单词 | 明辨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 明辨 —distinguish clearly辨明 —distinguish • clarify • elucidate Examples:明辨是非—distinguish right and wrong [idiom.] See also:辨—distinguish 辨 v—recognize v
此外,我們培養學生要慎思明辨,為 自己的行為負責,並反思自己在世上的定位。 sfusd.edu | In addition, we support students to be active critical thinkers, to take responsibility for their actions, and to be reflective about their place in the world. sfusd.edu |
如果您是在适当的时候以适当的方式提出这个问题 , 明辨 事 理 的督 导应该很高兴听到这个问题,并且会给您合理的答案。 biggerbrains.com | If asked appropriately and at the right time it is a question that a reasonable Supervisor should be happy to hear and can reasonably answer. biggerbrains.com |
该决议草案具有实用价值,有助于提高年轻人的 认识,使其更好地明辨是非,并且提高他们从历史中 吸取教训的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution had the practical value of helping to foster awareness among young people of the difference between right and wrong, and their ability to learn from history. daccess-ods.un.org |
在民主精神下,慎思明辨的過 程與表決行為本身同樣重要。 hkupop.hku.hk | A prudent and clear-sighted process [...] is as important as voting itself in democracy. hkupop.hku.hk |
父母,而不是其他人,要在神的面前为他们是否 教训自己的儿女明辨是非而负责任。 sallee.info | Parents, and no one else, will be held responsible to God for whether they taught their children right from wrong. sallee.info |
另一 方面,部分委員認為應把通識教育科列為新高中課程的必修科 目,這對本地學生建立廣濶的知識基礎和發 展 明辨 式 思 考能力 十分重要。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, some members considered that LS should be a mandatory subject in the NSS curriculum as it was important for local students to acquire a broad knowledge base and develop critical thinking skills. legco.gov.hk |
愿景还将促进分析性和明辨思维 ,发展创造性和创新能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will promote analytical and critical thinking and develop the capacity for creativity and innovation. daccess-ods.un.org |
(5) 資料處理 學生應能: y 搜尋、蒐集、重整、分析和演繹不同來源的科學資訊; y 使用資訊科技,以處理和展示資訊; y [...] 對間接取得的資訊的準確性和可靠性加以注意; y 在處理科學資訊時,明辨事實 、意見和價值判斷的分別。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected to: y search, retrieve, reorganise, analyse and interpret scientific information from a variety of sources; y use information [...] technology to manage and present information; y be [...] wary of the accuracy and credibility [...]of information from secondary sources; [...]y distinguish among fact, opinion and value judgement in processing scientific information. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
本校在教職員、家長和學生共同協助下,為學生營造一個安全的培育環境,促進他們的智育和情 育成長,擴展他們的環球視野,使他們成為慎 思 明辨 、 獨立思考、思想開放、終生學習、充滿自 信、均衡發展、喜歡探究、善於表達自己的人,從而曉得自己所肩負的全球責任,和透過教育, 發揮一己所長。 sfusd.edu | Longfellow's teachers, staff, parents and students equally share the responsibility of creating a safe, nurturing environment that promotes academically successful, emotionally intelligent, globablly aware, life-long learners who think critically and express themselves artistically. sfusd.edu |
香港慎思>研究計劃是由香港電台與香港大學民意研究計劃合辦,目的是透過舉辦辯論會鼓勵市民大眾就立法會議員出缺安排的議 題 明辨 慎 思 ,讓他們深度接觸替補機制的細節及論點。 hkupop.hku.hk | The “Hong Kong Deliberative Forum” is jointly organized by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and the University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme (HKUPOP). It aims to encourage the public to deliberate through the discussion of complex and controversial public issues. hkupop.hku.hk |
