

单词 明报



Guangming Daily, a Beijing newspaper

External sources (not reviewed)

而 且 ,该国代表团 还 提 供 资 料明,报刊和 其他公共媒体在土库曼斯坦是自由的。
Moreover, the delegation provided information, inter alia, that written press and other public media are free in Turkmenistan.
这往往明报告和 协调的质量取决于个人或没有充分尊重和 强调报告的义务。
This tends to show that
[...] the quality of reporting and of coordination [...]
depends on individuals, or that reporting obligations
are not sufficiently respected and enforced.
它还明,报告的重点不仅应注重财务方面,而且还应注重对 所执行活动的影响进行分析(ICCD/CRIC(8)/5)。
It also indicated
[...] that emphasis in reports should be put on [...]
financial matters and also on an analysis of the impact of the
activities undertaken (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5).
研究 还明,报告案 件的数量总体上减少不是因为案件实际减少,而是因为愿意报告 其痛苦经历的受害人数量减少。
The research also indicates that the overall decrease in the number of reported cases may be [...]
less a result of there actually
being fewer cases than of fewer victims being willing to report their ordeals.
此外,与会者还要求明 报告第 25.4 段未将政府间决议列入其中的理由。
In addition, clarification was sought on the reasons for the exclusion of intergovernmental resolutions in paragraph 25.4 of the report.
秘 书 长 报 告 (A/64/349/Add.3)第 47 段对联几建和办的主要任务作了明 , 报 告第53 和 55 段则概述了与区域特派任务和联合国国家工作队以及区域组织合作 的领域。
Key tasks of the Office are described in paragraph 47 of the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/349/Add.3), while areas of cooperation with regional missions and the United Nations country team, as well as regional organizations, are outlined in paragraphs 53 and 55 of the report.
委员会请缔约国在下次定期报告中提供资料, 明报 告的 家庭暴力案件的数量和性质、定罪情况、对肇事者实施的惩处,以及为家庭暴力 受害者提供的援助和康复措施。
The Committee requests the State party to
[...] include in its next periodic report available information on the number and nature of reported cases of [...]
domestic violence, on
the conviction, and the sanctions imposed on perpetrators, as well as any assistance and rehabilitation measures provided to victims of domestic violence.
特别是,无人向我国政府提供任何证据来明报告中 提出的关于在违反国际法情况下招募儿 [...]
In particular, my Government was not provided with any evidence
[...] to support the report’s allegations [...]
of child recruitment in the police or of
mistreatment or torture in Government facilities in violation of international law.
大会第 58/316 号决议附件 D 节第 4
[...] 段(c)决定,题为“经济及社会理事会的 报告”的项目应作为一个整体在全体会议上审议,不过,总务委员会作出 明, 报告第 一章中涉及已经分配给各主要委员会的议程项目的有关部分将由有关委 员会审议,由大会最后采取行动(见 A/59/250/Add.1,第 [...]
4 段)。
Pursuant to paragraph 4 (c) of section D of the annex to General Assembly resolution 58/316, the item entitled “Report of the Economic and Social Council” should be considered in its
entirety in plenary;
[...] however, it was clarified by the General Committee that the relevant parts of chapter I of the report that fall under [...]
agenda items already
allocated to the Main Committees would be considered by the Committee concerned for final action by the General Assembly (see A/59/250/Add.1, para. 4).
为了优化绩效和影响,妇女署将加强监督和监察,办法是运用风险管理、内 部审计、明报告并 使用开发署监察审计建议执行情况的系统。
To optimize performance and impact, UN-Women will enhance oversight and monitoring through the
application of risk management,
[...] internal audit, transparent reporting and the use of [...]
UNDP systems to monitor the implementation of audit recommendations.
委员 会注意到缔约国表示,在提交人请求上诉许可之前向提交人律师提供了一些正式 的警方报告,但没有具体明报告的 内容和对判决的相关性。
The Committee notes the State party’s submission that the author’s counsel
was provided with a
[...] number of official police reports on the case prior to his application for leave to appeal, without specifying their content and [...]
relevance to the verdict.
该报告共 112 页,包括关于美国与波多黎各之间关系和地位问题的概览;关于波多黎各地 位、经济发展和别克斯建议的执行摘要;关于工作队今后措施的 明 , 报 告 称, 这些措施包括付诸执行,工作队成员报告美利坚合众国联邦机构参与落实所提建 议的情况,以及今后两年至少在波多黎各举行二次以个别主题领域为重点的峰 会。
It consists of 112 pages, including an overview of the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico and the status issue, an executive summary about its status and economic, development and Vieques recommendations, and a description of its next steps, which according to the report, include implementation, receiving reports back from Task Force members regarding the engagement of United States federal agencies on recommendations presented, and holding at least two summits in Puerto Rico in the next two years focusing on individual subject areas.
明 报警代 码 - 在解决故障和清除报警之前,报警鸣响, 系统停止运行并显示报警图标。
Alarm Codes - Alarm sounds, system stops, icon displays until problem is solved and alarm is cleared.
在同整个执行局进行的各次非正式协商中, 人类发展报告处处长提出了 2011 年《报告》的主题,并扼要明《报 告 》 的编 写过程。
At these informal consultations with the full Board, the Director of the Human Development Report Office presented the theme for the 2011 Report and outlined the Report preparation process.
在讨论之后已向专家小组提供了补充文件,对未清偿承付款项(ULOs)等重要问题作 了补充明,报告了有关预算外项目、大会项下的工作人员差旅开支和准许公众宣传局下放 的资金以及答复了秘书处需要多长的时间才能提供详情等问题。
An additional paper was provided to the Group after the
discussion, giving
[...] complementary clarification on the substantial issues such as ULOs, reporting on extrabudgetary [...]
projects, staff travel
expenditure incurred under the General Conference and decentralization of funds authorized to the Bureau of Public Information as well as replies to questions that required time for the Secretariat to look into in detail.
这段话说明了塞尔维亚 对安全理事会的要求——明报告中 各项指控的真 实性,如证据确凿,将罪犯绳之以法。
That statement serves to frame what Serbia asks of the Security Council — to
ascertain the veracity of the allegations
[...] outlined in the report and, should the [...]
evidence warrant it, bring all the culprits to justice.
[...] 2005 年 4 月 15 日,以改 进美国明、报告未 经授权企图进口、拥有、存储、开发或运输用以损害美国的 [...]
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) is a jointly staffed office established 15 April
2005 to improve the United States
[...] capability to detect and report unauthorized attempts [...]
to import, possess, store, develop,
or transport nuclear or radiological material for use against the United States, and to further enhance this capability over time.
为了便于处理报告、执行其建议和监测建议的执行情况,附件三载有一 个 表 ,明报告是提交给 有关组织 采取行动还是供 其 参 考。
To facilitate the handling of the report and the implementation of its recommendations and the
monitoring thereof, annex III contains a
[...] table indicating whether the report is submitted [...]
to the organizations concerned for action or for information.
请:(a) 详细说明缔约国为确保尊重报告第 152 段 所提到各类儿童的权 利已经或准备采取的措施;(b) 特别要说明旨在挽救武装冲突儿童受害者的措施,
[...] 包括让儿童兵与社会再融合的措施;(c) 说明报告第 149 段所提到儿童综合发展项 目的进展情况。
Please: (a) provide detailed information on urgent measures taken or envisaged by the State party to ensure respect for the rights of the categories of children referred to in paragraph 152 of the report; (b) describe in particular measures aimed at child victims of armed conflicts,
including measures to reintegrate child
[...] soldiers; and (c) describe progress made in the [...]
