单词 | 时式 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 时式 adjective —modern adj
当启用转移所有呼叫功能时,当手机处于待机模 式时,屏幕顶部将显示图标 。 sonimtech.com | When All calls divert is enabled, the icon is displayed at the top of [...] the screen when the phone is in standby mode. sonimtech.com |
当正常打印模式不 [...] 同于打印IGP/PGL 图形时使用的模式时,该可选参数 非常有用。 printronix.cn | This optional [...] parameter is useful when the normal print [...]mode is different from the print mode used for IGP/PGL graphics. printronix.cn |
键更改 模式时,将显示当前模式的指示符。 livescribe.com | function, or use the key to change modes, an indicator of the current mode will appear. livescribe.com |
当改变更新模式时,现 有更新模式下的之前创建的所有更 新将被删除。 seavusprojectviewer.com | When changing the updating method, all previously created updates for the current update method will [...] be deleted. seavusprojectviewer.com |
电流一旦达到阈值,MAX14588 在 21 ms(典型值)间隔时间后关闭,并在设置为自动重试 模 式时 的 重试期间保持关断。 digikey.cn | Once current reaches the threshold, the [...] MAX14588 turns off after 21 ms [...] (typical) blanking time, and stays off during the retry period when set to auto-retry mode. digikey.be |
按钮的 [...] 选项在以下情况时会显⽰:开启照 相机,选择了摄影模式,或者使⽤ 模式转盘选择了新的模式时。 ricoh.com | Select On to display the options currently assigned to the Fn [...] buttons when the camera is turned on, when shooting mode [...] is selected, or when a new mode is selected [...]with the mode dial. ricoh.com |
还有一种看法认为,可能难以要求采用具体的争端解决程序,应允许各国在选择 解决争端方式时有一定的斟酌余地。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a further view, referral to specific dispute settlement procedures could be [...] difficult to require, and States ought to be allowed a margin of appreciation in [...] the choice of means of settlement [...]of disputes. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑以下项目是数 据收集中的良好做法:一览表(注明数据报告的 方 式 、 时 间 、 报告 人和接收人,以及什么类别的数据是可接受的);收集数据使用的 标准形式;详细的数据限制条件(用于记录数据值是否以计量、计 [...] 算或估计为依据);不确定和限制性数据(检测范围详情、现有样 本数);作业环境详情(现行过程操作和/或环境条件详情)。 ficem.org | Considerations of the following items are good practice in [...] data collection: [...] schedules (stating how, when, by whom and to whom the data are to be reported, and what types of data are [...]acceptable); use of [...]standard forms for collecting data; data qualification details (used to record whether data values are based on measurements, calculations or estimations); uncertainties and limitations data (details of detection limits, numbers of samples available); operational context details (details of the prevailing process operations and/or environmental conditions). ficem.org |
移动 “设置快捷方式”时,它将会保留在该位置直到您再次 移动它为止。 graphics.kodak.com | When you move a Setting Shortcut, it [...] will stay in that position until you move it again. graphics.kodak.com |
一些与会者建议,预算项目应与预期结果结合一起考虑,选定适当 方 式时 可 以 有更大 的灵活性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some participants suggested that budget lines should be linked to expected results, leaving more flexibility for [...] selecting appropriate modalities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在了解这些方面的内容前,我们需要简要地讨论当计算器在编程 模式和执行模式时如何处理按键操作。 vicinno.com | Before you can understand these aspects of programming, we need to briefly discuss [...] how keystrokes are treated by the [...] calculator when they are stored in Program mode and when they are executed [...]in Run mode. vicinno.com |
在进入到生产环节创建PDF文件之前,不要对矢量图形进行光栅化处理,通常人们将矢量文件转为JPEG格式,这样当此后对文件再次转换 格 式时 , 文 件有相当程度的质量丢失,建议采用无损JPEG [...] 2000格式作为转换格式,可以使图像压缩所丢失的信息最小。 oapdf.com | into production processes in the creation of PDF file, not to be grating vector graphics processing, [...] usually it will be [...] converted to JPEG format vector file, so when the subsequent [...]re-conversion of the document format, document a considerable [...]degree of quality loss, proposed to use lossless JPEG 2000 format as a format conversion, image compression can make the smallest loss of information. oapdf.com |
产品顶部的听筒/耳机开关在电脑模 式时 是 禁 用的。 jabra.cn | The Handset/Headset switch on top of [...] the product is disabled in PC mode. jabra.com |
按照经济、社会及文化权利委员会第 12 号一般性 意见(1999 年)的界定,当每个男子、妇女及儿童单独或与集体任何时候可以直接 [...] 获得和以经济手段获得充足的食物或它的采购 方 式时 , 就 实现了获得足够食物的 权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | As defined by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in its general comment No.12 (1999), the right to adequate food is realized when every man, woman and child, alone [...] or in community with others, has physical and [...] economic access at all times to adequate food [...]or means for its procurement. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用填料 / 冲洗模式时,防空打保护被禁用,批量 累加器 (BT) 不能计数。 graco.com | While in Prime/Flush mode, runaway protection is disabled and the batch totalizer (BT) will not count. graco.com |
