单词 | 昔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 昔—the pastless common: former times surname Xi Examples:昔年—former years previous years 今昔—past and present yesterday and today 昔日n—yesteryearn
佬餐馆的概念便是在于带领群众重温昔日中西文化荟萃的殖民时代。 ilovelkf.hk | The concept of Loyal Dining is derived from the idea of revisiting this colonial era, when East meets West. ilovelkf.hk |
代餐奶昔,作为一个健康的膳食替代品,目的是提供所有必要的营养物质。 cn.iherb.com | Meal replacement shakes are intended to provide all of the necessary nutrients in order to function as a healthy meal substitute. iherb.com |
如今,大楼已经恢复了它昔日的面貌,但这组建筑群并未因此成为它所在街区建筑艺术 的一个亮点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The building has been restored but the site has not become a centre of attraction in the area’s urban landscape. unesdoc.unesco.org |
体验我们对未来的目标:在这新的电视广告中,平治展望未来的零排放汽车构想,并以幽默形式回顾昔日面对的各种挑战。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Experience our vision of the future: in our new commercial, Mercedes-Benz [...] looks ahead to a future of emission-free mobility - and takes a tongue-in-cheek look back [...] on the challenges ofthe past. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
(乙) 如青年人现今确比往昔早熟,以致须将成年年龄由 21岁降低至18岁,则这个理由在領养子女方面亦同样适 用。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) If young persons do mature more quickly today than heretofore so as to warrant a reduction in the age of majority from 21 years to 18 years. the reasoning is equally valid in relation to adoption. hkreform.gov.hk |
昔日的孟买由七大岛屿组成,今天的孟买是印度的商业中心。 shangri-la.com | Once a cluster of seven islands, Mumbai today is India's commercial capital. shangri-la.com |
我们的系统的完成和质量相当的精神昔日的爱轻微的曲线。 zh.horloger-paris.com | We love the slight curve of the system and the quality of finishes [...] quite in the spirit ofyesteryear. en.horloger-paris.com |
昔日,上海曾有「不夜城」之称,既受惠於伟大的中华民族文化遗产与传统,又拜 1990 年代中国经济改革之赐而促成上海迅速的经济发展。 seagate.com | Shanghai, once named the "Ever-bright City", benefitted from the great cultural heritage and traditions of China as well as the intense economic development that resulted from economic reforms in the 1990s in China. seagate.com |
按照惯例,艺术博物馆应当是收藏、保存和展示往昔艺术品的地方。 shanghaibiennale.org | Traditionally, the art museum was a place in which the [...] art of thepast was collected, conserved and shown in the middle of contemporary life. shanghaibiennale.org |
联合国-非洲联盟机制联合秘书处帮助联合国各机构和组织制定了新伙伴关 [...] 系规划和协调局多年期工作方案,这是支持其从昔日的秘书处角色转型为非洲联 盟一个技术机构的必要步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | The joint United Nations-African Union secretariat of the Mechanism completed an exercise to help United Nations agencies and organizations to develop a multi-year work programme for the NEPAD Agency, a [...] necessary task in support of its [...] transformation from itserstwhile secretariat role [...]to that of a technical agency of the African Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
这款Piaget 1967高级珠宝腕表重新演绎品牌昔日的经典表款,并搭载一枚伯爵制机芯,是伯爵钟表与珠宝传统制作工艺巧妙结合的完美体现。 piaget.com.hk | As a contemporary reinterpretation of a vintage model, this Piaget 1967 grey creation houses a Manufacture-crafted movement and is a stunning combination of Piaget’s two traditional fields of expertise. en.piaget.com |
它们带来了许多优势和收获,其中最重要的就是诞生 了真正的希望:往昔已被超越,未来在招手,那时社 会各部门、各阶层都将参与建设尊重人民意愿、让人 [...] 民参与建立民主的机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | They have engendered many advantages and gains, the most [...] important of which is the birth of genuine [...] hope that the past has been overcome [...]and that a future awaits in which all sectors [...]and strata of society shall participate in the building of institutions that respect the will of people and involve them in the founding of democracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
样品: 牛奶、奶油、炼乳、奶昔、冰淇淋、酸奶基质的甜品、乳清、乳清蛋白浓缩物和夸克。 foss.cn | Samples: Milk, cream, [...] concentratedmilk, milkshake, icecream mix, [...]yogurt dairy-based desserts, whey, whey protein concentrate and quark foss.us |
今时,上海重现 1930 年代昔日风华,再度成为中国国际金融与商业中枢。 seagate.com | Today, Shanghai has more than regained its former glory as China's multinational hub of finance and business, which it was renowned for in the 1930s. seagate.com |
来到强盗之桌,在这处最为人迹罕至之地重温昔日的传说。 discoverireland.com | Revisit talesof the past at the province's [...] least explored landscapes around Robber’s Table. discoverireland.com |
这里可能还提到了这样一个比较后作家,昔兰尼,哲学和文学的习惯的人,谁表明作为主教能源和真诚的虔诚在异教文化,而他的性格,尽管Synesius。 mb-soft.com | Here may be also mentioned by the way a rather later writer, Synesius of Cyrene, a man of philosophical and literary habits, who showed energy and sincere piety as a bishop, in spite of the rather pagan character of his culture. mb-soft.com |
