

单词 春黄菊属

See also:


yellow chrysanthemum
chamomile (Anthemis spp.)


yellow chrysanthemum
Huang Ju (1938-2007), Chinese politician

External sources (not reviewed)

非法开采也在侵蚀均位于大吉德州的蜂鸟资源公司和中岛 资源公司属工业黄金特许经营区。
Illegal mining is also
[...] encroaching on industrial gold concessions held [...]
by Hummingbird Resources and Middle Island Resources, both in Grand Gedeh County.
黄春菊和蜂 蜜提取物可让嘴唇保持柔软和丰润,而薄荷又可增添令人愉悦的味道。
Chamomile and honey extracts [...]
keep the lips soft and luxurious while the hint of peppermint is delightful to taste.
如果你想让你的孩子们开怀大笑,那么就定制一 属 于 他们 的 黄 色 小人吧,你可以选 属 于 你孩子的眼睛,体型,特定道具(眼镜)等定制。
If you want to satisfy tour children, let them use this Minion Creator that will let them choose eyes, shape, style and items to customize their very own Minion.
[...] EVELYN特別調製的產品能靜滌頭腦、身體和心靈,以天然材料 春 黃 菊 、 純 淨的高山及富維他命的植物提煉而成。
Soothe the mind, body and soul with specially formulated products from Crabtree &
Evelyn. Crafted with natural
[...] ingredients such as soothing chamomile, pure alpine flowers, [...]
and healthy-doses of vitamin-rich
plant extracts, our natural beauty and bath products moisturize and pamper skin, while lifting the senses, giving you a feeling of health and well-being.
植株高约70厘米,开黄色大花,与 菊 非 常 类似。
This plant is about 70 centimetres high
[...] and has big yellow-orange coloured flowers very similar to daisies.
放疗期间,张口、保持腺体的分泌和刷牙都有困难,应试着做温和的伸展练习,喝冰镇饮料,经常冲洗并用软的牙刷,用温和有效的漱口液,试用芦苔汁或 春黄菊 茶 , 争取增加腺体分泌消除口干。
During radiotherapy, mouth open, secretion of gland and teeth brushing, all these have difficulties, so patients should try to do gentle stretching exercises and often flush the mouth with soft toothbrush and moderate effective gargle.
澳门特区政府旅游局与广东省旅游局于2月9日正式启动 春 节 黄 金 周 旅游通报机制」,直到2月15日止。
MGTO and Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province
will officially activate the "Tourism
[...] Notification System for Spring Festival Golden Week" on February [...]
9 until February 15.
科克郡(County Cork)卡斯尔敦罗切(Castletownroche)的安尼斯树林(Annes Grove)自十七世纪起就由同一个家族拥有,它是一个品种多样的美丽花园,拥有蜿蜒的河流和各种天然种植园——比如绣 线 菊属 植 物 还有奇异香蕉香蕉园。
The wild, watery haven of Annes Grove in Castletownroche, County Cork, has been in the hands of the same family since the 17th century and is a beautifully diverse garden with winding waters, native plants, such as meadowsweet and marsh valerian, exotic bamboos and gigantic-leaved gunnera.
旅游局因春节黄金周 出现的情况,将与相关部门、业界及团体商讨,就酒店、饮食场所及旅客出行三方面,加强黄金周前及期间的讯息发放。
In response to the
[...] situation arisen in the Spring Festival golden week, Macau [...]
Government Tourist Office (MGTO) will discuss
with related departments, industry partners and associations about the improvement of information release in terms of hotels, restaurants and visitors' trip planning before and during the golden week.
有關修訂已於二零一零年八月一日生效,由該日起,在本港出售的 食物含有紐甜及菊醇糖苷均屬合法。
The existence of
[...] neotame and steviol glycosides in food for sale [...]
in Hong Kong had become legal with effect from the same date.
澳门特区政府旅游局与广东省旅游局早已建立 春 节 黄 金 周 旅游通报机制」,通报旅客数字以及酒店和公寓价格等讯息,由省旅游局通报当地主要传媒,让计划来澳的内地旅客掌握相关讯息。
Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province have
long established the "Tourism
[...] Notification System for Spring Festival Golden Week" to report [...]
number of visitors, room rates
