单词 | 星座 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 星座 —constellation星座 noun —horoscope n星星 noun —star nExamples:十二星座—the signs of the zodiac • the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane 仙女座星系—Andromeda galaxy M31 仙女星座—Andromeda constellation (galaxy) M31 See also:星 n—satellite n • star n • saturn n 座 n—seat n • base n • stand n
因此,许多发展中国家有兴趣 拥有自己的卫星,因而这些国家也可能会协助建造小 卫 星星座 , 为 社会经济服 务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, many developing countries are [...] interested in having their own satellites, and hence, such countries may also contribute to the [...] creation of small-satellite constellations for socio-economic [...]benefits. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议上 强调,必须开展区域合作以建立一个区域性地球观测 卫 星星座。 daccess-ods.un.org | The need for regional cooperation to establish a regional earth [...] observation satellite constellation was highlighted. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,可以也可以參考相關的其他信息的面的外週 與 星座 , 和 顏色的變化,白天和夜間的時間取決於所使用的偏振玻璃。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But you can also read other information relevant to the periphery of the [...] face with the constellations, and the color [...]changes depending on the time of day [...]and night by the use of polarized glass. en.horloger-paris.com |
接下来NTT将会开发商业版的移动芳香通讯服务,它同样包括香味结合的铃声,音乐 和 星座 , 而 且还会运用于住房,汽车,消费类电子产品和游戏市场。 labbrand.com | Forthcoming NTT will develop a commercial version of the Mobile Fragrance [...] Communication service which will include also [...] ringtones, music and horoscopes combined with fragrances, [...]and applications for housing, [...]automotive, consumer electronics and videogame market. labbrand.com |
在这方面,委员会注意到,在这次会议上,阿尔及利亚、肯尼亚、 尼日利亚和南非签署了关于非洲资源管理 卫 星星座 的 合 作协议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, the Committee noted that, on the occasion of the Conference, Algeria, Kenya, [...] Nigeria and South Africa had signed a cooperation agreement on the African [...] Resource Management satellite constellation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我曾責備了陳景輝一頓,因為他創作了“80後 [...] ”這個如此容易上口的 名稱,令大家好像在看星座般, 將這一代的新世代用“80後 ”來概括。 legco.gov.hk | I once blamed CHAN King-fai for coining the very catchy [...] term of "post-80s", which induces everybody to make generalizations about this new [...] generation similar to horoscope reading. legco.gov.hk |
委员会满意地注意到这次会议通过的《蒙巴萨宣言》所体 [...] 现的会议成果,如重申为非洲国家发展空间技术并开展相关活动、实施非洲资 源管理卫星星座、与 联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台及其设在非洲的 [...] 区域支助办事处协调建设一体化的区域灾害管理系统,以及呼吁非洲各国加入 [...]联合国各项外层空间条约。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee noted with satisfaction the various outcomes of the Conference, reflected in the Mombasa Declaration adopted at the Conference, such as the reaffirmation of developing space technologies and related activities for African countries, [...] implementation of the African Resource [...] Management satellite constellation, the establishment [...]of an integrated regional disaster [...]management system in coordination with the United Nations Platform for Space -based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN -SPIDER) and its regional support offices in Africa, and the call for the accession of African countries to the United Nations treaties on outer space. daccess-ods.un.org |
对每一个星座,他都为组成星座的天 体提供一个阿拉伯本土名称 、 星座 的 图 画和一个显 示 星座 位 置和光度的表格。 wdl.org | For each of the constellations, he provides the indigenous Arab names for their stars, drawings of the constellations, and a table of stars showing their [...] locations and magnitude. wdl.org |
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星状星云NGC 5189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的 Mu s c a 星座 ( 在 拉 丁语中是“苍蝇”的意思),这是位于南十 字 星座 附 近的一小簇恒星。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies [...] about 3000 years away in the [...] Southern Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross. chinese.eurekalert.org |
