单词 | 时空 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 时空 —space-time (in relativity)Examples:朔时空—early universe 四维时空—four dimensional space-time (in relativity) 时空旅行—time travel 时空穿梭—a time machine
同时空气压力通过空气入口通道释放。 graco.com | Air pressure is simultaneously relieved through [...] the air inlet passage. graco.com |
(2) 在细则及法例规限下,本公司可透过普通决议案选出任何人士出任董事, 以填补董事会临时空缺或出任现任董事会新增成员。 chiho-tiande.cn | (2) Subject to the Articles and the Law, the Company may by ordinary resolution [...] elect any person to be a Director either to [...] fill a casual vacancy on the Board, [...]or as an addition to the existing Board. chiho-tiande.com |
如果向下扣动喷枪时空气 帽漏气 , 请更换。 graco.com | Replace if air leaks from air cap when gun is de-triggered. graco.com |
此外,我认为学校应当出台空气污染应对计划,如根据每 小 时空 气 质 量指数调整学生在户外活动的时间。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | I also feel that all school systems should have an air pollution action plan, which limits outdoor activities [...] depending on the hourly Air Quality Index. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
(c) 制作和验证一个包括为观测扩散所必需 的 时空 尺 度 在内的数字环流模 型,并进行试验,例如为调查意外溢泄的潜在影响进行试验。 isa.org.jm | (c) Set-up and validation of a numerical circulation model that [...] covers the temporal and spatial scales important [...]for dispersal, and the carrying out [...]of experiments, for example to investigate the potential impact of accidental spills. isa.org.jm |
任职者将担任所有办公空间需求方面的维和部/外勤部 [...] 联系人,包括为规划小组和其他外地特派团人员提供 临 时空 间 , 并负责协调办公 室重新配置、人员搬迁以及家具及相关服务的购置。 daccess-ods.un.org | The incumbent will serve as the DPKO/DFS focal point for all office [...] space-related requirements, including the [...] provision of temporary accommodations [...]for planning teams and other field mission staff, [...]the coordination of office reconfiguration, personnel moves, the acquisition of furniture and related services. daccess-ods.un.org |
加强大尺度土壤水分时空变异 规律研究和土 壤墒情与旱情指标体系研究;积极研究和开发土壤墒情、旱情监测仪器设备。 wrdmap.org | Strengthen research on the changing rules of large-scale soil moisture and research on soil moisture and drought index systems across time and space. wrdmap.org |
实际解决气候变 [...] 化问题需要有评估工具,可以用来充分评估以下情况,如扩大的且鲜为人知的 跨 时空 成因 链;相矛盾的责任依据;与知识有关、需要采取有效政策来处理的主要不确定情况;以及在 [...] 全球范围内对共同面临的风险实行负责管理所遇到的挑战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Action to address climate change needs assessment tools that can take adequate account of [...] extended and poorly understood causal [...] chains across time and space, conflicting bases [...]of responsibility, fundamental uncertainties [...]relating to the knowledge required for effective policies, and the challenge of responsible management of collective risk at the global scale. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(3) 董事将不时及随时有权委任任何人士为董事,以填补董事会 临 时空缺 或出任现任董事会新增成员。 aactechnologies.com | (3) The Directors shall have the power from time to [...] time and at any time to appoint any person as a Director either to fill a casual vacancy on the Board [...]or as an addition to the existing Board. aactechnologies.com |
培训班包括关于 [...] 静态处理连续和测量模式测量数据的授课和辅导;全球、区域和地方参照基准 的界定;时间序列的时空过滤 ;综合使用各种解决办法估计震后和长期地壳形 [...]变;处理地震引起的阶跃式位移;以及仪器的更换。 daccess-ods.un.org | The training course included lectures and tutoring in static processing of both continuous and survey mode measurements; defining global, [...] regional and local reference [...] frames; temporal and spatial filtering of time series; combining [...]solutions to estimate post-seismic [...]and long-term crustal deformation; handling step-displacements resulting from earthquakes; and instrument changes. daccess-ods.un.org |
