

单词 明教

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 已建議對第 40BJ條作出修訂,明 教育統籌局局長 可 藉 在 憲報 [...]
刊登的公告,指 明 呈遞章 程 草 稿 的限期。
Ms HO informed Members that she had also proposed amendments to section 40BJ
to provide that the
[...] Secretary for Education and Manpower [...]
could, by notice published in the Gazette, specify the date before which
the submission of draft constitutions would be made.
请提供资料明教育体系 中手语教学的区域差异。
Please provide information about regional variations in
[...] sign-language teaching in the educational system.
欧安组织推动的一些教 育方案从 2002 年起在波黑就已经明教育仍然是加 强安全的重要工具。
As some OSCE-driven educational programmes have already shown in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2002, education remains an important tool for enhancing security.
[...] 组织之间在多个联合项目上开展了经常性的、具体的和卓有成效的合作,而通 过这些项目明教科文 组织与该组织保持密切伙伴关系对于完成其计划具有重 [...]
The summary must attest to regular, specific and productive cooperation between UNESCO and the NGO on
the basis of several joint
[...] projects that have demonstrated the importance [...]
to UNESCO of maintaining a close partnership with
the NGO in order to implement its programmes.
制 订了文化部门冲突后干预全球战略,该战略 明 , 教 科 文 组织的业务行动有助于通过文化推动社会 经济发展的恢复,同时促进所有有关方面进行对话和和解,因为文化是一种和解的手段。
The Culture Sector drew up a global post-conflict intervention strategy, demonstrating the relevance of operational action to jumpstarting social and economic development through culture, while using culture as an instrument of reconciliation to foster dialogue and reconciliation among all stakeholders.
委员会有权通过发布公开明、教育公 众和公共官员、受理公众就影响人权事项的陈述、对政府或非政府的 [...]
程序或做法进行一般性调查、以及向政府就立法、行政及其他行动提出建议来提 高对人权的普遍认识。
The Commission has the power to, inter alia, increase general
awareness of human rights by making public
[...] statements and educating the public and [...]
public officials, receive representations
from the public on any matter affecting human rights, inquire generally into any procedure or practice, whether governmental or non-governmental, and to make recommendations to the Government concerning legislative, administrative or other action.
考慮到張明 教 授 的 意見, 即 此規則涵義並不清晰,會鼓勵 訴訟各方作不必要的爭 [...]
拗,因 而 招致訟費,督導委員會同意提出修訂, 清楚訂明在 為聆訊而 押 後對申請作出裁 定 前,法 庭 已 作出指示,將 證據 及其他 事宜送 交
存 檔 (經 修 改的第 32號 命令第11A條 規則)。
Taking into account
[...] the comment of Professor Eric CHEUNG that [...]
the meaning of this rule is unclear and will encourage unnecessary
arguments and hence costs, the Steering Committee agrees to propose amendments to clarify that, before determination of an application is adjourned for hearing, the Court has given directions as to filing of evidence and other matters (revised O.32, r.11A).
第工作组随后进行的讨论着重明, 教 育 至 关重要,但往往遭到忽视。
The discussion in the working group which followed
[...] highlighted that education was crucial, [...]
but often overlooked.
斐济人权委有权力和职责发表公开 明 , 教 育 公众与公务人员,从而提高 对人权的普遍认识,并有权力和职责协调各种人权方案,作为人权信息的一个资 [...]
源行事,接受公众对影响人权事项的陈述,对任何程序或做法,不论是政府的或 非政府的,如果这种程序或做法似乎侵犯人权或可能侵犯人权,则对此进行一般
的调查,并向政府提出较为理想的法律、行政或其他行动的建议,以便更好地保 护人权;促进更好地遵守国际人权文书所规定的各项标准;鼓励批准国际人权文 书,并酌情建议撤销对这些文书的保留意见。
The FHRC has the powers and duties to increase general
awareness of human rights by making public
[...] statements and educating the public and [...]
public officials, to coordinate human rights
programs and act as a source of human rights information, receive representations from members of the public on any matter affecting human rights, inquire generally into any procedure or practice, whether Governmental or non-Governmental, if it appears that human rights are, or may be, infringed, make recommendations to the Government on the desirability of legislative, administrative or other action so as to give better protection to human rights; promote better compliance with standards laid down in international instruments on human rights; encourage the ratification of international human rights instruments and, where appropriate, recommend the withdrawal of reservations entered to those instruments.
[...] 获得了进入劳动力市场必备的基本技能与知识,因为这项指标并未针对教育成果 的质量,不过,它可以明,教育系 统在帮助学生达到劳动力市场最低要求的准 备方面取得了多大程度的成功。
While the upper secondary graduation rate does not guarantee that an education system has adequately equipped its graduates with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to enter the labour market because this indicator does not capture the quality of educational
outcomes, it does,
[...] however, provide an indication of the extent to which an education system succeeds [...]
in preparing students
to meet the minimum requirements of the labour market.
