

单词 春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

春夏秋冬,既有生产和生长的季 节,也有隐遁和复苏的季节。
As there is spring, summer, autumn, and winter, there is time for productivity and growth, but also a time [...]
for reclusion and restoration.
34 即使人们已知材料的直接来源,这也未必是它的原始来源,特别是在普通情况下,材料的 获取是从多年积累的非生境收藏中 得 到的。
34 Even if the immediate source of material is known, this may not be the original source,
especially where material is obtained, as is very
[...] common, from ex situ collections that have been [...]
built up over many years.
上海气候温和湿润春秋较短,冬夏 较 长。
Concerning temperatures
[...] and humidity, spring and fall are quite short, summer and winter quite long.
South Korea has four
[...] distinct seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Carmel 是按著季節來設定自己的拍攝行程,例 冬 季 會 留在老家附近,享受 Truckee 特別漫長的寒日春夏季會跑去拍攝花田或歐洲取景;然後再把西 秋 色 盡 收 眼 底
Carmel organizes her shooting schedule around the
[...] seasons, making winter compositions close to home during the long Truckee winter, shooting wild flowers or Europe during spring and summer, capturing autumn colors all over the West in Autumn.
这对图书馆来说是极具挑战 性,包括 1946 年以来联合国文件档案库收藏在内,图书馆的各 收藏 约有 48 000 英长(9 英哩)。
This has been particularly challenging for the Library itself, which houses
approximately 48,000 linear feet (9
[...] miles) of collections, including the archive collection of United [...]
Nations documents since 1946.
长期收藏⼿表 于暗处之前,请确保对其完全充电。
Before storing the watch in a dark place for an extended period of time, be [...]
sure to charge it fully.
五行”中的木、火、地、金、水也与五脏分别对应,基于五行相生相克的理论产生了“中医五行 生 疗 法 ”,从而有 春 、 夏 、 秋 、 冬 四 季 不同的 生 要 领
Moreover, the Five Elements in nature (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) correspond to a person’s five principle organs (the liver, lungs, spleen, kidney and heart).
Pumbedita是同样的那解释和批评形成的巴比伦犹太法典的特点halakic通道诡辩和头发分裂法 生 的 地方,虽然这个学院的学者潜心也给了tannaitic传统 收藏 研 究 ;并在第四世纪初的两个运动的代表,“西奈”约瑟夫和拉巴,有“山uprooter,”犹大成功自己的主人,成为学校的董事。
Pumbedita was likewise the birth-place of that casuistic and hair-splitting method of interpreting and criticizing halakic passages which forms the special characteristic of the Babylonian Talmud, although the
scholars of this
[...] academy devoted themselves also to the study of the collections of tannaitic traditions; and at the beginning of [...]
the fourth century
the representatives of the two movements, "Sinai" Joseph and Rabbah, the "uprooter of mountains," succeeded their master Judah and became the directors of the school.
因此,需要春、夏、秋三个 季节中堆积贮存 生 素 D的 脂肪。
As a result, fat stores of
[...] vitamin D need to be accumulated during the spring, summer and autumn months.
全世界的医院和科研机构都收集生 物 样 本作为生物医学研究和其它研究的资源,在这一背景下 生 物 库必须能维持海量样本集的高质 长 期 贮 藏。
With hospitals and research
[...] institutes around the world building collections of biological samples as a resource for biomedical and other research, biorepositories must be able to maintain high quality, [...]
long-term storage of vast sample sets.
舉 例 來說, 在 成 衣方面, 全 年 除 了 貿 發局春 夏 和 秋 冬 兩 次時 裝 展 外 , 其他機構亦會 在 不 同月份 [...]
舉 行 成 衣 、 皮革和 時 裝 展 覽 , 平 均 相 隔 大 約 三個多月。
Take the garment industry as an
example, in addition to the two
[...] fashion shows on spring-summer and fall-winter fashion held by the [...]
TDC each year, exhibitions on
garment, leather and fashion are organized by other organizations in different months at an interval of three months on average.
