

单词 明和



material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted inDeng Xiaoping theory from 1978)
material and spiritual culture
matter and mind


Dominican Republic (Tw)

External sources (not reviewed)

这一 切都是以明和任的方式进行的,同时兼顾国家和人民的文化和宗教独特性。
This has
[...] been done in a transparentand responsible [...]
manner while respecting the cultural and religious specificities of the State and its people.
该系统将跟踪联检组向各参加组织提出的报告、明和或建议的接 受、执行和影响状况;管理立法机构审议联检组报告的工作;并提供关于报告、明和所载联检组建议的接受、执行和影响类别的统计资料,这些资料最终 在联检组年度报告中提出。
The system will track the status of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of reports, notes and letters or recommendations addressed by JIU to the participating organizations; manage the consideration of JIU reports by legislative bodies; and provide statistical information in terms of categories of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of JIU recommendations contained in reports, notes and letters, which are eventually presented in the JIU annual report.
理事会应继续充当就各国与特别程序之间的合 作开展公开、明和性讨论的论坛,使得能够查明并交流良好做法和经 [...]
The Council should remain as a forum for open,
[...] constructiveand transparent discussion [...]
on cooperation between States and special procedures,
allowing for the identification and exchange of good practices and lessons learned.
战略规划编制局助理总干事的代表在回复辩论时说,下一份 C/5 号文件应充分考虑到以下要求:进一步 明确教科文组织的职能与计划执行的关系;相关方更广泛的参与;预算外和正常计划资金情况更加公开明和别平等方面取得的成果。
In her response to the debate, the representative of ADG/BSP said that the call for a clearer relationship between UNESCO’s functions and programme execution, for the broader multi-stakeholder involvement, the enhanced visibility of extrabudgetary and regular programme funds, and for the results achieved regarding gender equality, would be fully taken into account in the next C/5 document.
然而, 为了应对现在和未来的挑战,需要拟定和执行一批新的公共政策,明和城市环境中文化和 自然价值在历史上的层层积淀以及平衡。
However, present and future challenges require the definition and implementation of a new generation of public policies identifying and protecting the historic layering and balance of cultural and natural values in urban environments.
[...] 灵活性、伙伴关系、非正式性、连续性、有效筹备――仍然有效,几项新的原 则,即明和,也同样有效。
That have contributed to an effective work programme to date – namely coherence, flexibility, partnership
informality, continuity and effective preparation – remain valid as do additional
[...] principles, namely, transparencyand inclusion.
缔约方可选择在 一个承诺期内不核算某个碳集合,条件是提供明和实的信息证明该集合不 构成排放源。
A Party may choose not to account for a given pool in a commitment period, if transparent and verifiable information is provided thatdemonstrates that the pool is not a source.
会议回顾亚太经社会第 66/10 号决议的规定,其中经社会呼吁成 员和准成员,除其他外,“将普及工作建立人权的基础上,并采取措 施解决羞辱和歧视问题、以及阻碍艾滋病的有效应对措施,特别是关 系到主要受影响人群的政策和法律障碍”,并请执行秘书召开一次高 级别政府间会议,以便“评估在落实关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政 治宣言中的承诺和千年发展目标方面的进展和确保普及方面的工作, 并查明区域合作的领域,特别是在明和阻碍普及的政策和法律 障碍,同时推动卫生和其他部门之间,包括司法、法治和毒品管制部 门之间进行对话等领域”。
The Meeting recalled the provisions of ESCAP resolution 66/10, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter alia, “to ground universal access in human rights and undertake measures to address stigma and discrimination, as well as policy and legal barriers to effective HIV response, in particular with regard to key affected populations” and had requested the Executive Secretary to convene a highlevel intergovernmental meeting “to assess progress against commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals and efforts to ensure universal access, and identify areas for regional cooperation, in particular in such areas as policy and legal barriers to universal access and promoting dialogue between health and other sectors, including justice, law and order and drug control”.
