单词 | 星空 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 星空 noun, plural —stars pl星空 —starry sky • the heavens 星星 noun —star nSee also:星 n—star n • satellite n • saturn n
此牌照讓我們可以 提供電視廣播及電訊上行鏈路服務至我們的衛星,並且在我們的客 戶 星空 傳 媒 的設施出現緊急事故時提供 備用服務。 asiasat.com | This licence permits us to provide television broadcast and [...] telecommunications uplink [...] services to our satellites and to provide backup services for our customer, STAR, in the [...]event of an emergency at its facilities. asiasat.com |
享受Auera [...] Spa中心的双人按摩服务,在泳池边的啜饮中放松身心,与爱人共进浪漫晚宴并 在 星空 下 相 拥起舞。 msccruises.com.cn | Pamper yourself with a couples [...] massage in our MSC Aurea Spa, take a drink and relax by the pool, savour a romantic dinner [...] together and dance under the stars. msccruises.com.eg |
在品酒间激活您的味蕾,在休闲的“莫吉托酒吧”放松神经,或是于泳池边 在 星空 的 陪 伴中体验露天巨幕电影。 msccruises.com.cn | Guests can stimulate the palate in a wine-tasting bar or relax in the casual Mojito bar. msccruises.com.eg |
答: 星空联盟网络寻求与经验丰富、可信和具有国际知名度的环境保护组织合作,包括具有联合国身份的联合国教科文组织 [...] (UNESCO)。 staralliance.com | A. The Star Alliance network [...] sought experienced, credible and internationally recognised environmental conservation organisations [...]to partner with, including UNESCO, with its United Nations status. staralliance.com |
确定了下一个科学技术卫星空间方 案的开发 计划,即下一代小卫星-1 号空间方案系列,目的是演示空间科学和核心空间技 术。 oosa.unvienna.org | The development [...] plan of the Next Generation Small Satellite-1 (NEXTSat-1) space programme series, which is the [...]subsequent STSAT space [...]programme to demonstrate the space science and core space-technology, has been established. oosa.unvienna.org |
位於中最大的機庫,設有網球場居住在網站上的約150名科學家在新聞發布會上,沒有被本機構,圍繞整個演示文稿ni mb a n t 星空 和 底 部的手錶有點特殊。 zh.horloger-paris.com | During the press conference located in the largest hangar which houses tennis courts for some 150 scientists residing on the site, it has not been [...] made of this body, as the entire presentation revolved [...] around nimbant star sky and the bottom [...]of the watch a bit special. en.horloger-paris.com |
为加强 [...] 合作并提高效率和协调,训研所业务 卫 星空 间 应用方案正在与粮食计划署和外 勤支助部制图科共享其用于获取近实时卫星数据的商业性 [...]FirstLook 订阅许可。 daccess-ods.un.org | To improve collaboration and enhance efficiency and [...] coordination, UNITAR/UNOSAT is sharing its [...]commercial FirstLook subscription licences [...]for access to near-real-time satellite data with WFP and the Cartographic Section of the Department of Field Support. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳門悅榕莊全新推出豐富燒烤晚餐「 星空 下 的燒烤派對」,逢週六晚上到悅濤廊,於舒適寫意的泳池邊享用烤香草羊脾、烤龍蝦等美味佳餚。 yp.mo | The barbecue night offers diner the chance to enjoy delicacies such as Spiced Lamb Chop and Lobster Tail besides the azure pool. yp.mo |
ESPN星空体育传媒公司首席执行官, Sawhney先生:我被(Hans的)言论深深触动,(认识到此前)长时间工作后尽情放纵,就像是“同时点燃生命蜡烛的两端”。 linlead.net | Mr. Sawhney, CEO, ESPN Star Sports : I was touched [...] by (Hans’) statement that working for long hours these days and then [...]partying hard to recreate, was indeed like "burning the candle of life at both the ends". linlead.net |
