单词 | 星云表 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 星云表 —catalog of stars and nebulaeSee also:星云 n—nebulae pl 星星 n—star n 星表 pl—comets pl 星表—star catalog
2012 年,公布了卫星 AGILE 收集的数据,数据表明蟹状星云的 X 射线的 发射具有多变性。 oosa.unvienna.org | In 2012, data [...] collected by the satellite AGILE demonstrating the variability of the X-ray emissions of the Crab Nebula have been published. oosa.unvienna.org |
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国为出于和平目的发射 卫 星表 现 出 最大诚意和透明 度,破例自始至终地采取各种步骤,争取到世界广大公众的同情。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea took [...] steps to show sincerity and transparency in respect of the satellite launch for peaceful [...]purposes to the maximum, [...]from A to Z, as an exception and aroused the sympathy of the broad world public. daccess-ods.un.org |
获得的信息随后可用叠加在照片上的 2D 平面声学云图表示, 从而快速而详细地了解不同声源的来源。 bksv.cn | The information can then be represented in 2D planar acoustic [...] maps that can be overlaid on a photo to quickly show the origin [...]of the various sound sources in fine detail. bksv.com |
表示希望“隼鸟”号太空舱将载 有一个从该小行星表面采集的样本。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hope was expressed that the Hayabusa capsule would contain a [...] sample from the surface of the asteroid. daccess-ods.un.org |
还需要更多资金,但很多国家已经表 示, 在等待乌云全部散尽的同时,它们将继续提供资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Additional funds are required, [...] but already many [...] countries have indicated that they will continue to fund it while waiting for the cloud to totally disappear. daccess-ods.un.org |
建筑外层绘上类似星云的呈 散发状的环形条纹,营造了虚无缥缈的深邃意境。 chinese-architects.com | The complex utilizes special design treatment and is covered with annular radiating nebular stripes. chinese-architects.com |
但是美国国家科学基金会的Karl G. [...] Jansky用甚大天线阵(VLA)望远镜(右图所示)拍下的一张新照片,促使了这个物体得到了新名字:海 牛 星云。 chinese.eurekalert.org | But a new image of it taken by the National Science [...] Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) telescope (right), has inspired a new name for the [...] object: the Manatee Nebula. chinese.eurekalert.org |
控制程度:体面失去控制的自适应策略》: 太平洋时间3月1日星期五 上午9:00,Akamai安全智能总监Josh Corman将发表演讲,介绍云、虚 拟化、移动化和消费化等生产力如何使IT资产的拥有方式和运营方式发生巨大变化,以及信息安全团队如何出色地调整安全资产控制的级别。 akamai.cn | Control Quotient: Adaptive Strategies [...] for Gracefully Losing [...] Control: On Friday, March 1 at 9:00 a.m. PT, Akamai's Director of Security Intelligence, Josh Corman, will speak on how forces such as cloud, virtualization, [...]mobility and consumerization [...]have greatly changed how IT assets are owned and operated, and how infosec teams can gracefully adjust to this changing level of security asset control. akamai.com |
事实上,利云特本赛季的表现非 常不错,他们现在在积分榜上排名第5,仅1分落后于瓦伦西亚。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | They are 5th in the table and only 1 point behind [...] Valencia. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
作为一个恒星爆发后的结果,行星状 星云 N GC 5189位于距离地球约3000光年的南半球的Musca星座(在拉丁语中是“苍蝇”的意思),这是位于南十字星座附近的一小簇恒星。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The planetary nebula NGC 5189, actually [...] the aftermath of a stellar explosion, lies about 3000 years away in the Southern [...]Hemisphere constellation Musca (Latin for "fly"), a minor grouping of stars near the Southern Cross. chinese.eurekalert.org |
凡是削弱军政府权力的举措,云南政府 都表示欢迎284 。 crisisgroup.org | Anything that weakens the power of the military government, therefore, is welcomed.284 crisisgroup.org |
您不得在星巴克经营场所或周围宣传 任何政治言论或个人观点或信仰(包括张贴或散发传单或其他资料),此外,您不得 表明或暗示您的言论代表星巴克 或星巴克支持您的观点。 starbucks.com.br | You must not promote any political or personal views or beliefs (including by posting or distributing notices or other materials) on or around Starbucks premises, and you may not indicate or suggest that you speak for Starbucks or that the company supports your views. starbucks.com.br |
通过提供德国航天中心开发的移动式小 行 星表 面 探 测着陆器,德国为日本 的小行星飞行任务“隼鸟-2”号做出了贡献。 oosa.unvienna.org | Germany contributes to the Japanese asteroid mission Hayabusa-2 by providing the [...] DLR-developed Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) lander. oosa.unvienna.org |
代表二十多間酒樓的鯉魚門商會主席王 石 星表 示, 排污費及水費平均佔他們經營成本的 6%。 legco.gov.hk | According to Mr [...] WONG Shek-sing, Chairman of the Lei Yue Mun business association which represents 20-odd restaurants, [...]sewage charges [...]and water tariffs accounted for 6% of their operating cost on average. legco.gov.hk |
他是理论天体物理学的先驱之一;他从事恒星和银河系、星系动力学和气 体 星云 的宇 宙进化论研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He was one of the pioneers of theoretical astrophysics; he worked on the [...] cosmogony of stars and galaxies, stellar [...]dynamics, and gaseous nebulas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而成就这一次海外演出的,就是刚在我国结束弘法行程的佛光山开山宗长 , 星云 大 师。 ntv7.com.my | He also said the number of higher education institutions in the country is sufficient to serve the current demand. ntv7.com.my |