迄今为止,这方面的经验已使古巴阻止或挫败了 630 多起攻击古巴革命领导 人菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯的事件,以及数以百计的其他恐怖主义行为,其中许 多在古巴提交给安理会反恐怖主义委员会的第一份报告(S/2002/15),1 古巴关 于执行《消除国际恐怖主义宣言》的2 文件中都提到过。
This experience has enabled it, thus far, to prevent or foil over 630 attacks on the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, and hundreds of other terrorist acts, many of which were mentioned in the first report submitted by Cuba to the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee (S/2002/15)1 and in thedeclaration onthe implementation by Cuba of the Declarationon Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism,2 among other documents.
国家还应发挥重要作用,刺激私营部门帮助实现国家发展目标, 并创造一个适当的有利、稳定、明和可循的环境,以促进市场有效运作。
The State also plays a significant role in stimulating the private sector towards the achievement of national development
objectives and creates an appropriate
[...] enabling stable,transparent and rules-based [...]
economic environment for the effective functioning of markets.
各位部长重申其承诺加强不同明和之间的对话,通过支持国际一级 所做的努力,在公正、博爱、平等的基础上减少对抗、加强对话、促进尊重多 [...]
样性,并反对所有单一文化或施加特定政治、经济、社会、法律或文化制度模 式的企图,促进不同文明之间的对话、和平文化和宗教间对话,这将有助于实
The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing
[...] dialogue among civilizations and religions, through [...]
supporting efforts made at the international
level towards reducing confrontation, enhancing dialogue, promoting respect for diversity based on justice, fraternity and equality, and oppose all attempts of uniculturalism or the imposition of particular models of political, economic, social, legal or cultural systems, and promote dialogue among civilizations, culture of peace and inter-faith dialogue, which will contribute towards peace, security, stability and development.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展
在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受
[...] 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、明 和选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law, far from any political or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and
everyone without discrimination, where there
[...] are democratic, transparent and free elections [...]
in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
报告着重专家组会议的结论和建议,其中除其它外,呼吁:联合国系统、会 员国和土着人民组织承认土着妇女和女孩的权利和特殊需要;会员国采取措施, 与土着人民一道,确保土着妇女和女孩享有充分的保护和保障,免受一切形式的 暴力和歧视;联合国系统支持旨在帮助和保护土着妇女和女孩的努力和倡议;土 着社区认真考虑消除社区内的暴力侵害土着妇女和女孩行为,可采取的措施包 括,明和现有的重男轻女的社会关系,取消歧视性政策,并在所有土着机 构和各级继续致力于维护土着妇女的权利。
It focuses on the conclusions and recommendations of the expert group meeting which, among other things, called upon: the United Nations system, Member States and indigenous peoples’ organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls; Member States to adopt measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and girls enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination; the United Nations system to support efforts and initiatives that provide support and protection to indigenous women and girls; and indigenous communities to consider seriously the problem of violence against indigenous women and girls in their communities through ways that include the recognition and dismantling of existing patriarchal social relations, the elimination of discriminatory policies and a continuous commitment to indigenous women’s rights in all indigenous institutions and at all levels.
[...] 保根据健全的宏观经济政策和实现最大限度明和民负责的原则进行融资。
Governments, for their part, should carefully review debt financing arrangements and ensure that transactions were
grounded in sound macroeconomic policies and the principles
[...] of maximum transparency andaccountability [...]
to their citizens.
当然,建立这样一个法律制度在 2001 年和 2005 年向前迈出了重要的一步,2001 年通过了联合国《从 各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易 的行动纲领》,2005 年又通过了《使各国能及时可靠 地明和非法小武器和轻武器的国际文书》。
Of course, the establishment of such a legal regime took a major step forward in 2001 with the adoption of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, and in 2005 with the adoption of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons.
这一点可以通过教育和提高意识并运用种种手段来实现,这些手 段向消费者提供关于产品和厂商的现场、明和的情况。
This can be achieved through education and awareness-raising
and by tools that provide consumers with
[...] on-the-spot, transparent andreliable information about productsand producers.
深感遗憾的是缅甸政府未采取必要措施,以确保选举进程自由、公正、明 和各方,在这方面尤其注意到政府制定和实施的选举法所施加的限制,包括 [...]