这枚IWC万国表,搭载复杂的恒星时系统和精确的星图,让佩戴者透过非凡的机械装置,在手腕上细 赏 星空 , 并 知道他们在宇宙身处的位置。 iwc.com | This IWC watch and its complex sidereal mechanism and accurate star charts allow the wearer to appreciate and understand their place in our galaxy – an extraordinary accomplishment for a mechanical device that you can wear on your wrist. iwc.com |
透過電影,你仿如置身浩瀚宇宙,美不勝收的星際美景將盡收眼底,美妙 的 星空 探 險 ,就在IMAX巨幕中展開。 cityline.com.hk | HUBBLE 3D also reveal the cosmos as [...] never before, allowing viewers of all ages to explore the [...] grandeur of the nebulae and galaxies, all in amazing [...]IMAX 3D. cityline.com.hk |
星空联盟升舱奖励适用于从 所有参与活动的星空联盟承运商预订的 C、D、Y 和 B 舱票价。 united.com | Star Alliance Upgrade Awards are available on all participating Star Alliance [...] carriers from fares booked in C, D, Y, and [...]B. One award is required for each upgraded segment. united.com |
就像其更重要的天文学作品《星空使 者 》(Starry messenger)一样,伽利略的作品因其对科学因果关系的观点及其与亚里士多德方法的关系而引起争议。 wdl.org | As with his more prominent work of astronomy, Sidereus Nuncius (Starry messenger), Galileo’s work aroused controversy for its views on scientific causality and its relationship to the Aristotelian method. wdl.org |
在自然美景都被夜色籠罩後,前往布魯姆的戶外影院(Outdoor Picture Garden),在星空下看電影。 danpacplus.hk | When night sinks over the natural attractions, head to Broome's Outdoor Picture [...] Garden for movies under the stars. danpacplus.hk |
在場景模式中的 [自拍肖像] 下,此設定被固定為 [...] [MODE2];在場景模式中的 [星空 ] 下, 此設定被固定為 [OFF]。 us.leica-camera.com | The setting is fixed to [MODE2] with [SELF PORTRAIT] in Scene Mode and [...] to [OFF] in [STARRY SKY] in Scene Mode. en.leica-camera.com |
对于美国本土、阿拉斯加和加拿大的境内旅行,以及美国大陆航空或 Copa 航空航班用于行程的长途或国际部分的旅行,可以转 乘 星空 联 盟 成员承运商及其他合作伙伴的航班。 united.com | Connections to Star Alliance member carriers and other partner flights are permitted for travel within the Mainland U.S., Alaska and Canada, and on international itineraries when Continental or Copa are used for the long-haul or international portion of the itinerary. united.com |
戈德堡出演的电视剧和电视节目还包括: 《 星空 奇 遇 记之 星空奇兵》、《巴格达咖啡馆》、获得艾美奖提名的 HBO [...] 戏剧《黄昏时刻》、《灰姑娘》、《凯姆洛的武士》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《魔幻帝国》、《布公仔圣诞奇遇》、Showtime 的《篱笆》和 [...]Nick Jr 的《乌比的小汉堡》。 unicef.org | Ms. Goldberg’s [...] television appearances include: Star Trek: The Next Generation; [...]Baghdad Café; the Emmy-nominated HBO drama, [...]In the Gloaming; The Wonderful World of Disney’s Rogers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella; A Knight in Camelot; Alice in Wonderland; The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns; It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie; Showtime’s Good Fences; and Whoopi’s Littleburg on Nick Jr. unicef.org |
星空联盟 每天为旅客提供飞往181个国家的1160个机场的21000个航班。 tipschina.gov.cn | The airline employs 32,000 aviation professionals worldwide and is a member of the Star Alliance network, [...] which offers its [...]customers 21,000 daily flights to 1,160 airports in 181 countries. tipschina.gov.cn |
在瓦莱·奥斯塔大区的圣巴泰勒米(Saint-Barthélemy)天文台,整个二月将向公众推出辅导游客使用该馆精密复杂的望远镜设备观 测 星空 的 活 动。 easy-italia.com | For the whole month of February, the Astronomical Observatory of Saint-Barthélemy in Valle d’Aosta, allows you to explore and experience the wonders of the sky using sophisticaticated telescopes. easy-italia.com |
