

单词 明德镇

See also:


Middlebury (College)
illustrious virtue
highest virtue

small town
cool or chill (food or drinks)
press down

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 以生物除污法處理德明渠進 口道,值得採用,因為 這方法的成效已在處理城門河的工程中得到證實。
(c) adoption of the bioremediation
method for treatment of KTAC warranted support as
[...] the method had proved to be effective [...]
in the treatment of Shing Mun River.
和平示威与集会遭镇压表明了集 会自由与 民主进程的脆弱。
Crackdowns on peaceful demonstrations and assemblies demonstrate the vulnerability [...]
of the freedom of assembly and the democratic process.
不过,眼镜蛇指挥官推出第二个较小的HAARP阵列在密克罗尼西亚的一个小岛上,和第二个较小的粒子炮隐藏在斯普林菲 德镇 的 主要眼镜蛇安装。
However, Cobra Commander unveils a second smaller HAARP array on an islet in Micronesia, and a second lesser particle cannon hidden in the town of Springfield, a major Cobra installation.
更有甚者,占领国非法没收了拜特贾镇 37 德南的土地,以扩建其非法的 隔离墙。
Additionally, the occupying Power has illegally
[...] confiscated 37 dunums of land in the [...]
town of Beit Jala to expand the construction of its illegal wall.
拥有一个全明星的配音阵容和开创性的视觉风格,推动边界的动画电影制作,机器人是一个令人眼花缭乱,充满乐趣的盛宴的眼睛和一个不分年龄人人共享的铆好时机! 标题大城市去追寻自己的梦想,帮助机器人处处与他天才的 明 , 一 个小 镇 机 器 人,: 德 尼 Co pperbottom(伊万·麦格雷戈)开始冒险的一生。
Featuring an all-star voice cast and a groundbreaking visual style that pushes the boundaries of animated filmmaking, Robots is a dazzling, fun-filled feast for the eyes and a riveting good time for all ages!
便宜的下乡属性可以在宁静的乡村环境中,其良好的地理位置,靠近地中海沿岸和图卢兹(Toulouse)和卡尔卡松等有趣的 镇 , 使一 个 明 智 的 投资和一个美丽的地方生活。
Cheap countryside property will be available in quiet rural surroundings and its
good location near the Mediterranean
[...] coast and interesting towns such as Toulouse and [...]
Carcassone makes for an intelligent
investment and a beautiful place to live.
利比里亚和联利特派团官员告诉小组说,大 德州 Toe 镇应急部队根据当地 一个农户提供的信息,2011 [...]
年 11 月 16 日从与科特迪瓦接壤地区附近的一个灌木 地中起获了 385 发弹药。
Liberian and UNMIL officials informed the Panel that on 16 November 2011
[...] the ERU in Toe Town, Grand Gedeh County, recovered [...]
385 rounds of ammunition, following
information provided by a local farmer, from a nearby bush area in the border region with Côte d’Ivoire.
(c) 被捕或被绑架地点,或失踪者最后一次被看见的地方(至少 明 城 镇或 村庄)
(c) Place of arrest or abduction, or where the disappeared person
[...] was last seen (indication of town or village, [...]
at least)
視乎德明渠進口道的水質的改善程度及諮詢有關各方的意見後,我 們會在稍後階段,考慮是否需要為 465CL 號工程計劃的餘下部分申請 撥款。
Depending on the extent of improvements of water quality at KTAC and the outcome of consultations with the parties concerned, we will consider the need to seek funding for the remainder of 465CL at a later stage.
此外,正在考虑实施能效标识和制定能效标准的产品名单包括:空气压缩机、 空调、电机、燃气产品、家用电器(电视、录像机、视听和相关娱乐产品)和办
[...] 公室设备(计算机和相关设备、复印机、传真机等)、 明 产 品 (灯 镇 流 器 )、 一体式锅炉、冷藏设备(家用和商用)、炉灶、配电变压器、热水器等。
Additionally, the list of products in need of further consideration on the implementation of energy label and energy-efficiency standards include: air compressors, air-conditioners, electrical machines, gas products, electrical household appliances (TVs, VCRs, audio and visual products and related entertainment products) and office equipment (computers and related equipment,
copy machines, fax machines
[...] etc.), lighting products (lamps and ballasts), one-piece boilers, [...]
cold storage equipment (for
domestic and commercial use), stoves, substation transformers and water heaters etc.
