting yesterday their support of heavier [...]penalties for employers of illegal workers. legco.gov.hk |
田北俊議員:主席女士,昨日 在二讀辯論時 ,我已表 達 了對這項修正案的看 法,但 庫務局局長說 [...] 了兩件事,我想稍作回 應 。 legco.gov.hk | MR JAMES TIEN (in Cantonese); Madam Chairman, during the [...] Second Reading debate yesterday, I already expressed [...]my views on this amendment. legco.gov.hk |
然而,重要 的是应认识到,随着电信技术的不断发展演变,这些建议最后很可 能会成为昨日黄花。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is important to realize, however, that, as telecommunications technology evolves, these recommendations may become obsolete. daccess-ods.un.org |
昨日、即 “四方”代表来到本地区帮助重启直接谈判之时,和平的敌人再次 显示他们决心继续在当地进行暴力活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yesterday — on the same day that Quartet representatives [...] came to our region to help restart direct negotiations — the enemies [...]of peace again showed their determination to carry out violence on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
它可以表现为:少数民族成员,在冲突中因为他或她的少 [...] 数民族身份而遭到袭击或杀害;个人,仅仅因为别人认定的他或她的宗教或族裔 背景,经常歧视性地被制止和遭到搜查、审讯或逮捕;移民、难民或寻求庇护者, [...] 因为其非公民身份,每天面临歧视;或足球运动员,因为其肤色而受侮辱;所有 这些例子不幸地证明种族主义和仇外心理不 是 昨日 的 问 题,今天它们仍然是巨大 的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Be it the member of an ethnic minority who is attacked or killed in the context of a conflict due to his or her minority status; the individual who is regularly and in a discriminatory manner subjected to stopping and searching, interrogations or arrests, solely because of his or her perceived religious or ethnic background; the migrant, the refugee or the asylum-seeker who faces daily discrimination due to his or her status as non-citizen; or the football player who is insulted because of his skin colour; all such instances [...] unfortunately demonstrate that racism and [...] xenophobia are not yesterday’s problems, but that [...]they remain an immense challenge for today. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告随后分发给了美洲国家组 织成员国,并于昨日即 1 月 19 日公布。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report was then distributed to the member States of the [...] OAS and published yesterday, 19 January. daccess-ods.un.org |
日線圖指標指向不一﹐其中MACD看漲﹐5日和15日移動均線正在上行﹔但隨機指標在超買區轉為看跌﹔K線 圖 昨日 形 成 看跌的射擊之星形態。 htisec.com | Daily chart [...] mixed as MACD bullish, 5- & 15-day moving averages rising; but stochastics turned bearish at overbought; bearish shooting-star candlestick pattern completed Wednesday. htisec.com |
(2) 由民研計劃總監鍾庭耀撰寫的文章,題為「港人身份認同調查」(短篇版),已 於 昨日 發 表 ,歡迎傳媒任何時間使用,包括全文轉載或節錄報導,版權完全開放。 hkupop.hku.hk | (2) The column article entitled “Opinion Poll on HK People’s Ethnic Identity” (short version and in Chinese only for the time being) written by the Director of POP Robert Chung was released yesterday. hkupop.hku.hk |
具有讽刺意味的是,DomainConsultant.com 昨日 宣 布,在其从现在起一直到5月5日的域名拍卖活动中,Reserve.com将被无“底价”拍卖,美国太平洋时间5月5日中午12点,将按照字母顺序开始对域名进行拍卖。 tipschina.gov.cn | In an ironic twist, [...] DomainConsultant.com announced yesterday the availability [...]of Reserve.com without a 'reserve' price in [...]its domain name auction going on now through May 5th -- when lots begin to close in alphabetical order at 12pm PDT. tipschina.gov.cn |
香港大學民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀, 昨日 帶 領多名來自香港大學學生研究隊的義務研究員,在灣仔軒尼詩道與柯布連道交界行人天橋附近,點算途經該處的遊行人數,以便推算全日參與遊行的總人數,初步結果在此公佈。 hkupop.hku.hk | Director of Public Opinion Programme, Robert [...] Ting-Yiu Chung, together with a number of volunteer researchers from the HKU Student Research Team, yesterday conducted [...]a head-count of demonstrators [...]passing through the footbridge at the junction of Hennessy Road and O'Brien Road, in order to project the total number of people attending the rally. hkupop.hku.hk |
