

单词 时常

时常 adverb ()

frequently adv

常时 adverb ()

frequently adv

常时 ()



(比通常时间)迟 adv

late adv

External sources (not reviewed)

另外,为解决家庭成员的失踪问题,她 时常 站 在斗争的 最前沿,这使她们很容易受到恐吓、迫害和报复。
In addition, it is
[...] they who are most often at the forefront [...]
of the struggle to resolve the disappearances of members of
their family, making them susceptible to intimidation, persecution and reprisals.
关于世界文化遗产,有些发言者指出,发展中国家在向世界遗产名录提交提名申时 常受到 不应该和不公正的限制,目前的提名程序偏袒发达国家。
As regards world heritage, some speakers pointed to the undue
and unfair restrictions experienced by
[...] developing countries when submitting nominations [...]
for the World Heritage List, which
at present is tilted in favour of developed countries.
报告认为,虽然在国家对有害习俗和对妇女暴力犯罪的反应方面有些改善,但警 察和司法机时常不能公正执法,不愿或不能执行保护妇女的法律。
The report found that although there had been some improvement in the State’s response to harmful practices and
crimes of violence against women, the police
[...] and the judiciary often fail to impartially [...]
enforce the law and are unwilling or
unable to implement laws that protect women’s rights.
带锐齿的阔大叶片以及其名字中的“Holly”(冬青)一词 时常 让 人 误以为高山刺芹是冬青属植物,事实上,高山刺芹与胡萝卜同属无害的伞形科植物。
The plant's large, spiky-edged leaves and name place it in the holly family but in reality Eryngium alpinum is a harmless apiaceae (umbelliferae) from the same family as the carrot.
第三,他通过观察得出的看法是“我们都有类 似的经历”,特别是在达成双边或国际冲突解决方时常面临“非此即彼”的艰难抉择。
Thirdly, he had come away with the impression that “we have all been here before”, especially the debate about “either/or choices” with regard to bilateral or international solutions.
主要意见包括:需要(a) 对战略规划保持灵活性,因 为时常会受 到政府间决定的影响;(b) 承认人权高专办及其外地派驻机构快速 [...]
扩展、工作人员的部署、安理会授权的维和特派团数量增加以及联合国国家工作 队的要求,所有这些对人权高专办外地战略的决策都具有影响;(c)
认为国家对 落实人权机制的建议负有主要责任,而人权高专办的作用在于向各国提供援助, 同时考虑到条约和建议数量增加的情况;(d) 承认现有的合作伙伴关系,不过人 权高专办认识到需要通过组织效率方案,根据人道主义状况,改善内部协调、沟 通和工作流程。
The main comments included the need (a) to remain flexible with
respect to strategic planning, as it
[...] might be influenced at times by intergovernmental [...]
decisions; (b) to acknowledge that the
rapid expansion of OHCHR and its field presences, staff deployment, the increased number of peace missions mandated by the Security Council and the requirements of the United Nations country teams had had a bearing on OHCHR decisions on field strategy; (c) to consider that States are primarily responsible for follow-up to the recommendations of human rights mechanisms, while the role of OHCHR lies in the provision of assistance to States, taking also into account the increase in the number of treaties and recommendations; (d) to acknowledge existing partnerships, although OHCHR recognizes that improvements are required in humanitarian contexts, and to improve internal coordination, communication and work processes, through an organizational effectiveness programme.
时常驻联 合国代表团向安全理事会关于刚果民主共和国的第 1533(2004) 号决议所设委员会主席致意。
The Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United [...]
Nations presents its compliments to the Chairman of the Security Council
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
我们欢迎建设和平委员会主席、德国常驻代表彼 得·维蒂希大使阁下所作的发言、孟加拉国常驻代表
[...] 阿布卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明大使宣读的不结盟运动 的发言以及由比时常驻代 表扬·格罗斯大使阁下宣 读的几内亚比绍、塞拉利昂、利比里亚以及布隆迪这 [...]
We welcome the statement of the Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission, His Excellency Ambassador Peter Wittig, Permanent Representative of
Germany; that of the Non-Aligned Movement,
[...] read by the Permanent Representative [...]
of Bangladesh, Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul
Momen; and the joint statement of the Chairs of the country-specific configurations for Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Burundi, read by His Excellency Ambassador Jan Grauls, Permanent Representative of Belgium.
他们的作时常跨越 不同领域,诉诸其他艺术形式或媒介表达艺术意涵,所以将他们在上海双年展上的展览命名为“变形”,可谓一语双关。
Therefore the idea of titling their presentation at the Shanghai Biennale under “morphing” fits in a double sense.
梅南先生(多哥)(以法语发言):我也要 感谢和赞扬今天在场的各个维和特派团的部队指挥
[...] 官,不仅感谢他们作出非常有用的通报,也感谢他 们在条时常困难的实地所作的工作。
Mr. Menan (Togo) ( spoke in French ): I too would like to thank and commend the Force Commanders from the various peacekeeping missions who are here, not
only for their very useful briefings but also for the work they are
[...] doing on the ground, often in difficult circumstances.
因此,它对在适当解释和有效实施相关 规定方时常面临 挑战的检察官有所裨益。
Consequently, it is useful for
[...] prosecutors who often face challenges [...]
of proper interpretation and effective implementation of the relevant provisions.
这些措施意 在考虑各时常存在 着的能力和可利用资源不同的情况,同时,越来越多的国家正在投入非 [...]
These measures are intended to take
[...] account of the often differing capacities [...]
and limited resources available within countries
while capitalizing on the very real and substantial efforts an increasing number of countries are making to ensure that data of quality are available in a timely manner for national policy-making and decisiontaking.
这不是轻而易举的事情,因时常只 有 有限或不确凿的证据,但是我们的秘书 [...]
处、我们所作的广泛咨询和商谈、以及我们委任拟写的文件,都有助于识别可用的证据, 然后加以审慎的评估。
This has been
[...] challenging, for there is often limited or inconclusive [...]
evidence, but our Secretariat, extensive consultations,
and the papers we commissioned, helped us in identifying the available evidence, which we then carefully evaluated.
在对索马里实行全面彻底武器禁运方面,私营安保公司的活动是一 个日益严重时常令人不安的趋势。
The activities of private security
companies represent an
[...] accelerating and often disturbing trend [...]
with respect to the general and complete arms embargo on Somalia.
其次,许多国时常将某 些工业领域的各种发明置于专利保护范围之外,它们的法律经常 [...]
将某些产品专利权的保护范围限制在产品生产过程上,这样的产品典型包括食品、医药和 化学药品,理由是不能垄断生活必需品,鼓励自由使用外国技术会比潜在地刺激国内工业 的发明收益更多。
Typically these sectors have been [...]
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, based on the judgement that no monopoly should
be granted over essential goods, and that there is more to be gained by encouraging free access to foreign technology, than by potentially stimulating invention in domestic industry.
我们 曾一度饱受 PC 硬时常发生 故障的困扰,而我们相信转向瘦 客户机即可解决这一问题。
We were also
[...] suffering from regular hard disk failures [...]
in our PCs and we knew that a move to thin clients would solve this problem.
有人说,各国在加入或批准一条时 , 常常 会 发 表有政治含义的声明;此类 声明可能是第三类解释性声明。
It was observed
[...] that States, when acceding to or ratifying a treaty, often issued declarations [...]
that contained elements of
a political nature; such declarations might constitute a third category of interpretative declarations.
(a) 经社会第六十五届会议的成果:在对经社会第六十五届会 议所取得的各项成果进行审时,常 驻 代 表咨委会审议了在该届年会所取 得的各项主要成果,包括该届年会所通过的六项决议和一项关于经社会第 六十六届会议的举行日期、地点和主题的决定。
(a) Outcome of the sixty-fifth session of the Commission. In its review of the outcomes of the sixty-fifth session of the Commission, ACPR considered the major achievements of the session, including the adoption of six resolutions and one decision, on the dates, venue and theme topic for the sixty-sixth session of the Commission.
这类改变通常不容易,时常会牵 涉冲突。
Such changes are usually not easy and often involve conflict.
辛格时常对传 统的科学试验方法和发现方法的原因和结果这两者进行幽默的玩味,还将自己的工作室称为实验室,经常在瑞士的高山之间实施自己的大型项目。
Signer often humorously relishes [...]
the traditional method of scientific experimentation and the reason and result of discovering
method, also calls his studio a laboratory, and frequently proceeds with his own large-scale projects among the high mountains in Switzerland.