天主教教育的主要使命是:以基督为整个教育事业的根基,致力介绍福音启示的基督博爱精神和中华文化的瑰丽精髓,藉以指导生活取向和协助青少年及学生培育智慧、修身养性、追求真理、印证价值,并发展成为崇尚人文价值、身心与灵性健康、富同情心、能履行公民责任、能独立思考 、 明辨 是 非、有道德勇气及自力创新的人。 catholic.org.hk | The major mission of Catholic education is as follows: with Christ as the foundation of the whole educational enterprise, to endeavour to present the Christian concept of life according to the Gospel and the invaluable core of Chinese culture, so as to generate human attitudes and help youth and students to cultivate wisdom and virtues, pursue the truth, verify merits and develop into persons who cherish human values and who are sound in body and mind, persons of compassion, and persons with civic responsibility, a discerning mind, moral courage and creativity. catholic.org.hk |
(1) 科學思維 學生應能: y 明辨自然 界的各種模式和變化,從而預計可能的趨向; y 認識理論模式在探索現象時的基本角色,和從新的或相反的證 據中,體會修正舊理論模式的需要; y 查驗證據並藉邏輯推理,歸納出正確的結論; y 進行邏輯推理和實驗,查驗各種理論和概念; y 將新概念融入已有的知識架構,並將之應用於新的情況。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected to: y identify patterns and changes in the natural world, and predict trends from them; y appreciate the fundamental role of models in exploring phenomena, and that models are modified as new or conflicting evidences are found; y examine evidence and apply logical reasoning to draw valid conclusions; y examine theories and concepts using logical reasoning and experimentation; y integrate new concepts into their existing knowledge framework, and apply them to new situations. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
制定了国家教学大纲标准,以整体方式帮助学习者的个人发展,培养其认知 能力,引导他们开展更高层次的明辨 思 维 、创造性和分析性思维。 daccess-ods.un.org | National curriculum standards have been developed that contribute to the learner’s personal growth in a holistic fashion, develop his cognitive capacities and guide him to new levels of critical, creative and analytical thinking. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告 概要阐明了任务工作和主要调查结果,以及拟继 续 辨明 的 各 种挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | It contained an overview of the mandate‘s work and main findings, and the challenges that continue to be identified. daccess-ods.un.org |
你可以從瀏覽器上的說明 找出如何利用顯示出的鑰匙或鎖來 辨明 網 站 的身份。 pcpd.org.hk | When you are accessing a website through https://, the identity of the website is also checked by the browser. pcpd.org.hk |
除认为申诉人关于申请签证和护照的 解释不可靠以外,移民局的一位身份 辨 认 专 家还 证 明 , 通过对申诉人申请庇护时 所用照片和在阿尔及尔向瑞典大使馆申请签证时所用照片的比较发现,二者显示 的是同一个人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the consideration that the complainant’s explanations regarding the application for a visa and her passport are not credible, one of the experts on identity within the Migration Board certified that a comparison of the complainant’s photo taken when she applied for asylum and the photo attached to the application for a Swedish visa in Algiers shows that they represent the same person. daccess-ods.un.org |
可通过其中心 较大的正方形来辨明此项。 redlion.net | The alternative mode uses the first selected [...] item as a reference. This item can be identified by the larger square at its center. redlion.net |
驻地协调员必须根据详实的准则编撰年度报告,评估在实现联发援框架目标 方面取得的进展,促进国家发展的进程, 和 辨明 协 调 和制定联合方案方面的良好做 法及吸取的教益。 daccess-ods.un.org | RCs are required to prepare annual reports based on detailed guidelines to assess progress towards meeting UNDAF goals, contributing to the national development process and identifying good practices and lessons learned in coordination and joint programming. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据所有因素,包括性别、年龄、族裔和民族等分类的资料,以协 助 辨明社 会弱势群体 daccess-ods.un.org | Data disaggregated by all factors including gender, age, ethnicity and nationality [...] which may help identify vulnerable groups [...]in the society daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,咨询委员会也注意到内部监督事务厅已作 出努力,以便最终能够指导监督厅 辨明 残 余 风险(见 A/66/85 第 11 段和 A/65/827 第 204 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it has also noted the efforts made by the Office of Internal Oversight Services aimed at eventually guiding the Office in the articulation of residual risk (see A/66/85, para. 11, and A/65/827, para. 204). daccess-ods.un.org |