在 此情况下,与保护平民有关的规范性辩论有可能会变 成一场关于昨日之战的战略辩论。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context, the normative debate [...] associated with the protection of civilians runs the risk of becoming a debate on [...] the strategy to fight yesterday’s battle. daccess-ods.un.org |
西部数码 昨日宣布 推出两款新车型的SATA阵容中的WD AV – GP的,2.5和3个结核病结核病版本,存储饥渴的市场。 technologeeko.com | Western Digital yesterday announced two new models [...] in the WD AV-GP SATA lineup, the 2.5 TB and 3 TB version, for the storage-hungry market. technologeeko.com |
它们或许基础雄厚、结构严谨、备受尊重,并且曾在过去几个 世纪中产生了杰出的研究成果,但是现在它们已是 “ 昨日 黄 花 ”。 研究趋势有起有落,恰当地说,某些国家的研究趋势可能要 比其它国家更显得突出一些。 biggerbrains.com | Although they may be very well grounded, highly structured and highly [...] regarded research disciplines [...] that have produced outstanding research outcomes over the last few hundred [...]years, they may have “gone out of fashion. biggerbrains.com |
CD/1864 号决定。正如联合国秘书长昨日所言 ,只有一项基于该举 措所依据的逻辑的方针才能使我们能够最终谈判可满足所有成员国安全关切的文 书。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Secretary-General of the [...] United Nations said yesterday, only an approach [...]based on the logic underpinning this initiative [...]will enable us at last to negotiate instruments that satisfy the security concerns of all member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
很高兴通知安全理事会,截至昨日, 南苏丹共和国已实现承诺将南苏丹警察 局 700 名成员全部调离阿卜耶伊地区——比安理会要求的 [...] 2012 年 5 月 16 日截止 日期提前了 6 天。 daccess-ods.un.org | It pleases us to notify the Security [...] Council that, as of yesterday, the Republic of South [...]Sudan completed its promised redeployment [...]from the Abyei Area of the 700 members of the South Sudanese Police Service (SSPS) — six days earlier than the 16 May 2012 deadline called for by the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
昨日,记者从佛山知名照明品牌雪莱特(港股代码:002076)了解到,该公司与中国台湾半导体龙头台积电全资子公司台积固态照明正式结成策略合作联盟,双方将共同开拓中国大陆及全球LED照明市场。 jxlcd.com | Yesterday, reporters from foshan [...] famous lighting brand snow Wright (stock code: 002076) to know, this company and China [...]Taiwan semiconductor leading TSMC wholly owned subsidiary TSMC solid state lighting formally establishing strategy alliance, the two sides will jointly develop the mainland China and global LED lighting market. jxlcd.com |
昨日在青 海发生的地震再一次提醒我们:美国人民和中国人民面对灾难时通力合作卓有成效。 embassyusa.cn | Yesterday’s earthquake in Qinghai has [...] reminded us again that Americans and Chinese work best and most effectively in the face of tragedy. eng.embassyusa.cn |
週四離岸市場﹐美元/人民幣自心理支撐位人民幣6.2000元反彈﹐倘若技術交易員 將 昨日 形 成的破腳穿頭的看漲K線組合形態解讀為市場走勢將大幅逆轉的信號﹐則美元/人民幣可能向上週高點人民幣6.2270挺進。 htisec.com | USD/CNH Thursday bounced off the psychological support at 6.2000 and could edge up towards [...] last week's high of 6.2270 if technical [...] traders interpret yesterday's bullish engulfing [...]candlestick as a sign of a bigger reversal to come. htisec.com |
在昨日非政 府组织“Jingga 13”拉大队提呈备忘录后,马华总部大厦今早遭泼红漆,惟肇事者和动机不明。 malaysiakini.com | NGO Jingga 13 has called on the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to explain the status of its investigation into private eye P Balasubramaniam’s affidavit. malaysiakini.com |
在Vintique中有多达30多种不同的经典过滤器,其中效果分别为:往日时光,温暖天气,欢乐,水彩画,淡红色的天,昏暗时光,仿旧 , 昨日 时 光 ,快乐时光,明亮,某一天,甜蜜美梦和记忆等等。 vintique.cn.uptodown.com | Some of the more than 30 different filters that most stand out are: old times, warm [...] day, delight, watercolors, pinky day, [...] drowsy, vintage, yesterday, happy time, beamed, [...]someday, sweet dream, and remember, [...]just to mention some of the most-used. vintique.en.uptodown.com |