我周围的人说 那是因为我的星座的关系。 enviefashion.com | People around me say [...] that it's because of my horoscope. enviefashion.com |
小组委员会注意到,日本的准天顶卫星系统将扩充和升级成为一个基于卫 星的区域性在役全球导航卫星系统,使亚太区域各国受益,到 2020 年代末可形 成由四颗卫星组成的星座,并且今后将布局成一个由七颗卫星组成 的 星座 ,以 便能够进行可持续的定位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee noted that the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System of Japan would be expanded and upgraded to an operational and regional satellite-based GNSS for the benefit of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, that a four-satellite constellation would be [...] established by the late [...] 2020s and that in the future, a seven-satellite constellation should be completed to enable sustainable [...]positioning. daccess-ods.un.org |
首字母缩写、汉字和日本书法、公司商标、西里尔文书写 、 星座 … …一切皆有可能。 audemarspiguet.com | Initials, Chinese and Japanese calligraphy, company logos, [...] Cyrillic writing, astrological signs – anything [...]is possible. audemarspiguet.com |
復活蛋上半部是藍色玻璃球,展現北半球的不 同 星座 , 原 本應鑲以鑽石,但現時卻只見處處空洞。 news.gov.hk | The egg’s upper half is a dark blue cobalt glass orb displaying Northern [...] Hemisphere constellations, and the stars on it were to [...]be made of diamonds. news.gov.hk |
但它會相信製表師和製表按上講話,因為透過藍寶石裝飾的旋轉主要 的 星座 , 的 陀飛輪可見通過錶盤上的窗口組件,除了幾乎看不見。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But it will believe watchmakers and watchmaking press on speech because the components except the tourbillon visible through the window on the dial are hardly visible through the sapphire adorned rotary major constellations. en.horloger-paris.com |
设计了一个体现群星灿烂的星座形状计划标识,代表着三位作家的同龄人和同路人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The programme’s logo has been designed [...] as a number of stars in a constellation [...]representing the three authors’ contemporaries and companions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
发射了十六件外国航天器:AMERICOM-12 (AMC-12)、 AMC-23、 DirecTV-8 和 Galaxy-14 卫星、光学轨道间通讯工程测试卫星 (OISETS)、创新技术示范实 验卫星 [...] (INDEX) 和 XI-V 卫星、 [...] 三件欧洲航天器—学生探测空间和技术倡议 (SSETI) 快车、 AMC 金星快车和伽利略—以及 Anik、 中国灾害监测星座-4 (DMC-4)、 Sina-1、TopSat、 挪威学生卫星 NCUBE 和 UVE-1 卫星。 oosa.unvienna.org | Sixteen foreign space vehicles were launched: the AMERICOM-12 (AMC-12), AMC-23, DirecTV-8 and Galaxy-14 satellites, the Optical Inter-orbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite (OISETS), the Innovative Technology Demonstration Experiment Satellite (INDEX) and the XI-V satellite, three European space vehicles—the Student Space Exploration and Technology Initiative (SSETI) Express, AMC Venus Express and Galileo—and the [...] Anik, China Disaster [...] Monitoring Constellation-4 (DMC-4), Sina-1, TopSat, the Norwegian Student Satellite NCUBE and the UVE-1 satellite. oosa.unvienna.org |
在该著作中,al-Sufi 描述了托勒密所断定的 48 个星座,并 添加了自己的评论和修正意见。 wdl.org | In this work, al-Sufi [...] describes the 48 constellations that were established [...]by Ptolemy and adds criticisms and corrections of his own. wdl.org |
这一国际使命使得意大利的星座可能 为 2012 年启动的地质灾害超级站点所 用(地球观测组织专门研究有地球物理风险的地区的项目),其每年为针对这些 现象的分析提供宝贵的数据集。 oosa.unvienna.org | This international vocation made it possible for the Italian constellation to put at the disposal of Geohazard supersites (the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) project dedicated to the study of areas under geophysical risks) an annual set of valuable data for the analysis of these phenomena, starting in 2012. oosa.unvienna.org |
在新加坡AAE展中所展示的是Trans-Force最新的5D模擬機產品,名為獵戶座號(Orion),查爾斯說,「這是本人 以 星座 來 命名的新產品,首次在亞洲發行。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Charles said "this is a new product [...] named with constellation by me and released in Asia for the first time. taiwanslot.com.tw |