若资金是以项 [...] 目种类为基础进行分配,相关的《公约》机构必须 制定优先项目,才能或明或暗地解决 时空 上 的 公平 性。 undpcc.org | To the extent that the funds are disbursed on the basis of the project type, the [...] relevant Convention bodies must establish priorities and so implicitly or explicitly [...] address regional and temporal equity. undpcc.org |
这些表达方式对于闯入将自己意志强加于这些情境而否认儿童自己处理他 们 时空 的 成 人来 说会产生问题(Wohlwend 2004)。 ipaworld.org | These forms of expression are often problematic for adults, who rush to [...] impose their own order on these situations, [...] denying children the time–space to work things out [...]for themselves (Wohlwend2004). ipaworld.org |
有成 员建议采取几种方法,使环境规划署能够进一步节省履约协助方案预算,包括合并若干个 预算项目,或在职位出现临时空缺时 节 省 薪金费用。 multilateralfund.org | Members proposed several ways in which UNEP could make further savings in [...] its CAP budget, including merging several budget lines, or by saving salary costs [...] when positions were temporarily vacant. multilateralfund.org |
根据地球探测器臭氧总量测绘分光仪等卫星和 Aura [...] 卫星上的臭氧监测仪发 出的连续图像,可以确定撒哈拉的尘沙横跨大西洋进入加勒比和古巴的输送情 况与天气尺度过程有关,还显示了明显的静止性和清晰 的 时空 进 程 ,这与撒哈 拉和萨赫勒上空沙尘暴发生的时空进 程 类似。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the basis of image sequences from satellites such as the Earth Probe total ozone mapping spectrometer (EP/TOMS) and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on the Aura satellite, it was possible to determine that dust transport from the Sahara over the Atlantic to the Caribbean and Cuba is associated with synoptic-scale processes and shows [...] marked stationarity [...] and a well-defined time-space progression, which is very similar to the time-space progression of dust storm [...]occurrence over the Sahara and Sahel. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据一个关于持续时间很短的太阳爆发 的 时空 描 述 的项目,地球物理学和 天文学研究所研究人员分析了 [...] 135 起带复杂行为的日冕物质抛射的时间结构。 oosa.unvienna.org | Under a project on space-time characterization [...] of very short-duration solar bursts, IGA researchers analysed the temporal [...]structure of 135 cases of coronal mass ejections with complex behaviour. oosa.unvienna.org |
菲律宾政府呼吁尽快 完成对跨界含水层的摸底调查,并建 立 时空 管 理制 度,以供决策之用。 daccess-ods.un.org | His Government called for the urgent completion of [...] transboundary aquifer mapping and the [...] establishment of spatial and temporal management [...]regimes for use in policy and decisionmaking. daccess-ods.un.org |
历史与现实的碰撞、中国与世界的碰撞以及现实与未来的碰撞将撞击出一幕幕"关公战秦琼"的场景,演 义 时空 错 位 后的对位。 chinese-architects.com | The collision between history and contemporary, between China and the rest of the world, even between today and the future will bounce off scene after scene of “Guan Gong – Qin [...] Qiong’s fight (two historical generals from different dynasties)”, [...] repositioning the time and the space after a radical chaos. chinese-architects.com |
对于日常生活混乱、不可预测或充满暴力的儿童来说,游戏代表了一个他们能够通过重 复游戏模式——一种处理环境混乱的方式来建立秩序感和可预见感 的 时空。 ipaworld.org | For children whose daily lives are chaotic, unpredictable or violent, play may represent a time–space in which they can establish a sense of order and predictability through repetitive play patterns – a way of coping with environmental disturbance. ipaworld.org |
在这项技术广为使用之前,NASA 选择将其用于新的时空电脑之中。 hk.ashford.com | Before this technology was universally available NASA chose it for [...] use in their new space time computers. ashford.com |
