

单词 明尼苏达州


Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan





Minnesota /mɪnɨˈsoʊtə/ is a state in the Midwestern United States.

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这些展示由 Seagate 的磁头技术开发小组及先进概念实验室 (位明尼苏达州)进行。
These demonstrations were conducted by Seagate's Head
Technology Development group and Advanced
[...] Concepts Lab in Minnesota, using heads manufactured [...]
there and in Seagate's Northern Ireland recording head plant.
二零零二年一月明尼苏达州Henn epia 县 (Hennepia County)有 15 人在參加乡村俱樂部的节日派对後,感染胃肠疾病11 。
In January, 2002, 15 person s in the Hennepia county of Mi nnesota, after attending a holiday party at a count ry club, developed gastrointestinal illness11 .
Priedhorsky stated in 2008 that he yearns to “use technology to solve the social problems that were
themselves caused by technology”, and as
[...] biking gains popularity in Minnesotaandpotentially [...]
throughout the US, Cyclopath will
certainly continue to contribute in solving these problems.
Chard 先生拥有杨百翰大学经济学士学位明尼苏达工商管理硕士学位。
Mr. Chard holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Brigham Young University and
[...] an MBA from the University of Minnesota.
本次论坛的主要参与单位有国家旅游局、上海国际旅游度假区管委会、上海申迪(集团)有限公司、海昌旅游集团、日本三丽鸥文化娱乐公司、尔梦幻乐园、派拉蒙主题公园及度假区、香港迪士尼乐园、双威水上乐园、AECOM、春秋乐园旅游发展有限公司、常州恐龙园股份有限公司、华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司、华侨城股份有限公司、新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界、陕西文化产业投资控股(集团)有限公司 苏州 发展有限公司、陕西文化产业投资控股有限公司等。
Delegates from the National Tourism Administration of PRC, the Administrative Commission of Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, Shanghai Shendi Group, Haichang Group, Sanrio Entertainment, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Paramount Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, Sunway Lagoon, AECOM, Changzhou Dinosaur Park, Huayi Brothers, Overseas Chinese Town, Resorts World Sentosa, Shananxi Culture Industry Investment Holdings Group, and Suzhou Amusement Land Development attended this annual meeting.
Jonathan was the Grand Prize winner of the 2001 International Society of Bassists Orchestral Playing
Competition. The prize included the opportunity to play with the bass
[...] section oftheMinnesota Orchestra during [...]
the 2001/02 season.
An active bikerhimself,Priedhorsky recognized the potential success of a constantly updated and user-supported network of information on bike routes and paths, and with the help of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Council, and the United States Geographical Survey (Sioux Falls, SD), he was able to create an online and mobile tool that is currently helping almost 3,000 bikers make their rides safer, easier, and much more convenient.
第五,我们要指出,这项决议依照《宪章》第七 章,把南科尔多题包括了 进去,虽然事实上非洲联盟和平与安全理事会并未要 求依第七章把两州包括进去,而且安全与和平理事会 在把这两州排除在根据第七章要求通过的 “路线图”之外。
Fifthly, we would like to state that the resolution includes under Chapter VII the issue of the two
states of Southern
[...] Kordofan and Blue Nile, despite the fact that the African Union Peace and Security Council did not request that they be included under that Chapter and even though the Peace and Security Council’s statementput them outside the [...]
road map whose adoption
was called for under Chapter VII.
今年 2 月 23
[...] 日,众议院农业委员会主席、众议员科林·彼得( 明尼党)连同其他 38 个共同提案者,提出了 [...]
HR 4645 号法案,允许自由到古巴旅行, 修改预先支付的概念,并允许美国金融机构使用预先支付进行农产品销售交易。
On 23 February 2010, Representative Collin
[...] Peterson (Democrat-Minnesota), Chairman of the [...]
House Committee on Agriculture, together
with 38 other co-sponsors, introduced HR 4645, which would allow people to travel freely to Cuba, amend the policy of payment in cash in advance and allow the use of United States financial institutions for agricultural sales transactions.
但 是,其他教育体系,如以色列和英国教育体系的国际经验,或者美国的得克萨斯州和 北加利经验 着适用统计技术的发展,能够在评估教师对 其学生的学业成绩的贡献时对这些因素加以控制(Podgursky 和 Springer,2006 年)。
However, the international experience in other education systems, such as in Israel and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or state experience such as in Texas and North Carolina in the United States of America, points to the development of appropriate statistical techniques that make it possible to control for such factors when assessing the contribution of a teacher to the education performance of his pupils (Podgursky and Springer, 2006).
北京摄影器材城3楼365号电话:86-010-88140095金鹏假发 苏州 店: 苏州玫瑰田59号金鹏假发店电话:86-0512-67043348QQ:100663398旺旺在线手机在线手机在线旺旺在线(金鹏 假发2)24小时在线(旺旺24小时在线)QQ:418429684旺旺在线手机在线手机在线旺旺在线(金鹏假发1)QQ:932685227旺旺在线手机在线手机在线旺旺在线(金鹏假发3)(工厂)电话:( 0)15265263453MSN:jp663398@126.com旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线旺旺在线手机在线E-mail---jp663398@126.com原料产地:日本 公司高温丝原料产地:韩国耐150度-200度高温是指工厂用烤箱恒温定型效果较好,(注意):电卷棒不容易上卷要时间长一点才可以。
Beijing Photography Equipment City No. 365, 3rd Floor, Tel