针对评价认为开发时常将民 间社会组织当作提供服务者而不是伙伴的结 论,开发署正在执行一项促进民间社会与公民参与的跨局战略,强调推动公民行 动和社会问责。
To address evaluation findings
[...] that UNDP frequently treats civil society organizations as service deliverers rather than partners, [...]
UNDP is implementing
a cross-bureaux strategy for civil society and civic engagement, with an emphasis on promoting citizen action and social accountability.
估计有 1 000 多名街头流浪者没有获得任何救治,因为他 时常 迁 徙 且对救 治设施持怀疑和勉强态度。
The estimate is that some 1,000 street inhabitants do not receive any treatment, because of both their mobility and of their distrustful and reluctant approach towards the establishment.
这样做的另一原因是因为教育的本质.教育建 时常 需 要 满足平衡多方面的冲突: 空间需要灵活的同时又需要强烈的功能性/一个部门具有多个功能/教育研究功能的同时结合行政管理功能.而作为建筑,又同时具有当地性和全球性.
The second reason is that due to
the nature of education, the buildings need
[...] to juggle quite often conflicting [...]
demands, spaces need to remain flexible and
but also functional, one identity versus many departments, conducting research and combining administration, local presence but also global identity.
Analena 女士(工作人员-管理当局协调委员会副 主席)代表非洲经济委员会、拉丁美洲和加勒比经济 委员会、亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会、西亚经济社 会委员会、联合国内罗毕办事处和维也纳办事处、卢
旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭、 联合国儿童基金会、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处
[...] 和联合国大学的工作人员发言,她表示,这些在总部 和外地工作的工作人员将援助送到需要者手中,帮助 那些生活在冲突地区的人,支助弱势群体并确保将犯 下战争罪行的人绳之以法,他们在联合国的旗帜下提 供服时常常面临着困难及健康和生命方面的危险。
(Vice-President, Staff-Management Coordination Committee), speaking on behalf of the staff of the Economic Commissions for Africa and for Latin America and the Caribbean; the Economic and Social Commissions for Asia and the Pacific and for Western Asia; the United Nations Offices at Nairobi and Vienna; the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; the United Nations Children’s Fund, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and United Nations University, said that those staff, working both at headquarters and in the field, brought aid to people in need, helped those living in conflict zones, supported the less privileged and ensured that the perpetrators
of war crimes were
[...] brought to justice, often facing hardships and risks to their health and their lives as they served under [...]
the United Nations banner.
(c) 令人始料未及的是,2011 年执行支助股人员时间极为紧张( 并时常导致 直接费用开支 ) ,这与执行支助股向主席就解决执行支助股协定和资助模式的工 [...]
(c) In 2011, an unforeseen significant drain on
[...] ISU staff time (as well as a direct cost at times) was related [...]
to the ISU’s support to the
President’s efforts on the ISU agreement and ISU funding model.
该代表团由建设和平 委员会中非共和国国别组合主席、比 时常 驻 联 合国代表扬·格罗斯担任团长, 由来自中非共和国、波兰、加蓬、南非、法国、日本、法语国家国际组织和建设 [...]
The delegation was headed by the Chair of the Commission’s country-specific
configuration on the Central African
[...] Republic, the Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United [...]
Nations, Jan Grauls, and included
representatives from the Central African Republic, Poland, Gabon, South Africa, France, Japan, the International Organization of la Francophonie and the Peacebuilding Support Office.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需 时 间 非 常 之 长 ;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
近东救济工程处进一步指出,在整个过程中应该更 早一些签署“运用常时期权 力授标许可书”,并向审计委员会保证,在今后所 有采购程序中,工程处都将努力遵守这一规定。
UNRWA further stated that the “permission for award using urgency powers” should have been signed earlier in the process and assured the Board that the Agency will endeavour to comply with this requirement in all future procurement processes.




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