在星空下享 用美食的同时,更有现场乐队为您助兴,DJ会将派对气氛推向高潮,带您一同感受美妙夜晚。 sunislandclub.com | Let the live band serenade you as [...] you dine under the stars and get on to a high [...]with the DJ spinning to close off the dinner [...]with a beach party goes past the witching hour. sunislandclub.com |
夜间观星旅游团(Stargazing Night [...] Tours)每晚都从蒂卡普湖发团,在南阿尔卑斯高山地区欣赏南半球格外耀眼和明亮 的 星空。 cn.yha.co.nz | Stargazing Night Tours leave nightly from Lake Tekapo for exploration of [...] the Southern Sky – so bright [...]and clear above this alpine region of the Southern Alps. yha.co.nz |
萨拉尔卫星空间方案与热带云号一 样,是法国和印度合作的成果。 oosa.unvienna.org | The SARAL space programme, like [...] Megha-Tropiques, is the result of collaboration between France and India. oosa.unvienna.org |
尽管在瑞士手表界的发展历史相对较短,但 Maurice Lacroix Watches 于 1975 年推出首款 Maurice Lacroix 手表,并已在自己的璀璨星空留下 多个耀眼之星。 hk.ashford.com | Although they are relatively young in the Swiss watch world, Maurice Lacroix Watches introduced their first Maurice Lacroix watch in 1975; they have already accumulated a few notches on their belt. ashford.com |
按照固定间隔拍摄一系列星空图像。 ricoh.com | Take a series of photos of the night sky at a fixed [...] interval. ricoh.com |
自动机芯漂浮于太空之中,摆锤正上演精心编排的芭蕾,而钻石仿佛银河浩 瀚 星空 中 忽 隐忽现的流星雨……似乎会分解开来的表盘与表壳,表明设计师正忘情于创造这一天国之舞。 hautehorlogerie.org | The automatic movement [...] floats in space, the oscillating mass executes a skillfully choreographed ballet and the diamonds are like shooting stars flickering [...]in the rich stellar skies of the Galaxy. hautehorlogerie.org |
每枚腕表均根据顾客所选的位置制订 星空 图 , 独一无二。 iwc.com | Each watch features a star chart specified [...] by the customer, which is based on his location and is therefore unique. iwc.com |
旅游产业整合了航空、汽车租赁企业及酒店领域的业务流程,建立了业务生态系统(如寰宇一家 和 星空 联 盟 等),为旅客提供航空、汽车租赁及酒店住宿等一体化的旅行体验。 accenture.com | The travel industry has integrated processes among airlines, car rental companies and hotels to create business [...] ecosystems (the oneworld [...] alliance, the Star Alliance, etc.) that offer passengers a single travel experience across multiple airlines, rental car companies [...]and hotels. accenture.com |
答: 星空联盟 网络与这些组织的长期目标是共同的,因为可持续发展,尤其是生物多样性保护是一个重要的全球性目标,而不仅仅限 于 星空 联 盟网络航线所覆盖的 162 个国家。 staralliance.com | A. The Star Alliance network shares the long term goals of these organisations – because sustainable development, particularly biodiversity conservation, is an important global objective, not least in the 162 countries where Star Alliance airlines fly to and from. staralliance.com |
參 與 的 公 司 分 別 是 : All Rights Entertainment [...] Ltd 、 安 樂 影 片 有 限 公 司 、 華 藝 娛 樂 集 團 、 金 港 國 [...] 際 影 業 有 限 公 司 、 星 空 傳 媒 發 行 製 作 有 限 [...]公 司 、 高 先 電 影 有 限 公 司 、 影 王 朝 有 限 公 司 、 星 [...]光 聯 盟 影 業 ( 香 港 ) 有 限 公 司 、 星 匯 天 姬 國 際 傳 媒 有 限 公 司 、 寰 宇 影 片 發 行 有 限 公 司 及 紅 峰 娛 樂 有 限 公 司 。 cedb.gov.hk | Participating companies are All Rights Entertainment Ltd, Edko Films Ltd, Film Asia Entertainment [...] Group Co Ltd, Gold Harbour International Films [...] Ltd, Fortune Star Entertainment (HK) [...]Ltd, Golden Scene Co Ltd, Mega-Vision Pictures [...]Ltd, Star Alliance Movies (HK) Co Ltd, T-Films Ltd, Universe Films Distribution Co Ltd and Why Entertainment Co Ltd. cedb.gov.hk |