网站的内容 和教育部颁布指令的内容都清楚地 明教 育 部承诺致力于性别平等,也为教师和 所有学校领导提供了明确的指导方针。
The language of the website, and of directives issued by the Ministry of Education, reveal a clear commitment to gender equality and provide definitive guidelines for teachers and all school officials.
国际文书始终如一地确认父母在教育其子女方 面的权利和责任,这些文书正确地 明 , 教 育 子 女的 决定在于父母。
International instruments consistently affirm the right and responsibility of parents in the education of their children.
本手册提供了一些简单的分步明, 教 您 如何在线激活帐户。
This guide provides step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions for activating your account online.
c) 重申前几期讲习班提出的建议, 明教 师 教 育 、公共宣传和公众教育是社会结构支持的一个重要组 [...]
(c) Reiterated recommendations from previous workshops that
[...] the education of teachers, public outreach [...]
and the education of the general public
formed an important part of the social structure support needed to continue the accelerated and sustainable development required for participation in basic space science
对教育领域的情况分析明,教师是 一个不具吸引力的职业,教育部门的 平均工资约为 [...]
1 200 伊列(仅相当于全国平均工资的 67.3%),这一事实导致合格 教师严重不足、许多过了退休年龄的教师(多达 4 000 人)仍在从事教学工作。
Basing on the analysis of the situation in
[...] this field, the education sector is an [...]
unattractive occupation field, the average
salary for this sector being around 1200 lei (or 67.3% of the average country salary), a fact which causes insufficiency in qualified staff and employment of a large number of teaching staff over the pensioning age (over 4000 teachers).
此外,大韩民国分享其从朝鲜战争和赤贫恢复的经验,知识和受教育是关键, 并着重明教育如 何跟上增长步伐,从而使更多女孩和妇女加入劳动队伍。
Furthermore, the Republic of Korea shared its own experiences in recovering from the Korean War and extreme poverty, whereby knowledge and learning through education were keys, and highlighting how education kept pace with growth, resulting in more girls and women entering the workforce.
由于 2010 年是国际十年的最 后一年,大会请教科文组织向大会第六十五届会议提交总结报告, 明教 科 文 组 织及联合国其他实体、会员国以及包括非政府组织在内的民间社会为促进和执行 《行动纲领》而开展的活动。
As 2010 marks the end of the Decade, the General Assembly requested that a summary report on the activities carried out over the past 10 years by UNESCO and other United Nations entities, Member States and civil society, including non-governmental organizations, to promote and implement the Programme of Action be submitted to it at its sixty-fifth session.
由于男子也与此事有 关,在社区层面为男女开展明教育 与 人权方案可帮 助消除这种障碍,并让大家明白性别包容的重要性。
Since men are also a part of the
[...] equation, civic education and human rights [...]
programmes for both men and women at the community
level can help lift such barriers and hammer home the importance of gender inclusiveness.
香港特別行政區教育局副秘書長陳嘉琪博士 (前排左三);香港大學教育學院副院長及教育資訊科技中心總監羅陸慧英教授 (前排右四);聯合國教育、科學及文化組織總監 Dr
Gwang-Jo Kim (後排左一);歐盟委員會「未來科技研究學院」高級科學家 Dr Yves Punie (後排左五);香港大學教育學院院長顏哲思教授
[...] (後排左六);香港大學「科學專題策劃研究」會議召集人程 明教授 (後排右一)及嘉賓。
Dr K K Chan, Deputy Secretary of Education Bureau of HKSAR (first row left 3); Professor Nancy Law, Director of CITE and Associate Dean of Faculty of Education of HKU (first row right 4); Dr Gwang-Jo Kim, Director of UNESCO, BKK (second row left 1); Dr Yves Punie, Senior Scientist of Institute for Prospective Technology Studies of European Commission (second row left 5); Professor Stephen Andrews, Dean of Faculty of Education of HKU (second row left 6); Professor Cheng Kai
Ming, Co-Convenor of Strategic Research
[...] Theme on Science of Learning of HKU (second [...]
row right 1) and our honorable guests.
明教育和 实际生活不 对口。他强调进行适合社区需要的低技术革新,例如,“山区生产”方案:(a) 用 水库蓄水,在灌溉系统中 采用 节流塑料 瓶;或者 (b) 在秘鲁北部生产纸张的 竹子 计 划 。
He stressed low-tech innovation tailored made to the needs of communities, such as the “Sierra Productiva” programme: (a) using reservoirs to gather the water and pinched plastic bottles in the irrigation systems; or (b) the bamboo initiative to produce paper in the northern part of Peru.
