

单词 时期

时期 noun ()

phase n
age n
era n



historical period


ice age

过渡时期 n

transition n

External sources (not reviewed)

它指出,在阿富汗寻求落实其所接受的建议 的同时,需要鼓励它在这一艰难的过 时期 , 促 进经济和社会发展。
It noted that, as Afghanistan sought to implement the recommendations accepted, it
needed to be encouraged in its efforts to promote economic and social
[...] development during this difficult transition period.
然而,必须把青年人的健康放在更广阔的背景上来看,因为有众多年龄老大 时生病的病例,根源都在童年和青 时期。
Nevertheless, the health of young people must be seen in a
wider context, because a large number of cases of disease in later age have their root causes
[...] in childhood and adolescence.
离开船去游览维斯比参观的主要景点,其中包括中世纪的大教堂,圣尼古拉修道院和Fornsalen博物馆,里面展示了坚固的维 时期 银 器
Leave the ship and explore Visby’s key sights, which include the medieval cathedral, the ruins of the St. Nicolai Monastery and the Fornsalen Museum, which houses a sturdy display of Viking silver.
在和时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的措施,使自己的行为符合保护文化 [...]
遗产的要求,尤其是符合 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或私人工程危及的文化财产的建议书》、
1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传统 建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》所确定的原则和宗旨。
When conducting peacetime activities, [...]
States should take all appropriate measures to conduct them in such a manner as to
protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private Works, the 1972 Recommendation concerning the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.
他指出,中立并非总是由条约规定的,并且由于中立地位在武装冲突期间尤 其重要(除了对和时期有影 响的“永久中立”外),因此在第 5 条草案附件中提 它没有用。
He pointed out that neutrality was not always established by treaty and that since the status of
neutrality was typically
[...] relevant during periods of armed conflict (except “permanent” neutrality which also had effect in time of peace), a reference [...]
in the Annex related
to draft article 5 was not useful.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无
法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、
[...] 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother
or guardian, rule that the
[...] minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming [...]
of age, be visited regularly
by a social worker or placed on probation.
尽管该宣言没有专门论述敌时期文 化遗 产保护问题,但关于在武装冲突,包括占领的 情况下保护文化遗产的第 V 部分规定各国有义 务使其战时的活动“符合习惯国际法以及有关 在敌时期保护 这类遗产的各项国际协定和教 科文组织建议书的原则和义务”。
While the Declaration is not specifically focused on the
[...] protection of cultural heritage during hostilities, Part V on the Protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflict, including the case of occupation provides for the obligation of States to conduct their wartime activities in conformity with “customary international law and the principles and objectives of international agreements and UNESCO recommendations concerning the protection [...]
of such heritage during hostilities”.
在这时期捕到 的鱼的财政利益被他们可在 未来捕捞更多鱼的权力极大放大。
The financial benefits of catching
[...] fish during this period are greatly multiplied [...]
by the right they may confer to catch more fish in the future.
连同东道国中国,经社会一并选举出下列国家担任亚太农机中心理事 会 2012-2015 年时期的成 员:孟加拉国、柬埔寨、印度、印度尼西亚、巴基 [...]
The Commission elected, along with the host country, China, the
following countries to the Governing Council of
[...] UNAPCAEM for the period 2012-2015: Bangladesh; [...]
Cambodia; India; Indonesia; Pakistan;
Sri Lanka; Thailand; and Viet Nam.
重申迫切需要应对阿富汗境内的各种挑战,尤其是要处理塔利班、基地组织、 非法武装团体和从事毒品贸易的人特别是在南部和东部地区更加猖獗的暴力犯 罪活动和恐怖活动,组建包括地方一级的阿富汗政府机构,加强法治和民主进程, 打击腐败,加快司法部门的改革,在不妨碍执行安全理事会
1999 年 10 月 15 日 第
[...] 1267(1999)号决议和其他相关决议规定的措施的情况下促进民族和解,促进阿 富汗人主导下的过时期司法 进程,实现阿富汗难民和境内流离失所者安全有序 [...]
Reiterating the urgent need to tackle the challenges in Afghanistan, in particular the increased violent criminal and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, illegal armed groups and those involved in the narcotics trade, in particular in the south and east, the development of Afghan Government institutions, including at the subnational level, the strengthening of the rule of law and democratic processes, the fight against corruption, the acceleration of justice sector reform, the promotion of national reconciliation, without prejudice to the fulfilment of the measures introduced by the Security Council in resolution 1267 (1999) of 15 October
