

单词 明枪好躲,暗箭难防

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难道上面对于David 的描述能明他缺乏责任感、放弃与家人和朋友的 好 关 系 并 躲 藏 起来 吗?
Does the above description of
[...] David suggest an individual who would avoid responsibility, abandon his warm relationships with family and friends, and hide far away from home?
厄瓜多尔防部的分支网站在游客点击新标签时播放 暗 音 乐 和 枪 声。
An offshoot site
[...] of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Defense plays dark music and gunshot every time visitors click on [...]
something new.
在某些情形中,这些挑战还导致从业躲 避那些难以盈 利的线路,挑选最有盈利潜力的航运线路,而把其他吸引力不 大的航运业务交给他人。
In some cases, these challenges lead to unprofitable routes or ―cherry-picking‖ of the most lucrative or profitable shipments, leaving the less attractive shipments to others.
工作小組會考慮的其㆗㆒項辦法是實施發牌制度,以對付未成年少女在卡拉 OK 場所 工作的問題,並明具體的衛生、 防 和 建築物安全規定。
Among other things, a licensing system will be considered, to tackle the
problem of underage girls working in karaoke
[...] establishments, and to prescribe hygiene, fire and building [...]
safety requirements.
这个恐怖团 体还袭击了离上述哨所约 10 公里处的 Faydat al-Nasiri 边防哨所,打死两名哨 兵,绑架两个人,并夺走六支军用 枪 和 一枚 火 箭 榴 弹 发射器。
The same terrorist group also attacked the Faydat
[...] al-Nasiri border guard post, located some 10 kilometres from the post referred to above, killing two guards, abducting two others, and capturing six military rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade [...]
這些名副其實的「廉價勞工」,就像數目難以估計 的有害蛀蟲躲在陰暗角落 蠶食婦女的就業機會。
These are true "cheap labourers" who are just like numerous pests nibbling away
[...] women's employment opportunity in the dark.
采用成果框架,并清楚地明难民署 希望实现的全面成果,需要完善员额 的分类,以便好地反 映直接投入于执行保护和解决办法框架的工作人员费用, 以及支持框架执行的间接费用。
The introduction of the Results
[...] Framework, with its articulation of the comprehensive results the Office seeks to achieve, called for a refinement of the classification of posts to better reflect staff [...]
costs that represent
direct inputs into the delivery of the framework for protection and solutions, and the indirect costs needed to support delivery.
只要在这三种属性任一种有所改进,就获致更多的暗部细节;有时一种胶片无法兼有这些优 点,所以难去评定其暗部细节的好 坏。
An improvement in any of the attributes should lead to an
improvement in shadow detail;
[...] though it can be difficult to describe shadow detail [...]
when a film has an advantage in one of the categories but a disadvantage in others.
除了要為市民各種利益進行 辯論之外,還要為政黨、為原則、為利益而發言,更加要為九五年選舉爭取選票好 準備,更有些議員要應付背後暗箭 , 承受政黨的壓力。
And there are already Members who have grabbing votes, for the elections of 1995. And there are already Members who have to cope with arrows shot at their back and the pressure brought to bear on them by to cope with arrows shot at their back and the pressure brought to bear on them by to cope with arrows shot at their back and the pressure brought to bear on them by to cope with arrows shot at their back and the pressure brought to bear on them by their own political party. their own political party. their own political party. their own political party.
[...] 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括含磷弹和致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重难在继续,加沙人民无 躲 无 处 藏。
As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks, F-16s, helicopters and other heavy weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert metal explosive
bombs, the profound human suffering continues to mount, as the
[...] people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge.
然後,政府 又告訴市民,政府其實暗中 ⎯明暗也好 ⎯⎯托市,就是曾蔭權 最近提到,香港政府的政策是不能讓樓市下跌,為何他這樣說呢?
Donald TSANG has recently mentioned that that it was the policy of the Government to prevent a slump in the property market, why did he say so?
部分委員認為,在發牌制度生效前已經存在的私營骨灰 龕若違反法定規例或非法佔用官地,即使對建築及 防 安 全沒 有構明顯或 即時危險,但由於它們將不會符合發牌規定,故 不應獲得豁免。
Some members held the view that exemption should not be granted to those pre-existing private columbaria which had breached statutory regulations or illegally occupied
Government land even
[...] if they posed no obvious or imminent danger in terms of building and fire safety, as they [...]
would not be able
to secure compliance with the licensing requirements.
