

单词 明白事理的

See also:




explain (literary)

事理 n

reason n

External sources (not reviewed)

在這方面來說,我們僱主曾對巴士 的營運感到不滿,但我們 明白事理的 ㆟ , 我們知道每日載送數以百萬計的乘客殊非易 事。
So far we employers have some complaints about bus operations but these are outweighed by our sensible realization that it is never easy to move millions of passengers a day.
香港人是明白 事理的,如果是做不到便不要一力背負,要勇敢地告訴香港人,讓大 家知道遊戲規則是怎樣的。
Just bravely tell the people of Hong Kong so as to let everybody know the rule of the game.
如果進行的時候,便拿這個方案出來,我擔保只明 白事理的,都可以就這個 60 席直選方案投「是」或「非」。
Suppose that we use this proposal when it is time to hold the referendum, I can guarantee that every sensible man will be able to vote yes or no on this plan of 60 directly elected seats.
如果 局長明白事理的,既 然有這樣的先決條例,為何在發生拖欠供款事件時卻 沒有要求僱主提供證據,證明他們並非真的故意犯法呢?
If the Secretary is sensible, why does he not require employers to
[...] adduce evidence to prove that they do not really [...]
have the intention of breaking the
law when defaults in contributions occur, given that such legislation is already in place?
我希望北 京 政 府 在沒有找 到 相 反 證 據 之前, 暫 且相信 我們明 白 事理的成年 人 。
I hope that Beijing will give us the benefit of the doubt that we are sensible adults.
其實,很多香港市民明白事理的, 當 此事件最初發生時,主席也 許亦記得,有人指這些苦主是投機,搞買賣,所以出事後便須自行負責 了,這點是大家也同意的。
At first when that event happened, President, you may still remember that some people said that these victims were speculative and they were trading and so when things had gone wrong, they should bear the responsibility themselves.
一 旦 加 入 ﹡ 不 誠 實 ﹢ 的 元 素 , 便 有 需 要 考 慮 被 告 的 主 觀 想 法 , 因 此 , 若 一明 白 事 理 的 人 不 把 被 告 的 行 為 視 為 不 誠 實 , 被 告 便 可 能 毋 頇 負 上 刑 事 責 任 。
By including dishonesty, a subjective element would be introduced which would enable an accused to avoid liability if no ordinary reasonable person would have regarded his conduct as dishonest.
我认为, 这听上去或许不是非常合理,但我确实希望,我们明白事理,不容许像这的情况发端于安理会会议厅 这个神圣的场所。
I believe that this may
[...] not sound too reasonable, but I do wish we would be reasonable and not allow something like this [...]
to emanate from the sacred halls of the Chamber.
有關通貨膨脹的討論已不絕於耳。通貨膨脹是㆒項政府當局和輿論界必須坦誠理 的問題,須讓市明白事情的真相
There has been a lot of discussion about inflation, which is a problem on which the Administration and commentators should be frank with the community.
香港市民明白事理和有遠見的,只要排污費的標準是合 理,又能夠有實質效用,我相信每㆒個市民都願意貢獻㆒分力量。
Provided that the amount of the sewage disposal charge is set at a reasonable level and that such a charge can really be conducive to the efforts, I believe that everybody is willing to make a contribution.
所以,我希望剛才發的同事明白我 提 出這項修正案的原因,特別是馮檢基議員,因為他一直都說沒有人接觸過 [...]
Therefore, I hope Members who
[...] have spoken just now will understand the reason [...]
for my moving this amendment and I hope Mr
Frederick FUNG in particular will understand, since he said that all along, no one had ever accosted him, nor had he ever been persuaded by any advertisement he had come across.
我希望在向安理会通报阿拉伯国家的努力时,充 分考虑到安理会在不断跟踪叙利亚危 的事 态 发 展, 以便使理会明白是什 么原因促使阿拉伯国家通过 我们受权向安理会转交的决议。
In briefing the Council on the Arab efforts, I
wish to take fully into
[...] account the Council’s continuing follow-up of developments in the Syrian crisis, so that the Council will understand the reasons that [...]
prompted the Arab
States to adopt their resolution, which we have been entrusted to convey to the Council.
一成员认为,不妨就碳排放额度进行内部讨论,但另一成员对文件有强烈保留,他明白为何 全球环境基金涉入与臭氧有 的事 务 , 指出 理 化 学 剂是一个复杂的问题,而 且目前已有其他四项公约处理这项问题。
One member suggested that it would be interesting to have internal discussions on carbon credits, while another expressed strong reservations on the