不过, 该国没有进行后续调查,未辨明可疑 订单的来 源,麻管局对此也表示关注。 incb.org | However, the Board also wishes to express its concerns about the lack of follow-up investigations to identify those responsible for placing the suspicious orders in the country. incb.org |
与会者们还辨明了 国 际和区域人权机制也许可联合开展的一些活动:国别走访、报告和出版物、新 [...] 闻发布和声明、提高意识和能力建设活动,以及履行国际和区域人权机制决定和 建议的后续行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | They also identified a number of possible [...] activities that could be jointly undertaken by international and regional human [...]rights mechanisms: country visits; reports and publications; press releases and statements; raising awareness and capacity-building activities; and follow-up to decisions and recommendations emanating from international and regional human rights mechanisms. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們都知道神參透萬事,能辨明我們 的心思意 念。 mccc.org | We know that God knows all things, He knows our thoughts and desires. mccc.org |
(c) 对各不同区域和社会文化群体展开深入研究 , 辨明 针 对《任择议定 书》所列罪行,开展宣传和提高认识工作的具体障碍和机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Undertake in-depth studies in different regions and sociocultural groups to identify specific obstacles and opportunities for advocacy and awareness-raising on the offences under the Optional Protocol. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 采取一切必要措施,具体包括针对法官、检察官、警察、社会工作 者、医务人员及其他从事与儿童证人相关工作的专业人员,以及广大社会民众, 实施提高认识方案和运动;确保不对外公开透露可导 致 辨明 受 害 儿童身份的个人 信息;并且确保受害儿童不会遭鄙视和社会排斥 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Take all necessary measures, including, inter alia, conducting awarenessraising programmes and campaigns, targeting professionals, including judges, prosecutors, the police, social workers, medical staff and other professionals working with child witnesses, as well as society at large, to ensure that personal information which may lead to the identification of child victims is not disclosed publicly, and that child victims are not exposed to stigmatization and social marginalization daccess-ods.un.org |
我们网站一些页面上的网络信标,加上这些广告 cookie 和我们的其他 cookie,使第三方广告技术可以更好地整体理解网站活动,以便在浏览器访问此网站或其他网站时识别浏览器 cookie,并辨明是哪 些广告将用户带至我们的网站或以其他方式采取行动。 united.com | Web beacons on some pages of our site, in conjunction with these advertising cookies and our other cookies, enable the third party advertising technology to better understand onsite activity in the aggregate, to recognize a browser's cookie when a browser visits this site or other sites, and to learn which advertisements bring users to our website or otherwise take action. united.com |
(c) 本公司與信託無涉,包括辨明受託 人之身分或權力、有效性、目的或信託條款、 所做任何與股份有關之行為有無違背信託等;且 apex-intl.com.tw | (c) the Company shall not be concerned with the trust in any way, as to the identity or powers of the trustees, the validity, purposes or terms of the trust, the question of whether anything done in relation to the shares may amount to a breach of trust or otherwise; and apex-intl.com.tw |
它 要 求对冲突的性质和 背景有清楚的认识,而且需要有能力 辨明 现 实的解决 办法;要求受冲突影响的各利益相关者参与;需要争 取支持稳定和进步的力量参与解决某一特定局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | It requires a clear understanding of the nature and context of the conflict and the ability to discern realistic solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
Benmehidi 先生(阿尔及利亚)说,阿尔及利亚代 表团希望里约+20 会议辨明实现可持续发展的障碍, 采取措施履行过去和未来的所有承诺,从而开创可持 续发展新纪元。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Algeria) said that his delegation hoped that the Rio+20 Conference would launch a new era for sustainable development by identifying the obstacles to its attainment and by adopting measures to implement all past and future commitments. daccess-ods.un.org |