

单词 时装



fashion designer

时装秀 n

fashion show n

时装界 n

fashion industry n

External sources (not reviewed)

像何时采摘、如果控制发酵或时装 瓶 等 关键的决策要依靠可靠和准确的分析结果。
Base critical
[...] decisions such as when to pick, how to control fermentation or when to bottle on [...]
reliable and accurate analysis.
10.000位买家每年两次因米时装展厅聚集在此,意大利生产和意大 时装 界 的中心在这些天里 时装 展 厅 而充满活力。
10,000 buyers flock to the city of Milan twice a year during the Milan Fashion Showroom: the heart of Made in Italy and of the Italian fashion system beats hard during these showrooms days.
[...] 大出口,包括使用电话短信来发送市场数据给生产者,为东非城市工匠和欧时 装商店牵线搭桥,以及确认西非棉花销往亚洲,事实证明这很有效。
ITC devised new and creative approaches for expanding exports, including the use of telephone messaging for sending market data to
producers, linking urban artisans in East Africa to
[...] European fashion houses, and confirming [...]
cotton sales from West Africa to Asia, which proved to be effective.
基金会的主要活动方向包括:国际推介会;青年项目和行动;儿童创作时装及设 计;制作项目;会演、展览、音乐会、联合项目;慈善活动和社会活 动;体育运动。
The major activities of the Forum include: international performances; projects and activities for young persons; creative arts for children; fashion and design; production projects; festivals, exhibitions, concerts and joint projects; charitable works and social projects; sport.
2007年,两位艺术家令人难以置信地开始了他们前往南极洲的征程,此行目的是在那里制作一部名为《南极村》 时装 置 作 品,这是一片由圆顶小屋组成的营地。
In 2007 the artists embarked upon an truly incredible expedition to
Antarctica to set up their
[...] ephemeral installation Antarctic Village, an encampment of dome dwellings, at the same time they raised the [...]
Metisse Flag and created
the first Antarctica World Passport.
30岁的Greg Fraser和25岁的Max
[...] Fraser从中国到莫桑比克以及从卡塔尔到巴西等国家寻访电影 时装 、 音乐和艺术领域广大的人才资源。
Greg Fraser, 30, and Max Fraser, 25, are reaching out to countries
from China to Mozambique and Qatar to Brazil to mine the vast pool of talent in the
[...] fields of film, fashion, music and art.
通过举办这些授奖和展 览活动,使手工艺创造者和青年设计人员走向国际市场的条件得到了改善。在师资培训方 面,来自中亚 5 国的 17 名手工艺人参加了一个有关可再生材料使用和新产品设计的培训班 (阿拉木图,2002 年 11 月),10 名中非手工艺者参加了一时装首饰和箱包皮件培训班 (杜阿拉, 2003 年 6 月)。
With regard to the training of trainers, 17 craftworkers from five Central Asian countries attended a workshop on renewable materials and the design of new products (Almaty, November 2002) and 10 craftworkers from Central Africa attended a workshop on the theme Jewellery and fashion accessories (Douala, June 2003).
它能测量多达10个关键参数,使生产者能够根据信息及时调整生产,确定何时采摘、如何控制发酵、 时装 瓶。
It measures up to 10 different key parameters providing
winemakers the information needed to make informed
[...] decisions about when to pick, how to control fermentation and when to bottle.
螺旋形的时装置所 奏出的乐声堪称最悦耳动听, 调校最精密的铃声。
The snail-shaped gong is one of the most sophisticated and delicate to develop and produce.
[...] 影节 (FESPACO),瓦加杜古国际手工艺展览(SIAO),泛非音乐节(FESPAM),非洲表演艺术 市场(MASA),福音与根音乐节国际非 时装节 (FIMA)。
In culture, UNESCO supports regional events that promote regional integration, such as the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO), the Ouagadougou International Arts and Crafts Fair (SIAO), the Pan-African Music Festival (FESPAM), the Market for
African Performing Arts (MASA), the
[...] Gospel and Roots Festival and the International Festival of African Fashion (FIMA).
在中国期间,丽贝卡将住在当地人家里,参观当地工厂,她自己拥有和希望拥有的很多东西 时装 、 手 机、平板电视)都是中国制造,她还将亲眼见证一个人口大国朝着同一个目标齐心协力所取得的成就:个人在大规模生产、组织和奋斗中取得进步。
While Rebekkah is in China she will stay with a host family, visit factories where much of the objects she owns or aspires to own (fashion clothing, mobile phones, flat-screen TVs) are produced and witness first hand what can be achieved when a massive-scale, national population pulls together towards one common goal: individual improvement through mass production, organization and hard work.
在伟大设计师的笔尖上(和其助手),在策 时装 秀 的 时 尚 编辑的脑海中,在每个创意特别的裁剪中,在每一 时装 秀 的 配合中,当这一切变得协调统一从而成 时装 秀 的 作品。
On the tip of the pencil of the great designers (and their
assistants), in the
[...] head of a great fashion editor who advises a fashion house, in a particularly creative tailor shop, during the coordination of a show, when all the looks are harmonized and become a [...]
collection for the catwalk?
在生物多样性全球商务座谈会期间,就生物贸易与化妆品 时装 行业 之间的互动问题举办了一次会议,目标受众是国际企业代表、非政府组织和政府 ( 七月份)。
(b) A session during the Global Business of Biodiversity Symposium on BioTrade’s interaction with the cosmetics and fashion industries, with the target audience being international business representatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments (July).
在报告所述期间,该组织与教科文组织以及教科文组织在巴尔干半岛国家的妇 女与和平中心合作组织了如下活动:2006 年和 2008
年在希腊萨罗尼加举办的主 题为“东南欧国家社会变革与发展”的区域培训研讨会;2006 年至 2008 年在希 腊哈尔基季基半岛举办的国际创意青年夏令营;2006 年 8 月至
[...] 9 月在萨罗尼加 举办的第三届“地中海与黑海两大海 时装 设 计 师节”。
