单词 | 明眸皓齿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 明眸皓齿 —have bright eyes and white teeth皓齿明眸 —white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); lovely young womanSee also:皓齿—white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty)
修饰性的色素颗粒有助于改善黑眼圈,同时提亮眼周区域, 使 明眸 更 有 神采和活力。 clarinsusa.com | Corrective pigments help minimize the appearance of dark circles, [...] while illuminating the eye contour area for an energized look. clarinsusa.com |
在礦床90米的深度已發現以輝 銅礦、靛銅礦、斑銅礦、皓礬及 膽礬形式存在的氧化銅、鉛及鋅。 glencore.com | Oxidised copper, lead and zinc in the form of chalcosine, covelline, bornite, goslarite and chalcanthite are found down to the depth of 90m. glencore.com |
这款质地轻薄的眼霜能够有效预防和消除眼周细纹,让青 春 明眸 活 力 常驻。 clarinsusa.com | Minimizes the look of fine lines while protecting the vulnerable skin around eyes. clarinsusa.com |
与葛琳皓一起 工作的年轻女子 Betty Duvall 将这条消息裹在一只黑色的小丝袋中,然后将丝袋藏于发髻之内。 wdl.org | A young woman [...] working with Greenhow named Betty [...]Duvall carried the message wrapped in a tiny black silk purse and hidden in a hair bun. wdl.org |
按照第 17 和 18 页的说明,拆卸小齿轮组件 / 离合器电枢 / 夹子和离合器外罩。 graco.com | Remove Pinion Assembly/Clutch Armature/Clamp and Clutch Housing, as instructed on pages 17, and 18. graco.com |
但如果伴随着更高的燃料效率,例如 通过改进船体、螺旋桨和齿轮设 计,这类投资会很快被补偿。 fao.org | However, if accompanied by greater fuel efficiency, e.g. through improved [...] hull, propeller and gear design, this investment [...]could quickly be recouped. fao.org |
每根干茎生叶10-20,(1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9)厘米 * (1.5-)4-14(-17)毫米; 叶柄无的或很少到2毫米; [...] 顶生小叶狭倒卵形,长圆形,或很少宽卵形, ( 2-)3-8(-9) * (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) [...] 毫米,小叶柄0.5-2毫米,钝的基部楔形或很少,边缘 不 明 显 1 - 3 齿 在 每 边,先端锐尖,近具短尖; 侧生小叶(6或)7-12(-15)对, [...] 线形的或狭长圆形,不对称,稍小于顶生的裂片, [...] 有对0.5毫米的一小叶柄的无梗或很少, 最近的对侧生小叶auriclelike,恰好在节上面附着在或,通常给抱茎叶基部的出现。 flora.ac.cn | Cauline leaves 10-20 per stem, (1.5-)2.5-7.5(-9) cm × (1.5-)4-14(-17) mm; petiole absent or rarely to 2 mm; terminal leaflet narrowly obovate, oblong, or rarely broadly ovate, (2-)3-8(-9) × (0.5-)1.5-5(-7) mm, petiolule [...] 0.5-2 mm, base cuneate or rarely [...] obtuse, margin obscurely 1-3-toothed on each side, apex [...]acute, submucronate; lateral leaflets [...](6 or)7-12(-15) pairs, linear or narrowly oblong, asymmetric, slightly smaller than terminal lobe, sessile or rarely with a petiolule to 0.5 mm, base oblique, proximal margin 1- or 2(or 3)-toothed, distal margin entire or rarely obscurely 1- or 2-toothed, apex acute; proximal pair of lateral leaflets auriclelike, attached at or just above node, often giving appearance of amplexicaul leaf base. flora.ac.cn |
有關活動包括;老年黃斑病變簡介會,第七屆世界盲人聯盟亞洲太平洋區按摩研討會,國際防盲協會及香港盲人輔導會合辦之"國家層面低視能專家培訓班",世界視覺日「看得見的希望」,匯豐銀行慈善基金數碼錄音書播放機捐贈儀式,世界衛生組織、國際獅子會及香港盲人輔導會合辦之"國家層面兒童低視能培訓班" ,「傷健同心」馬拉松慈善音樂會和 明眸 行 動 慈善日等。 hksb.org.hk | They included the AMD Alliance Reception, the 7th World Blind Union Asia Pacific Regional Massage Seminar, National Focal Persons Training Course in Low Vision, World Sight Day "Seeing is Believing", The Hong Kong Bank Foundation Daisy Book Players Donation Ceremony, Lions-WHO Childhood Blindnesss Training Course in Low Vision, Marathon Charity Concert and Charity Sales. hksb.org.hk |
美国情报服务局负责人 艾伦·平克顿将监视罗斯·葛琳皓作为 其反间谍活动的一部分,并找到了足够的证据把她软禁。 wdl.org | Head of U.S. Intelligence Service Allan Pinkerton observed Rose Greenhow as part of his counterintelligence activities and found sufficient evidence to place her under house arrest. wdl.org |
