单词 | 旺季 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 旺季noun—peakn(often used)peak seasonnless common: high seasonn 旺季—busy season peak period See also:旺—prosperous (of fire) roaring (of flowers) blooming 季—the last month of a season surname Ji fourth or youngest amongst brothers
2011 年,该区域从全球金融危机的后果中略有复苏,因为对 商品,尤其是对金属的需求回升,旅游出现 旺季,工 人汇款略有复苏。 daccess-ods.un.org | The region recovered somewhat in 2011 from the consequences of the global financial crisis, owing to a recovery [...] in demand for commodities, metals in particular, a [...] successful tourism seasonand amodestrecovery [...]in worker remittances. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然目前运河交通并没有中断,旅游业预计会遭遇重大削弱,特别是考虑到动荡局势发 生之际正值当地旅游的旺季。 bbvaresearch.com | While the canal traffic has not been interrupted, the Tourism industry is [...] expected to suffer a significant dent, particularly given that the height of the turmoil took [...] place during the peakseason. bbvaresearch.com |
旺季是马来西亚和新加坡的学校假期及公共假期。 4tern.com | Peak season in Langkawifalls [...] during Malaysia and Singapore school holidays. 4tern.com |
相较於冬天,上海夏天相当温暖湿润,偶有豪雨或雷雨,但夏季仍是观光 旺季。 seagate.com | In contrast, and in spite of being the peak tourist season, summer in Shanghai is very warm and humid, with occasional downpours or freak thunderstorms. seagate.com |
水库为供水源,但需水 增长超过了水库供水量,尤其在旅游 旺季,那 时的用水人口是平时的三倍。 wrdmap.org | A dam supplied water, but demand [...] rose beyond the water allocation from the dam, particularly during [...] thepeak tourism season, when thepopulation [...]triples. wrdmap.org |
国泰航空货运营业及市务总经理刁志辉表示:「十一月为货运业务的传统 旺季,但今年营业额却未见起色。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager Cargo Sales & Marketing Titus Diu said: [...] "November is traditionally one of the busiest months in the [...] airfreight business but this year the peak simply didn't happen. swirepacific.com |
兰卡威的租车价钱透明化,有分为旺季和淡季。 4tern.com | The rental is [...] divided into peakand low season. 4tern.com |
诚如该函件所载, 贵集团之非全资附属公司东莞三粤已於生产旺季内接纳达利集团多家成员公司对其发出之加工订单,而达利则为持有 [...] 贵公 司全部已发行股本约52.75%之主要股东。 equitynet.com.hk | As noted from the Letter, Dongguan Sanyue, a [...] non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Group, [...] has during peak productionseasons accepted subcontracting [...]orders from various members [...]of the High Fashion Group, whereby High Fashion is a substantial shareholder of the Company holding approximately 52.75% of the entire issued share capital of the Company. equitynet.com.hk |
这个时尚季节,可以被称为“旅游旺季“。它提供给我们一个很好的机会,让我们更多地了解其他国家和文化。 citij.com | This fashion season maybe called "a traveling season" asin fact, [...] it presents a great opportunity for us to learn more [...]about other countries and cultures. citij.com |
当您要在空运旺季时推出新产品,使用包机增加舱位是十分理想的。 dhl.com.tw | Procuring global air freight capacity on dedicated aircraft is also ideal when your product launch [...] coincideswith seasonal peaksin air [...]freight. dhl.co.jp |
自二零零零年十月起,本集团非全资拥有成员公司东莞三粤已於生产 旺季内接纳达利集团多家成员公司对其发出之加工订单,向达利集团之该等成员公司提 [...] 供劳工及原材料以供生产成衣及配饰,并以加工费作为报酬。 equitynet.com.hk | Since October 2000, Dongguan Sanyue, a [...] non-wholly owned member of the Group, has [...] duringpeak productionseasons accepted subcontracting [...]orders from various members of [...]the High Fashion Group for it to supply to such members of the High Fashion Group labour and raw materials for production of garments and accessories in return for subcontracting charges. equitynet.com.hk |
在这里新建了一个公园,将成为城市在湖滨的 唯一一块公共绿地,以满足公众与附近的酒店顾客休闲的需要,特别是在每年秋天品尝大闸蟹的旅游 旺季。 chinese-architects.com | As the only public space on the lake shore, a park has been constructed. chinese-architects.com |
此外,七至八月是港人外游的暑期旺季,大 规模的人口流动会影响人口普查的工作。 censtatd.gov.hk | Besides, the period from July to [...] August isthe peak season whenmanylocal [...]people leave Hong Kong for a long holiday. censtatd.gov.hk |
看到酒店实现巨大成功,这非常令人振奋,我们期待着这种独特资产在春季的销售 旺季里取得良好的销售成果。 tipschina.gov.cn | It has been thrilling to see the [...] overwhelming success of the hotel, and we look forward to a strong and successful [...] springselling season atthis unique asset. tipschina.gov.cn |
在 二 零 零 一 年 底 停 飞 的 B747-200 货 机 订 於 本 月 稍 後 时 间 重 投 服 务 , 届 时 会 有 足 够 的 运 [...] 力 , 应 付 即 将 来 临 的 货运旺 季。swirepacific.com | The reactivation later this month of a B747-200 freighter that was [...] parked in late 2001 gives us added confidence that we will have sufficient cargo capacity as we [...] move into the peak season. swirepacific.com |
