

单词 时代不同,风尚不同

See also:


from time time

External sources (not reviewed)

同 时,诺鲁孜节促进代际之间和家庭内部的和平与团风尚,从而促进了文化多样性以及各国人民和各族 群之间的友谊。
At the same time, Nowruz promotes the culture of peace and solidarity between generations and within families, [...]
thus contributing
to cultural diversity and friendship among peoples and various communities.
伯爵制1200S镂空机芯,以绝对代风 格 与 精细结构配置,将镂空艺术提升至全新的层次,并以充 时尚 魅 力的线条,向传统工艺艺术致敬。
Contemporary and well-designed, the Piaget 1200S skeleton movement takes the art of skeletonised movements to a new level [...]
with resolutely modern lines and a respect for the traditional craft.
因此代表团认为普遍定期审议期间收到的这些建议 不 仅 指 导而 且支持增强相互共存和相互理解 风尚 , 此 系促进人权的基石。
Therefore, it would consider the recommendations received during the universal periodic review as a guide and support in improving the culture of coexistence [...]
and understanding
as a cornerstone of the promotion of human rights.
具体的目标是培养尊重人风尚,确保 执行关于确不歧视 和平等待遇原则的法律,以及增强法律意识。
Specific aims are to cultivate respect for the human being, ensure enforcement of legislation that defines the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment, and improve legal awareness.
利害关 系涉及的内容包括:⑴ 激进的立场,要求完全改变国家的经济战略或发展模式,不同但尚未完全确定的代性政 策转变(例如包括对贸易政策、公共部门职责、 社会政策等时作出重大改变);⑵ 中庸立场,谋求实行更好的政府干预措施(加 强监管,早期警示系统,提高透明度等);⑶ 基本被动的立场,希望通过外因推 [...]
动复苏(新的经济秩序,加强国际发展援助,较为发达的经济体通过增长重振经 济需求等)。
The stakes range from radical positions advocating a total change in the economic strategy or
development model of
[...] the country and a move towards different — albeit not welldetermined — alternative policies (for instance, major, simultaneous changes in trade policy, public [...]
sector roles, social
policy, etc.), to intermediate positions seeking better government interventions (enhanced regulation, early alert systems, more transparency, etc.) and essentially passive positions that anticipate a rapid recovery as a result of external factors (a new economic order, enhanced international development aid, recovery of economic demand from growth to come in the more advanced economies, etc.).
雷朋 Tech 系列具有多种不同的颜色和风格,其功能多样, 时 提 供多 种 时尚 选 择— — 不同 类 型 、颜色的镜脚和带有碳纤维黑原色、铝灰色风格的镜片组成的六种不 风 格。
The Ray-Ban Tech Collection comes in a number of different
colors and styles,
[...] providing a range of fashion as deep as their functions- six styles with countless combinations of different temples, color of temples and lenses along with the carbon fibre black original and aluminum grey styles.
代表团 支持执委会的观点,鼓励完成产品工作,食典委需要更严格的管理,不同意合并 CCFH 和 CCMH,特别是考虑到 CCFH 的工作量,时尚早。
Some delegations supported the view of the Executive Committee to encourage the completion of commodity work and the need for the Commission to take a more rigorous approach to the management of its work, but did not agree with the merging [...]
of CCFH with CCMH, noting that this was premature especially in the light of the workload of CCFH.
U-Play系列专为那些希望满足自己的娱乐精神 时 常 更 换 不同风 格 的 现 代 女 性 而设计,让她们充分展示自己的个性。
The U- Play Collection
[...] is designed for modern women who wish to indulge their playful spirit and interchange different looks, to fully [...]
express their individuality.
总务委员会还提请大会注意,解释投票应以 10
[...] 员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释投票一次,或是在 委员会,或是在全体会议,但代表团在全体会议上的投票与其在委员会的投票有不同时,不在此 限;如果一天排定两次会议,这两次会议又都审议同一项目, 则代表团 应在该日会议结束时行使答辩权(第 34/401 号决定,第 6 至 8 段 (A/520/Rev.17,附件五))。
The General Committee also draws to the attention of the General Assembly that explanations of vote should be limited to 10 minutes; that, when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its vote only once, either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless
that delegation’s
[...] vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee; and that delegations should exercise their right of reply at the end of [...]
the day whenever two meetings
have been scheduled for that day and whenever such meetings are devoted to the consideration of the same item (decision 34/401, paras. 6-8 (A/520/Rev.17, annex V)).
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,狮子座,西里尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中最幸运教皇 不同时代 赋 予 不 同 的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their
life in her communion;
[...] also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted [...]
by various Fathers, are