1999 and other relevant resolutions, an
[...] Afghan-led transitional justice process, [...]
the safe and voluntary return of Afghan
refugees and internally displaced persons in an orderly and dignified manner, the promotion and protection of human rights and the advancement of economic and social development
为了减轻有子女家庭的贫困,增加了给予有贫困风险的家庭的补助,延长 了父母补助发时期,还 增加了给多子女家庭的补助金额。
To reduce the poverty of families with children, the benefits
for families in risk of poverty have
[...] been increased, the period of payment of parental [...]
benefit has been extended, and the
amounts of benefits for families with many children have been increased.
为 此,我建议安全理事会将联利支助团的任务期限延长 12 个月,在安全理事会第 2009(2011)号和第
2022(2011)号决议规定的领域发挥综合政治特派团的作用,特 别注重需在以下领域加强支持利比亚的努力:(a) 民主过渡,包括选举进程;(b)
[...] 公共安全,包括前战斗人员的复员、安置或/和重返社会;(c) 人权,过时期 司法和法治;(d) 军火扩散和边境安全;(e) [...]
To this end, I recommend that the Security Council renew the mandate of UNSMIL for another 12 months as an integrated special political mission in the areas provided for by Security Council resolutions 2009 (2011) and 2022 (2011), with a particular focus on the need for intensified support to Libyan efforts in the following areas: (a) democratic transition, including the electoral process; (b) public security, including the demobilization, integration or
reintegration of ex-combatants; (c)
[...] human rights, transitional justice and rule of [...]
law; (d) proliferation of arms and border
security; and (e) coordination of international support.
与会者审议了当今最不发达国家在过去十年《布鲁塞尔行动纲领 时期 的进 步和倒退及其政治基础。
Participants considered least developed countries today, their progress and setbacks over the past decade under the Brussels Programme of Action and their political underpinnings.
该事务的实际情况制定几乎可以在这些方面,但是,由于分歧组成,在大多数情况下,仅仅在某些句子的变种,还是在实际上有不同的作者,其中发射机;虽然许多这些偏差是由R.约拿和R.圣何塞,谁住在太巴列contemporaneously,教引,这一事实证明几乎假设有两种不同的Talmudim,一个由约拿和其他由何塞教授,它仍将是显而易见的,从上面提到的声明,即犹太法典中存在的一些明确的形式在整个am or a i c 时期 , 而 且,而且,其最后节录了其他修改之前。
The actual condition of affairs can scarcely be formulated in these terms, however, since the divergencies consist, for the most part, of mere variants in certain sentences, or in the fact that there were different authors and transmitters of them; and although many of these deviations are cited by R. Jonah and R. Jose, who lived and taught contemporaneously at Tiberias, this fact scarcely justifies the assumption that there were two different Talmudim, one taught by Jonah and the other by Jose; it will nevertheless be evident, from the statements cited above, that the
Talmud existed in some definite form
[...] throughout the amoraic period, and that, furthermore, [...]
its final redaction was preceded by other revisions.
在报告所时期,统 计所根据各方在能力建设方面的不同需要,同时 考虑到学员的知识和技能水平差异、国家统计体系提出的优先事项以及实施国 [...]
际统计标准方面的各项要求,修订了培训内容,并侧重了以下几个方面:(a) 经 济统计数据和 2008 年的国民核算体系;(b)
人口统计数据和 2010 年的人口普 查;以及(c) 与政策相关的数据分析。
During the reporting period, the Institute [...]
revised its training contents to address the diverse capability-building needs,
taking into account the levels of participants’ knowledge and skills, priorities set by national statistical systems and requirements for implementing international statistical standards by emphasizing the following areas: (a) economic statistics and the 2008 SNA; (b) demographic statistics and the 2010 round of the population census; and (c) policy-relevant data analysis.
国家已知的法律史大部分是轶闻趣 事,来自在不时期访问 这些岛屿的旅客的著作。
Much of the known legal history of the country is anecdotal and is derived from the works of
[...] travellers who visited the islands at different times.
近东救济工程处进一步指出,在整个过程中应该更 早一些签署“运用非时期权力 授标许可书”,并向审计委员会保证,在今后所 有采购程序中,工程处都将努力遵守这一规定。