夏令时间发生变化春天和秋天),电脑软件自动 改变电脑时间。
The PC software automatically changes the PC
[...] time when daylight saving time changes occur (Spring and Fall).
這個全球其中一個最大型戶外3D光效投射滙演「幻彩四季」, 春夏秋冬 四 季 為主題,利用數碼視頻映射技術,投射覆蓋面超過43,000平方。
A dazzling holiday light show supported by digital video mapping technology will take spectators on a journey themed on the four seasons.
繼上回到訪NIGO®位於東京的個人住所,報道過他的驚 收藏 後 , 《Obscura》 2 0 1 2 冬 季 號 的封面人物Porter Classic創辦人吉田克幸(Katsuyuki [...]
After our previous interview and visit of NIGO®’s living abode in
Tokyo to see his amazing
[...] personal collection, the new cover feature in Obscura winter 2012 is the founder [...]
of Porter Classic, Katsuyuki Yoshida.
After a long winter, the arrival of warmer weather in spring and summer is always a welcome [...]
美国 – 美国标准检测评估委员会2006年6月批准FOSS Infratec 1241谷物分析仪用于官方测长粒糙 米、中粒糙米、大豆、高粱、硬质小麦、硬白麦、软白麦、软 冬 麦 、硬 红 春 麦 、硬 红 冬 麦 、 燕麦、玉米、大麦的水分、蛋白质和脂肪含量分析。
USA - NTEP In June 2006 the U.S. National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) has approved the FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyser, for official determination
of moisture, protein &
[...] oil content in Long Grain Rough Rice, Medium Grain Rough Rice, Soy beans, Grain Sorghum or Milo, Durum Wheat, Hard White Wheat, Soft White Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Oats, Corn, [...]
Two-Row Barley, Six-Row Barley.
春秋两季 花粉肆虐,对于呼吸系统敏感人士来说这两段时间最难熬 冬 天 天 气干冷,易 生 皮 肤 过敏 夏 季 是 过敏现象相对较少的季节,因为孩子们在户外活动的时间增多,减少在室内的时间也就相当于减少了在细菌培养皿里的时间。
Summer is actually a low season for child ailments because pollen has died down and kids are outdoors as opposed to cooped up in rooms that may turn into petri dishes for pathogens.
在下例中,我们就可以看见一个十分巧妙的词句结构,由逗号两边各六个字组成(体现平衡),且每句的最后一个音节押韵:ABC,中国农业银行的标语“无 春夏秋冬 , 农 行祝您成功” [wú lùn chūn xià qiū dōng, nóng háng bàn nǐ chéng gong]。
We can see an example with the following phrase that exhibits clever word choice with six characters on either side of the comma (representing balance) and the last syllables of each word rhyming:  ABC, Agriculture Bank of China’s, slogan, "无论春夏秋冬,农行助您成功” [wú lùn chūn xià qiū dōng, nóng háng bàn nǐ chéng gong] (No matter which season, ABC helps you to reach success.
循环冷却水系统中用优氯净作生剂 时 , 夏 季 每隔2-3天投加15-20mg /L , 春秋 两 季 每隔3-5天投加一次 冬 季 每 隔5-7天投加一次。
When euchlorine is used as
[...] biocides in circulating cooling water systems ,in summer every2-3days, adding15-20mg / L, in spring and autumn ,every3-5days, adding once,in winter,every5-7days,adding once.
Temperate climate 温带气候 南北半球的温带所具有的气候 春夏秋冬 四个季节有明显不同,大多分布在赤道以北或以南的国 [...]
Temperate climate a place where there are
[...] 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, normal in countries [...]
further north or south of the equator.