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 [...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正 式 语 文 同 时 分 发 文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 [...] 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives [...] of Member States, [...] including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; [...]requested the Department [...]of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306). daccess-ods.un.org |
当把开关切换到电脑模式时,接 收到的音频会传输到电脑。 jabra.cn | When moving the switch into PC mode, audio is [...] now received and transmitted to the PC. jabra.com |
其它原因还有缺乏总 部确定的工作方向和工作重点,以及在注重整体的计划实施 方 式时 对 各 国的具体情况重视不 够,而且工作人员的能力有待提高,甚至对改革有抵触。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It can also be attributed to a lack of direction and priority-setting from Headquarters, as well as to insufficient country focus within the holistic programme approach, and staff under-capacity and/or resistance to change. unesdoc.unesco.org |
断电、待机、初始 化、自我测试期间,还有处于学习模 式时 也 会 关闭。 grindingcontrol.com | It is also closed when power is off and during standby, initialization, self-test, and learn modes. grindingcontrol.com |
当排烟器处于待机模式时,前 面板上 风扇符号中央的 LED 会持续闪烁,直至选择了某档风扇速度。 valleylab.com | When the smoke evacuator is on in [...] standby, the LED in the center of the fan symbol on the front panel will blink continually [...]until a fan speed is selected. valleylab.com |
此外,根据第 1949(2010)号决议中要求提供全面 [...] 信息,详细说明有关执行西非经共体路线图的拟议的 模式、时间和 资源的规定,我向西非经共体委员会主 席提议,西非经共体和葡语共同体的专家立即同本国 [...]对口人员一道开始工作,以便根据国际伙伴规定的条 [...]件制定现实的时间表和标准,使我们能够及时向安全 理事会汇报。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, consistent with the provisions of resolution 1949 (2010), which [...] requested comprehensive information [...] detailing the proposed modalities, timing and resources relating [...]to the implementation of the [...]ECOWAS road map, I proposed to the President of the ECOWAS Commission that ECOWAS and CPLP experts begin working together with national counterparts without further delay, with a view to developing realistic timelines and benchmarks in accordance with conditions set by international partners, to enable us to revert to the Security Council in a timely manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
更何况,当您的业务得到发展而需要变换模 式时,您将不得不重新进行配置。 adaptec.com | Plus, you’d have to reconfigure things [...] as your usage patterns evolved to meet [...]different business needs. adaptec.com |
在设置“无功循环电流”并联运行方 式时 , 必须事先设置闭锁值和无功循环电流 [...] 带宽值。 highvolt.de | When setting the "circulating reactive [...] current" parallel operation method, the values for blocking and circulating reactive [...]current sensitivity must first be set. highvolt.de |
最后,在选择最有效的照顾方式时, 必 须由老年人参与评价 自己的需要并监测所提供的服务。 monitoringris.org | Ultimately, the participation of older persons in assessing their own needs and monitoring service delivery is crucial to the choice of the most effective option. monitoringris.org |
新闻部在尝试新的多媒体格式时,开 始 制作配有音频的幻灯片演示,吸引了联合国电台网站访问者的注意,其中关于暴 [...] 力侵害妇女行为问题的配有法语音频的幻灯片演示尤其引人注目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Exploring [...] new multimedia formats, it began producing [...]audio slideshows which drew the attention of United Nations Radio site [...]visitors, with a French audio slideshow on the issue of violence against women attracting particularly keen interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
在开展军事干预的方式、时机和适 宜性以及在确定谁有权进行干预的问题上,继续存在 着不一致现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discrepancies [...] persist in the manner, timing and advisability [...]of undertaking military interventions, and in identifying who [...]is authorized to undertake them. daccess-ods.un.org |
(h) 研究人员也应与希望对其文化遗产进行调查( 特别是在记录文化遗产表 现形式时) 的社群和民族建立更密切的联系,确保在研究和传播的所有阶段都能 [...] 事先征得他们自由和知情的同意 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) Researchers should likewise build stronger relationships with the communities and peoples whose [...] cultural heritage they desire to [...] investigate, especially when recording cultural [...]heritage manifestations, to ensure their [...]free, prior and informed consent at all stages of research and dissemination daccess-ods.un.org |
对此,辩论中指出,决定采用何种方 式时 , 必 须意识到最终产物的实际价 值,因为处理结果的最终目的是为国际社会的利益服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, it was pointed out that in deciding on the approach to be adopted, it would be essential to keep in mind the practical value of the end product, which, after all, was intended to serve the interests of the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
外国移民和他们的家人在处理文化冲突和调整生活 方 式时 往 往 要面对更多的压力,这些压力可能变成明显的急性应激反应或慢性应激反应,本地居民也会在工作场合、学校和家里面对大量的压力。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | For expatriates and their families, [...] often they face further stress in dealing with [...] cultural and lifestyle adjustments, [...]which can become apparent as either acute [...]or chronic stress; locals also face abundant sources of stress at work, school and home. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |