单词 | 昏迷不醒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 昏迷不醒—remain unconsciousSee also:昏迷—coma lose consciousness be in a coma stupor disoriented stunned 昏迷adj—comatoseadj
2010年11 月,他姐姐试图在Taungoo 监狱探监时发现他昏迷不醒。 daccess-ods.un.org | In November 2010 his sister found him to be unconscious when she triedto visit him atTaungoo prison. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过把自己的实力和专业化与合作伙伴的水平捆绑在一起,厂商可以不受销 售量的迷惑,清醒地了解自己的生态系统的真正实力。 tipschina.gov.cn | By tying those competencies and specializations with partner levels, providers are able to clearly understand the true capabilities of their ecosystem without being distracted by sales volumes. tipschina.gov.cn |
可是我们并没有悔改,我们的灵性仍然昏睡 不醒。 liangyou.net | But instead of [...] repenting, we arein a spiritual sleep. liangyou.net |
病情严重时,患者可能会在数分钟内陷入 昏迷,甚 至心脏停止跳动。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | In severe cases the patient may go into shock within a few minutes and the heart can stop. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
其弟责问为何不尊父临终之愿,魏颗说:“人在病重的时候,神智是昏乱不清的,我嫁此女,是依据父亲神智清醒时的 吩咐。 chinesestoryonline.com | His younger brothers blamed him for disobeying their [...] father's will, to which Wei Ke [...] replied:" I think we are supposed to obey what our father had said when he was fully conscious. chinesestoryonline.com |
智囊会议提醒我们,最不发达国家不能再继续甘为最受 剥削的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intellectuals [...] meetinghere havereminded usthat the LDCs must not remain the [...]MECs — the most exploited countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
糖尿病不治疗会导致失明、肾功能衰竭、神经受损、腿部溃疡和昏迷。 world-heart-federation.org | Untreated diabetes can also lead toblindness, kidney failure, nerve damage, leg ulcers and coma. world-heart-federation.org |
我就这样在半昏迷状态中,好不容易挨到了早上五点钟。 4tern.com | Finally, it is 5am in the morning, time to check in! 4tern.com |
故事讲述少女露茜,到远古怪物照顾 昏迷在床的百岁前芭蕾舞老师,听闻屋中另有宝藏,召来两名壮丁帮助,却陷入了最可怕的屍变陷阵,唤起意想不到的屍变风云。 dddhouse.com | Learning by accident that Mrs Jessel, a former dance teacher of repute, supposedly possesses a treasure somewhere in the house, Lucy and friends William and Ben decide to search the house in the hope of finding it. dddhouse.com |
失去知觉, 恶心, 瞌睡或头晕眼花, 头疼, 失明或视力下降, 呼吸微弱, 意识不清, 代谢酸毒症, 呼吸碱毒症及昏迷. advanced-energy.com | Intoxication, nausea, drowsiness or dizziness, headache, lost or [...] impaired vision, shallow breathing, unconsciousness, metabolic [...] acidosis, respiratory alkalosis in concertwith preceding, coma. advanced-energy.com |
作为《公约》的最直接受益人,青少年的参与提醒了与会者《公约》的持续相关 性和重要性,以及保护和促进他们的权利不仅是其未来生活的迫切需要,也是他 们当前生活的迫切需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the immediate beneficiaries of the Convention, [...] the presence of the young people helpedtoremind participants of the continuing relevance and importance of the Convention and that the protection and promotion of their rights is urgentnot only for their lives in the future but also for their lives in the present. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
青少年们参加讨论,不仅时刻提醒与会者谨记《公约》随时随地都是相 关的和重要的,而且还通过他们所参加的各种活动,营造了一种热情洋溢的气 [...] 氛,在整整两天里均是如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through their participation in the proceedings, [...] the youth not onlyprovided a constant reminder of thecontinuing [...]relevance and importance [...]of the Convention, they also generated an environment of enthusiasm through all of their activities that remained evident throughout the two days. daccess-ods.un.org |
a. 子宫外孕(胚胎在子宫以外的部位着床发育) b. 葡萄胎(异常细胞在子宫内生长) c. 胎盘滞留(胚胎滞留在子宫内) d. 前置胎盘 e. 子痫(怀孕期间发生在先兆子痫之后的 昏迷或抽搐) f. 糖尿病(如果被保险人因自身与糖尿病有关的过往病史而有相应的除外责任,则被保险人不会因怀孕 期间进行的任何糖尿病治疗而获得赔偿) g. 产后出血(分娩后多个小时及多日大出血) h. 需要即时接受外科治疗的流产 i. 产程进展不良 17. now-health.com | a Ectopic Pregnancy (where the foetus is growing outside the womb) b Hydatidiform mole (abnormal cell growth in the womb) c Retained placenta (afterbirth retained in the [...] womb) d Placenta [...] praevia e Eclampsia(a comaor seizure during pregnancy and following pre-eclampsia) f Diabetes (If the insured person has exclusions because of the insured person’s past medical history which relate to diabetes, then the insuredwill notbe covered for [...]any treatment for diabetes [...]during pregnancy) g Post partum haemorrhage (heavy bleeding in the hours and days immediately after childbirth) h Miscarriage requiring immediate surgical treatment i Failure to progress in labour now-health.com |
早前,Brian的好友Richard(化名),因患上马凡氏症而需要进行心脏手术,但在手术过程中不幸出现肺部并发症而陷入 昏迷,而当时家中才刚刚诞下幼子。 8k12.onelinkup.com | A few months ago, a good friend of Brian’s, Richard, a Marfan syndrome – a genetic disorder of the connective tissue - patient, who needed a heart surgery due to his deteriorating [...] condition, had a lung complication during [...] the operation and lapsedintoa coma, at thetime when his younger son [...]had just born. 8k12.onelinkup.com |