沉浸”是一种经历,一种体验;是人类意识短暂抽离物理世界,游走于真实与非真实之间的一种状态,也是人类借助当代科技手段,通往与真实世界平行的另一非线 性 时空 的 过 程。 shanghaibiennale.org | IMMERSION is an experiment, a free state of mind [...] between real and unreal where human consciousness is drawn away from the physical world to [...] reach non-linear time and space. shanghaibiennale.org |
当地面通信系统被灾害破坏,或因灾无法运 转 时 ,空 间技术通信就可发挥至关重要的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Space technology-enabled communications had assumed a vital role when terrestrial [...] communications systems were destroyed [...]or not functioning as a result of a disaster. daccess-ods.un.org |
当委员会出现《公约》第二十六条第五款所指的 临 时空 缺 时 , 秘 书长应立即 请提名该委员的缔约国按照《公约》第二十六条第一款所列标准,在两个月内从 其国民中指定另一位候选人完成前任剩下的任期,但须征得多数缔约国的核准。 daccess-ods.un.org | When a casual vacancy within article 26, paragraph 5, of the Convention occurs in the Committee, the Secretary-General shall immediately request the State party that had nominated that member to appoint, within a period of two months, in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraph 1 of article 26, another candidate from among its nationals to serve for the remainder of the predecessor’s term, subject to the approval of the majority of the States parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,很难选择一个“Aquaracer计时500”豪雅表的Calibre 16日,最新的“超时空500”维氏瑞士军刀配备了口径石英,或任何其他型号的吸引力每个比其他人。 zh.horloger-paris.com | So difficult to choose between a "Aquaracer Chrono 500" TAG Heuer's Calibre 16, the latest "Chrono 500" Victorinox Swiss Army equipped with a quartz caliber, or any other models more attractive to each than others. en.horloger-paris.com |
伯爵现已拥有两家专业制表工作坊――分别位于瑞士侏罗山区的小村庄La [...] Côte-aux-Fées和日内瓦附近的布朗雷瓦特――无论是在Côte-aux-Fées,还是在日内瓦,伯爵超 越 时空 , 全力呈现独创技艺造就的非凡杰作。 piaget.com.cn | Located in two sites – La Côte-aux-Fées in the Neuchâtel Jura region and in Plan-les-Ouates near Geneva – both of which [...] have made a speciality of one of these skills, Piaget presents exclusive models that [...] transcend the constraints of time. piaget.com |
4) 分接开关抽真空时,要在管接头 E2 和 Q 之间接上旁通 管,给切换开关油室和变压器同时抽 真 空。 highvolt.de | 4) For evacuating purposes, a bypass tube between [...] [...] connections E2 and Q is to be installed in order to simultaneously apply vacuum to the transformer and the diverter switch oil compartment. highvolt.de |
这需要隔膜泵在接近极限真空时仍有 很好的抽速。 vacuubrand.com | This requires a diaphragm pump with high pumping [...] speed close to its ultimate vacuum. vacuubrand.com |
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略, 及 时 填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额 空 缺 , 表示注意到秘书长关于会 议 时 地 分 配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补 所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺, 并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to [...] fill current and future [...] language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations [...]in a timely manner, [...]and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
值得注意的是,这个参数值不为空时 , 其设置的值应为 “绝对路径”,否则在用 SQL*Loader(SQLLDR)导入恢复的数据时,将不能正确地找到存储 [...] LOB 数据的文件。 oracleodu.com | Please note that if the value of [...] this parameter is not empty, its value should [...]be set to absolute path, otherwise the Oracle [...]SQL*Loader (sqlldr) will not find the lob recovery data when you use it to import the recovery data. oracleodu.com |
如果您在此堆叠的顶部取出 5 张照片(9、8、7、6、5)并 [...] 将它们面朝上放入扫描仪中然后进行扫描,当扫描仪 清 空时 ,将 其余照片 (4、 3、 2、 1)面朝上放入扫描仪中。 graphics.kodak.com | If you take the first 5 photos on the top of this stack (9,8,7,6,5) and place [...] them face up in the scanner and scan them, [...] as the scanner empties, place the rest [...]of the photos (4,3,2,1) in the scanner face up. graphics.kodak.com |