Calima的主要服务是提供给其他航空业经营者的支援,如果您需要增加 旺季时的机队,或者您在等待的飞机延误了,我们能提供您需要的解决办法。 calimacrew.com | Calima Aviacion main activity is offering aircraft support to [...] other operators. If you need to adjust [...] your fleet during seasonal demandor you [...]are waiting for the delivery of a delayed [...]aircraft, we can offer the solution you need. calimacrew.com |
喜好蔬菜的朋友们,特别介绍给您的季节,那就是正逢「仙台传统蔬菜」 旺季的冬季。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | The best-recommended season particularly for vegetable lovers is winter as Sendai traditional vegetables are inseason. en.tohokukanko.jp |
一二月是各大时装周的旺季,而Kris Van Assche亦刚於巴黎时装周展出了他的2012秋冬季男装。 blog.harveynichols.com.hk | With the AW [...] Fashion Showseason in full swing, [...]we take a look at Kris Van Assche’s new offerings. blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
监於洽商之订单价值以及客户对本集团之信赖及依 赖,加上本集团於业界之声誉已大大提高,预计在可预见将来,收益将会增长(除了淡 旺季之影 响)。 gdc-world.com | Considering the value of orders under discussion and the clients’ increased trust and dependency on the Group and the fact that the Group’s reputation in the industry is being enhanced, revenue, eliminating seasonal effect, is expected to growth in the foreseeable future. it is worth more appreciation that all existing clients of the Group have expressed interest or commitment to collaborate on new projects with the Group. gdc-world.com |
利率详情:旺季(除了今年七月和八月 instantworldbooking.com | Rate details:high season(all yearexcept [...] july and august) instantworldbooking.com |
台湾业者认为,就今年LED各厂的资本支出规模来看,并没有看到陆厂出现积极扩增产能的迹象,多数厂商认为,在经过2年的产能调整后,今年LED产业供需将回复平衡状况,而产业供需好转的迹象也显现在产品价格上,随着LED产业在第二季进入 旺季,背光与照明需求同步增温带动下,市场上产品价格也止稳,整体第二季产品价格下跌的幅度预估在5%以内,重回正常跌价水准。 jxlcd.com | Taiwan investors believe, LED GeChang scale capital spending this year, did not see land plant is showing signs of active proliferation capacity, most think, after 2 years of capacity adjustment, LED industry will reply to balance supply and demand this year, signs of improvement and industry supply and demand has also shown on the [...] product price, as the LED [...] industry entered the peak season in the second quarter, backlit and [...]synchronous lighting demand picked [...]up, also check the products on the market price stability, the overall product prices range forecast in the second quarter at 5%, to return to the normal price level. jxlcd.com |
在 2009 年和 2010 年冬季——游客到达的旺季,在安提瓜和蒙特塞拉特之间 提供了轮渡服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | A ferry service between Antigua and Montserrat operated during the 2009 [...] and 2010winterseasons,the peak months for [...]tourism arrivals. daccess-ods.un.org |
在假日或旅游旺季外出旅行时,可能需要额外预留时间。 united.com | When traveling around [...] holidays or other peak travel times, [...]additional time may be needed. united.com |
由於澎湖为中华台北着名之观光景点 人 们往往在假日期间 尤是夏季 造访该岛 因 此 吕总经理也与员工协商 在夏季 旺季减少休假 在冬季 淡季 则增加休假 另一 方面 吕总经理也指出 他们不仅在公司内部 管理方面努力在地化 在与当地社群的对外连 结 各种影响水族馆营运的外部因素 如物流 等方面亦付出同样的努力 例如 大东山珠宝 适应当地文化 改善当地物流基础设施 藉以 促进成长 助益於当地社群 对於在各处有分 支机构的中小企业来说 将在地化与文化调适 纳入管理考量 可协助中小企业因应不同地区 的文化差异 也能更有效地进行经营管理 apecscmc.org | As a result, Lu has negotiated with her employees to take less day off during summer (peak season), but more during winter (off-season). On the other hand, as Lu indicated, localization efforts are not only made on the internal management but also on the external links with local community as well as some external factors that could affect the operation of the aquarium, such as logistics. apecscmc.org |
别墅或紫貂德,乐Pouldu,在Clohars [...] Carnot,与观海和海滩只有300米距离,与温泉,游戏及运动室舒适的别墅,在500米的商店和旅游 旺季从约4公里中心的集镇。 sibellevilla.fr | Villa Sables d'or, Le Pouldu, in Clohars Carnoët, with view of the sea and the beach only 300 m away, [...] comfortable villa with SPA, games andsports room, 500 m from [...] the shops in touristseason andapproximately [...]4 km from the centre of the market town. sibellevilla.fr |
另外 吕华苑总经理亦举出大东山珠宝将 触角延伸至不同产业的实例 与我们分享多角 化经营与管理之道 大东山珠宝目前在中华台 北南端的小岛澎湖与政府合作进行一间水族馆 的营运移转 OT 计画1 由於澎湖具不同的 文化及环境 大东山珠宝将管理风格在地化 配合该地的旺季与淡季 apecscmc.org | In order to diversify and extend its reach to different industries, Lucoral & Lupearl is currently cooperating with the government by holding an Operation-Transfer (OT) plan1 at hand of an aquarium in Penghu, a small island located at the south of Chinese Taipei. apecscmc.org |
现时显示的照片是我们香港旺角的工作坊2012年未搬迁到较大工场时前非节日拍摄的,我们较後有时间会登新工场照片, 也会包括些节日工场大执位极爲忙碌的 旺季照片。 givegift.com.hk | The photos you see of our Hong [...] Kong flower shop in Mongkok was taken atnon-seasonal time before [...]our move in 2012 to a larger workshop. givegift.com.hk |