

单词 时时刻刻

时时刻刻 ()

at all times

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas
and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian
[...] demining team which is always ready [...]
to respond to any emergencies.
在缅甸历史的这一特时刻,国 家面临的这一关键任务必须由政府和新选 举的政府处理。
At this particular stage in the history of Myanmar, the State faces this critical assignment which must be addressed by this Government and by a newly elected Government as well.
除了通过诸如“战略、任务和结果评估信息系统”和“财务与预算系统” 这样的机制来确保质量控制和预算外的活动建议应具有计划针对性以外,还需 时刻 牢 记 的 是,为了使大部分活动能取得预期的效果,就需要为它们筹集预算外资金。
In addition to mechanisms – such as through SISTER and FABS – to ensure quality control and programmatic relevance of activities to be proposed for extrabudgetary activities, it must be consistently borne in mind that extrabudgetary resources will need to be mobilized for most activities to achieve the desired impact.
在我们审视《全面和平协议》双方取得举行和平 和可信的苏丹南方公投的历史性成就 时刻 , 所有苏 丹人民可以放心联合王国将致力于支持他们建设一 个和平与繁荣的未来。
As we reflect on the historic achievement of the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in holding a peaceful and credible Southern Sudan referendum, all the people of the Sudan can be assured of the commitment of the United Kingdom to support them in building a peaceful and prosperous future.
索取免费的路线图时刻表可 前往东街的信息咨询亭或访问网站。
Visit the information kiosk (East Row) or visit the website
[...] for free route maps and timetables.
首先是我们全球各地兢兢业业的卓越团队:我们的技师在日本、英国和美国的实验室以令人惊叹的速度构建复杂的设备制造商车桥和变速箱测试环境并以出色的精度完成测试;我们的工程师在您能想象到的最严酷的环境中进行现场试验,以检验新款Anglamol添加剂的性能;我们的科学家迅速研发出新产品,以满足客户和设备制造商的需求;我们的全球制造、销售和营销人 时刻 以 满足客户的产品需求为第一要务。
First is our remarkable team in action all over the world: our technicians in our laboratories in Japan, England and the United States who set up complicated OEM axle and gearbox testing with amazing speed and run them with remarkable precision; our engineers running field trials in some of the harshest environments you can think of to test new Anglamol additives; our scientists who create new products rapidly to meet the needs of our customers and OEMs; and
our global manufacturing, sales and marketing
[...] personnel who are keenly focused on [...]
meeting our customer’s product needs.
在这个关时刻,在即将举行补选的时候, 至关重要的是所有缅甸人,包括从监狱释放的人能够在政治和公共生活中发挥积 极的有建设性的作用。
In this critical period, and in the leadup to the by-elections, it is fundamental for all in Myanmar, including those released from prison, to be allowed to play an active and constructive role in political and public life.
在“实现一个没有地雷的世界”卡塔赫纳首脑会议这一 历时刻,《 关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的 [...]
At this historic event – the Cartagena [...]
Summit on a Mine-Free World – the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition
of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, while inspired by their collective achievements, expressed their will to strengthen their efforts to overcome remaining challenges.
这些特 权赋予议会一些手段,或许能使其在危 时刻 积 极 促进有效行使人权。
These prerogatives give Parliament the means to influence positively or otherwise the effective enjoyment
[...] of human rights in times of crisis.
青少年们参加讨论,不时刻提醒 与会者谨记《公约》随时随地都是相 关的和重要的,而且还通过他们所参加的各种活动,营造了一种热情洋溢的气 氛,在整整两天里均是如此。
Through their participation in the proceedings, the youth not only provided a constant reminder of the continuing relevance and importance of the Convention, they also generated an environment of enthusiasm through all of their activities that remained evident throughout the two days.
安全理事会今天是在一个历史时刻 的 前夕召 开会议,它必将把我们引向一个无可辩驳的现实,即 [...]
成立一个得到承认、完全为本组织所接纳的巴勒斯坦 国,从而最终落实大会第 181(II)号决议的所有规定, 其中特别要求在巴勒斯坦土地上建立两个国家——
The Security Council is meeting on the eve of a historic
[...] moment, which must lead us to make an [...]
incontrovertible reality of a Palestinian State