埃塞俄比亚继续占领厄立特里亚德 梅 镇 和 两国共同边界地区的其他厄立特里 亚领土,公然违反了《宪章》和国际法其他基本原则。
Ethiopia’s continued occupation of the sovereign Eritrean town of Badme and other Eritrean territories along the common border of the two countries constitutes therefore a flagrant violation of the Charter and other cardinal principles of international law.
我们强烈敦促叙利亚政府履行其保护民 众的责任,提请它立即停止当前镇 压 , 并像阿德 总统 许诺的那样,开始与那些要求改革的人展开对 话。
We strongly urge the Syrian Government to honour its responsibility to protect
its population, and we invite it to
[...] immediately stop the repression under way and to begin [...]
a dialogue with those who want
reform, as President Al-Assad has promised.
鉴于委员会先前的结论性意见(第21段) ,请明对1989 年在北镇压民 主 运动进行任何调查的结果,包括有关自那时起一直被拘留的人的情况,这些人的 下落、刑期,以及缔约国是否或何时将他们的情况告知其家属?
In light of the Committee’s previous concluding observations (para. 21), please elaborate on the outcomes of any investigation into the suppression of the Democracy Movement in Beijing in 1989, including information on persons still in detention since then, and details as to their whereabouts, length of sentence, and whether and when the State party informed the relatives?
联合国的一份初步报告明,卡杜格 镇 三 分 之 一以上地段都布满了地雷或未爆炸弹药。
A preliminary report by the United Nations indicates that more than one third of Kadugli town is riddled with either landmines or unexploded ordnance.
对 该 镇的袭击和占领造成数百名阿塞拜疆人,包括儿童、妇女和老人被杀, 数千名平民受伤,被劫为人质,其中许多人至今仍然下落 明 , 与 此同时,镇 被夷为平地。
The attack and capture of the town involved the extermination of hundreds of Azerbaijanis, including children, women and the elderly;
thousands of civilians were wounded and taken hostage, many of whom
[...] remain missing, while the town was razed to the ground.
代表团注意到一些机构和特别报告员都 明德 国 有 很好的人权纪录,它 说,人权在德国的法律制度和日常实践中都处在很重要的位置。
Noting that both treaty bodies and special
[...] rapporteurs attest Germany a very good human [...]
rights record, the delegation stated
that human rights are of high importance in Germany’s legal system and the country’s daily practice.
2011 年 12 月 9
[...] 日,15 名科特迪瓦共和军人员 在大德州 Toe 镇附近 越境进入利比里亚,逮捕和平黄金采矿营地的采金者,声 [...]
On 9 December 2011, 15 Forces républicaines de Côte d’Ivoire
personnel crossed into Liberia in the
[...] proximity of Toe Town, Grand Gedeh County, and [...]
arrested gold diggers at the Peace Gold
Mining Camp, claiming that they had been mining illegally in Côte d’Ivoire.
针对前几次评估讲习班--为莫桑比克马尼萨举行的疟疾讲习班和为南非亚历 德 拉镇 举行 的失业讲习班--所确定的主要问题,在实施项目的社区,对按性别分列的数据进行了参 [...]
Participatory assessment studies with gender-aggregated
[...] data were carried out in the local project [...]
communities to obtain in-depth information
on local learning needs with regard to key issues identified in previous assessment workshops: malaria for Manhiça, Mozambique, and unemployment for Alexandra township, South Africa.
谨提及我 2 月 10 日的信,在信中表示,德国将参加将于 2012 年在纽约举行 的人权理事会 2013-2015 年任期成员的选举,并按照大会第 60/251
[...] 号决议的规 定,随函附上一系列具体保证和承诺,着重 明德 国 在 全球、区域和地方各级积 极参与促进和保护人权的情况(见附件)。
With reference to my letter of 10 February, in which I informed you about Germany’s candidature to the Human Rights Council for the period from 2013 to 2015 at the elections to take place later in 2012, and in accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/251, I have the honour to submit
herewith a specific set of pledges and
[...] commitments underscoring Germany’s active engagement [...]