to be received with veneration".
突尼斯一直在奋力改善儿童的境况,培育他们的民族特性,使他们为过自 由和负责的生活作好准备,向他们提供照料和保护,发扬增进儿童权利 风尚, 酌 情征求儿童就对他们有影响的事项发表意见,尊重和支持他们的权利 同时时 刻 铭记童年独特的特点和儿童的最佳利益。
Tunisia has striven to improve the condition of children, nurture their national identity, prepare them for a life of freedom and responsibility, provide them with care and protection, promote a culture of children’s rights, seek input from children as appropriate on matters affecting them, and respect and support their rights, always keeping in mind the unique characteristics of childhood and the best interests of the child.
干涉主权 国家内政和支持政权更替之类的概念 同 国 际 友好睦 邻风尚格格不入。
Interference in the internal affairs of sovereign States and supporting such concepts as regime change are alien to the ethos of international good-neighbourliness.
如备忘录第 3 段及有关发言所述,截至全权证书委员会开会 时 , 备 忘录第 1 和第 2 段未提及的下列 46 个国尚未将本国代表的任何资料送交会议秘书长: 安道尔、安哥拉、阿塞拜疆不丹、 玻利维亚、布隆迪、佛得角、中非共和国、 乍得、科摩罗、库克群岛、古巴、多米尼克、赤道几内亚、厄立特里亚、斐济、 格鲁吉亚、几内亚、几内亚比绍、海地、基里巴斯、科威特、吉尔吉斯斯坦、利 比里亚、马拉维、马尔代夫、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚、摩纳哥、莫桑比克、 缅甸、瑙鲁、尼加拉瓜、纽埃、帕劳、卡塔尔、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣多美和普林 西比、塞舌尔、索马里、苏里南、东帝汶、突尼斯、图瓦卢、乌兹别克斯坦、瓦 努阿图。
As indicated in paragraph 3 of the memorandum, of the States not already mentioned in paragraphs 1 or 2 of the memorandum, the following 46 States had not, as of the time of the meeting of the Credentials Committee, communicated to the Secretary-General of the Conference any information regarding their representatives: Andorra, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cook Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Fiji, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Monaco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, Nicaragua, Niue, Palau, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Somalia, Suriname, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan and Vanuatu.
爱尔兰拥有各种风格的陶器和瓷器工艺品——从 代时尚 的 到 传统田 风 格 的
Ireland has a strong reputation for pottery and ceramics with styles
[...] ranging from chic and contemporary to rustic and traditional.
(14) 行政委员会第一次会议审议了项目 11.6,10 位代表在 会上发了言,经过辩论,委员会建议大 会通过文件 32 C/37 所载的决议草案及表决权问题工作 同 那 些 尚 未 按 时 缴 纳 会费的会员国合作起 草的付款计划所提出的修改和补充意见(决议 32 C/67)。
(14) The Administrative Commission examined item 11.6 at its first meeting.
Following the debate during which 10 delegates took the floor, the Commission recommended that the General Conference adopt the draft resolution contained in document 32 C/37 as amended and completed by the payment plans elaborated by the Working Group on Voting Rights in cooperation with Member States which had failed to pay their contributions on time (32 C/Resolution 67).
产品侧重代户外家具和配件, 注重奢华、耐用时尚风格。
The emphasis remains on
[...] collections of contemporary outdoor furniture and accessories that are luxurious, durable and stylish.
美國隨便一個州、一個城市,甚至是一所大學校園,都隨時 會有三、四個電台播放;當然,每個地方都 不同 的 選 擇,但香港這 個代化和這麼尚言論自由的城市,絕對不應該在牌照方面有如此 嚴謹的限制。
In any state or any city or even the campus of a university in the United States, one can easily find three or four
radio stations. Of
[...] course, there are different considerations for different places, but in Hong Kong where it is so modern and where the freedom [...]
of speech is so treasured,
there should never be such stringent control on these licences.
同时,有 与会者认 为,当仅有一国卷入武装冲突(不论国际或还是非国际),且该国是条约缔约国 时,是否应得到完全一致的结尚不 清 楚
At the same time, the view was expressed that it was not clear that identical conclusions should be reached when only one State, which is a party to the treaty, is involved in the conflict (whether [...] [...]
international or non-international).
不是所 有的核查程序都已完成,各机构则 应提前通知秘书处同时讨论尚未解 决的问题。
In the event that all verification
[...] procedures had not been completed, agencies should notify the Secretariat in advance and discuss outstanding issues.
在同样 有效地保护消费者健康不同风险管 理备选方案中作出选 时 , 食 典委及其附属机构应 力求考虑到这些措施对其成员国之间的贸易的潜在影响,并选择不产生不必要的贸易限 [...]
When making a choice among different risk management options, which are equally [...]
effective in protecting the health of the
consumer, the Commission and its subsidiary bodies should seek and take into consideration the potential impact of such measures on trade among its Member countries and select measures that are no more trade-restrictive than necessary.
Quattroporte“Evo”的外不同于之前的系列,后视镜和轮毂的新颖设计以及独具特色且更为精良的细节为该车赋予了 代风 格 与 迷人气质。
