

单词 易初莲花

See also:


Hualián or Hualien city and county on the east coast of Taiwan

External sources (not reviewed)

但因为其所处的中心位置,自咖啡和 花 的 国际 贸 易初期 起 ,瑞士就已成为各种贸易路线交汇的中心。
But because of its central location, it has been a crossroads
[...] for various trade routes since the early days of international trade in coffee [...]
and cotton.
103. 泰国代表团指出,莲的国际贸易正 在 有规律地增加,因此,应批准制定这一产 品的世界性标准。
The Delegation of Thailand
[...] indicated that international trade in durian was regularly [...]
increasing and therefore the establishment
of a worldwide standard should be envisaged for this product.
其指针则让人想起帝王在战斗中所用的锥形匕首,而侧边纯粹而整齐 莲花 形 表冠则安居表壳中央,为这一表款带来一种雅致而明亮的感染力。
The hands are reminiscent of tapered daggers used by sovereigns in
[...] combat, while the lotus-shaped crown is [...]
fitted on a case middle with pure, uncluttered
sides enhancing the ethereally light and luminous appeal of this model.
在美容领域莲花有助 于软化肌肤并消除红血丝。
In cosmetics, lotus flower helps to soften [...]
and decongest the skin.
Steaming, initially offered widely as an alternative for cut flowers, is not in widespread [...]
use, mainly due to high operational costs.
特别重要的是要把加勒比地区所关 切初级商品贸易问题 纳入多哈回合谈判,他期待 及时产生一个有利于所有生产者的解决方法。
It was especially important to
[...] address the issue of trade in primary commodities [...]
of interest to the Caribbean region as
part of the Doha Round negotiations and he looked forward to a timely solution that would benefit all producers.
在匈牙利大奖赛上,兰博基尼的发动机成就了更辉煌的成绩,华威 莲花 ) 、伯纳德和唐纳利 莲花 ) 分 别取得了第五名、第六名和第七名。
The Hungarian Grand Prix was even more rewarding for the Lamborghini
engines, which placed fifth, sixth and seventh,
[...] respectively with Warwick (Lotus), Bernard (Larrousse) and Donnelly (Lotus).
對於以公允價值計量且其變動計入當期損益的金融負債,相關交易費用直接計入當期損益, 其 他 金 融 負 債 的 相 關易 費 用 計 入初 始 確 認 金 額。
For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in profit or
loss; for other financial liabilities,
[...] the relevant transaction costs are recognized in their initial recognition amount.
一个由学生组织的为艾滋病和乙肝感染者争取权益的非政府组织——新疆 莲花 于 2006年10月被关闭,理由是该组织没有正式登记为非政府组织。
A student-led NGO
[...] called Xinjiang Snow Lotus, which advocated on [...]
behalf of AIDS and Hepatitis B patients, was shut down
in October 2006 on the claim that it was not formally registered as an NGO.
然而,倘遞延所得稅乃來自交易(業務合併除外)中對資產或負債 初始 確認,而易時會 計盈虧或應課稅盈虧均不受影響,及不會列賬。
However, the deferred income tax
is not accounted for
[...] if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither [...]
accounting nor taxable profit or loss.
作为一个全面的综合政策框架,国际发展新架构 应建立在五个支柱之上:金融、易 、 技术 、 初 级 商 品和气候变化适应与缓解。
NIDA, as a comprehensive and integrated policy framework, should rest on
[...] five pillars: finance, trade, technology, commodities, [...]
and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
任 何 直 接 應 佔易 成 本初 始 賬 面 值 之 比 例,分 配 至 負 債 及 權 益 部 分。
Any directly
[...] attributable transaction costs are allocated to the liability and equity components in proportion to their initial carrying amounts.
国家保健计划的优先重点是:(a) 健康的岛 屿和居民点;(b) 健康的生活方式;(c) 建立保健伙伴关系;(d) 建立易获得 的初级保健服务;(e) 社区顺利参加保健;(f) 建立和改进保健服务体系。
The national health plan’s priorities are: (a) healthy islands and communities; (b) healthy lifestyles; (c) development of health partnerships; (d) development of accessible primary health-care services; (e) successful community participation; and (f) development and improvement of the health-service system.
倘暫時差額因商 譽初次確認交易(業 務合 併除外)之其他資產及負債而產生,且並不影響應課稅溢 [...]
Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if
the temporary difference arises from
[...] goodwill or from the initial recognition (other [...]
than in a business combination) of other
assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the accounting profit.
旅游局已发信通知交通事务局,在春节黄金周期间密切留意旅客流量,并视实际需要安排足够的车辆行 莲花 桥 口 岸路线,以便能及时和便捷地疏导旅客,维持相关地区交通的畅顺。
MGTO has sent a letter informing Transport Bureau to pay close attention to the flow rate of visitors during the Spring Festival Golden Week and to
arrange sufficient transportation service
[...] for the routes to Lotus Bridge based on practical [...]
demands in order to disperse the
visitors promptly and maintain smooth traffic in related districts.
(三) 习惯国际法在国际法律制度内的位置( 莲花 原 则 ;“背景”2),包 括:“习惯国际法”与“一般国际法”的关系、与“一般国际原则”的关系和 [...]
(iii) The place of customary international law within the
[...] international legal system (Lotus principle; “toile [...]
de fond”2 ), including the relationship
of “customary international law” to “general international law”, to “general principles of law”, and to “general principles of international law”.
还为增强教科文组织工作人员的能力提供了指导,以便在计划编制阶段确定和改进最 合适的易于使用的花费最 少的监测工具。
Guidance was also provided to empower UNESCO
staff to identify and define at the programming phase, the
[...] most appropriate, easy to use and less costly monitoring tools.
收購或發行金融資產及金融負債直接應佔之 易成 本,於初確認 時加入或從金融資產或金融負債之公平值扣減(視何者適用)。
Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial assets and financial liabilities are added to or deducted from the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities, as appropriate, on initial recognition.
金融資產初按交易日期 的公平值確認,包括(如為 並非以公平值計量且其變動計入損益的金融工具)直接計入交易成 本。
Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value on the trade date, including, in [...]
the case of instruments not recorded
at fair value through profit or loss, directly attributable transaction costs.
收購或發行金融資產及金融負債(惟按公允值計入損益表的金融資產或負 債除外)直接應佔之易成本於初步 確 認時在該項金融資產或金融負債之公允值計入或扣除(按適用情況)。
Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial assets and financial liabilities (other than financial assets or liabilities at fair value through profit or loss) are added to or deducted from the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities, as appropriate, on initial recognition.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和易走廊 ;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要花 好 几 天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port [...]
in the south, with road
and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国报告说,有可能在2012 年初以较容易 的方式销毁所有这些地雷。
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia reported that all these mines could
[...] likely be destroyed early in 2012 and in a relatively easy manner.
零售垫楼、5层毗邻区域以及中庭玻璃“水 莲花 ” 成 为来福士广场的耀眼中心,伴以写字楼大厅的棋盘格玻璃套封彰显其大气恢弘,同时也完美地兑现了关于设计和建造进行绝佳的承诺。
The retail podium with its five-storey sweeping day-lit enclosure
[...] and glass ‘Crystal Lotus’ is the defining [...]
centre piece of Raffles City, and combined
with the office lobby’s tessellated glass envelope is a statement of the project’s ambition and commitment to excellence in design and construction.
到达后由澳门导游带领游览澳门各大名胜,延途可乘车观看到望海观音,游览澳门回归纪念广场 莲花 广 场(约20分钟左右),后到澳门的起源及最古老的庙宇妈祖阁(约30分钟)、在车上可远观到主教山,游完至澳门餐厅(多用新帝餐厅)午餐,餐后至澳门融合世界各地不同和建筑风格及中西文化特色的 [渔人码头] [...] [...]
After arriving from Macao guided tours Macao each big scenic spot, to extend the way can travel to watch sea a
Buddism godness Guanyin, Macao regression
[...] Memorial Plaza Golden Lotus Square ( about 20 minutes [...]
), to Macao's origin and most ancient
temple Mazu Temple ( about 30 minutes ), in the car can be far view to Bishop hill, swimming to Macao restaurant (with a new emperor restaurant for lunch ), postprandial to Macao fusion around the world and different architectural styles and cultural ch aracteristics of the fisherman's Wharf ] and [ Babylon City Entertainment ] ( about 60 minutes ).
皮埃尔 - 伊夫·罗雄,和他的妻子在1979年共同成立的此公司,他解释说,他选择 莲花 , “就像布雷顿一样,因为我们不会看东方的符号! 莲花 是 唯一真正的水花。
Pierre-Yves Rochon, alongside his wife
with whom he set up
[...] the company in 1979, explained that he had chosen the lotus flower because “like a good Breton, we don’t see oriental [...]
深圳福田香格里拉大酒店共设有478间格调优雅、空间宽敞舒适的客房和50间特大套房,入住客房和套房的宾客,均可凭窗眺望深圳多姿多彩的都市风光,或尽情俯瞰深圳市民中心公园 莲花 山 公 园美景。
Each of these offer impressive views of either the city skyline, Shenzhen
[...] Civic Centre Park or Lotus Hill Park.
在ADC揭幕当天,四周充斥着种种吉祥活动,有殊胜的胜乐金刚大成就圆满法会、那洛集会礼堂和天龙 莲花 诊 所的开幕仪式,还有接下来存为爱开示:结合灵性与生活,最后由来自不同国家的文化民俗传统舞蹈表演精彩的演出划下完美句点。
The opening day of ADC is filled with activities which ranges from Chamkrasamvara Drubpa
ritual, inauguration of the Naro Assembly
[...] Hall and Druk White Lotus Clinic (also known [...]
as Pema Karpo Clinic). teaching of Lve
to Love: Integrating Spiritual Life with Daily Practice and finally ended the day with colourful cultural performances.
应当认识初级商品贸易在推 动全球经济体实现可持续经济增长和减贫 方面的潜力,但初级商品经济的一些根本缺陷依然存在:初级商品部门的价格不 [...]
稳定,实际收入因投机活动而受到影响;生产和贸易对许多发展中国家的发展产 生的益处有限;与多样化有关的问题一直未能解决。
The potential of commodity trade to contribute to sustainable [...]
economic growth and poverty reduction in the global economy
should be acknowledged, but some fundamental flaws of the commodity economy persist: volatile prices in the sector and their impact on real incomes as a result of speculation the limited benefits that production and trade contribute to development in many developing countries; and the constant problems with diversification.
[...] 在联合国难民事务高级专员办事处和世界 易 组 织 之后 )初级人员专业人员(P-1 和 P3)占 49%,而联合国系统的平均比例为 [...]
38%,各主要专门机构的比例为 31%。
It also has one of the highest rates (after UNHCR and UNWTO) of junior professional staff in the
United Nations system, with 49% of
[...] professional staff in the junior ranks (P-1 to P-3) compared [...]
to an average of 38% in the
United Nations system, and 31% among the main specialized agencies.




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