单词 | 明信片 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 明信片noun—postcardspl明信片—postcardSee also:信片—postcard
明信片和摺卡须为长方形,并以普通卡纸或纸张制 成,厚度不少於 0.25 毫米。 legco.gov.hk | Cards and folders must be made of ordinary cardboard or paper not less than 0.25 mm thick, and must be rectangular in shape. legco.gov.hk |
它用墨西哥城的唐人街作为一系列艺术干预的场所,这些干预行为会被纪录下来印成明信片寄到上海,也从上海寄出去。 shanghaibiennale.org | It uses Mexico City’s Chinatown [...] as a location for a series of artistic interventions that were [...] documentedin postcards to be sent to, [...]and from, Shanghai. shanghaibiennale.org |
许多代表在海报上签了名,并向其朋友、 家人和同事发出了宣传道路安全理念的明信片。 daccess-ods.un.org | A large number of the delegates signed the [...] poster andsent postcardswith road safety messages to their [...]friends, family and colleagues. daccess-ods.un.org |
请使用明信片或传真或电子邮件写明自己的邮编、住址、姓名、电话号码、希望人数(一个人只能报名2名)来进行报名。 ih-osaka.or.jp | Please senda postcard, faxor e-mail [...] with your postal code, address, name, telephone number and number of applicants (Up [...]to 2 people for one application) to the following address. ih-osaka.or.jp |
凭借其明信片画面般优美的典型海岛风光,霍拉被认为是岛上最美丽的城镇之一。 msccruises.com.cn | Hora is considered one of the most beautiful towns on the island due to its archetypal island-postcard image. msccruises.co.uk |
(iv) 就实际上不能或不便影印的选举广告,向选 举主任呈交声明及一式兩张选举广告的彩色相片(明信片尺寸) 或按附录二所列的程序及 受其订明的档案大小限制,呈交一张选举广 告的数码相片。 legco.gov.hk | (iv) for election advertisements that cannot be practically or conveniently [...] photocopied, to submit to [...] the RO thedeclaration together with either 2 identical postcardsized colour photographs of the advertisement; [...]or a digital [...]image of the advertisement in accordance with the procedures set out in Appendix B and subject to the size limit stipulated therein. legco.gov.hk |
此外交换书籍,大堂酒吧,真正的热咖啡,厄瓜多尔啤酒;邮票,明信片和纪念品的销售。 instantworldbooking.com | Besides exchange books, lobby bar, real hot coffee, Ecuadorian [...] beer; stamps, postcards andsouvenirs [...]for sell. instantworldbooking.com |
通过在虚拟展览会上的一盘录象、(在世 [...] 界旅游理事会的帮助下)出版和发行一套折叠明信片、在约翰内斯堡出版一份特制的广告 “生物圈保留地:对可持续发展的实地检测”,以及 [...]2002 年 9 月 5-6 日在南非瓦特贝格生 物圈保留地的实地考察,表明生物圈保留地对可持续发展问题世界首脑会议具有实际意义。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The relevance of biosphere reserves to the World Summit on Sustainable [...] Development was demonstrated throughavideo [...]at the Virtual Exhibition, the publication [...]and distribution (with the help of the World Tourism Council) of a pillow postcard, the publication in Johannesburg of a special leaflet on “Biosphere reserves: on the ground testing for sustainable development” and by a field trip to the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve in South Africa on 5 and 6 September 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
若想让你的旅程锦上添花,不如在这里当场寄一张明信片回家。 4tern.com | If you want your journey to be [...] remembered, get your postcard posted from [...]the peak. 4tern.com |