书记官处 2009 年 10 月 30 日收到 2 009 年 10 月 28 日洪都拉斯常驻联合国 代表豪尔赫·阿图罗·雷纳的一份送文函,何塞·曼努埃尔·塞拉亚·罗萨莱斯 为首的政府的外交长帕特丽夏·伊 莎 贝尔·罗达斯·巴卡在该函所递信件中除 其他外通知法院,洪都拉斯驻荷兰大使不是洪都拉斯在法院的合法代表,而“爱 德华多·恩里克·雷纳大使将被任命为洪都拉斯政府在国际法院的唯一合法代 表”。
By a letter dated 28
[...] October 2009, received in the Registry on 30 October 2009 under the cover of a letter dated 29 October 2009 from Jorge Arturo Reina, Permanent Representative of Honduras to the United Nations, Patricia Isabel Rodas Baca, Minister for External [...]
Relations in the government
headed by José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, informed the Court, inter alia, that the Ambassador of Honduras to the Netherlands was not the legitimate representative of Honduras before the Court and that “Ambassador Eduardo Enrique Reina is being appointed as the sole legitimate representative of the Government of Honduras to the International Court of Justice”.
强调政府间委员会在促进文物回归原有国或在非法获取的情况下归还原 有国方面的作用,它作为一个有用的论坛,可以配合双边机制,促进文 物回归原有国,并推动实施防止那些有关博物馆 长 、 古 玩商 收藏家 等有关人士非法贩卖文化财产的措施
Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation as a useful forum for the examination of cases for which it could complement bilateral mechanisms for promoting
the return of cultural
[...] property, as well as promote the implementation of measures to prevent those concerned (curators, antique dealers, collectors, etc.) from illicit [...]
trafficking of cultural property
2002 年 1 月,法国和尼日利亚达成协议,
[...] 承认尼日利亚对所述雕塑的所有权,作为交换,尼日利亚慷慨地同意这些雕塑仍可作为布拉 利河岸博物馆长期收藏品, 为期(可续期)25 年。
In January 2002, France and Nigeria reached an agreement that recognized Nigeria’s ownership of the sculptures in question and in exchange Nigeria generously agreed to
permit the objects to remain in
[...] the permanent collection of the Quai Branly [...]
Museum for a (renewable) period of 25 years.
这些方法和手段包括:使用暗板或将梯子用 长 凳 , 71 在快艇藏匿武器和装 备,逃避空中监测;在即将生登船 检查或逮捕情况时,将武器和海盗用品扔 出船外。
These include
[...] concealing weapons and equipment in skiffs from aerial surveillance through the use of hidden panels or the use of ladders as benches,71 and by [...]
throwing weapons and
pirate paraphernalia overboard when facing imminent boarding or arrest.
这次 会议的主要成果是,申请建立一个专门而又独立的资源中心和观察所,该中心着 收藏 巴勒 斯坦妇女状况和地位方面的研究成果和文献,为决策者和有关合作伙伴分析和传播信息,为 [...]
The principal outcome of the meeting was a request to establish a specialized, independent
resource centre and observatory which
[...] would, inter alia, collect and house research [...]
and documentation produced on the status
and condition of Palestinian women, analyse and disseminate information to policy-makers and relevant partners and facilitate training, networking and empowerment for women’s organizations.
有關於坊間書是教教生如何 打扮“外在”的美麗書籍,凡舉各大名牌的圖鑑總集 春夏秋冬 四 季 的化妝美容術、時下吹起的各式韓星髮型,卻往往 忽略了“內在美”與女性身心皆平衡狀態才能打下美麗外表的基礎。
Beautiful books, where the printing of the book is to teach girls how to dress "external" to cite illustrations of major brand-name set, the four seasons make-up cosmetic surgery nowadays blowing all kinds of Han hair, but often ignore the "inner beauty" and the female body and mind are balanced state in order to lay the foundation of a beautiful appearance.
为了探讨高原鼢鼠对低氧和高二氧化碳环境的适应机制, 春 、 夏 和 秋 三 季 高原鼢鼠血 生 理 指标以及心肌和骨骼肌肌红蛋白含量进行了测定。
To explore how the plateau zokor adapts to th hypoxic-hypercapnic environments, its blood physiological parameters and the content of myoglobin in cardiac and skeletal muscle were analyzed in the samples collected in the spring, summer and autumn.




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