对选民、政党及候选人登记作出的限制,以及拘留政治活动家,限制自由报道和 集会自由,接触媒体、筹资和开展竞选活动的可能性有限,据报的官方恐吓事件,
在某些族裔地区取消选举,以及选举委员会缺乏独立性,并表示严重关切舞弊的 报道,包括通过事先投票安排进行舞弊的报道
Deeply regretting that the Government of Myanmar did
not take the steps necessary to ensure
[...] a free,fair, transparent and inclusive electoral [...]
process, noting in particular,
in this respect, the restrictions imposed by the electoral laws as enacted and implemented by the Government, including those placed on the registration of voters, parties and candidates, as well as the detention of political activists, the restrictions on free reporting and on freedom of assembl y, the limited access to media, funding and campaigning possibilities, the reported incidents of official intimidation, the cancellation of elections in certain ethnic areas and the lack of independence of the electoral commission, and expressing serious concern about reports of fraud, including through advance voting arrangements
这些讲习班 旨在:(a)提供促进国际合作和司法协助所需的知识、信息和工具;(b)明和在该国或该区域阻碍开展有效国际合作的法律问题或实际问题;(c)加强与邻国 和该区域其他国家的网络;以及(d)明和在应对人口贩运和偷运移民中与 国际合作具体相关的各种问题。
These workshops were aimed at: (a) providing the knowledge, information and tools necessary to facilitate international cooperation and mutual legal assistance; (b) identifyingand addressing legal or practical issues that impede effective international cooperation in the country or region; (c) strengthening networks with neighbouring countries and other countries in the region; and (d)identifying and addressing issues relating specifically to international cooperation in response to trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants.
Five-year-old Jasmeen, at home with her mother and brothers.
在 2 月 18 日第 12 次会议上,委员会根据主席的提议,决定表示注意到秘书 长转递联合国社会发展研究所理事会的报告的明和长关于提名联合国社 会发展研究所理事会成员的说明(见第一章,D 节,第 49/102 号决定)。
At its 12th meeting, on 18 February, on the proposal of the Chair, the Commission decided to take note of the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Board of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development and the note by the Secretary-General on the nominations of members of the Board of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (see chap. I, sect. D, decision 49/102).
会后,安理会成员向新闻界发表谈话,特别重申,须本着包容与和解的精神,明和地落实海湾合作委员会倡议及实施机制;敦促也门所有当事方拒绝暴 [...]
力,施行克制以免挑衅,与军事委员会合作,全面落实实施机制和第 2014(2011) 号决议;再次强调须对所有侵犯人权和实施暴行的责任方追究责任。
Following the meeting the members of the Council issued a statement to the press in which the Council, inter alia, reiterated that the Gulf Cooperation Council
initiative and implementation mechanism must be
[...] fulfilled in atransparent and timely manner, [...]
and in a spirit of inclusion and reconciliation;
urged all the parties in Yemen to reject violence, refrain from provocations, and cooperate with the Military Affairs Committee to fully implement the implementation mechanism and resolution 2014 (2011); and reiterated that all those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, including acts of violence, must be held accountable.
缔约国对此指出,由于丧失能力时的委托从来没有得到批准过,他的无能 力状况从来没有得到法院的明和,因此代理书的签署人在法律上依然假定 为有能力为自己代理。
The State party notes in this respect that, as the mandate in case of incapacity was never approved and his incapacity was never certified anddeclared by a court, its author is still legally presumed to be capable of representing himself.
委员会还商定,秘书处应当在资源允许的情 况下就下列议题进行研究供委员会审议:㈠过度抵押和使用无经济价值的抵押
品;㈡电子资金,包括其作为储蓄的地位;电子资金“发行人”是否在从事银 行业务,因此应受哪一类监管;存款保险计划对这类资金的涵盖;㈢为解决小
[...] 额金融交易产生的争议提供公平、迅捷、明和本程序;㈣促进对微型企 业和中小企业使用担保借贷并确保其透明度。
The Commission also agreed that the Secretariat should, resources permitting, undertake research for consideration by the Commission on the following items: (i) overcollateralization and the use of collateral with no economic value; (ii) e-money, including its status as savings; whether “issuers” of e-money were engaged in banking and hence what type of regulation they were subject to; and the coverage of such funds by deposit
insurance schemes; (iii) provision for
[...] fair, rapid, transparent and inexpensive [...]
processes for the resolution of disputes
arising from microfinance transactions; (iv) facilitating the use of, and ensuring transparency in, secured lending to microenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.