of hotels and guest houses, etc. which the provincial tourism authorities would release to their local major media.
上海河网大属黄浦江 水系,主要有黄浦江及其支流苏州河、川扬河、淀浦河等。黄浦江源自太湖,全长113公里,流经市区,江道宽度300~770米,平均360米。
Most of this water
[...] network depends on Huangpu River and its [...]
tributaries Suzhou River, Chuanyang River and Dingpu River,
etc. The 113-kilometers long Huangpu River (its spring is Tai Lake) divides the city in two parts; it is between 300 and 700 meters wide, on average 360 meters wide.
阿罗芒什(Arromanches)属黄金海 滩 (维赫/迈尔-阿斯内勒Ver/mer-Asnelles),在登陆当天被来自阿斯内勒德(Asnelles)的部队解放,海滩因 [...]
[...] which was part of Gold Beach (Ver/Mer-Asnelles), [...]
was liberated on D-Day by troops from Asnelles, as its own
beach had to remain intact in order for the Allies to install one of the two Mulberry Harbours there.
在新近的文献中如下内容是相关的: Ackerfield和Wen, 对于Hedera L.(常春藤属,Araliaceae)的形态学分析和它的分类的暗示的morphometric (Adansonia,sér. 3, 24: 197–212. 2002);Ackerfield和Wen,Hedera(常春藤属,Ar aliaceae)的演化:从叶绿体DNA 数据发现的 (Int. J. Pl. [...]
Sci. 164: 593–602. 2003).J. Pl。
Among recent literature the following are relevant: Ackerfield and
Wen, A morphometric analysis
[...] of Hedera L. (the ivy genus, Araliaceae) and its taxonomic implications (Adansonia, sér. 3, 24: 197-212. 2002); Ackerfield and Wen, Evolution of Hedera (the ivy genus, Araliaceae): insights [...]
from chloroplast
DNA data (Int. J. Pl. Sci. 164: 593-602. 2003).
包含所有注塑零件,属零件,黄铜 蚀 刻片,水贴纸,图纸,说明书,及安装密封舱的相关部件。
Kit includes all plastic parts, metal parts, brass etching tablet, water stickers, drawings, specifications, and installation of the chamber components.
西侧毗邻的多尔多涅地区,并因此成为颇受外国人,尤其是在英国搜索的字 属 性 , 如 黄 色 的 石头房子中发现的中世纪小镇古尔东。
The western side borders the Dordogne area and has therefore become fairly popular with foreigners,
especially the British searching for a character
[...] property such as the yellow stone houses found [...]
in the medieval town of Gourdon.
可用校准功能包括:合金黄金和贵 金 属 、 块 状材料(电子废料和催化转换器)、土壤、采矿、受限制材料和客户特定功能
Available calibrations
[...] include: alloy, gold and precious metals, bulk material [...]
(E‐scrap and catalytic converters), soil,
mining, restricted materials, and customer specific
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯 菊 酯 ( 146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
交易着现在可以深入了解贵属(黄 金 和 白银)隔夜利息的复杂计算方法,进一步了解由交易员商收取的额外费用。
Traders can now gain deep understanding of the complicated SWAP calculations
[...] for precious metals (GOLD and SILVER) [...]
and become more aware of the mark-ups they are charged by their brokers.
由于ZuluTrade平台目前还不支持差价合约,因此您ZuluTrade账户只能交易外汇和 属 ( 黄 金 和 白银)。
From your ZuluTrade account you may trade
[...] only Forex and Metals (XAU/USD and XAG/USD) [...]
as for the time being CFDs are not supported by ZuluTrade.
我們現在說的企業精神便是正正要去除我們 人性中的薇菊、社會中的薇菊, 希 望藉此能夠真正為人類發展帶來可持 續的發展。
The entrepreneurship now under discussion precisely requires the elimination of Mikania micrantha in our human nature, and the elimination of Mikania micrantha found in society, with a view to bringing about sustainability in the development of mankind.
正在进行的磋商的结果将被收入总干事将提交给 2005 年春季执 行局会议 的 33 C/5 建议中,这样一来自下而上的方法便充实了自上而下的方法。
The results of the ongoing consultations would be included in the proposed 33 C/5 document that the