UNRWA further stated that the “permission for award using urgency powers” should have been signed earlier in the process and assured the Board that the Agency will endeavour to comply with this requirement in all future procurement processes.
一个国家呼吁发达国家履行各种相关承诺,减少气候变化和海平面上升所造 成的影响,并推进可持续发展议程,以便在里约+20 大会及其后时期内实 现有意义的成果。
One country appealed to developed countries to fulfil numerous pledges to mitigate the impacts of climate change and sea level rise, and to advance the sustainable development agenda to achieve meaningful results at the Rio+20 Conference and beyond.
此外,该国还采取了许多与道路安 全有关的举措,其中包括:发起了道路安全行动十年活动、增强其国 家交通安全委员会、以及指定该国的副总理担任这一委员会的主席,
[...] 同时还核准了一项涵盖至 2020 年时期的国家道路交通安全战略—— 而且这一战略有可能会延长至 [...]
2030 年。
In addition, it had undertaken many road-safety-related initiatives, among which were the launching of the Decade of Action for Road Safety, the strengthening of its National Traffic Safety Committee and the designation of its Deputy Prime Minister as Chairman,
and had approved a national road traffic safety
[...] strategy to cover the period up to 2020, with [...]
a vision extending to 2030.
尽管宣布紧急状态可以使国家机关采取任何旨在解除危机的措施,尤其是 采取可能会在特时期减少 或取消基本自由和权利的行动和措施,但宪法条款没 [...]
Although a state of emergency allows the authorities to take any measures intended to reduce risks and in particular to take action and measures that could reduce or
eliminate fundamental rights and freedoms for a
[...] certain amount of time, the constitutional [...]
provisions do not specify which are basic
rights and therefore remain intact at all times, even in extraordinary circumstances.
[...] 评注还将处理如下问题,即设保人可否要求提供补充信息,以及:(a)设保人是 否应当有权在规时期内免 费获得数目有限的答复;(b)如果有担保债权人未提 [...]
供该信息,设保人是否应当有权通过简易司法程序或行政程序获得损害赔偿或 其他救济。
Finally, as a separate but related matter, the commentary may also deal in this context with the question whether the grantor may demand additional information with respect to the debt and whether: (a) the grantor should be entitled to a limited
number of responses free of charge
[...] within a specified period of time; and (b) the [...]
grantor should be entitled to damages
or other remedy through a summary judicial or administrative procedure if the secured creditor fails to provide that information.
多年来授权联刚特派团的任务有几项正在进行之中,其中包括:保护平民; 监测、保护和促进人权;制定过 时期 司 法 战略;便利人道主义援助的送达;执 行复员遣返方案和支持政府的复员方案进程;协调安全部门改革方面的国际努 [...]
装力量和警力,并支持加强司法和惩戒系统;加强民主机构和法治;以及处理非 法开采自然资源问题。
Several of the tasks mandated to MONUC over the years are ongoing, including the protection of civilians; the monitoring, protection and
promotion of human rights; the
[...] development of a transitional justice strategy; facilitation [...]
of the delivery of humanitarian
assistance; implementation of disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement or reintegration and support to the Government’s disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes; coordination of international efforts in security sector reform; coordination and implementation of mine action activities; supporting the building of the capacity of national institutions, including FARDC, police capacities and strengthening the judicial and correctional systems; strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law; and addressing the illegal exploitation of natural resources.
在这方面Babli远比耶路莎米,这是在其他方面更简洁以及自由;前者更广泛的利益和更多种类和长度是由于至少在很大程度上是一个事实,即巴比伦院校享有更长因此它的存在和节录扩展到一个更加漫长 时期。
In this respect Babli is much more free than Yerushalmi, which is more concise in other regards as well; the wider interests of the former and its greater variety and length are due at least in large part to the fact
that the Babylonian academies enjoyed a longer existence and hence its redaction extended over
[...] a more protracted period.
委员会还注意到,缔约国断言,虽然在 这时期政治 反对者受到暴力镇压,但在亚美尼亚当局眼中,不会仅仅因为提交 [...]
人拒绝接受金钱为萨尔基相投票就将其视为政治活动分子;因此,提交人未能证 实他因此吸引当局的特别兴趣。
The Committee also notes the State party’s assertion that although
political opponents were violently
[...] suppressed during this period, the author cannot [...]
be considered to be a political activist