一些“道 友 ”或不法的人甚躲在舊樓的暗角幹一些不法的事情。
As a result, these buildings are in a terrible mess. Some "junkies"
or people engaging in illegal acts
[...] can even be found hiding in some dark corners of old buildings [...]
doing illegal things.
另一方面,與緊急 救援行動有關的現有政府建築物(例如 防 局 、醫院及警署)的 設計並不符合明的抗震設計標準。
On the other hand, existing Government buildings relating to emergency and rescue operations (e.g. fire stations, hospitals and police stations) are not designed to specific seismic-resistant design standards.
斯 里兰卡报告说,其市场措施包括发放卫生 明 、 大 西洋 枪 鱼 养护 委 箭 鱼 证 明以 及有关大眼金枪鱼的统计文件。
Sri Lanka reported that its market-related measures included the issuance of health certificates, ICCAT certificates for swordfish and statistical documents for bigeye tuna.
2010 年 2 月 16 日星期二,一支达尔富尔混合行动武装警察车队在结束对 El Sherif 境内流离失所难民营的建立信任巡逻之后,在返回尼亚拉途中遭到 一个由 7 名左右身份明的枪手组 成的武装团体的伏击。
On Tuesday, 16 February 2010, an armed UNAMID
police convoy returning to Nyala from a
[...] confidence-building patrol to El Sherif camp for internally displaced persons was ambushed by a group of about seven unidentified gunmen.
通话中,普拉威好收到一份来自泰国军方的报告, 称泰方的推土机正遭到来枪火箭炮 等 炮火袭击。
During the phone conversation, Prawit received a report from
the Thai
[...] military that its bulldozer was being fired upon with rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.123 The skirmish quickly escalated [...]
heavy weapons began to be used.
在这些行动中好几名 嫌犯被打死,包括伊斯兰马格 里布基地组织成员,缴获了大批武器,包括突击 枪 、 机 枪 、 火 箭 榴 弹、车载高 射重机枪、弹药、手榴弹和塞姆汀塑胶炸弹。
Several of the suspects were killed during the operations, including Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb members, and significant
quantities of
[...] weapons were seized, including assault rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, anti-aircraft heavy machine guns mounted on vehicles, ammunition, grenades and explosives [...]
(c) 尽资源的最大可能,采取一切必要措施确保生活贫困的人至少能得到 营养适足和安全的最低水平的必要食物、基本 躲 避 处 、住房和卫生设施,以及 供应充足的安全饮用水,以防疾病 和物质匮乏所造成的其他有害后果,包括营 养不良、流行病和母婴死亡等。
(c) Take all possible measures, to the maximum of their available resources, to ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the minimum essential food that is nutritionally adequate and safe, basic shelter, housing
and sanitation, and
[...] an adequate supply of safe drinking water, so as to prevent diseases and other harmful consequences of material [...]
deprivations, including
malnutrition, epidemics and maternal and infant mortality.
军方和宪法机构对这些个别情况做出了迅速处理,但政府认为这 方面的建议难以接受,因为它暗 指 国 防 部 队成员经常发生侵犯人权行为但却 逍遥法外。
While these exceptional situations are swiftly handled both by the military and competent
constitutional bodies, the
[...] Government finds it difficult to accept recommendations imbued with the implication that members of the defense forces often violate [...]
human rights with impunity.
国际社会现在应明确造 成加沙人道主义局势 的责任所在:责任在于选择暴力、拒绝和平的恐怖主 义分子;在于背弃加沙人民躲在防 空 洞 或大马士革 豪华酒店里,选择危害和利用而非保护加沙人民的哈 马斯领导人。
responsibility for the humanitarian situation in Gaza where it lies: on the shoulders of the terrorists who have chosen violence over peace.
难民,不论老幼,都带来了 好明天 的希望和机遇。
It had given the refugees, young and old, hope and opportunities for a better future.