The exterior of the
[...] Quattroporte “Evo” differed from that of the previous series; differences included the design of its wing mirrors and wheel rims, as well as other distinct yet finer details that gave the car its modern, attractive style.
同时,尚没有 时间序列的冲突后 国家(例如阿富汗或伊拉克)杀人犯罪趋 不 太 明 朗。
At the same time, homicide trends are fairly unclear in post-conflict countries such as Afghanistan or Iraq as no time-series [...]
data for them are available.
同一天 ,在来文提交人得知被驳回之前,来文提交人向最高法院提出越级 上诉,要不置理在当时尚未发 布的上诉法院的延误裁决,在最高法庭假期休庭 之前审讯该案件。
On the same day, before he learned about the dismissal, the author applied to the Supreme Court for a leapfrog appeal, seeking to ignore the delayed judgment of the Court of Appeal not issued by that moment and to have [...]
the case heard by the
Supreme Court before it closed down for vacation.
顶端性能于KX –
[...] TG6572数字应答系统的电话功能与松下公司专有的扩展范围的DECT 6.0 Plus技术增强声音质量同时增加当 代风 格 的 家居装饰。
The top performance KX-TG6572 telephone with digital answering system features Panasonic’s proprietary
DECT 6.0 PLUS technology for enhanced sound quality and extended
[...] range, while adding contemporary flair to the home décor.
中文名称“奇尚风”成了最后的赢家;“奇”的意思是独特且与 不同 , “克”的意思是克服,这前两个汉字发音类似于Quiksilver的第一个音节Quik, 时 也 暗 示了品牌的外国背景。
The two character phrase is phonetically similar to the first syllable of Quiksilver, implicating the foreign origin of the brand at the same time.
免责声明:在没有任何例外的情况下,Dukascopy银行不通过任何方式参与外聘经理帐户的交易决 定 , 同时不代 表 ,保 证和承担任何外聘管理帐户的交易策略和/或业绩的义务。
Disclaimer: Without any exceptions, Dukascopy Bank SA does not participate in any way in trading decisions made by external account managers and makes no representations, warranties and assumes no obligations with regard to any external account manager's trading strategy and/or performance.
如备忘录第 3 段及有关发言所述,截至全权证书委员会开会 时 , 备 忘录第 1 和第 2 段未提及的下列 23 个国尚未将本国代表的任何资料送交会议秘书长: 安道尔不丹、 中非共和国、佛得角、乍得、科摩罗、冈比亚、基里巴斯、马绍 尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦国家、瑙鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣 多美和普林西比、塞舌尔、索马里、南苏丹、东帝汶、汤加、土库曼斯坦、图瓦 [...]
As noted in paragraph 3 of the
memorandum, of the Member States not already
[...] mentioned in paragraphs 1 or 2 of the memorandum, the following 23 Member States had not, as of the time of the meeting of the Credentials Committee, communicated to the [...] [...]
Secretary-General of the Conference any information regarding its representatives: Andorra, Bhutan, Central African Republic, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Gambia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu and Uzbekistan.
[...] 析的文章、介绍开展区域合作的情况以及对空间应用及信息和通信技 术(信通技术)在减少灾风险方 面的作用所进行的分析 同时 亦增 列以下各项新内容:(a) 介绍那些致力于减少灾害风险工作的领军人 [...]
物的信息资料;(b) 社会和心理分析文章;(c)
报道各种社区做法与全 球视角之间的比照;(d) 分析《兵库行动框架》与各项千年发展目标 之间可能存在的关联;(e) 与《全球减少灾害风险评估报告》之间的 关联。
The Committee recommends that the Report continue to feature such elements as economic and social analysis of the impacts of disasters, descriptions of regional cooperation and analysis of the role of space applications and
information and communications
[...] technology (ICT) in disaster risk reduction, in addition to new elements, such [...]
as (a) information
on champions for disaster risk reduction, (b) social and psychological analysis, (c) coverage of community practices vis-à-vis global perspectives, (d) analysis of a possible linkage between the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development Goals and (e) linkage to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Movado 手表以其代相承 的制表艺术传统而成为一个充满传奇色彩的品牌,该品牌名称的含义是“永 不 息 ” ,这意味着公司孜 不 倦 地 致力于开拓创新并引领手表设计的 风尚。
Movado watches is a storied brand with an extraordinary heritage in the art of horology with its name meaning “always in motion” to signify the companies constantly evolving as a forerunner in watch design.
此 外,他提出,他被控罪行的严重性、越狱之时犯下这些罪行的罪犯 时尚 未 被 捕 的事实以及被送回他曾经逃出的监狱的可能性,将使他面临可预见的、真实的、 个人的酷风险。
Moreover, he submitted that the seriousness of the crime with which he was charged, the fact that those
responsible for committing
[...] the crime at the time of his escape had not been arrested and the prospect of being sent back to the prison from which he had escaped would expose him to a foreseeable, real and personal risk of torture in Mexico.




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