单词 | 明文规定 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 明文规定 —expressly stipulated (in writing)See also:文规定 n—written constitution n 规定 n—rules pl • rule n • requirements pl • requirement n • regulation n 规定—provide • stipulate • formulate 规定 v—set v • require v • fix v • define v • lay down v
该条还明文规定拘留 期“不得超过主管当局规 定的期限”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This article [...] also specifies explicitly that the detention [...]“shall be for the period prescribed by the competent authority”. daccess-ods.un.org |
29条第1 款规定:“澳门居民除其行为依照当时法 律 明文 规定为犯 罪和应受惩处外,不受刑罚处罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 29 (1) of the BL establishes that “Macao residents shall not be [...] punished, unless their acts constitute a crime and they shall be [...] punished for it as expressly prescribed by law at [...]that time. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会已注意到《新裁武条约》,但因为该条 约仅规定实行核武器退役,但缺乏任何国际核查机 [...] 制,而且缔约国不承诺销毁它们所拥有的核武器,因 此永远不能代替明文规定的核 武器国家彻底销毁其 所拥有的所有核武器的法律义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community has noted the New START, but as this Treaty does not go beyond mere decommissioning of nuclear weapons and lacks any international verification mechanism, and as its parties did not commit themselves to destroying [...] their nuclear weapons, it can never be a [...] substitute for the explicit legal obligations [...]of nuclear-weapon States to completely [...]eliminate all their nuclear weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据欧洲共同体条约等,实际上公共秩序看似不构成各国进行干预的一般 权利,也不能在明文规定的假 设范围外援引:“要利用第 36 条(现第 [...] 30 条),成 员国无论在要达到的目的还是在手段性质上,均须限于该条款范围内”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, it appears that, insofar as the European Communities Treaty is concerned, public order does not provide States with general grounds for [...] intervention and may not be invoked [...] outside the situations expressly envisaged: “In [...]order to avail themselves of article 36 [...][new article 30], member States must observe the limitations imposed by that provision both as regards the objective to be attained and as regards the nature of the means used to attain it. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 《特别法庭规约》第 10 条把多数国际刑事法院和法庭采用的做法变为 明文规定,即 ,赋予法庭庭长广泛的权力,规定庭长“应负责[法庭]有效运作 [...] 以及司法事务的妥善执行”。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) The statute of the [...] Tribunal, in its article 10, codifies a practice followed by most international [...]criminal courts and [...]tribunals: it grants the Tribunal’s President extensive powers by providing that he or she shall “be responsible for [the Tribunal’s] effective functioning and the good administration of justice”. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,必须强调的是,上述限制不危及言论自由权本身,因限制的情况必 须为法律明文规定的和按照法律订明的目的来执行,换言之,限制言论自由必须 符合三项标准:必要性,充分性及比例性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other words, restrictions to freedom of expression must conform to the triple criteria of necessity, adequacy and proportionality. daccess-ods.un.org |
她还提到了《刑法》的一项修 正案,其中将父母的角色确定为照料者和教育者, 并 明文规定 父 母不得对子女施 行情感或肉体暴力行为或任何其他形式有辱人格的待遇。 daccess-ods.un.org | She also referred to an amendment [...] of the Civil Code which defined parents’ role as caretakers and educators and explicitly stated that parents [...]were not allowed to [...]employ either emotional nor physical violence or any other form of humiliating treatment against children. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当指出的是,修订后的《规则》第 vi 部分,尤其是其新的第 18 段,适用于教科文组 织通过的所有公约和建议书,但是 明文规定 由 特定的机构负责监督的公约除外。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It should be noted that Part VI of the Rules of Procedure as [...] amended, in [...] particular its new Rule 18, applies to all the conventions and recommendations adopted by UNESCO, with the exception of those conventions which provided for monitoring by a specific body. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会回顾其关于受教育权的第13 号一般性意见(1999) ,该意见指出人人必须 受教育,特别是被边缘化群体和弱势群体,这一点必须在法律 中 明文规定 , 在 事 实中切实落实,不得基于任何受到禁止的理由歧视任何人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recalling its general comment No. 13 (1999) on the right to education according to which education must be accessible to all, especially the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups, in law and in fact, without discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds, calls upon the State party to consider withdrawing this circular. daccess-ods.un.org |