工作组 2009 年在内罗毕、2010 年在温哥华召开了会议,并积极推动专家组的工作,包括在第 [...] 二十五届会议后发布新闻稿,在参加会议时发布文件和海报,寄发专家组会议的明信片,发布会议资料袋,等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meetings had been held in Nairobi in 2009 and in Vancouver in 2010, and the Working Group had actively promoted the Group of Experts by means of a press release following the twentyfifth session, [...] participation in conferences with papers and posters, Group of [...] Experts session postcards, the release [...]of a press kit and so forth. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如 您可以通过向活动材料当中添加适合自己国家/地区目标的信息来创作海报、明信片、T恤和 其他宣传产品(请参阅 C 部分)。 worldhepatitisalliance.org | For example adapt the campaign materials to create posters,postcards,T-shirts and other merchandise by adding your own messaging to suit yourlocal country objectives (Please see Section C) worldhepatitisalliance.org |
由此,得出的系列明信片就发展成持续几个小时的展览的方案,创造出一个没有情节的视觉叙事时间,2012年8月20日在墨西哥城的多洛雷斯街(Dolores [...] Street)的当地人群中发生。 shanghaibiennale.org | The resulting seriesof postcards thusdeveloped [...] into an exhibition scenario that lasted for a couple of hours, creating [...]a visual narrative with no plot, that took place on 20th August 2012 in Mexico City’s Dolores Street among the local population. shanghaibiennale.org |
2005年1月~5月收集写错的明信片和未使用的邮票,捐献给了开展为创造无 [...] 饥饿世界活动的「NPO法人饥饿·自由·世界」。 noe.jx-group.co.jp | From January to May 2005, we [...] collected erroneous postcards andused stamps [...]and donated them to the non-profit organization [...]Hunger Free World, a group working to alleviate world hunger. noe.jx-group.co.jp |
新闻部为 2011 年的纪念活动制作了描写“3 000 万个未曾披露的故事构成的 鲜活的遗产”主题的一个特殊标志、一张纪念海报、明信片、书签、T 恤衫和杯 子。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the 2011 commemoration, the Department of Public Information created a [...] special logo, a [...] commemorative poster, postcards, bookmarks, t-shirts and mugs depicting the theme, “The Living Legacy of 30 Million Untold Stories”. daccess-ods.un.org |
Nico吸引了数百位顾客涌入店中参观,许多买了手表的同时,也获得Nico签名的上衣、帽子及明信片。 oris.ch | Hundreds of customers visited the stores during Nico’s visit and many left with watches – as well as with signed [...] shirts, capsand postcards. oris.ch |
还通过印刷材料提供人 [...] 权信息,包括讨论文件、人权委员会服务信息、针对具体情况的人权指导、书 签、明信片和海报等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Human rights information is also provided via printed material including discussion [...] papers, information on the NZHRC’s services, situation-specific human rights [...] guidance, bookmarks, postcards, and posters. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们也有以下服务:行李寄存,安全保险箱,交换书籍,大堂酒吧,真正的热咖啡,厄瓜多尔大啤酒;为出售邮票,明信片及纪念品,以信誉卡,在顶部平台,西班牙语课程享用早餐费,等.. instantworldbooking.com | We also have the following services: Luggage storage, security lockers, exchange books, lobby bar, real hot [...] coffee, Ecuadorian big [...] beer; stamps, postcards andsouvenirs for sell, payments with credit card, breakfast [...]served at the [...]top terrace, Spanish Classes, etc... instantworldbooking.com |
现在,我们已公开了收录有4,718件中国文化大革命(1966-1976年)第一手资料的“文化大革命资料数据库”、以及包括由东亚同文书院发行合计39卷的《支那经济全书》、《支那省别全志》、《新修支那省别全志》在内的“东亚同文书院中国调查志数据库”、作为战前珍贵图片研究资料的“中国战前美术明信片数据库”、ICCS各研究小组在中国各地拍摄的“现代中国照片资料数据库”、收录有ICCS发行的所有报告集的“研究成果数据库”等。 iccs.aichi-u.ac.jp | Presently, several databases are open to the public, including the “Cultural Revolution Database,” which catalogs 4,718 original documents pertaining to the Cultural Revolution of China (1966–1976), the “Toa Dobunshoin Database of Research Magazines on China” that catalogs 39 vol. of publications from Toa Dobunshoin University that include China’s Economy, China’s Government, and China’s Government: A New Edition, the [...] “Database of Images from [...] Pre-war China’spostcards”that contains pictures valuable to Modern Sinology, the “Modern Sinology Photo Database” containing pictures taken of locations [...]throughout China [...]by different ICCS research groups, and the “Database of Research Results” containing all reports published by ICCS. iccs.aichi-u.ac.jp |