欧米茄星座Star 24毫米女表除尺寸略小外,耀目的外观设计与27毫米表款相同,而其内部搭载的则是性能精准可靠的欧米茄1376石英机芯。 omegawatches.cn | While boasting the dazzling aesthetic appeal of its 27 mm counterpart, the [...] Constellation Star 24mm is powered [...]by OMEGA’s calibre 1376, a quartz movement [...]with incredibly reliable precision. omegawatches.com |
事實㆖,客觀標準就是客觀標準,毋須牽涉 [...] 點名指出某些㆟士,也不是說憑個㆟的喜好問是否喜歡某些㆟㆕、五年前的言論、或 是他們的袖口有多少顆鈕扣、或他們 的 星座 是 甚 麼。 legco.gov.hk | The truth of the matter is that, without getting involved in the naming of individuals, objective means objective, and it does not mean asking whether you like what [...] opinions people had four or five years ago, or how many buttons they have on their [...] cuff, or what their astrological sign is. legco.gov.hk |
雙魚座雖然不會在情人節的時候大肆鋪張,可是卻非常注重細節, 他們一定會為約會去買購買新的裝飾品或者衣服,在行程中也會挑選西餐廳之類的,所以綜合而言之,也是奢侈的情人節消 費 星座。 daydaycook.com | They would go buy new clothes and accessories for that day, as well as choose a good restaurant for a romantic dinner. daydaycook.com |
未完成的「阿列克謝皇儲的星座復活蛋」,可謂見證俄羅斯皇朝的末落,亦為紀念尼古拉二世的兒子阿列克謝皇儲。 news.gov.hk | The unfinished "Constellation Tsarevich" Easter Egg was made to commemorate crown prince Tsarevich Alexei. news.gov.hk |
作为一个机械与美学的奇迹,它是耀眼的明星、最亮 的 星座 , 舞 会的皇后。 hautehorlogerie.org | A mechanical and aesthetic marvel, [...] it is the star attraction, the brightest of constellations, the belle [...]of the ball. hautehorlogerie.org |
Audemars Piguet选择突出天空及其众多星座要讲的所有故事,采用了一种极其浪漫的方式提醒我们时间首先是由发光天体决定的。 hautehorlogerie.org | By choosing to highlight the sky and all the [...] stories its constellations have to tell, [...]Audemars Piguet has found an infinitely [...]poetic way of reminding us that time is determined first and foremost by... the celestial luminaries. hautehorlogerie.org |
提供全职猎人漫画资料及介绍,另有 星座 、 笑话及图画分享等。 business-china.com | Provides full-time employment hunter cartoon material and [...] introduction, has constellation, joke and drawing [...]share in addition. business-china.com |
为了准确地识别天鹅洲保护区中的每一头长江江豚以开展保护遗传学及其它相关研究, 并实施有效的种群管理,本研究应用4个微 卫 星座 位 初步构建了该群体的DNA指纹图谱,并利用此图谱成功地对不同时期在保护区捕获的江豚进行了个体识别研究。 actazool.org | To identify each Yangtze finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis inhabiting the Tian-e-Zhou Natural Reserve for further conservation genetics research and effective population management, DNA fingerprinting profiles were constructed for this population using four microsatellite loci. actazool.org |
在孩子和青少年之中的NCI出版物巨蟹 星座 發 生 和生存: 美國觀看者節目1975-1995报道最流行的癌在美國儿童和青少年年輕比20年是甲狀腺癌在35.5%--流行比極為引人注意的黑瘤(30.9%)。 sdvma.com | The NCI publication Cancer Incidence and Survival among Children and Adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995 has reported that the most prevalent carcinomas in American children and adolescents younger than 20 years was thyroid carcinoma at 35.5 percent--more prevalent than the highly publicized melanomas (30.9 percent). sdvma.com |
慢慢来,你的相机摄影审视复制14双和22蓑羽,桑托斯杜蒙设计建造的第一架飞机在世界大赛中,的水上飞机Jahu,在1927年试行由约翰·里贝罗·德巴罗斯在第一横渡大西洋不间断的,几代战机,包括幻影III阿亚顿·塞纳飞到1989年3月,当然也可以发现 如 星座 , 德 兰特,福克27和福克100飞机。 emaiero.com | Go slow, take your camera photographic look closely replicates the 14-bis and 22 Demoiselle, Santos Dumont and designed by first airplane built in the world series, the Seaplane Jahu, which in 1927 was piloted by John Ribeiro de Barros in the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean nonstop, several generations of warplanes, including Mirage III in which Ayrton Sena flew in March 1989, and of course can also be found airliners such as Constellation, Bandeirante, Fokker 27 and Fokker 100 . emaiero.com |
心思心意郵票(2012年版)「西方十二 星座 」 小 版張」不包括在2012年「郵品訂購服務」及2012年「海外訂購郵品服務」內,有關訂購表格已經向2012年「郵品訂購服務」及2012年「海外訂購郵品服務」的客戶派發。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | The philatelic products of "Heartwarming Stamps (2012 [...] Version) "12 Western Zodiac Signs" Mini-pane" [...]are not included in the "2012 Local Standing [...]Order Service" and "2012 Overseas Mail Order Service". hongkongpoststamps.hk |