During the reporting period, the organization, in partnership with UNESCO and the UNESCO Centre for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, organized the following activities: regional training seminars on the theme “Social transformations and development of South-East European countries”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2006 and 2008; the International Creative Youth Summer Camp,
Khalkidhiki, Greece, 2006-2008; the third
[...] festival on “Women creators of the two seas, [...]
the Mediterranean and the Black Sea”,
Thessaloniki, August-September 2006.
混合在手表品牌,除了畅销,相对运动型帆船,重点是 H 小时,一看其案件是H形另一个鞍风格的重要组成部分, 科德角:在1991年推出
[...] ,这种模式已真正实现了1998年的时候关闭Martin Margiela的时装设计师,所以房子有想法,建立一个手镯皮革转体。
Mixed in watches, besides the best-selling brand, relatively sporty Clipper, the focus is H-Hour, a watch whose case is H-shaped Another significant part of the style of saddle, the Cape Cod:
Launched in 1991, this model has really
[...] taken off in 1998 when Martin Margiela, [...]
fashion designer, so the house had the idea
to build a bracelet leather double turn.
对纸机烘缸进行装时可采 用多种喷涂工艺,如高速火焰喷涂(HVOF)、粉末与线材火焰喷涂、ARC线材火焰喷涂和含氟聚合物涂装。
Various processes are available for coating cylinders in the machine, such as high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF), powder and wire flame spraying, ARC wire flame spraying and fluoropolymer coating.
进行首次装时、世 伟洛克间隙检测规可向安装人员或检查人 员保证接头已充分紧固。
On initial installation, the Swagelok gap inspection gauge assures the installer or inspector that a fitting has been sufficiently tightened.
因为在装时不需 要使用扭矩扳手而是采用连接螺母固定,因此 QMA 的封装密度要优于 [...]
SMA 连接器。
The packaging density of QMA is increased [...]
compared to SMA connectors thanks to the fact that no torque spanner is required to fasten the coupling nut.
装时间已 优化到很短暂的苏莱特模块和安装元件使各生 产任务之间的转换变得非常迅速。
The Schlatter modules and components optimized
[...] for short set up times allow you to change [...]
quickly between various production orders.
为便于操作和修理,装时应确 保能够方便地接 触到泵的空气阀盖 (2)、空气入口、流体入口和出 [...]
For ease of
[...] operation and service, mount the pump so the [...]
air valve cover (2), air inlet, and fluid inlet and outlet ports are easily accessible.
这些易于使用的弯管器能减少装时 间 和劳力, 并能减少 在弯曲时卡套管起皱或产生其他损坏的可能性。
These easyto-use tube
[...] benders reduce installation time and effort as well [...]
as the potential for wrinkling or other damage to the tubing during bending.
[...] 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤时,陪 同和支助黎巴嫩 装 部 队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 [...]
行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and
supporting the deployment of
[...] the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, [...]
ensuring respect
for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
首次打开 EASYCALL 包装时,您 将会看到耳机配有一只标准的 Jabra 耳塞和一只小码或中码耳勾。
When you open the EASYCALL packaging the first time you will [...]
find the headset fitted with a standard Jabra eargel and a S/M size earhook.
BOPP薄膜用于香烟的小包和条包装时 , 薄 膜是缠绕于香烟的印刷纸皮包装上,由于香烟纸皮印刷油墨残留溶剂的作用,在烟包的储存、销售过程中,BOPP薄膜会因为吸收这些残留溶剂而发生皱折,同时,薄膜的雾度会大幅增加,使得香烟包装失去平整、光洁的外观,使烟包看起来显得陈旧,失去对顾客的吸引力,特别是当香烟纸皮包装为深色印刷图案时,纸皮上残留溶剂更多,对BOPP薄膜的影响更大,这一现象在国内烟草行业,也称之为BOPP薄膜的防红抗皱、防水雾问题。
BOPP film for cigarette packet and package of the package, the film is wound on the skin of cigarette packaging printing paper, printing ink as tobacco mosaic role of residual solvents, in cigarette storage, sales process, BOPP film because These residual solvent absorption occurs fold, while the film haze will increase significantly, making the loss of cigarette packaging flat, smooth appearance, the packets appear to look old, losing attractiveness to customers, especially when the tobacco mosaic packaging printing pattern is dark, the mosaic on the residual solvent more, a greater impact on the BOPP film, a phenomenon in the domestic tobacco industry, also known as BOPP film's anti-red anti-wrinkle, water fog problem.
在变压器上装 时,这些部件必须被截断到正确尺寸。
These parts must be cut to the
[...] required size before mounting to the transformer.
有载分接开关和水平传动轴必须一直保存在不透气的防 护袋内,临到装时才允许打开。
All tap-changer parts
[...] must be left wrapped in their airtight protective cover and are to be removed only shortly before installation.
冈比亚还报告称,它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素 装备 完善的人道主义排雷队时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas
and has a well trained and fully
[...] equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any [...]
经核实的报告称,苏丹人民解放军在苏丹南部 10 个牲畜棚强迫平民解除装时体罚和虐待儿童。
There were verified reports of children being physically abused and ill treated in relation to forced civilian disarmament exercises carried out by SPLA in as many as 10 cattle camps in Southern Sudan.




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