本站宣传高档海报,装饰画,明信片,法国特种香熏精油,品种齐全。 business-china.com | Home stationpropagandizes upscale playbill, decoration painting, postcard, France special [...] fragrant smokes volatile oil, variety complete. business-china.com |
联合国邮政管理处将继续在地下一层的访客大厅营业,销售联合国 邮票、明信片以及邮寄基本的国内和国际信件(仅限使用联合国邮票)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) will continue to operate in the Visitors’ Lobby in the 1st Basement for the [...] purchase of United [...] Nations stamps, postcards and mailing of [...]basic domestic and international letter mail (with UNPA stamps only). daccess-ods.un.org |
比尔阿特金森,苹果电脑软件的传奇人物,世界知名的生态摄影家,回来与创新产品,重新定义了人们创建和发送明信片。 cn.moba-app.com | Bill Atkinson, Apple Computer software legend and world [...] renowned nature photographer, is back with an innovative product that redefines the way people [...] create andsendpostcards...W... moba-app.com |
新闻部平面设计股与政治事务部一道,为纪念第三个铲除殖民主义国际十年 (2011-2020)的海报、明信片和在线产品制作了视觉共性形象。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Graphic Design Unit of the Department worked with the Department of Political [...] Affairs to produce a visual identity for [...] a poster, postcard andonline products [...]to mark the Third International Decade for [...]the Eradication of Colonialism, 2011-2020. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中包括修订的《公约》资料包“荒漠 化:视频综合介绍”、《公约》新闻季刊、篇幅为两页的主题概况介绍丛书、以 [...] 及关于防治荒漠化世界日的推介录像、招贴画、明信片、贴纸、小册子、只读光 盘和展览展示。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included the revised UNCCD information kit “Desertification: a visual synthesis”, the quarterly UNCCD News, two-page [...] thematic factsheet series, WDCD promotional [...] videos, posters, postcards, stickers, leaflets, [...]CD-ROMs and exhibition displays. daccess-ods.un.org |
如需索取可放入蓝色回收箱内的物品列表,请查 阅本套工具中随附的回收物品明信片或回收宣传 海报。 rethinkwaste.org | For a list of materials accepted in the blue Recycle Cart/Bin, please refer [...] to the how-topostcard or therecycling [...]poster included in this toolkit. rethinkwaste.org |
这张明信片是我在爬冰河的时候拍的。 4tern.com | This photowas takenwhen I was [...] on a glacier hike. 4tern.com |
该组织促进了艾滋病毒/艾滋病治疗方案,2009 年,将儿童的美术作 [...] 品印制成荷兰和比利时世界艾滋病日展览的明信片,并支持开设关于艾滋病毒 同伴教育方案在线学习课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization promoted HIV/AIDS treatment [...] programmes by enabling children’s artwork [...] to be printed as postcardsfor a World AIDS [...]Day exhibition in the Netherlands and Belgium [...]in 2009, and by supporting the creation of an e-learning course on peer education in HIV programmes in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
把得奖作品印制成明信片,分派全港中小学,让学生於2009年 6月 13日 (亦 即是2009年中国文化遗产日)免费投寄明信片给本地及海外的亲友。 devb.gov.hk | The winning entries were printedon postcards anddistributed to all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong for a free postage day on 13 June 2009, which coincided [...] with China’s Cultural Heritage Day. devb.gov.hk |