基于法里博尔兹 Lachini [...] 对音乐的节日音乐听潘多拉最近添加更多的两张专辑: 香味的昨日 3 和 4。 lachini.com | Listen to Holiday Music based on Fariborz Lachini on Pandora.com Pandora recently added two [...] more albums: Scent of Yesterday 3 and 4. lachini.com |
Anastasopoulos于昨日6月25日周四 签署了一份关于升级比雷埃夫斯港1号码头的投资协议,比雷埃夫斯港是欧洲最大港口之一。 grpressbeijing.com | The European Investment Bank (EIB) Vice-chairman Mr. P. Sakelaris and Piraeus Port CEO N. Anastasopoulos signed yesterday, Thursday June 25, an agreement on the funding of the upgrading of Pier I at Piraeus, one of the largest harbors in Europe. grpressbeijing.com |
香港大學(港大)李嘉誠醫學院公共衞生學院聯同哈佛大學香港校友會 於 昨日 ( 1月 2 8 日 ) 為 哈佛大學公共衞生學院院長Julio Frenk教授舉行了一場歡迎酒會。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | The School of Public Health of the University of Hong [...] Kong (HKU) Li Ka Shing Faculty of [...] Medicine and the Harvard Club of Hong Kong jointly [...]hosted a welcoming reception in honour [...]of Professor Julio Frenk, Dean of Harvard School of Public Health yesterday (January 28, 2013). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
我还要借此机会祝贺联大昨日协商一致通过有 关巴基斯坦水灾的决议,该决议向国际社会及时发出 了积极、强有力的象征团结的信息,并将为国际社会 支持巴基斯坦抗洪救灾和恢复重建提供新的动力。 daccess-ods.un.org | I also wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the President of the General Assembly on the adoption by consensus yesterday of resolution 64/294, on the flooding in Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
在記者參觀的當天昨日開盤 前鑄鐵展覽的歐元2012在紐倫堡參展商說,包括員工的公司斯蒂爾,布勒,陽獅集團在凱旋門的弗里德里希 [...] - 亞歷山大大學埃爾蘭根 - 紐倫堡大學和亞琛的。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | At press [...] tour on the day before yesterday opened cast iron [...]exhibition Euro 2012 in Nuremberg exhibitors have their say, [...]including employees of the company Stihl, Buhler, Groupe Arche and the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University of Aachen. en.developmentscout.com |
信息时报穗APM线漏水点修复工作基本完成新浪网摘要:记 者 昨日 从 广州新中轴公司了解到,一周前广州A PM线发现的漏水点除歌剧院站厅层有一处因地面泛水处理难度较大,再需约一周时间修复外,其他站点漏水修复工作已基本完成。 gzsuboer.com | Guangzhou Information Times APM line leakage [...] point repair is nearly complete [...] Sina Summary: Reporter yesterday from the company learned [...]that the new axis in Guangzhou, [...]Guangzhou A PM a week ago that the leakage point line in addition to the Opera House concourse level with a floor pan for water treatment difficult, and then take about a week to repair, the other site leakage repair work has been completed. gzsuboer.com |
奧地利駐馬來西亞大使安德拉維克 昨日 在 沙 巴曙光購物商場的電影節開幕禮上表示,作爲永續性發展、環保和森林生物多樣化的領先者,沙巴州一直都是歐盟及其成員國所關注的州屬。 insightsabah.gov.my | Speaking at the launching of the film [...] festival at Suria Sabah yesterday, Ambassador Andrea [...]Wicke of Austria to Malaysia told the [...]gathering that as a front-runner in sustainable development, environmental protection and forestry biodiversity, Sabah has been a priority state for the European Union (EU) and its member states. insightsabah.gov.my |
2011年3月,養和醫院首度獲頒「商界展關懷」標誌,在關愛社群方面的努力備受認同,深感榮幸之餘亦再接再厲 , 昨日 由 養 和醫院山村義工隊主辦的第三屆「健步樂行獻愛心」順利舉行,透過是次步行籌款及義賣活動,本院為香港新聲會共籌得港幣$429, [...] 500元正善款,以支持名為「跨越難關. hksh.com | Organized for the third time by the Village Volunteers of Hong Kong Sanatorium & [...] Hospital, with charity sales this year's [...] "Walk for Vision" raised over HK$429,500 [...]for the "Breaking through the Barriers to [...]Regain a New Voice" programme of the New Voice Club of Hong Kong. hksh.com |