明教 育課 程」也包括由行業協會、專業協會或業務協會提供的訓練或發 展課程、或指明的專業團體或機構所審定或認可的訓練或發展課 程。
A ‘prescribed course of education’ is one undertaken at specified education providers, such [...]
as university, college, school,
technical institution, training centre, or a training or development course provided by a trade, professional or business association or one accredited or recognised by specified professional bodies or institutions.
圣经中可能没有更好的经文能比马太福音 28:18-20 中所讲的“大使命”更好地明教会的 对外目的。
Perhaps no portion of Scripture better states the
[...] outward purpose of the Church than the ‘Great [...]
Commission’ passage of Matthew 28:18-20
(See Appendix 2A, "Great Commission Worksheet").
[...] 顾问及七种语言的入学指南,但是令委员会遗憾的是,缺少 明教 育 系 统内消除 种族主义的具体方案落实情况的资料。
The Committee notes with appreciation the efforts made by the State party to facilitate education for minority groups, including bilingual counsellors and enrolment guidebooks in seven languages, but
regrets the lack of information on the implementation of concrete programmes to
[...] overcome racism in the education system.
身兼美容業行業培訓諮詢委員會主席的CMM國際集團主席 明明教 授 表示:「評審局訂立的課程評審指引非常詳盡和清晰,學校可以按照指引去釐定課程級別和內容;學員亦可因應課程所屬的資歷架構級別,選擇適合自己的課程,確立個人進修的目標和方向,這對提升美容業的服務質素及競爭力均有很大幫助。
Prof Cheng Ming Ming, Chairperson of [...]
CMM International Group and the Beauty ITAC, says, :The HKCAAVQ provides the beauty
industry with very clear and detailed accreditation guidelines. Based on these guidelines, schools can develop the course curriculum at the corresponding QF levels; and students are able to choose the courses that best suit their level and needs, so as to set a clear progression pathway for themselves.
在嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心主任陳 明教 授 的領導下,院舍服務科於2008年11月至2009年2月期間進行了一項視障長者生活質素問卷調查,訪問了334名居於安老院的視障長者及246名居於社區的視障長者。
A joint study had been launched with the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University under the leadership of Professor Alfred Chan Cheung Ming, on “Quality of Life of the Aged Blind in the Residential Homes and Community”.
未来科学技术公用研究中心的后藤仓史教授、大学院医学系研究科现金外科的里见进教授、大学院医学系研究科肝胆胰外科的海野 明教 授 等 人的研究小组,针对因胰动静脉畸形引起急性腹膜炎从而施行胰脏全摘除手术的患者,通过对其施行自体胰岛移植手术成功地恢复了患者的胰岛素产生能力。
A research group led by Professor Masafumi Goto at New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Professor Susumu Satomi at Division of Advanced Surgical Science and Technology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor Michiaki Unno at Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has successfully increased insulin productivity by the pancreatic islet autotransplantation for a patient after undergoing an emergency surgery to remove the whole pancreas due to acute peritonitis caused by pancreatic arteriovenous malformation.
评选团其他成员包括安老事务委员会主席陈 明教 授 ; 香港城市大学校长郭位教授、一直十分支持是项选举活动的妇女事务委员会前任主席高静芝、港灯董事总经理曹棨森及社联行政总裁方敏生。
The adjudication panel also includes
Chairman of the Elderly Commission,
[...] Professor Alfred Chan Cheung-ming; President of the City University of Hong Kong, Professor [...]
Way Kuo; former chairperson of
the Women’s Commission, Ms. Sophia Kao Ching-chi; Managing Director of HK Electric, Mr. Tso Kai-sum; and Chief Executive of HKCSS, Ms. Christine Fang.
一项新的研究明,教师充 当促进者而学生积极地参与模型和证据的使用的教学方法要比那些教师通过课本和讲课向他们的学生解释科学的教学方法更为有效。
Approaches to teaching in which teachers act as facilitators [...]
and students actively engage in using models and evidence are
more effective than those in which teachers explain science to their students via textbooks and lectures, a new study demonstrates.
[...] 130B),“[塔木德经”]的 [原则指导宗教法决定 ]可能无法从主教学绘制Halakah“,也不是基于的他的行为 [“ma'aseh” ],除非主人明确 明 , 教 学 或 正在考虑采取行动是一个是适用的做法。
The two terms are contrasted differently, however, in the tannaitic saying (BB 130b), "The Halakah [the principles guiding decisions in religious law] may not be drawn from a teaching of the master ["talmud"] nor be based upon an
act of his ["ma'aseh"], unless
[...] the master expressly declare that the teaching or act under consideration [...]
is the one which
is applicable to the practise.




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