於本公佈日期,董事會包括執行董事Michael John [...] Hibberd先生及沈松寧先生,非執行董事蔣 學 明 先 生、劉廷安先生、 李 皓 天 先 生及Gregory George Turnbull先生,以及獨立非執行董事馮聖悌先生、Wazir [...]Chand Seth先生、Robert [...]John Herdman先生及Gerald Franklin Stevenson先生。 sunshineoilsands.com | As at the date of this announcement, the Board consists of Mr. Michael John Hibberd and Mr. [...] Songning Shen as [...] executive directors, Mr. Hok Ming Tseung, Mr. Tingan Liu, Mr. Haotian [...]Li and Mr. Gregory George Turnbull as non-executive [...]directors and Mr. Raymond Shengti Fong, Mr. Wazir Chand Seth, Mr. Robert John Herdman and Mr. Gerald Franklin Stevenson as independent non-executive directors. sunshineoilsands.com |
南北战争期间,葛琳皓向南 部邦联写加密(密码)消息,提供有关联邦军事计划的信息。 wdl.org | During the Civil War, Greenhow wrote ciphered (secret code) messages to the Confederates, providing information about Union military plans. wdl.org |
如對上述有任何查詢,請聯絡本署的總屋宇測量師 徐皓先生(電話: 3162 0900)。 legco.gov.hk | Should you have any queries concerning the above, please contact Mr Patrick TSUI, Chief Building Surveyor of the BD at 3162 0900. legco.gov.hk |
茎纤细,无毛的,萼齿不明显的 ,具瓣爪花瓣和椭圆形的果,类似Sinocarum,还需要进一步研究。 flora.ac.cn | The slender, [...] glabrous stem, inconspicuous calyx teeth, clawed petals, and [...]ellipsoid fruit resemble Sinocarum, and further work is needed. flora.ac.cn |
為妳呈獻豐彩提升捲曲睫毛膏,它的獨特傾斜設計掃頭,配上柔軟兼有彈性的刷毛,輕輕一掃,每條睫毛立即捲曲,活潑更添神采;全新修護配方,蘊含造型成份,輕易締造天然捲曲美態,刺激睫毛生長,提升神采,加上防污蠟質,令睫毛細緻 分 明 , 明眸 更 明 亮 ,效果極緻持久。 aster.com.hk | The exclusive soft elastomer Oblique brush features silicone bristles specially designed to immediately curl every lash. aster.com.hk |
此次拍摄的色调风格鲜明:绿 色与红色的背景霓虹灯光,映衬出特立独行罪爱主角们的 双 眸 — — 以及他们内心的狂野欲望——我们的罪爱主角压抑许久,随时瞬间引爆。 gucci.com | The color scheme is stark: green and red light, against which our mavericks’ eyes - and intentions – of our protagonist smoulder like coals. gucci.com |
伞齿轮箱 的水平轴端必须与有载分接开关头上 的 齿轮 箱的轴端在一直线上。 highvolt.de | The horizontal shaft [...] end of the bevel gear must be in proper alignment with the shaft end of the upper gear unit on the tap-changer head. highvolt.de |
这款强效眼霜能够抚平所有岁月痕迹,范围并不限于眼周,而延伸至太阳穴!它全面满足因年龄增长荷尔蒙变化而受影响的肌肤,重 现 明眸 魅 力 与神采。 clarinsusa.com | Smoothes away the effects of time for youthful-looking eyes at any age. clarinsusa.com |
这款强效眼霜能够抚平所有岁月痕迹,范围并不限于眼周,而延伸至太阳穴!它全面满足因年龄增长荷尔蒙变化而受影响的肌肤,重 现 明眸 魅 力 与神采。 clarinsusa.com | Clarins sheds new light on age-defying eye care with a treatment [...] powered by Pueraria [...] Lobata—the “forever young” plant proven to target aging where you see it first—giving eyes a luminous “lift” in just three weeks. clarinsusa.com |
也没有迹象表明,他的牙齿所受 到的广泛损 伤不是因为身体受到虐待造成的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nor was there any indication that the extensive damage to his teeth was not a consequence [...] of the physical mistreatment he had been subjected to. daccess-ods.un.org |
齿轮箱 输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 [...] 下缸体处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。 graco.com | The output [...] shaft of the gearbox and the connecting [...]rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up when [...]the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping). graco.com |
在车桥的能量损失中,最明显的是齿 轮 啮合中的机械损失、轴承内部的摩擦阻力,以及固定油封和旋转轴之间的摩擦阻力。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Figuring strongly in an axle’s energy losses are the [...] mechanical losses in the gear meshes, and the frictional [...]resistance within the bearings [...]and between the stationary oil seals and rotating shafts. drivelinenews.com |
特別加入Metamorphosis Powder及黑珍珠色素,乃專為勾畫濃密睫毛而設, 雙 眸 更 顯 深刻動人。 aster.com.hk | Enriched with Metamorphosis Powder and black pearl pigments, it is specially designed to amplify lash volume and deliver deep intensity to the eyes. aster.com.hk |
我作為㆒個以港㆟利益為依歸的民意 代表,我作為㆒個受市民擁戴而選舉出來的立法局議員,對這些政黨㆟士的立論覺得 非常失望!他們簡直是不顧香港㆟的利益!主席先生,「夷齊雖不仕周,猶食西山之 糜,亦當知武王之德;㆕皓雖不仕漢,茹商山之芝,亦當知高帝之恩」,何況我們在香 港這個㆞方幹活與生存? legco.gov.hk | As a people's representative who gives utmost priority to the interests of the people of Hong Kong, and a Legislative Council Member elected by the general public, I am very disappointed with the thinking of these Members who belong to a particular political party. legco.gov.hk |
持續使用,能增強眼部肌膚對抗外來因素的防禦力,更可將衰老狀態漸漸改善,讓 雙 眸 回 復 年輕活力。 aster.com.hk | Rapidly absorbed and can improve elasticity, firmness and dark circle appearance of the skin. aster.com.hk |
鮑皓華 湛 偉 霖 律 師行及魏 布 律 師行 的 兩 名 律 師 曾 就 律 師 會的彌償計 劃 向 小組委 員會提交詳細的 意見,以 及 提交 就所有律 師行所作調 查 的 結 果 。 legco.gov.hk | Two solicitors, from HORVATH and GILES, and Erving BRETTELL, have submitted to the Subcommittee detailed comments on the Law Society's Scheme, and the result of a survey of all solicitors firms. legco.gov.hk |
无梗小穗3.5-5毫米; 胼胝体毛1-1.3毫米; [...] 更下部的颖片狭披针形长圆形,浅背面凹,或很少具短硬毛近先端,2-4-脉,渐狭, 透 明 的 先 端,有 时 齿; 在 后面,渐尖上的上面颖片身体虚弱的龙骨状的或圆形; [...] 披针形,透明的下部的外稃,稍短于颖片; 线形,透明的上面外稃,1.5-3毫米,微缺; [...] 好的芒,曲折,1-2厘米,顶毛状,使缠结; 上面内稃无的或小。 flora.ac.cn | Sessile spikelet 3.5–5 mm; callus hairs 1–1.3 mm; lower glume narrowly lanceolate-oblong, back shallowly concave, glabrous or rarely [...] hispidulous near apex, 2–4-veined, [...] apex attenuate, hyaline, sometimes 2-toothed; upper glume weakly [...]keeled or rounded on back, acuminate; [...]lower lemma lanceolate, hyaline, slightly shorter than glumes; upper lemma linear, hyaline, 1.5–3 mm, emarginate; awn very fine, flexuous, 1–2 cm, apex hairlike, tangled; upper palea absent or minute. flora.ac.cn |
叶柄5-10厘米,无毛; 叶片卵形到近圆形, 3-4.5 * 1.6-3.2 [...] 厘米,硬纸质,两面被微柔毛,次脉在中脉两边各2和在顶端的一对之间的基部具腺的,基部圆形,边缘近全缘到稀疏 不 明 显 细 锯 齿 , 先 端钝,锐尖或渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 5-10 cm, glabrous; leaf blade ovate to suborbicular, 3-4.5 × 1.6-3.2 cm, stiffly papery, both surfaces puberulous, secondary veins 2 on each side of midvein and basally glandular [...] between apical pair, base rounded, margin [...] subentire to sparsely inconspicuous serrulate, apex obtuse, [...]acute, or acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
今天,当我回 眸过去 的几十年时光,我看到了远超越于此的成就:比泽尔已经成为一个全球化运营的公司、拥有制冷和空调领域最好的产品质量,并以不断的创新著称全球。 bitzeruk.com | Today, when I look back over the last decades, I see that more than that has been achieved: BITZER is a global player, assures the best quality for refrigeration and air conditioning plants, and is noted for continuous innovation. bitzeruk.com |
Max Factor進一步提升經典魅力,重新注入時尚型格新包裝,再配合獨特的豐盈捲翹及極致防水配方,全方位展現惹人注目的300%濃密美睫,讓 美 眸 在 徐 徐眨動的瞬間,電力不經意透過每根美睫無盡釋放。 hk.eternal.hk | To further enhance the classic charm, Max Factor re-injected into the stylish fashion new packaging, coupled with the unique abundance of curling and ultimate waterproof formula, to show dramatic 300% thick eyelashes. hk.eternal.hk |