in the eyes of the Armenian authorities, simply because he refused to take money to vote for Sarkisian; and that the author has therefore not substantiated that he would be of special interest to the authorities for this reason.
中东特别是悲惨且旷日持久的巴勒斯坦问题现 在正处在一个关时期,不 结盟运动重申,我们打算 继续支持并尽一切可能办法积极地为在所有各项联 [...]
合国有关决议、马德里会议框架、土地换和平原则、 阿拉伯和平倡议和路线图的基础上实现中东公正、全 面、持久和平作出贡献。
At this critical period in the Middle East, particularly with
[...] regard to the long and tragic question [...]
of Palestine, the Non-Aligned Movement
reaffirms its intention to continue to lend its support and actively contribute in every possible way to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East based on all relevant United Nations resolutions, the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the road map.
安全 理事会第 2009(2011)号决议设立了支助团,任务是支
持利比亚全国作出努力,以恢复公共安全和秩序,促 进法治;开展包容各方的政治对话,促进民族和解, 着手开展制宪和选举工作;扩大国家的权力范围,包
[...] 括加强新机构和恢复公共服务;促进和保护人权,并 支持过时期司法;采取必要步骤启动经济复苏;协 调其他多边和双边行动者的支助请求。
By its resolution 2009 (2011) the Security Council had established the Mission, with the mandate of supporting Libyan national efforts to restore public security and order and promote the rule of law; undertake inclusive political dialogue, promote national reconciliation, and embark upon the constitution-making and electoral processes; extend State authority, including through strengthening emerging institutions and restoring public
services; promote and protect human rights
[...] and support transitional justice; take the steps [...]
required to initiate economic recovery;
and coordinate any request for support from other multilateral and bilateral actors.
最后,基于克罗地亚与难民署合作的第一手经验 以及我们自己在处理武装冲突期间及后续冲突时 期难民 和境内流离失所者情况方面汲取的经验教训, 我们希望重申对高级专员授权的全力支持。
Finally, drawing on Croatia’s first-hand experience working with UNHCR and on lessons learned in dealing with our own refugee and IDP situation during an armed conflict and in the ensuing post-conflict years, we would like to reaffirm Croatia’s full support for the High Commissioner’s mandate.
我在关于冲突中和冲突后国家法治和 过时期司法 的报告16 中具体建议,确认冲突和缺少法治对妇女和儿童的不同影 响,并且所有倡议都要确保恢复法治和过 时期 司 法 的性别敏感性以及妇女的充 分参与问题。
In my report on the rule of law and
[...] transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies,16 I specifically recommended that the differential impact of conflict and rule of law deficits on women and children be recognized and that all initiatives ensure gender sensitivity in restoration of rule of law and transitional justice, as well as [...]
the full participation of women.
如果重返家庭在一时期内证 明是不可行的或被认为违反儿童的最大利 益,则应考虑确定稳妥的解决办法,如收养或伊斯兰法的“卡法拉”(监护);如 [...]
果做不到这一点,则应考虑采取其他的长期选择办法,如寄养照料或适当寄宿照 料,包括集体之家和其他有监督的生活安排。
Should family reintegration prove
[...] impossible within an appropriate period or be deemed contrary [...]
to the best interests of the child,
stable and definitive solutions, such as adoption or kafala of Islamic law, should be envisaged; failing this, other long-term options should be considered, such as foster care or appropriate residential care, including group homes and other supervised living arrangements.
民事务高级专员办事处维持着稳定的合作关系,为 国家东部的 15 万难民提供帮助,并鼓励许多难民返
[...] 回南部:尽管 A/64/12 号报告中的结论只在特定时 期有价 值,非政府组织从此可以更容易地进入达尔 [...]
富尔地区,但是苏丹政府还没有对联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处驻地方小组的某些要求做出答复,
使其完成保护达尔富尔北部和南部难民、并对难民 营进行管理的任务。
The same was true of the Sudan, whose Government worked closely with UNHCR to provide aid to 150,000 refugees in the eastern part of the country and to encourage many refugees to return to the south: although the
conclusions contained in his report (A/64/12)
[...] applied only to the period concerned, and non-governmental [...]
organizations had gained
improved access to Darfur since that time, the fact remained that the Sudanese Government had yet to respond to some requests made by the UNHCR country team related to the fulfilment of its mission to protect refugees and manage camps in northern and southern Darfur.




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