哥伦比亚代表团提请食典委注意,程序规则第 XIV 条(语言)没有对食典委的语 言作任何区分,而且提请注意 2008-2013
[...] 年战略计划中关于促进成员最大限度和有效参 与的目标 5,并重申了平等使用语言以确保法典过程明和的必要性。
The Delegation of Colombia drew the attention of the Commission to Rule XIV (Languages) of the Rules of Procedure which did not make any distinction between the languages of the Commission and to Goal 5 of the Strategic Plan 2008-2013 on promoting maximum and effective participation of members, and
reasserted the need for equal treatment in the use of the
[...] languages toensure transparency and fairness [...]
in the Codex process.
[...] 犯成功重返社区的各种转送机制对儿童赋权;和(b)将儿童司法纳入更广泛的司 法改革,以确保公平、明和童敏感的司法系统。
The main objectives of the programme are (a) to empower children through crime prevention initiatives and the implementation of diversion mechanisms that enable the successful reintegration of
child offenders in the community;and (b) to integrate child justice into broader justice reform to
[...] ensureafair, transparent and child-sensitive [...]
justice system.
(b) 报告其他组织为了明和地兑现期票所实行的规则和制度,以使执行委员会 能够确定是否应该为使用期票制订更多的标准规则,保证公平地对待所有捐款国 [...]
(b) to report
[...] on rulesand/orsystems for the transparent andequitable [...]
encashment of promissory notes used in other forums,
with a view to enabling the Executive Committee to determine the advisability of establishing more standardized rules for the use of promissory notes, and in an effort to ensure that the notes, as well as the contributions in cash of all donors were treated equitably and exchange rate loss was minimized.
( 如私营 部门) 在内的排雷行动资源,明和有利于协调全球和国家层面排雷行动援 助的机制,方针和最佳做法模式;促进和支持排雷行动方案的国家自主性和协调 工作;有关有效合作与援助的知识和经验;探讨将排雷行动纳 入发展预算主流可能面临的限制;探讨设立新的筹资机制的可能性;探讨更好地 交流涉及提供设备,技术专家和最佳做法相关资料的方式;以及更为详细地探讨 南南合作问题。
These included: identifying and prioritising mine action resource requirements; identifying and promoting mine action resources including from non-traditional sources (such as the private sector); identifying and promoting mechanisms, approaches and best practice models for coordinated global and national level mine action assistance; promoting and supporting national ownership and coordination of mine action programs; identifying, promoting [...]
and sharing knowledge
and experience on effective cooperation and assistance; exploring possible limitations to mainstreaming mine action into development budgets; exploring the possibility of establishing new funding mechanisms; examining ways to better exchange information on the availability of equipment, technical expertise and best practices; and, examining in more detail South-South cooperation.
秘书处请工发组织澄清这 个问题,及其提出的制冷部分的费用,并请它另外提供资料明和计算增值经营费用 的方法,包括吸气处理装置可能生产的次氯酸盐的量,以及从将在转化过程中拆毁的现有 冷风机中淘汰的 CFC-11 和 CFC-12。
Additional information and clarifications have also been requested from UNIDO on the methodology of calculating IOC, including potential production of hypochlorite in the sniff gas treatment unit, andon CFC-11 and CFC-12 phase-out from the existing chillers to be scrapped in the process of conversion.
在这方面,虽然大会第 62/264 和第 63/272 号决议请秘书长向大会报告参与组织秘 书处向联检组所编写报告、明和预计提供的支 持,以及审议就联检组的建议采取的行动,秘书长关 于联检组 2009 年的报告(A/64/642)的重点是,联合 国系统行政首长协调理事会秘书处的活动。
In that connection, although the General Assembly, in its resolutions 62/246 and 63/272, had requested the Secretary-General to report on the expected provision of supportto the Unit by the secretariats of the participating organizations in the preparation of its reports, notes and confidential letters, and the consideration of and action on the Unit’s recommendations, the note by the Secretary-General on the report of JIU for 2009 (A/64/642) actually focused on the activities of the secretariat of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB).




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