其中一名前战斗人员报告,恩塔甘达将军留下了 30 多箱 弹药(AK-47 突击步枪和机枪的弹药),以及 1 个箭筒、2 挺枪、1 箭榴弹、 15 枚迫击炮弹和 2 个火箭筒。
Ntaganda had left over 30 boxes of ammunition
(for AK-47 rifles
[...] and machine guns), as well as 1 rocket launcher, 2 machine guns, 1 RPG, 15 [...]
mortar rounds and 2 rockets.
在兵变开始时,一名恩杜马保卫 刚果民兵组织前战斗人员亲眼看到,恩塔甘达将军的车辆一次运送了 60 箱 AK-47 突击步枪弹药和 20 箱 PKM 机枪弹药,此外还有 4 挺 PKM 机枪和 2 个 RPG-7 火箭筒。
At the outset of the mutiny, one NDC ex-combatant witnessed a delivery of 60 boxes of AK-47 ammunition and 20 boxes of PKM ammunition, together with 4 PKMs and 2 RPG-7s, which had been transported in Gen.
刚果(金)武装部队军官和投降的兵变分子称,Kaina 上校控制了第 805 团的重型 武器,包括 6 挺枪、4 箭榴弹筒、2 挺 12.7 毫米机枪、4 门 81 毫米迫击炮 [...]
和 5 挺 PKM 机枪。
Kaina had taken control of heavy weapons of the
805th regiment, which included
[...] six machine guns, four RPGs, two 12.7 mm machine guns, four 81 mm [...]
mortars and five PKMs.
特派团检查了 150 多件武器,其
[...] 中包括卡拉什尼科夫式冲锋枪、PKM 通用枪、火箭筒、一挺 12.7 毫米重型 机枪、218 [...]
The mission inspected more than 150 weapons,
including Kalashnikov-pattern assault rifles, PKM
[...] general-purpose machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, [...]
one 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, 218 anti-tank mines, a hand grenade
and several containers of ammunition.
他的收入使其得以重返家园,建立了自己的一支约有 50-60 人的民兵队伍,配备了架着机关枪的‘技术’车辆、PK 通用枪、火箭 榴弹发射器、Heckler 和 Koch G3 组合的半自动步枪、AK-47 和 SAR–80 冲锋 枪。
His earnings enabled him to return home and establish a militia of his own, approximately
50 to 60 men equipped
[...] with several gun-mounted “technical” vehicles, PK general purpose machine guns, RPG launchers, a combination [...]
of Heckler
and Koch G-3 semi-automatic rifles, AK-47s and SAR-80 assault rifles.
在寻找确保有效落实该决定的方式和方法时,加拿大认为,该机制应 当明、高 效、无侵扰性、兼容并包、公正不偏;不产生任何形式的排名;提 供机会交流看法、观点、好做法和 难 题 ; 补充现行的国际和区域审议机制, 以使缔约方会议可酌情与这些机制进行合作并避免工作重叠。
In seeking ways and means of ensuring effective follow-up to that decision, Canada was of
the view that the
[...] mechanism should be transparent, efficient, non-intrusive, inclusive and impartial; not produce any form of ranking; provide opportunities to share views, ideas, good practices and challenges; [...]
and complement existing international
and regional review mechanisms in order that the Conference might, as appropriate, cooperate with them and avoid duplication of effort.
當我們這一代人看到制度的不公義、看到制度的黑暗時,我們便要用自 己的雙肩來頂着這種暗,好讓下 一代能夠看到 明 合 適 的日子,而放諸於 政治上來說,這便是民主普選,便是我們今天奮鬥的意義了。
When we in this generation see the injustice in the system and the shadiness of the system,
we have to use our
[...] shoulders to stall the advance of the darkness, so that the next generation [...]
can see the bright and pleasant days.
明一个 国际刑事法庭调查恐怖主义罪行所面临的特 难 题 , 最 好 将 其 与 国际法庭调查其他类别的国际罪行(即所谓国际“核心罪行”:战争罪、危害人类 罪和种族灭绝罪)时面临的困难进行一个简单比较。
Perhaps the best way to illustrate
[...] the specific difficulties faced by an international criminal court in investigating crimes of terrorism is to briefly compare them with the difficulties faced by international [...]
courts in investigating
other categories of international crime, namely, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide (so-called international core crimes).




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