in the promotion and protection of
human rights at the global, regional and local levels (see annex).
在 al-Malihah 镇发现两具身份明的尸首,在镇 存 在 武装恐怖主义分子, 并绑架了公民 As'ad Salam。
Two unidentified bodies were found in the town of Malihah, where armed terrorists [...]
had deployed and abducted citizen As‘ad Salam.
蘇兆明在香港也踴躍參與社區事務,曾任香港企業財務長協會召集人﹝1996-2000﹞、亞洲青年管弦樂團董事會主席﹝1997-2009﹞、香港總商會人力委員會成員﹝2003-2009﹞ 明德 兒 童 啟育中心主席﹝1994-1995﹞以 明德 國 際 醫院董事會成員﹝1998-2005,2003至2005年間出任主席﹞;現任香港管弦協會董事、青年藝術協會有限公司主席、財資市場公會議會成員﹝香港企業財務長協會代表﹞、香港英商會理事會成員以及AFS國際文化交流計劃主席。
His community involvement in Hong Kong has included, professionally, a period as Convenor of the Hong Kong Association of Corporate Treasurers (1996-2000). He was a Director of the Asian Youth Orchestra (1997-2009), a member of the Manpower Committee, Hong
Kong General Chamber of
[...] Commerce (2003-2009), Chairman of the Matilda Child Development Centre Executive Committee [...]
in 1994 -1995,
and was a member of the Board of Governors of the Matilda International Hospital from 1998 to 2005, serving as Chairman from 2003 to 2005.
最近批准的國家蒂羅爾州,其他兩個機電一體化的融 明德 教 授 席,分別是“製造技術“和”機械設計與施工技術“ 在因斯布魯克大學。
Recently approved the state of Tyrol, the financing of two other mechatronics endowed professorships, namely "Manufacturing Technology "and"Machine Design and Construction Technology " at the University of Innsbruck.
无极灯全产业链的垂直整合意味着,包括核心器 镇 流 器、PCB、泡 明 管 、 光源到无极灯专用灯具的研发制造,小到一根电线到元器件,大到整条流水线的生产,所有都由宏源内部的自控体系及质量体系所牢牢把控,完整的全产业链式生产将各个生产环节始终控制在自己手中。
The vertical integration of the induction lamp whole industrial chain makes it possible to research and develop the core part ballast, PCB, bubble and tube, illuminant to lamps specialized for induction lamps: from a tiny wire part to the whole production line, everything will be fixedly controlled by the automatic regulation and quality system and within Hongyuan.
此后直至今日,埃 塞俄比亚继续占领德梅镇和厄 立特里亚的其他主权领土,公然违背《阿尔及尔 [...]
和平协议》和其他国际法(包括《联合国宪章》和《非洲联盟宪章》)的规定,这 些规定维护会员国主权和领土完整不可侵犯以及仲裁决定不可违背的原则。
In the subsequent period to date, Ethiopia continued to
[...] occupy the town of Badme and other sovereign [...]
Eritrean territories in flagrant
breach of the Algiers Peace Agreement and other provisions of international law (including the Charters of the United Nations and the African Union) that uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and the inviolability of arbitral decisions.
该镇 位于阿塞拜疆共和国纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区。在对该镇进行此次袭击和占领过
[...] 程中,有数以百计的阿塞拜疆人,包括妇女、儿童和老人遭到灭杀;数以千计的 平民受伤或被劫为人质,其中许多人至今下落 明 , 而 该 镇 也 被 夷为平地。
The attack and capture of the town involved the extermination of hundreds of Azerbaijanis, including women, children and elderly;
thousands of civilians were wounded and taken hostage, many of whom remain
[...] missing; while the town was razed to the ground.
[...] 奖学金,并由古巴医疗队提供卫生援助,这个医疗队走遍玻利维亚全国,着重资 源贫乏且玻利维亚卫生机构机明显 不 足的 镇。
Cooperation in the health sector is another central pillar of Cuba’s cooperation efforts, supporting the training of human resources by means of fellowships and medical assistance from the Cuban medical brigade, which covers the entire Bolivian
territory, helping low-income groups in places where Bolivian institutional
[...] health mechanisms do not have a significant [...]




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