映嘉娱乐为亚洲区的观众带来一系列与众不同的收费电视频道,透过把天映娱乐的旗舰电影频道天映频道(全球覆盖率最高的24小时华语电影频道,专为观众呈献最佳华语及其它亚洲猛片)、天映经典频道(网罗昔日经典巨片,如中国功夫片、剧情片、喜剧及动作片等)、天映自选频道(天映的收费自选服务),与Lionsgate及Saban Capital Group在亚洲区合组的Tiger Gate Entertainment旗下的三个收费电视频道合并,包括KIX(汇聚精彩的动作节目)、 Thrill(亚洲区唯一的恐布及悬疑电影频道),以及KIX HD(以高清的画质提供最佳动作及恐布节目)。 celestialpictures.com | CTE brings together a unique bouquet of pay channel offerings for Asian consumers by combining Celestial Pictures' flagship channels, Celestial Movies, the most broadly distributed 24-hour Chinese movie channel in the world featuring the best of Chinese and other hit Asian films, Celestial Classic Movies, the gateway to an array of Chinese martial arts, drama, comedy and action movie masterpieces, and Celestial Movies On Demand, Celestial’s subscription video on demand service, with the three pay TV channels of Tiger Gate Entertainment, the Lionsgate/Saban Capital Group partnership in Asia -- KIX, the ultimate in action entertainment, Thrill, Asia's only horror and suspense movie channel, and KIX HD, featuring the best of action with a late night dose of thrillers in high definition. celestialpictures.com |
而从公司一直小心保管的昔日产品目录和广告文案,可一窥Oris早期的广告策略,是采用传统的产品导向来进行沟通。 oris.ch | Old catalogues and advertising documents, which have been carefully archived, illustrate that Oris has used original product-oriented communications from the outset. oris.ch |
一个圆柱螺旋的排气提供给昔日的手表,即使是在公海和在任何温度下,稳定性和规律性巨大的市场。 zh.horloger-paris.com | A cylindrical spiral exhaust offered [...] to watches of yesteryear, even in high [...]seas and at all temperatures, stability and regularity huge market. en.horloger-paris.com |
(B) 在公司法条文的规限下 [...] (但以不影响本条 (A)段的规定为准),倘本 公司昔日(无论该日期是在本公司注册成立之前或之後) [...]购有任何 资产、业务或财产,自该日起源自该等资产、业务或财产的溢利或 亏损可由董事酌情决定予以全部或部分计入收益账,以及就所有目 [...]的而言作本公司的溢利或亏损处理,故亦可供派付股息。 perfectech.com.hk | (B) Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act (but without prejudice to paragraph (A) of this Bye-Law), where any [...] asset, business or property is bought by the [...] Companyas from apast date (whether such [...]date be before or after the incorporation [...]of the Company) the profits and losses thereof as from such date may at the discretion of the Directors in whole or in part be carried to revenue account and treated for all purposes as profits or losses of the Company, and be available for dividend accordingly. perfectech.com.hk |
本部分主要收录了多项本研究计划的昔日资料、出版书刊、研究数据及档案,包括《民意快讯》、《新闻公报》、研究报告及《民意专栏》等,以供大众作参考之用。 hkupop.hku.hk | This is a collection of POP's historical information, publications, survey data and archives, including "POP Express", "Press Releases", research reports and "POP Column", for public consumption. hkupop.hku.hk |
特别受欢迎的是牛奶混合饮料, 今天奶昔的雏形。 fresenius100.de | Milk mix drinks, an [...] early form ofmilkshakes,wereparticularly [...]popular. fresenius100.de |
从广义 [...] 上讲,这一问题涉及纳米技术作为一门科学, 是否类似于昔日的传统科学,或其是否会在政治、社会和 [...]法律压力下演变成一种不为我们所熟悉的东 西。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At a very broad level, the question concerns whether nanotechnology as a science will [...] look like, and proceed like, the traditional [...] science of thepast,orwhether it [...]will be transformed by new political, social [...]and legal pressures into something that is no longer so familiar. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一个昔日路德会牧师在瑞典和石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因,总是热情地投机的兴趣在末世论,霍夫曼Denck汉斯Anabaptists的影响,发现在斯特拉斯堡他的意见,这些沉淀路德打破,使他发展他的Anabaptism自己的形式。 mb-soft.com | An erstwhile Lutheranpreacher [...] in Sweden and Schleswig - Holstein, always zealously interested in eschatological speculation, [...]Hofmann found in the Strasbourg Anabaptists influenced by Hans Denck the ideas which precipitated his break with Luther and enabled him to develop his own form of Anabaptism. mb-soft.com |
不言而喻,武装团体的存在有可能助长昔日的野心,同时各类武器和弹药的扩散加剧了动荡局势, 对撒哈拉-萨赫勒地带的和平、稳定与安全提出严重 考验。 daccess-ods.un.org | It goes without saying that the presence of armed groups serves to fuel old ambitions, just as the spread of weapons and munitions of all sorts have exacerbated insecurity and severely tested peace, stability and security in the Sahara-Sahel strip. daccess-ods.un.org |
馆内陈列有众多汽车界的纪念物,如手册、烟灰缸等,以及每一款Maybach汽车及其第一位拥有者的故事,均是昔日历史留下的足迹。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | A wide range of automotive memorabilia – from handbooks to ashtrays – as well as the personal stories of some of the Maybach motor cars and their prominent first owners, bear living testimony to timesgone by. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
香奈儿最近取消其流动的艺术展览、重新定位投资战略并削减200个工作职位的决定标志着即使是昔日光芒闪耀的奢侈品行业也由于这次危机而显得黯淡起来。 labbrand.com | Chanel decision to call off its mobile art exhibition to refocus on strategic investment and to cut 200 jobs are the latest sign that even the shine of the luxury industry risks to wear off due to this crisis. labbrand.com |