Director-General would submit to the
[...] Executive Board in spring 2005, thus ensuring [...]
that the bottom-up approach complemented the top-down approach.
正因為這些觀點,㆒九八㆔年當我剛卸任大律師公會主席後,與當時新華社香港 分社副社長、聯合聲明㆗方談判成員之㆒的 菊 生 先 生會面,提出在香港成立終審庭 的重要性,改變了當初李先生認為應該在北京成立終審庭的想法。
It was those viewpoints which had prompted me to explain the importance of setting up a CFA in Hong Kong to Mr LI Jusheng, then Deputy Director of the Xinhua News Agency and one of the Chinese representatives in the negotiations of the Joint Declaration, when I met him in 1983 after I had completed my term of office as Chairman of the Bar Association of Hong Kong, Mr LI initially thought that the CFA should be set up in Beijing but he was successfully persuaded to change his mind.
欧盟代表团对于以下农药/商品组合的最高残留限量建议表达了保留意见:对于除 虫脲的总体保留意见,因为该化合物在欧盟正在接受评估;具体保留意见包括:桃子、 李子和青椒的建议值;噻螨酮(草莓); 菊 酯 ( 葡萄);麦草畏(大豆);啶虫脒 (欧芹(除菠菜外的叶类蔬菜)),以及粉唑醇(葡萄干(无核葡萄干、葡萄干和小葡萄干) 和葡萄)。
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on the following proposals for MRLs for pesticide / commodity combinations: general reservation on diflubenzuron as the evaluation of this compound was ongoing in the EU and specific reservations for the proposals for peaches, plums and peppers; hexythiazox for strawberries; etofenprox for grapes; dicamba for soybeans; acetamiprid for scarole (leafy vegetables except spinach) and flutriafol for dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) and grapes.
开发anibal合金,这是一种钢镍合金,用于制造完整的摆轮或Guillaume摆轮:双 属 摆 轮 (anibal合 金 - 黄 铜 ), 二次误差基本可以消除。
Development of anibal, a steel and nickel alloy, for the production of the integral balance wheel or Guillaume balance wheel: bi-metallic balance wheel (anibal-brass) where the secondary error is practically eliminated.
2012 年 1 月 12 日,中国中央电视台(CCTV) 节目——《焦点访谈》报道,贵州省乌江流域
[...] 的渔业受到了上游大型国有企业——贵州开磷集团有限责任公司 属 工 厂 所释 黄 磷 的严重污 染,这起引人注目的工业污染案件在事发一年半以后仍未解决。
On 12 January 2012, the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) program, Topics in Focus reported that a dramatic case of industrial pollution had not been settled even one and a half years after the aquaculture on the Wu River in Guizhou
province was severely damaged by the
[...] release of phosphorus yellow from an upstream plant [...]
owned by a large state-owned enterprise, Guizhou Kailin (Group) Co.
结果显示: (1) 处春季繁殖期黄鼠应 以大鼠饲料为主,辅以少量黄瓜等,夏季活跃期交叉饲喂大鼠饲料与兔饲料,辅以多水的瓜果蔬菜,秋季育肥期以大鼠饲料为主,辅以高脂肪高蛋白的花生、豆类等。
Results:(1)The animals were fed with mainly standard rat chow and some fruits and vegetables were provided in the spring breeding season;rat chow mixed with rabbit chow was supplied in the summer,along with fruits and vegetables rich in water;in the fattening period of Autumn,in addition to rat chow,some peanuts,and beans rich in fat and protein also were necessary.
旅游局已发信通知交通事务局,春 节 黄 金 周 期间密切留意旅客流量,并视实际需要安排足够的车辆行走莲花桥口岸路线,以便能及时和便捷地疏导旅客,维持相关地区交通的畅顺。
MGTO has sent a letter informing Transport Bureau to pay close
attention to the flow rate of
[...] visitors during the Spring Festival Golden Week and to [...]
arrange sufficient transportation
service for the routes to Lotus Bridge based on practical demands in order to disperse the visitors promptly and maintain smooth traffic in related districts.




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