paper, wondering why the
[...] GEF was involved in ozone-related matters, pointing out that addressing chemicals was a complex issue for [...]
which four other conventions already existed.
展望今后,总干事满怀信心:已实施的变革(如明确手册条款及其与财务条例的关 系,以及相应的培训等)将使秘书处能根据明确 明白的 采 购 条例 事 , 也将使秘书处更好理解和 更严格地执行这样的条例,以防止重犯审计报告中指出的错误。
Looking ahead, the Director-General is confident that the changes put in place (such as the clarification of the Manual items and their relation to the Financial Regulations, and appropriate training) will enable the
Secretariat to
[...] function within clear and well-known procurement rules, and will lead to a better understanding of and strict adherence to such rules by the Secretariat, [...]
in order to
prevent reoccurrence of the failures identified in the audit report.
明社会变革理计划的潜力时, 理事 会 一 致认为,社会变革管理计划主要是要: 成为动员会员国支持本国社会科学的国际平台;成为以高度可见的方式提高决策者的需求和 [...]
议,特别是在需要政府采取行动的系统问题上;根据 36 C/5 中关于社会科学及人文科学的重 大计划 III 的工作重点 2 和 3,通过选定的一些具有全球意义的社会变革,说明社会变革管理 计划目标的公信力和相关性;以及鼓励参与进程、让民间社会参与进来,并提高对社会科学 必要性的敏感认识。
In describing the potential of MOST, the Council agreed that MOST relies [...]
on, inter alia: being an international platform
that mobilizes Member State’s support for social sciences in their countries; being a resource that in a highly visible way creates demand and awareness in policymakers of their need for social science research in policy formulation; having the responsibility to promote and support capacity-building initiatives, particularly on systemic issues that require government action; the illustration of the credibility and relevance of MOST’s objectives by working through a select number of globally-significant social transformations, in accordance with Main Lines of Action 2 and 3 in Major Programme III on Social and Human Sciences of 36 C/5; and, encouraging participatory processes, engaging with civil society, and creating greater sensitivity to the need for social sciences.
正正由於我們今天的社會缺乏這樣的教育, 所以我們要增加學位,讓更多人能有較多機 明白事理 , 尋求更多知識,才 是最重的。
This is the most important point. It is precisely because such education is lacking in society today that the number of
university places has to be raised to provide more people
[...] with more opportunities of understanding things and pursuing knowledge.
明白,根據《房屋條例》(第 283 章)第 26(1)(c) 條的規定,任何人若在提供資料時蓄意向「房委會」作出虛假陳述,即屬違法,一經定罪,可判《事訴訟程序條例》(第 221 章)附表 8 所訂第 5 級罰款及監禁 6 個月(在本申請書修訂之日第 5 級的 最高罰款為港幣 50,000 元)。
I understand that by virtue of Section 26(1)(c) of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), any person who knowingly makes any false statement to HA in furnishing the particulars shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine at Level 5 as specified in Schedule 8 to the Criminal Procedure [...]
Ordinance (Cap. 221) and
to imprisonment for 6 months (as at the date this Application Form is revised, the maximum fine at Level 5 is HK$50,000).
此外,消委會建議,政府擬成立的專責機構除監督醫保計劃的實施 和運作外,亦須負責監察保費調整,並進行有系統的研究分析和調查 (包括收集本地數據,與相類似的外地醫保成本數據作比較等),以及 提供公眾容明白的分析數據資料(例如:保費用於醫療索償比例), 讓他理解保費上升的原因。
Moreover, CC recommends that the dedicated agency proposed to be set up for supervising the implementation and operations of the HPS should also be responsible for monitoring premium adjustment, conducting systematic analyzes and studies (including collecting local data and comparing health insurance costs with similar overseas systems), as well as
providing the public
[...] with readily understandable analytical data (e.g. claim ratio – claim as % of premium), to help the public better understand [...]