project for the integrated development
of children mentioned in paragraph 149 of the report.
另外,本明报在有 关报道中说陈日君曾指出“现时中国官方的天主教爱国会,也都受到官方及地下教友的‘高度支持’(highly appreciated)”。
Finally, Mingpao in Hong Kong has made a serious error in today’s related report. Theymisquoted [...]
Cardinal Zen saying “that
the current Chinese Catholic PatrioticAssociation is ‘highly appreciated’both by official and underground Catholics.
翻阅La Stampa 原文,以上句语原是形容去年中国信众对教宗的公开信的高度支持 明报 的 报 道 看来在移花接木。
The original report from La Stampareveals that ‘highly appreciated’ isbeing used to qualify the Chinese Catholics in terms of their attitude to thepublic letter from Pope Benedict last year.
联合国道德操守办公室受权依照2006年5月1日生效的秘书长关于财务披露报表和利益 明报 表 的 公报(ST/SGB/2006/6)管理财务披露方案。
The UN Ethics Office is mandated to administer the financial disclosure programme in accordance with the
Secretary-General's bulletin on financial
[...] disclosure and declaration of interest [...]
statements (ST/SGB/2006/6), which came into force on 01 May 2006.
根据标准做法,关于开发署收入和捐款总数的详细明报告将 在有关“2009 年财务状况年度审查”的一节中提交执行局第二届常会审议。
In accordance with standard practice, a detailed account of the overall income and contributions to UNDP will be submitted at the second regular session of the Executive Board under the segment pertaining to the “annual review of the financial situation in 2009”.
明报价环境 – 所有客户通过同一数据拥有相等报价的相同流动性。
Transparent pricing environment [...]
– all clients have access to the same liquidity at equal prices through a single datafeed.
2. 本着良好意愿的公
[...] 正和真实的报道,没有任何保密性质的司法、立法或其他官方程序的评论或意 见,或者在所述程序中所作的任何 明 、 报 告 或演讲的评论或意见,或者对公务 人员在行使其职责时所履行的其他行为的评论或意见。
A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any comments or remarks of any judicial, legislative or other official
proceedings which are not of confidential
[...] nature, or of any statement, report or speech delivered [...]
in said proceedings, or of any
other act performed by public officers in the exercise of their functions.
如未在可持续发展报告附带的审验报 告中列出,则需解释已提供的任何外部审验的范围及根据,并 明报 告 机 构与验证 提供者之间的关系。
If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided.
带有缺陷的套板都需要特殊的组装程序,如果不清楚 明报 废 单 元板(x-out),或不把它从套板中隔离出来,就有可能装配这块已知的坏板,从而浪费零件和时间。
Special set-ups are necessary for each panel with a defect, and if the
[...] x-outs are not clearly marked or not [...]
segregated from the main delivery, there is
a risk of assembling a known bad board; waste of components and time.
明 对 日 益 加 剧 的暴力对人道主义危 机所造成的
影响表示 关 注 。 除 了该国境 内 外大 批 平民百姓流离 失 所、尤
[...] 其是大批 人 逃 离摩迦 迪沙之外,该项明报告说 , 自 2008 年初以来,要求得到紧急援助者的人数增加了 [...]
77%,因为该国同时遇上了极 端 的不安全、旱 灾 和
粮 价 的 急剧上 升 ,当时要求得到紧 急 援 助的人达 索马里人口 的将近一半 (325 万人 )。
In addition to the large-scale displacement of the civilian population, both internally
and externally, particularly from
[...] Mogadishu, the statement reported that the number [...]
of people requiring emergency aid had
increased by 77 per cent since the beginning of 2008, due to the combination of extreme insecurity, drought and steep rise in food prices and was then numbering almost half of Somalia’s population (3.25 million people).
缔约国应提供资料明报告期 间,法院下令向酷刑受害者或其家人提供的补 救、赔偿及其他措施,包括康复服务。
The State party should provide information on redress, compensation and other measures, including rehabilitation, ordered by the courts and provided for victims of torture, or their families, during the reporting period.




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