巴迪宇航公司总裁兼首席运营官Guy C. [...] Hachey称:“由于始终能够吸引大批航空业客户、制造商、供应商和政府 代 表云 集 于此,因此范堡罗国际航展是我们航空大事记中的一个重要部分。 tipschina.gov.cn | Farnborough is a highlight in our aerospace calendar of events as it consistently attracts the largest gathering of aviation [...] customers, manufacturers, suppliers, and [...] government representatives," said Guy C. Hachey, [...]President and Chief Operating Officer, Bombardier Aerospace. tipschina.gov.cn |
在巴萨这样一个群星云集的 球队,他的上场时间可能会有问题,除非巴萨承诺让他有充足的机会打比赛。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | He could have [...] playing-time woes in a star-packed team like [...]Barca unless he is promised he will get ample appearance on the pitch. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
国家射电天文台的一个人注意到这个 星云 像 一 只海牛的背浮在上面,脚蹼蜷在肚子处。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The nebula received its moniker after [...] someone at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory noticed its resemblance to a manatee [...]floating on its back, flippers over tummy. chinese.eurekalert.org |
这个发光的、有点蓝色的直径2光年的 星云 并 非在所有方向上都是一致扩张的,这可能是因为垂死的恒星——其残留物如今成 为 星云 中 心的一颗白矮星——拥有一个近距离环绕的伙伴。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The glowing, bluish lobes of the [...] 2-light-year-diameter nebula aren't expanding uniformly in all directions, possibly because the dying star—whose remnants are now a white dwarf in the center of the nebula—had a close-orbiting [...]companion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
目前,蟹状星云被视 为一个非常稳定的发射源,并被多项其 他飞行任务用作校正。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Crab Nebula is presently considered [...] a very stable emitter and is used as a calibration source by many other missions. oosa.unvienna.org |
這位李姓人士當天請姓何那一位朋友告 訴特首,當天的勵盈會聚會中有歌 星表 演 , 兩位表演人士分別是台灣 歌手費玉清先生及香港歌星陳潔靈女士,特首屆時既可欣賞表演,又 可同時用膳。 legco.gov.hk | This person surnamed LEE asked my friend surnamed HO to tell the Chief Executive that in the gathering of the Li Ying Club on that day, there would be a performance by singers and the two performers were the Taiwanese singer Mr FEI Yu-ching and Hong Kong pop singer Ms Elisa CHAN, so the Chief Executive could enjoy the performance and the meal at the same time. legco.gov.hk |
正如它的名字,海牛星云是一个庞然大物:横穿700光年,是VLA观测到的最大超新星遗迹之一。 chinese.eurekalert.org | And like its namesake, [...] the Manatee Nebula is a whopper: It's 700 light-years across, one of the biggest supernova remnants [...]ever spotted by VLA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
欧洲卫星火星快车上安装 了俄罗斯的仪器,如行星傅里叶光谱仪、紫外和红外大气光谱仪、可见光和红外 矿物学测绘光谱仪、空间等离子体和高性能原子分析仪、高分辨率立体照相机以 及地表下和电离层探测用高级火星雷达, 并被用于对火星表面和大气进行一系 列范围广泛的研究。 oosa.unvienna.org | Russian instruments, such as the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer, the Ultraviolet and Infrared Atmospheric Spectrometer (SPICAM), the Visible and Infrared Mineralogical Mapping Spectrometer (OMEGA), the Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), the High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding [...] (MARSIS) are installed on [...] the European satellite Mars Express and have been used to carry out a wide range of research on the surface and atmosphere of Mars. oosa.unvienna.org |
两个世纪之后,哥白尼 [...] (Copernicus) 才提出太阳系的“日心说”模型,并且哥白尼也曾亲自调查研究并抄写这 套 星表。 wdl.org | The Ptolemaic belief that the planets orbited the Earth was then the predominant cosmological system, and the heliocentric model [...] of the solar system formulated by Copernicus, who personally [...] studied and copied the tables, was still two centuries away. wdl.org |
这一运动型优雅表款的众多版本已使其成为萧邦 明 星表 款 之 一。 hautehorlogerie.org | The numerous versions of this [...] sporty and elegant watch have made it one of Chopard’s star models. hautehorlogerie.org |
还对行星表层和 大气层展开了进一步调查,正在处理和分析所获数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further research of the planets’ surface and atmosphere was [...] carried out, and the data obtained are being processed and analysed. daccess-ods.un.org |
在表示不会考虑使用开源云的被 调查者中,有 41 . 7 % 表 示 对开 源 云 不 感 兴趣,3 8% 的 表 示 已经满意于目前的提供商,30.1%的认为缺乏专业技能,而14.8%的被调查者只想有一个单一的提供商。 infoq.com | Those who would not consider an open source cloud cited No interest in cloud - 41.7%, Happy with current vendor – 38%, Lack [...] of expertise – 30.1%, [...]and Want a single vendor solution – 14.8%. infoq.com |
有些 消 息 靈 通 人士最 近 對 我 說 , 即 使 是 親 共 陣 營 中 也 有 些 人 不 滿 意 現時立法會那 些 保皇黨 中 某 些 議員的 表 現,說要換 人 云云。 legco.gov.hk | Some well-informed people recently told me that even some persons in the pro-Communist camp are not satisfied with the performance of a few royalist Members in the existing Legislative Council. legco.gov.hk |
这套星表是当 时人们所掌握的天文学知识的真实反映,于 1263 到 1272 年间在西班牙制作,主持编制工作的是伊萨克·本·希德 [...] (Isaac ben Sid) 和犹大·本·摩西·柯亨 (Judah ben Moses Cohen)。 wdl.org | A reflection of the knowledge of astronomy of [...] the time, these tables were produced in [...]Spain between 1263 and 1272 under the direction [...]of Isaac ben Sid and Judah ben Moses Cohen. wdl.org |