that is recognized and fully welcomed into the fold of this Organization, thereby finally implementing all the provisions of General Assembly resolution 181 (II), which calls specifically for the creation of two States in Palestinian land — one Arab, the other Jewish.
现在是改革国际金融机构治理工作的重 时刻 , 以 便恢复 这些组织的合法性和有效性。
It was an important moment to reform the governance of the international financial institutions in order to restore the legitimacy and effectiveness of those institutions.
[...] 标,法庭相信欧洲联盟委员会以及其他国际机构将会继续显示出对法治的承诺, 在这一关时刻—— 现在处理冲突暴行的责任越来越转到前南斯拉夫各国—— [...]
In this regard, the European Commission has shown generosity and dedication to the goals of the Outreach Programme, and the Tribunal is hopeful that the European Commission, as well as other international agencies, will continue to show their commitment to the rule of law
by supporting the renewed Outreach efforts
[...] at this crucial time when the responsibility [...]
for dealing with the atrocities of
the conflicts is shifting more and more on to the States in the former Yugoslavia.
但是在我们形成这篇论文时,我们认为游戏 时刻 具 有增加生活情趣的性质,这种性质 正是来源于平常。
But as we developed this paper, we contended that moments of play have lifeenhancing properties that arise from this very ordinariness.
[...] 务的情事,发生于一作为或不作为发生 时刻 , 该 作为或不作为连同其他作 为或不作为看待,足以构成不法行为。
The breach of an international obligation by an international organization through a series of
actions and omissions defined in aggregate as
[...] wrongful occurs when the action or [...]
omission occurs which, taken with the other
actions or omissions, is sufficient to constitute the wrongful act.
在这个关时刻,我 愿与诸位分享瑞士对于裁军谈判会议当前形势和所面临 挑战的看法。
At this juncture, I would like to share with you some of Switzerland’s views on the current state of play in the Conference on Disarmament and the challenges ahead.
突尼斯一直在奋力改善儿童的境况,培育他们的民族特性,使他们为过自 由和负责的生活作好准备,向他们提供照料和保护,发扬增进儿童权利的风尚,
[...] 酌情征求儿童就对他们有影响的事项发表意见,尊重和支持他们的权利,同时 刻铭记 童年独特的特点和儿童的最佳利益。
Tunisia has striven to improve the condition of children, nurture their national identity, prepare them for a life of freedom and responsibility, provide them with care and protection, promote a culture of children’s rights, seek input from children as appropriate on matters affecting
them, and respect and support their
[...] rights, always keeping in mind the unique [...]
characteristics of childhood and the best interests of the child.
本组织为了在其核心领域寻求获得并提高重要合作伙伴的信 任,提高合作效率,非常关键的问题是在关键 时刻 和 关键的地点拥有具有相应能力的最合 适人选。
As the Organization seeks to gain, maintain and increase effectiveness and credibility with key stakeholders in its core domains, it is vital that it has the right people with the right competencies in the right place at the right time.
20 国集团于 2009 年春决定将国际货币基金组织 的资源翻两番,这是危机演变的一个关键转折点,并帮助该区域在一个特别关键时刻稳定下来。
The decision by the G20 to quadruple the resources of IMF in the spring of 2009 was a
critical turning point in the evolution of this crisis
[...] and helped to stabilize the region at an especially critical moment.
主席先生,现在也许是裁谈会多年来最为关键 时刻 ― ― CD/1864 号文件清 楚表明本机构成员国可以达成一致意见,既指明了前进的方向,又维护了我们捍 [...]
This, Mr. President, is perhaps
[...] the most pivotal time for the Conference on Disarmament in many years – CD/1864 [...]
is tangible evidence
that the members of this body can forge a consensus that points a way forward while preserving our rights and obligations to protect and promote our respective national security interests.
如果母亲不工作,而且没有资格休产假,那么父母补助从孩子降时 刻起开始发放。
If the mother is not working and she is not entitled to a maternity benefit, payment of parental benefit
[...] begins from the moment of birth of the child.
他因此再次呼吁第五委员会 批准在即将来临的基本建设总计划重 时刻 提 供足 够的信息和通信技术科长期任用的专业工作人员,途 径包括在 2010-2011 年预算中列入 1 个 P-4 和 2 个 P-2 员额的经费。