除法律明文规定的一些工作人员外,土耳其大国民议会管理机构的工作人员均从考试合格者中挑选。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | Except for [...] some positions prescribed by law, the officers [...]to be appointed to the administrative organization of the Assembly [...]are selected through an examination. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
正如我们在第 2 章中所述,专利法和 TRIPS 都 明文规定,在 未经专利人同意的情况下,有可能允许政府或第三方使用专利发明。 iprcommission.org | The possibility of governments using, or allowing [...] other third parties to [...] use, a patented invention without the consent of the patentee is well established [...]in patent law, and in TRIPS, as we note in Chapter 2. iprcommission.org |
13条, 从而明文规定应给予被剥夺自由者人道的待遇并尊重他们的人格尊严。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitution, article 13, has been amended to provide explicitly that those deprived [...] of their freedom shall be treated [...]humanely and with respect for their dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
2000 年 4 月 28 日关于外国人在越南入境、出境和居留问题的第 [...] 24/1999/PLUBTVQH10 号条例第 4 条明文规定,“ 进入或离开越南的外国人必须持有护照或其 [...] 他旅行证件(以下统称护照)和经授权的越南机构核发的有效签证,但无需签证者 不在此列。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Ordinance No. 24/1999/PL-UBTVQH10 dated 28 April 2000 on Entry, Exit [...] and Residence of Foreigners in Viet Nam, [...] article 4 makes it clear that “foreigners [...]entering or exiting Viet Nam must hold [...]passports or alternative travel documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as passports) with a valid visa issued by an authorized Vietnamese agency, except for cases wherein a visa is not required”. daccess-ods.un.org |
理事会应行使一切必要权力,并履行或安排履行一切必要职责,以实施本协 定各项明文规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council shall exercise all such powers and perform or arrange for the performance of all such functions as are necessary to carry out the express provisions of this Agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还认为,这种限定词可能会产生毫无必要的限制作 用,因为有些条约虽然对此没有作出 明文规定 , 但 仍按其含义通过实施第 6 和第 7 条继续执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, it was found that such a qualifier could be unnecessarily limiting, since [...] there were treaties which, [...] although not expressly providing therefor, continued in operation by implication through the application of [...]articles 6 and 7. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,《非洲联盟 组织法》第 3 [...] 条和第 4 条提出的非洲联盟的原则的目 标包括要求促进民主机构和尊重人权、法治和两性平 等以加强民众参与和民主的明文规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the objectives of the Union’s principles, as set out in articles 3 and 4 of its Constitutive Act, include clear provisions for the promotion of democratic [...] institutions and respect for [...] human rights, the rule of law and gender equality in order to strengthen [...]popular participation and democracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
需要会员国以官方名义向联合国教科文 组织提供电子版的资料(软盘、CD-ROM [...] 或者电子邮件),并随附一份国家相关管理机构 提供的官方许可令:允许教科文组织在其网站上重现相关法规以及进出口证书,并且在“联 [...] 合国教科文组织文化遗产法数据库”和各国官方网站之间建立链接,除非许可令 中 明文规定 建立链接是不允许的或是不被接受的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They are requested to provide officially to UNESCO information in electronic format (on diskette, CD-ROM or email), together with an official written authorization from the competent national authority allowing UNESCO to reproduce the legislation and the export/import certificates on its website and to insert a link between the “UNESCO cultural heritage laws database” [...] website and the official national [...] website, unless it is expressly specified that such a [...]link is prohibited or not desired. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国家知识产权局的职能和权利在 《摩尔多瓦共和国科技创新法》(2004 年)中有明文规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The protection of the copyright is ensured by the Intellectual Property State [...] Agency which competences and rights are [...] provided for by the Code on science and [...]innovation of the Republic of Moldova (2004). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,个别缔约国所作的就核问题向非缔约国实施 技术援助出口的条款明显存在双重标准,这有悖于 《条约》和 1995 年审议与延期大会通过的第 2 号决 定——决定明文规定,新 的核材料转让供应安排应 当要求接受机构的全面保障监督以及不再获取核武 器或其他核爆炸装置的国际上具有法定约束力的承 诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the provision by certain exporting States of technical assistance on nuclear issues to non-States parties indicated the existence of double standards and was in contravention with the Treaty and decision 2 adopted at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference, which stipulated that new supply arrangements for the transfer of nuclear materials should require acceptance of the Agency’s full-scope safeguards and internationally legally binding commitments not to acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会重申其建议 [...] (CRC/C/OPAC/SYR/CO/1,第9(a)和(d)段) ,缔约国应在法 律上明文规定,招 募和致使儿童卷入敌对行动系违反《任择议定书》条款的罪 [...] 行,并批准《国际刑事法院罗马规约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates its recommendation [...] (CRC/C/OPAC/SYR/CO/1, paras. [...] 9 (a) and (d)) to explicitly prohibit by law the [...]violation of the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children [...]in armed conflict regarding the recruitment and involvement of children in hostilities, and to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