the reasons for premium increases.
已向非洲博物理事会等一些非洲博物馆提供援助,性 别平等问题则通过越南在三个省的 博 物 馆进行性别分析予 明 确 阐 述。
Assistance was
[...] provided to a number of African museums, including the African Council of Museums, and Gender equality was explicitly addressed through Viet Nam’s Gender Analysis conducted [...] [...]
at museums in three provinces.
我尤其希 望泛民主的同事明白一點,如果我們今天的邏輯是正確的話,那麼 我們在理政改 時的邏輯便必定錯誤,對嗎?
I particularly hope that colleagues in the pan-democratic camp can understand one point and that is, if our logic today [...]
is correct, then our logic in handling the constitutional reform was certainly wrong, wasn't it?
(3) 关于监护权主张,缔约国称,决定已经作出,而投诉人应 明白 , 委员 会不是第四审上诉庭,审事实和 证据也不是其职权范围 的事 情。
3) Regarding custody claims, the State party asserts that the decision has been
made and that the
[...] complainant should understand that the Committee is not a fourth instance of appeal nor it’s within its mandate to review the facts and evidences.
该法律干事的职责是在特派团的所有 法律问题上为特派团支助司提供法律支持,如特权和豁免权、免于法律责任、为 特派团提供政府所有的房地和其他处所、针对特派团的第三方索赔、与采购相关 的问题、参与当的理事会和 委员会来为特派团处理合同法、商法和公司法方面 的问题以及当地经济/商业发展的有关法律安排,包括那些实践 明 可 能 使特派 团活动受到影响的法律安排。
The Legal Officer provides legal support to the Mission Support Division on all legal arrangements for the Mission, such as those concerning privileges and immunities, protection from liabilities, the provision of Government-owned and other premises for Mission purposes, third-party claims against the Mission, procurement-related
[...] participation on local boards and committees dealing with contractual, commercial and corporate legal aspects for both Mission purposes and local economic/business development, including those that, as practice has shown, may reflect [...]
on the Mission’s activities.
經終審法院首席法官事先批准下,由香港律師 理事 會根 據《法律執業者條例》(第 159章 )第 73條訂的《外 地律師註冊規 則》(第 159章,附屬法例S)("主體規則")第 5條現時規定,如任何人 在具備資格後,具備少於2年全職從事外地法律執業經驗,而他申 請作為外地律的註冊 證書,則香港律師會可 明 關 於該人在香 港律師行以僱員身份從事外地法律執業所受督 的 條 件
At present, under section 5 of the Foreign Lawyers Registration Rules (Cap. 159 sub. leg.
S) (the principal Rules) made by the Council of The Law Society of Hong Kong under section 73 of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159) with the prior approval of the Chief Justice, if a person with less than two years of post-qualification experience in the full-time practice of foreign law applies for a certificate of registration as a foreign lawyer, The Law Society of Hong Kong may specify conditions as to supervision under which that person may practise foreign law as an employee of a Hong Kong firm.
雖然,我知道也許我沒有機會進行修訂,但我希望大 明白事理 , 不 要事事都以 政治目標出發,爭拗不休。
Although I realize that my amendment may not be carried, I hope Members will have good sense and will not be involved in endless arguments for political reasons.
理事会这些决议都是的明确、重点突出和强有力的决议,所有决 议除其他规定外,都重申《日内瓦第四公约》适用于自 1967 [...]
年以来被 以色列占领的包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土;对占领国以色列从 巴勒斯坦被占领土上驱逐巴勒斯坦平民深感遗憾、痛惜和谴责(第
468(1980)号、第 469(1980)号和第 484(1980)号决议都具体涉及(希布 伦)哈利勒市市长、哈勒胡勒市市长和(希布伦)哈利勒市伊斯兰教法官 的驱逐问题);呼吁以色列撤销驱逐巴勒斯坦平民的命令;呼吁以色列 确保那些已被驱逐的人安全和立即返回被占领土并立即停止驱逐任何 其他巴勒斯坦平民。
These Security Council resolutions are clear, focused and strong, [...]
and all of them, among other provisions, reaffirm the
applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Palestinian Territory occupied by Israel since 1967, including East Jerusalem; deeply regret, deplore and condemn the deportation by Israel, the occupying Power, of Palestinian civilians from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (resolutions 468 (1980), 469 (1980) and 484 (1980) specifically concern the deportation of the Mayors of Al-Khalil (Hebron) and Halhoul and the Sharia Judge of Al-Khalil (Hebron)); call upon Israel to rescind the orders to deport Palestinian civilians; and call upon Israel to ensure the safe and immediate return to the Occupied Territory of those already deported and to desist forthwith from deporting any other Palestinian civilians.
(iii) 凡提述第㆒太平銀行董事或任何㆒名董事、高級㆟員或僱員之 處(不論如何措詞,亦不論明訂或 隱含),就須在指定日期 當日或以後理的事情而言,即為提述東亞銀行董事,或東亞 銀行為該目的而委任的董事、高級㆟員或僱員(視情況所需而 [...]
(iii) any reference (however worded and whether express or implied) to the directors or to any director, officer or employee of First Pacific Bank
were, as respects
[...] anything falling to be done on or after the appointed day, a reference to the directors of Bank of East [...]
Asia or, as the case
may require, to such director, officer or employee of Bank of East Asia as Bank of East Asia may appoint for that purpose or, in default of appointment, to the director, officer or employee of Bank of East Asia who corresponds as nearly as may be to the first-mentioned director, officer or employee.
如董事報告書的陳述屬虛假,而 事明 知 其 為虛假 或罔顧其真偽,以及未有採取理步 驟阻止報告書獲得通 過,即屬違法。
It will be an
[...] offence if the statement in the directors’ report is false and that the director knew that it was false, or was reckless as to whether it was false, and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent [...]
the report from being approved.
教科文组织的行动,作为对中、长期战略性工作和对战略决策者及参与者开展的宣传 工作的补充,已经有了发展;这一点是通过与当地的非政府组织合作,在实地开展有实效 的、成为反贫困斗争样板和支柱的具体活动来实现的:在尼日尔(培训贫困、失业妇女事 导游工作,开辟环游线路“Imzadr 的明白人” ;在阿尔及利亚(非物质遗产);在毛里塔尼 亚(为贫穷者举办文化旅游培训讲习班);在马里(修复一座房子,将其变成文化中心); 在摩洛哥(提高一个妇女合作社的能力)。
In addition to designing a strategy for the medium and longer term and efforts to raise the awareness of decision-makers and strategic stakeholders, UNESCO’s action has been pursued through specific field activities that have tangible effects and serve as examples and springboards for combating poverty, in cooperation with local NGOs in Niger (training of guides, T.O., women in poverty, the unemployed and establishment of the “Imzad listeners” tourism circuit), Algeria (intangible heritage), Mauritania (training seminar in cultural tourism for poor people), Mali (renovation of a house as a cultural centre) and Morocco (building the capacities of a women’s cooperative).
本人明白,若有人違反房屋條例第 26(2)條的規定,而該違事項是 與本人購樓有關,則法庭可根據房屋條例第 26B 條的 規 定,判令(a) 把所購得的樓宇轉讓予房委會或其提名人;或(b) 買主向房委會繳付一筆款項,數額相等於該單位原來買價 [...]
與在 判令發出之日的十足市值的差額。
I also understand that where an offence under Section 26(2) of the Housing Ordinance is committed [...]
by some person in relation to the purchase of a flat by me, the court may, under Section
26B of the Housing Ordinance, order (a) that the flat so purchased be transferred to the Housing Authority or its nominee or (b) that the purchaser pay the HA a sum equivalent to the difference between the original purchase price of the flat and its full market value as at the date of the order.
受訪者被問及 這 31 億元應由 誰 承擔時,雖 然只有
六 成人回應這一項問 題 , 但 贊 成 由 政府跟 家長 一 同
[...] 承擔的,較認為應由 政府全數承擔的 為 多;前 者 有 近 五 成 回應者贊 成, 後者則只有 44%,可見 得 市民要 比 我 們 在的 同 事還明 白 事 理。
Although only 60% of the interviewees answered the question concerning who should bear the $3.1 billion incurred, the number of people agreeing that the Government and parents should be
jointly responsible was larger than the number
[...] of those who thought that the Government should bear the full responsibility.




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