He therefore renewed his appeal to the Fifth Committee to approve adequate permanent Professional staff for the Information and Communication Technology Service in the upcoming critical period of the capital master plan, by means including provision in the 2010-2011 budget for one P-4 and two P-2 posts.
由于在危机最严重时刻缺乏 资金,因此商品贸易进一步紧 缩,从而加速了价格的崩溃。
The lack of credit at the height of [...]
the crisis caused a further contraction in commodity trade, and thus amplified the collapse of prices.
(c) 遵守承包者与海上安全有关的一切国际义务,其活动、船只、设备和装
[...] 验、测试和审核,并在使用前取得了所有必要的证件;在任何时候均保持良好工 作状态和安全运行状况;在所有必 时刻 都 进 行了维修保养;其状况以及任何时 候其运行都不得对海洋环境或海上安全造成任何不合理的损害威胁
(c) Comply with, and that all activities, vessels, equipment and installations will be in compliance with, all of the Contractor’s international obligations pertaining to safety at sea, and that such vessels, installations and equipment will have undergone all necessary inspections, surveys, tests and audits and have received all necessary certifications prior to use; be at all times kept in good working order and safe operational condition; be
repaired and maintained at
[...] all necessary times; and remain in a condition and at all times be operated [...]
in a manner that does not
present an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment or safety at sea
[...] 得技术有可能产生溢出效应,官方发展援助在危机和灾 时刻 发 挥 着重大的人道 主义作用。
Nevertheless, it was widely accepted that ODA increased imports of
capital, allowed for technological spillover and played an important
[...] humanitarian function at times of crisis and disaster.
[...] 一局势会晤了波利萨里奥阵线代表,并同意向波利萨里奥阵线提供其航 时刻表 和 旅客名单副本,以及跨护堤地面巡逻队的详细组成情况,因为西撒特派团也定 [...]
期向护堤另一侧的摩洛哥当局提供这一信息,在这次会晤之后,限制行动自由的 次数减少。
The number of restrictions decreased after MINURSO met with Frente Polisario representatives to address the situation and agreed to
provide the Frente Polisario with copies
[...] of MINURSO flight schedules and passenger [...]
lists, as well as details of the composition
of ground patrols crossing the berm, as this information was being routinely provided to the Moroccan authorities on the other side of the berm.
这个题为时刻》的 创新抽象影像作品只用橡胶带和细线来形成对移动抽象的研究,而选择的一系列2009年纸上作品均来自不起眼的材料,包括平淡和没人要的材料, “无望的角落和无用的东西”,这展示了艺术家转化改变所选取的任意材料和媒介的能力。
The innovative abstract video, The Movement (2007) uses only rubber bands and filament to create a study in moving abstraction, while a selection of works on paper from 2009 similarly emanate from these insignificant materials, showing this artist’s facility in transforming virtually any material or medium she takes up, including the mundane and unwanted, “the hopeless corners and useless things.
在 2012-2013 年期间,主要重点将会
[...] 联合国发展援助框架发展更有效的方案伙伴关系;倡导战略思 时刻 和 方案执行 情况评价合作;促进国家方案评价;增加儿基会方案支助的可评价性,扩充儿基 [...]
会合作的学习内容;为中期战略计划基础和贯穿各领域战略的实施提供质量保 证。
In 2012-2013, the main focus will be on further simplifying programming processes; defining UNICEF engagement in middle-income and high-income countries; developing more effective programme partnerships based on the United Nations
Development Assistance Framework; promoting
[...] Strategic Moments of Reflection and collaboration [...]
in programme performance assessments;
promoting country programme evaluations; increasing the evaluability of UNICEF support to programmes, enhancing the learning content of UNICEF cooperation; and providing quality assurance for application of the MTSP foundation and cross-cutting strategies.
工作人员待遇 应该体现合同和任务的性质;对于各基金和方案工作
[...] 人员,可根据长期组织战略进行轮调,而雇用各和平 行动工作人员是为了在具时刻和地 点执行有时限 的任务。
Entitlements should reflect the nature of the contract and mandate; the staff of funds and programmes were subject to a rotation policy related to long-term organizational
strategy, while peace operations staff were employed to carry out mandates of
[...] finite duration at specific times and locations.




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