:86-010-88,140,095 Jinpeng wig store shopin Suzhou: Suzhou Tiger Rose Tin 59 Jinpeng wig shop Tel:86-0512-67043348QQ: 100 663 398 Want Want Online phone line phone line Want online (Jinpeng wig 2) 24 hours (24 hours Want Online) QQ: 418 429 684 Want Want Online phone line phone online Want online (the Jinpeng wig 1) QQ: 932 685 227 Want Want Online phone line phone line Want online (Jinpeng wig 3) (factory) Tel: ( 0) 15265263453MSN: jp663398@126.com Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Want Online Want Online Want online phone the online E-mail---jp663398@126.com of raw materials: Japan CarneyKaren temperature wire material origin: South Korea resistant to 150 degrees -200 degrees high temperature refers to the factory with the oven thermostat setting effect is better (Note): curling is not easy on the volume to be a long time before I can.
最初这项研究是明尼苏达 医学院的 Brian Zelickson 医师发起主导进行的。该研究仔细审视冷冻溶脂是否能够选择性地破坏局部皮下脂肪,而不破坏表层皮肤并且不导致血脂指数上升。
Early research led by Brian Zelickson, MD, of
[...] the Universityof MinnesotaMedical School, [...]
examined whether Cryolipolysis can selectively
damage subcutaneous fat without damaging the overlying skin or causing an increase in lipid levels.
Tim曾任许多民间和慈善组织的成员,包 明尼 明尼世贸中 心农业理事会;全能圣祖瑟医院(现为Mayo诊所一部分)主席; YMCA( 明尼Mankato市)捐助投资委员会主席;Mankato(现 明尼)学国际学生捐助基金 驱动会主席;Mankato(现明尼)学多元文化理事会社区代表;儿童成就/项 目事业主席;团结路协会;旋转会 明尼学院基金会;以及Mankato领袖 委员会。
Tim has served as a member of many civic and charitable organizations, including the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce; Minnesota World Trade Center-Agricultural
Board; Chairman of Immanuel St. Joseph’s
[...] Hospital (now part of Mayo Clinic); Chairman of theYMCA (Mankato, Minnesota) Endowment Investment Committee; Chairman of the Mankato (now Minnesota) State University International Student Endowment Fund Drive; Community Representative for the Mankato (now Minnesota) State University Cultural Diversity Board; Chairman of the Junior Achievement/Project Business; United Way; Rotary; Minnesota Private College Fund; and the Mankato Leadership Council.
达苏国际机场的贵宾专贵候机室(JAS)享受片刻宁静, 舒展身心, 再出发前往下一个目的地。
Gain access to a peaceful enclave, the Premier Lounge (JAS) at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Jakarta, before embarking on your next destination.
Gilman 的足迹遍布全球,从印度、巴西、乌 的皮划艇运动,再到科罗拉怀 明州拉斯加与南美洲的越野滑雪,拍摄出体育运动的迷人瞬间。
Gilman travels the world to capture images ranging from kayaking in
[...] India, Brazil, Uganda, and Costa Rica to backcountry skiing in Colorado, Wyoming, Alaska, and South America.
本年的巡展已於即日至1月25日选址於香港举行,放映一系列结集自全球的精彩单车电影,包括来自西班牙的《单骑斗士》的《单车媒人》、日本的《争分夺秒赛》,以及 《耶 之旅》等,均会在Agnes b电影院公开放映。
This year the tour kicks off in Hong Kong and will go on till January 25th, viewers can expect to see the best international bicycle
films such as “Philippa
[...] and Nancy” from Scotland, “The First Unstoppable” from Spain, “Keirin: Leader Don’t Crash” from Japan, and “Jakartarck” from Indonesia. Thefilms will be [...]
shown in the Agnes B.
movie theatre in the Hong Kong Arts Centre.
仲裁/法律选择:若无法律禁止,参赛者同意以下事项: [a ]任何由本促销及其奖金、获奖者评定引发或与之相关的争议、索赔与诉讼均应个别解决,参赛者保证不为此提出任何形式的集体诉讼;一切争议均按照美国仲裁委员会仲裁条款进行仲裁,结果在美国州明尼利斯市(Minneapolis)生效; [b ]一切索赔、裁断及判决均以已产生的实际费用为准,其中包括与参赛有关的费用,但决不包括律师费;以及 [c ] 在任何情况下,参赛者不会就任何惩罚性、偶然性或间接损失以及其它进行索赔,且放弃索赔权利,有实际支出的情况除外,且参赛者放弃一切增加伤害赔偿的权利。
ARBITRATION/CHOICE OF LAW: Except where prohibited, Players agree that (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, or the determination of the winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Promotion but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (c) under no circumstances will Player will be permitted to obtain awards for and Player hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.
有一个学员已经去明尼望推广他在新墨西哥州开发的一项技术——FIT,是他在为州工程处办公室做项目时,在Charlie [...]
One of the apprentices
[...] has since movedto Minnesota to take a job applying [...]
the testing skills he developed in New Mexico
- he will be helping other Minnesotans learn how to use FIT, a skill he developed working for the Office of the State Engineer under the tutelage of Charlie Poole.
其他三位获得 5 000 欧元奖金的获奖者分别为(按照字母顺序排名):Shelby
[...] B. Hutchens 博士(美国),来自美国加州理工学院,现于美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校从事博士后研究工作;李相宇博士(韩国),来自美 明尼大学,现 明尼大学博士后;Neil D. Treat 博士(美国),来自美国圣巴巴拉分校,现为英国伦敦帝国学院博士后。
The other three Quadrant Award winners, who have won prizes of EUR 5 000 each are (in alphabetical order): Dr. Shelby B. Hutchens (USA), California Institute of Technology, USA, post-doctoral position at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA; Dr. Sangwoo Lee (South Korea), University of
Minnesota, USA,
[...] post-doctoral position at the University of Minnesota; and Dr. Neil D. Treat (USA), University of California, SantaBarbara, USA, post-doctoral position [...]
at Imperial College London, UK.




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