佛吉亚的雇员和领导不能借口是集团下属员工而以和集团同等的优惠条件向供应商或客户 购买个人所需的产品或服务,除非佛吉亚与该供应商或客户签署的合同中对此有特 殊 明文 规定。 faurecia.fr | Employees and officers may not use their connection with Faurecia to obtain the same advantages for their own personal purchases as those granted by the [...] supplier or customer to [...] Faurecia, unless it is explicitly stated in the contract between Faurecia and [...]the supplier or Faurecia and the customer. faurecia.fr |
规约》在 这一方面没有明文规定,其 中第 28 条虽然规定会员国应予以合作,但并没有涉 及安置被宣告无罪人员的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The statute is silent in this respect and the cooperation of Member States as required by article 28 of the statute does not extend to the relocation of acquitted persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 谴责一切基于种族优越论或企图辩解或鼓吹任何形式种族仇恨和歧视 的宣传和组织; (b) [...] 承诺立即采取积极措施,根除一切挑起此类歧视的煽动或行为,同时适 当注意《世界人权宣言》所载原则和《公约》第五 条 明文规定 的 权利 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To undertake to adopt immediate and positive measures designed to eradicate all incitement to, or acts of, such discrimination, with due regard to the principles [...] embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [...] and the rights expressly set forth in article 5 of the Convention daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 除任用书另有明文规定外, 连续任用工作人员应提前三个月书面通知辞 职,定期任用工作人员应提前三十个历日书面通知辞职,临时任用工作人员应提 [...] 前十五个历日书面通知辞职。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Unless otherwise specified in their letters of appointment, [...] three months’ written notice of resignation shall be given [...]by staff members holding continuing appointments, thirty calendar days’ written notice by those holding fixed-term appointments and fifteen calendar days’ written notice by those holding temporary appointments. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 要求审查会议不折不扣地遵循《协定》第 4 条的明文规定,即 《协定》 应参照《联合国海洋法公约》的内容并以符合《公约》的方式予以解释和适用(第 4条) daccess-ods.un.org | (a) The Review Conference duly comply with the provisions of article 4 of the Agreement, which establishes that it shall be interpreted and applied in the context of and in a manner consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (article 4) daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国明文规定废除 未经病人完全知情同意的手术和治疗,并 确保国内法根据《公约》第二十三条和第二十五条特别尊重妇女的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party incorporate into the law the abolition of surgery and treatment without the full and informed consent of the patient, and ensure that national law especially respects women’s rights under article 23 and 25 of the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
在经社文权利享有明文规定的宪 法保护的地 方,比如南非和许多拉丁美洲国家,经社文权利就会以宪法权利被提起诉讼。而在不享有 明文规定的宪 法保护的地方,经社文权利则作为诸如平等权、生命权和安全权等权利的重 要方面被提起诉讼。 socialrights.ca | They are claimed as constitutional [...] rights in jurisdictions where ESC rights enjoy explicit constitutional protection, such as in South Africa and in a many Latin American countries, and as critical dimensions of rights such as equality, [...]life and security [...]of the person in other jurisdictions, where ESC rights are not explicitly protected. socialrights.ca |
如果国际条约中没有任何条款 明文规定 该 条 约全部或部分规定是否直接影 响缔约国的国内法,则根据比利时法律,由负责该条约的法官决定条约条款是否 [...] 直接适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | When no provision of an [...] international treaty expressly determines that all or [...]some of its provisions are self-executing [...]in contracting States, under Belgian law it is for the court to decide whether a treaty provision is self-executing. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下情形在现实中可能极少发生,即各国赞同第 7 条的有限引力规则,也赞 同删除第 14 条,但不想运用有限引力规则来处理以前由第 14 条第 1 款(b)项涵 [...] 盖的事项,如果出现了这种情形的话,可 以 明文规定 , 这一规则不适用于第 3 款 (c)项涵盖的事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the event, likely to be very rare in practice, of States agreeing to a limited force of attraction rule in Article 7 and also to deletion of Article 14, but not wishing to apply the limited force of attraction rule to [...] cases formerly dealt with by Article 14 [...] (1) (b), it could explicitly be provided that [...]such a rule did not apply to subparagraph (3) (c) cases. daccess-ods.un.org |